
RWBY-Dragon Of Remnant(Rewrite)

Since Desmond Royal was a child he searched for a meaning. He preferred a life of excitement, action, heroism and passion. After his mother and father died during a mission gone wrong leading to their bodies being never recovered, he swore on their graves that he’ll become a Huntsman and continue their legacy. Unknown to Desmond, he is apart of an ancient species long lost to Remnant known as the Dragons. Follow the story of Desmond Royal and Team DRGN as they fight alongside the future protectors of Remnant, Team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose as they fight against the wicked forces that threaten their world, while also discovering secrets long forgotten by Remnant.

BigBoss1006 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5, DRGN Part 2

Weiss Schnee wanted to believe she was an exemplary huntress in training and her fellow Hunters should consider her the same way. Unfortunately her teammates don't share the same mindset, Yang is a slob who discharges her clothes anywhere around the room, Ruby's childlike behavior is irritable, Blake is decent and more organized than the siblings but she has her own bad habits. Weiss had lost hope in finding someone with the same standards, the thought troubled her more than it should.

"Will Weiss Schnee please report to the arena." Glynda's eyes remained fixed upon her scroll, the heiress noticed a flash of shock in Glynda's expression but it went as quickly as it came. "May...Nicholas Ironwood, do the same please."

The last name definitely earned a brief moment of stunned silence amongst the crowd before transitioning to murmurs and whispers. General James Ironwood is a well known and powerful huntsman, he owns two seats on the Atlesian council making him an influential figure to the people. Politicians and Businessmen knew well to remain in Ironwood's good graces, especially the SDC.

"Looks like Iron ass, caught himself some fans to lick his boots. I guess he wants to make this place feel like home." Rachel rolled her eyes, she never tolerated privileged Atlesians like the SDC nor did she appreciate authority in general. Vaccuo taught her that your worst enemy should always be a Suit, they brought problems to any sucker who would fall for their practiced smiles and charisma.

Rachel was no sucker.

Weiss stood with her back straight, blade at the ready. She evened out her breathing, only taking short, necessary breaths. A part of her wanted to take one deep calming breath, but she wouldn't allow it. Even the slightest err in her technique might mean life or death.

Or maybe she was just being over-dramatic? It was just a training match, after all.

Although her breathing was controlled, it wasn't as if the white haired girl could control her own rapidly beating heart. Weiss couldn't help but be excited at the prospect of sparring with someone who might be able to pose a challenge - no one so far besides Pyrrha Nikos had been able to best her in their first week at Beacon Academy.

"Where's your weapon?" Weiss looked over the giant of a man lowering himself into a boxing stance.

"I don't need one, Miss Schnee." Nicholas retorted, positioning himself in a boxing stance. "I'm quite formidable without one."

The ice queen suspected he was a brawler like Yang, hard hitting but slow. Weiss can definitely out-speed the bruiser with her glyphs, fast precise strikes will do the trick—


Weiss barely had time to register Nicholas's fist rushing towards her head. The heiress weaved to the side last second while attempting to make a counter strike, Nicholas's elbow shot back into her nose. Weiss skidded across the arena allowing her aura to absorb the damage.

Alright, he's faster than she thought. Should she slow him down with an ice glyph, No, maybe stop the brute's assault with a fire dust blast. Nicholas clasped his fists together slamming them on the ground, generating a slight earth tremor causing the room to quake. Weiss lost her footing falling on one knee, giving Nicholas an opportunity to close the distance. Weiss flicked her rapier to the side, knocking Nicholas' fist away then thrusting it forth. Weiss expected to hear a groan of pain or anything similar, yet she only felt the tip of her rapier scrabbling off his chest like it was made from solid rock. Nicholas followed up with a sharp uppercut landing on Weiss's chin, launching her in the air with the force of a speeding truck.

The Heiress constructed a glyph in her flight path, using it as a foothold then fired herself like a slingshot towards Nick . Nicholas raised his forearm blocking Weiss's initial attack before the Ice Queen unleashed a barrage of quick jabs. Nicholas raised his forearms to his face as the rapier hit every part of him, however, the soldier anticipated her next strike then reached out and grabbed her rapier inches away from his face. Weiss gasped before a punch clashed with her temple, the heiress's vision spun leaving her vulnerable to Nicholas's second punch to her stomach. That was the final nail in Weiss's coffin collapsing to one knee, her aura shimmering around her body.

"The match is over," Glynda claimed, nodding in approval at both performances. "Mr. Ironwood is the victor of this match." The crowd applauded at the display.

"Holy shit that was nice!" Desmond said wide eyed. "Now we know why he was made leader!"

"Really?" Rachel showing the same interest as a teenager sitting through a history lecture. "I thought it was just the Headmaster kissing the General's metallic ass again."

"What's your problem?" Desmond furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the purple haired musician.

"Don't get me wrong, Lizard face, " Rachel grinned, shrugging nonchalantly. "The guy is good and all, But have you seen the Atlas military lately? Their manpower and nearly endless arsenal, could easily intimidate any Kingdom who's thinking of fucking with them. Recruiting the General's son to Vale's side was to keep Atlas from getting any bright ideas of world domination."

"Rachel, the peace treaty prevents the Kingdoms from doing stuff like that." Desmond retorted. "I'm sure they wouldn't allow that."

"Spoken like a naive child," Rachel sighed much to the dragon's ire. "Hate to break it to you, Lizard face but not everyone shares the same morals as you. Many leaders think of War as an opportunity to expand their power rather than protect the people."

"Aren't you being a bit too cynical?" Desmond raised an eyebrow at the purple haired beauty who merely shrugged. "There are good people in the world you know."

"'No such thing." The two hunters in training froze when they heard the only silent girl of the group speak. "Good and evil are nonexistent, just others with different perspectives and codes. Now will you please be silent?"

"Ms. Schnee, I will suggest you-"

"Actually, Professor Goodwitch." Nicholas interrupted the blond's critique. "May I offer my own advice? I was the one sparring with her, it would be better if her opponent pointed out her flaws."

"Really now?" Glynda raised an eyebrow at the soldier then nodded in approval. "Very well proceed."

"You stance and precision were simply flawless, Ms. Schnee." Nicholas kept a stone cold glare on her. "However, you spent the most of the battle in your head which is fine in some cases. But an opponent will not wait for you to formulate a plan. You seemed to realize that when it was too late."

"I-I..." Weiss grimaced and lets out a deep sigh. "You're exactly right, I appreciate your constructive criticism." Her expression said otherwise but Nicholas didn't react. The soldier walked off the arena floor, hands clasped behind his back.

"Precisely, Mr. Ironwood." Glynda watched Weiss exit the arena then called out the last newcomer. "Grace Harrison please report to the arena, your opponent shall be Ms. Belladonna."

Both combatants entered, the two having stotic expression the entire time. No enthusiasm, no type of energy just a need to get this over with. Blake internally gauging the young woman, she definitely had an edge to her if you looked closely. Her stance appeared relaxed and cool headed, though Blake knew better than to underestimate her opponents, she learned that during her experience with the Fang. Maybe it was a diversion to lower her guard, if that's the case Blake decided to strike first to surprise guard.


Blake was already moving, reeling back Gambol Shroud. Grace remained unmoving her chest visbly rising and falling with every snore—Wait a damn second. Blake skidded to a stop her dual blades pausing inches away from Grace's nose. Grace's eyes were shut tight, her body leaning to the side.

The sloth was actually sleeping in the middle of a match.

"Ms. Harrison!" Glynda scowled viciously, clapping her hands to awake the girl from her slumber to Grace's credit she did blink once. "MS. HARRISON!"

"I'm awake, no need to shout." Grace sighed in annoyance of having her rest interrupted, the sloth girl stretched her arms upward with a tired yawn. Blake gazed in confusion asking herself if she was for real? The Faunus must be incredibly arrogant to treat an opponent, if she wanted to be like this then it will cost her--

Blake's thought were interrupted when a blue blur collidied with her cheek. Dazed by the sudden strike, she stumbled backwards on the edge of arena. When she turned back to Grace, she now wielded two blue Sais, matching in both shape and size. Grace zoomed across the arena running in a zig zag.

Blake raised her Katana in time to block the first Sai aiming for her head and dodged the second strike. The cat Faunus's cleaver swung for Grace's neck, hitting nothing but air as she ducked then jabbed with her Sais. Blake left a clone to take the hit jumping back to gain distance. Grace followed unleashing a flurry of quick stabs forcing Blake on the defensive, Grace ended the combo with a front kick that threw Blake backwards. She landed directly in a crouch, pouncing forth to slice at her foe. The two exchanged blows in quick succession, neither being able to land a devastating hit to turn the tide, although the fight proved intense for Blake her opponent showed no such thing, a bored expression displayed on her features.

"They're pretty fast." Desmond said unable to keep his eyes glued on the arcobatic girls. "It's giving me a headache just to follow them."

"Impressive, to say the least," Nicholas said. "Both appear to be equal in agility, but some reason I doubt that's the case."

"What do you mean?"

"Our teammate isn't exhausted in the slightest, not even a droplet of sweat." Nicholas said, hearing their blades clash once again. "She's chipping away Ms. Belladonna's aura with each strike, making it low enough to deliver the winning blow. One of my trainers taught me a tactic similar to that."

"Daddy must of brought you the best teachers money can buy." Rachel grinned hoping to get a rise out the General's son. The soldier looked on unamused earning a light giggle from Rachel. "I'm going to find a way through that rocky exterior somehow." she whispered

Blake's cleaver swiped at Grace's weapons smacking them aside to break her guard, then swung down her Katana ready to cleave into the sloth. Grace ducked under the swing arching her back far enough to transition into a cartwheel and end in a crouch where she swiftly swept her leg behind Blake's ankles succeeding in unbalancing her. The cat faunus gasped in shock as she fell hard on her back and Grace moved to capitalize, bringing down a punishing axe kick on the gut driving the air from her lungs alongside a pained grunt. Blake's aura shimmered signaling it's absence and the end of the match.

"Ms. Belladonna's aura has reached the red, the winner is, Ms. Harrison." Glynda declared before turning to the fallen cat faunus. "Ms. Belladonna would you like to pay a visit to the infirmary?"

"N-No, I'm fine." Blake sat upright holding a hand over her stomach, she glanced to her team who shared concerned looks.

"You were amazing out there, " Desmond said with a smile as Grace walked by ignorng his words. "Umm... so how were you able to move like that?" He asked in an attempt to make conversation, but the sleeping beauty once again neglected him not even throwing a glance his way.

"Rejected..." Rachel said a smirk dawning on her lips, patting Desmond's back. "Better luck next time, Lizard boy."

"The concludes lessons for today, you're free to leave." Glynda nodded to the students then turned her attention to the four potential students. "You four remain here for my decision."

The classroom's bell buzzed informing others to leave. While the students left, some murmured about the new team. Ruby walked to Blake offering a hand to help her up, Blake gladly took it and was pulled to her feet.

"You did great," Ruby smiled.

"I don't think the others will agree. " Blake retorted with a sigh, following Ruby out the room.

"Team DRGN." Glynda's sharp tone made their heads snapped to her direction. Desmond's fist shook in anticipation ready to hear Glynda's decision, he looked towards his teammates to see their expressions. Nicholas's face was stoic standing tall with his arms folded behind his back, Rachel placed her hands on her hips giving the professor a cocky grin, Grace was netural like always, tapping her foot impatiently to hear her answer. "Even though some of you are slouches, inappropriate, and polite. You proved yourselves here today as acceptable Hunters in training, Beacon Academy welcomes you under it's wing to grow and improve your abilities. You step in as inmature children but I can ensure you'll graduate harden adults. I hope this is the step into a bright future. "

A/N; Not much to say here, sorry for such a short chapter in my opinion.