
RWBY-Dragon Of Remnant(Rewrite)

Since Desmond Royal was a child he searched for a meaning. He preferred a life of excitement, action, heroism and passion. After his mother and father died during a mission gone wrong leading to their bodies being never recovered, he swore on their graves that he’ll become a Huntsman and continue their legacy. Unknown to Desmond, he is apart of an ancient species long lost to Remnant known as the Dragons. Follow the story of Desmond Royal and Team DRGN as they fight alongside the future protectors of Remnant, Team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose as they fight against the wicked forces that threaten their world, while also discovering secrets long forgotten by Remnant.

BigBoss1006 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1, Desmond Royal

The sun's blinding  rays beamed down into a bedroom, where a masculine figure slept peacefully in his bed, there were a pair of circular stumps protruding from his forehead. The boy turned in his bed to escape the unwelcome sunlight , revealing some of his dark skin tone and short black hair. The boy's eyes squinted halfway before fully opening to show the blackness of his sclera, one of his many strange Faunus traits which was a mystery within itself. The whites of his eyes were replaced with black, his irises were orange and lacked pupils, creating the appearance of two glowing orange orbs floating in darkness. Faunus are said to only have one animal trait like ears, horns, a tail and some rare cases wings. Desmond wasn't lucky enough to be born with one, his father told him never to be ashamed of his heritage. He's far from embarrassed by it, he was simply curious on why did he have more than one? Genetical flaw? Rare Inheritance?

These were the questions of Desmond Royal.

Expectedly, people found this to be weird and out of place so they kept their distance from him, especially kids around his age. Sure, there were times when the average racist would go after him but most were verbal attacks, if it did become physical, Desmond was no slouch in a fight. He lost his fair share of fights that ended in him curling up on the ground and writhing in pain but he always got back up. Every time he came home bruised or hurt, his father and mother were always there to patch him up. Usually parents would tell their child to run to an adult and hope they do something, but Isaac Royal And Jean Royal weren't having none of that.

Desmond's parents were well known Veteran Hunters in Vale, both the same species of Faunus. He'll never really know how the two crossed each other's path, but Desmond was proud nonetheless to have two skilled hunters as parents. They eventually taught him how to fight against different threats such as Grimm or people who were out to harm him. Desmond went later on to unlock his aura and afterwards discovered an heredity semblance.

Isaac Royal, wielded a powerful semblance that could generate and manipulate a destructive element known as fire, however it was far from natural. Isaac could change the color of his flames between orange, blue, and red, He claimed that each color gave him a certain ability. Orange flames to Desmond's knowledge  appeared to be regular fire, that he could summon to his will, expel it from any part of his body. Desmond rarely displayed this ability  since he lacked control over it, taming such a destructive element needed time and maturity both things Desmond didn't have.

Isaac would teach him techniques on how to properly use it without incinerating everything around him, the  Huntsman even offered to help his son create his own signature weapon. Younger Desmond thought it would be a piece of cake but his father immediately shut that down. The weapon took weeks upon weeks, creating schematics, gathering materials and purchasing dust, not to mention the backbreaking labor to built it. Draco wasn't a high end mecha shift weapon with a gun mode, only a large claymore infused with fire dust to give a glowing orange blade. The weapon has a black cross guard  built with obsidian steel where a glowing orange orb sat in the center. Building the weapon with his parents could only be described as the best moments in his life, Desmond never wanted it to end.

But life had different ideas.

Desmond was 16 when his parents  died leaving him with the house in the island of patch, a house built by his parent's own hardworking  hands, a living room with velvet red couches in front of a television, a sizable kitchen, his room was two doors down from his parent's room, a place where he wouldn't dare go into. They built this house  from bottom to top, what  gave  it's unique edge was the small wooden dragon statue built on the roof, Isaac considered it sentimental and an ornament that defines their family.

One day Isaac finally explained what Faunus he was and apparently it's a rare species known as a Dragon Faunus.At least that's what his father claimed, Desmond tried finding out more through history books and internet, but never found anything relating to his kind.

They seemed more extinct then rare.

"Morning, Drake. Time to get up." Desmond moved his knee to wake the feline curled up on on the edge of his bed. The cat's black fur stood up and his mismatched eyes, left one red and right one blue, met at the dragon's orange ones before purring softly. Desmond sat over the edge of the bed still in his Pj's. Desmond stood up and walked to his mirror, his draconic tail swaying side to side. The tail was black and had a line of orange spikes going down to the tip, which had a sharp end that resembled a pike.  Desmond reached down inside his open dresser pulling out a comb and razor, while staring in the glass with a determined expression.

"Okay, Desmond. Today is the day you attend the most prestigious academy in Remnant, no pressure." He began to comb his hair. "Beacon is the place for new beginnings and friends."

Drake pats his paw on Desmond's leg demanding for attention. When that didn't work, The cat softly bites his leg while thrashing around. Desmond lightly kicked him away to continue his pep talk.

"Hopefully they don't care about...these." Desmond placed a hand around the circular stumps on his head, where his horns were still growing in. Dragon traits don't grow in instantaneously like other Faunus, there was a period of time where Dragon Faunus had to wait to gain their extra appendages. "If they do and try to antagonize you, ignore them like you do the others. People like them can only run their mouths." Drake was now on his hind legs swatting at Desmond's ankle while the dragon's tail pushed him away.

"All you have to do is complete missions, pass your classes,don't die, and get along with your team."

The cat meows loudly.

"Then probably get a girlfrie-Eek!" Desmond dropped the comb as he felt a pair of sharp fangs digging deeper into his leg.

"Drake! What the hell do you want?"

Drake nudges the alarm clock near his feet, alerting him of the time. Desmond jumped in a panic seeing that it was 12:30 pm, the bullhead leaves at 12:55. Without hesitation, Desmond rushes over Drake earning a hiss from the feline. Drake growled as if asking why he done that.

"Don't give me that shit! I told you to wake me at 11:45." Desmond burrows through his closet pulling out his suitcase and bags. The teen yanks out an outfit from his drawer.

After gathering his belongings, Desmond went out to the back yard to say his goodbyes. Two Gravestone stood before the dragon boy, with the names of his parents engraved on them.

"Hey, mom...Sup Dad." Desmond forces a smile on his face. "Guess this is goodbye huh? I finally made it into Beacon. Thanks to everything you taught me." Desmond chuckled as he looked down at the gravestones proudly. He imagines his parents were doing the same, his mother smiling at him, always bringing joy to his day. His father feeling a strong sense of pride for his son's ascension to Beacon.

"I want you two to know. That you mean the world to me and even though I'm not the strongest. I will do everything in my power to make you proud of me." Desmond clenches his fist tightly fighting off the tears."I won't let you down."

Drake looked up at Desmond and rubbed against his leg. "Hey buddy, I'll come back and visit alright? You can make your own food, I know you can." Drake is shockingly intelligent cat, he's capable of taking care of himself and protecting the house while he's gone. Somehow he's able to open cans of food...how did his father teach him that? Desmond will never know.

The black cat meows in goodbye to his owner then scurried away towards the house. Desmond took a deep breath, preparing himself for his next step. "This year is going to be-"

Scene Change to bullhead...

'Horrible.' Desmond thought while his composure remained decent. 'Holy shit look at the competition! Are these even students or pro Hunters?.' Desmond examined the students around him, some of their weapons had more mass and length while others were smaller and well designed.

Suddenly an old man spilled some of his coffee on Desmond's shirt, earning a growl from him. The dragon looked up at the silver haired man, a fearsome scowl decorating his features.

"What the hell?!" Desmond glared, wiping away the spilled coffee that was staining his orange hoodie and black sweat pants, and dripping down to his orange combat boots with black laces.

"My apologies young man," the silver haired man analyzed the young dragon from head to toe, to any Pro-Hunter, it would seem like the silver haired man was gauging him but in Desmond's eyes  it was just down right disturbing to him. The dragon immediately waved the old man off as an average creep . "Excuse me, are you perhaps a new student attending my-"

"Next time use those damn glasses to actually see where you're going." Desmond brushed pass the man, carrying a thick frown on his features.

"Hmm..." The silver- haired man wasn't offended by the comment, he grinned and leaned on his cane while watching the young dragon leave his presence. "The students will certainly be entertaining this year."

Desmond gazed upon the Beacon tower in amazement, the courtyard was very lively. Students chattering amongst each other, Tinkering with their weapons and practicing on their technique. He was in the presence of future hunters and huntresses.

Distracted by the sights of Beacon Desmond nearly forgot to ask about the initiation. The dragon was fully aware that the initiation has already past, but he still received an invitation from the headmaster of Beacon for some unknown reason. Desmond pulled out his scroll, tapping on the mailbox icon and opening the letter of acceptance containing details on the Academy, Desmond began walking forward neglecting his surrounding.

"Says here I need to find a professor named, Glynda Goodwitch's-" Before Desmond could finish reading the a younger woman ran into him, his second accident today which was a bad omen. The woman was blonde and had stunning green eyes behind a pair of glasses, She wore a white blouse and black tights, cape flowing elegantly in the wind.

"I apologize, I was in a rush to my classroom." The woman stood back up then dusted herself off.

"I-I-Its fine!" Desmond stutter nervously in the sight of the beautiful woman, he really needed to get over that. "I'm actually looking for someone named Glynda Goodwitch?"

The woman gave a slight nod. "That would be me, may I help you?"

"Oh um! The headmaster said to find you for a...late initiation!" Desmond said timidly, getting more nervous by the second.

"Ozpin? Why would he-" Glynda face palmed shaking her head in frustration. The teacher's attitude did a complete 180 from kind exterior into a menacing scowl. "That sounds like something he would do. Honestly, how could he make decisions like this without informing me." Glynda said more to herself than to the boy, forgetting the new student's presence.

"E-Excuse me?"

"I suppose now he wants me to come up with some type of test to initiate this one. Couldn't bother asking me if I had any better ways to spend my time." The woman was now having a full on conversation with herself.

"Umm...Professor Goodwitch,"

"He couldn't ask Oobleck, he could speed through his initiation and give a seminar to his class at the same time. Probably that boastful storyteller Port could bore him with another one of his unnecessarily long stories. That'll teach him how to-"

"HEY!" Desmond raised his voice at the distracted teacher causing her ire to turn on him.

"Young man!" The blonde pulled out a riding crop from out of nowhere and smacked Desmond on the head, the dragon recoiled in pain.

"Ow!" Desmond whined and rubbed the spot. "W-was that a riding crop?"

"There is no need to shout I'm right in front of you," Glynda glared at the teenage fire breather."Anyways, follow me to my combat class and we'll see how you fare against the already accepted students. If I decide you are incapable to join our school, I will personally march you to Ozpin's office and request an immediate transport back to your home. Am I Understood?"

"Y-yes Ma'am!" Desmond nodded rapidly, the blond huntress didn't seem to mind the boy's well placed fear, although she did showed a quick hint of satisfaction.

"And know this Mister.." Glynda waited for a name.

"Desmond. Desmond Royal."

"Mr. Royal. I have very high expectations for the future defenders of Remnant.You will find me difficult to impress." Glynda stomped away her heels clicking on the stone tiles.

Scene Change

Sitting on the bleachers, a fair-skinned young girl with silver eyes and black, neck-length, choppy hair that gradates to dark red at the tips, fiddled with her crimson red cape waiting for the class to begin. Until the rest of her team approached her.

"Goodwitch still hasn't shown yet, Rubes?" A young woman  with lilac eyes and bright golden hair worn loose that fades to pale gold at the tips with a cowlick sticking out at the top blonde laid back in the chair and kicked her feet up.

"No Yang, not yet." Ruby smiled, looking up at her half sibling and moving over to offer her a place to sit.

"This is very unlike Ms. Goodwitch to be late. She's a prime example of the staff." The young white-haired girl sighed dressed primarily in light blue, white, and some red.

"That also makes her busy, Weiss." The black -haired girl with a bow said while flipping a page in her book.

"I bet you're glad she isn't here to tell you to ditch the book." Yang formed a grin. "Seriously, Blakey, this a combat class not a library."

"I didn't say I'm not glad she isn't here." Blake said stoically, shrugging her shoulders.

"Blake, that's mean." Ruby pouted a little. "Ms. Good witch is like the best teacher in the school!"

"That's subjective." Weiss commented.

"Is it really?" Yang shrugged. "She's tolerable than most teachers here, no one can understand a damn thing Oobleck says, People drop like flies in Port's class, sleeping like Ursas in hibernation."

"Ursas don't hibernate." Blake added.

"Really?" Yang genuinely looked surprised. "Does that mean Beowolves don't shed either?"

"Oh Yang..." Ruby patted her sister's shoulder. "Of course they do, you big dummy."

"No they don't-" Weiss was interrupted by a new voice.

"Alright Class!" Glynda addressed her talkative students gaining their attention."Due to irresponsible circumstances, I will have to create a small initiation for a young man named Desmond Royal."

The mention of the name made Yang fall out of her chair in shock. Ruby paled as a shiver ran down her spine. Blake caught wind of this, raising an eyebrow in question.

"I suppose you two know him?"

"Do we know him?!!" Ruby narrowed her eyes, Blake recoiling a bit from the small girl's sudden hostility."He almost--" Ruby was unable to finish when Yang smacked a hand on Ruby's mouth silencing her.

"Someone I prefer not to talk about right at this moment," The brawler glared at the trio, no longer in her usual cheery mood. Weiss decided not to question it, seeing the hurt in Yang's eyes, Blake gave Ruby and Yang a nod in understanding then turned back to the arena.

Ruby turned her gaze on Yang, a frown evident on her lips. The bombshell's expression held a mixture of emotions, sorrow, regret and anger that Ruby couldn't help but to look away from. Seeing her normally party girl sister in such a condition made her heart clench, Ruby wanted to hug her but Yang would just decline it to keep up her tough girl persona.

The Desmond also took notice of the sisters, unsealing a well of memories that he kept buried, he placed shaking hands in his hoodie pockets hiding them from the students, while doing well to avoid the brawler's line of sight. He rather receive the disgusted looks from the students, who were staring at his extra Faunus traits, even fellow Faunus shot him strange looks.

"I've decided one of you shall assist me in evaluating his abilities, in a one on one sparring match." Glynda adjusted her glasses. "Which one of-"

"I will!" The girl in red exploded from her seat drawing attention to her. The determination burning in her eyes spoke volumes of her intentions, she planned to win in order to keep him from her beloved sister. Desmond would consider it noble if Ruby wasn't so misinformed.

"Ruby, you don't need to-" Yang attempted to reach for her sister's shoulder but Ruby was already stepping down to the Arena.

"Very well Ms Rose, please take your position on the opposite side." Glynda features for Desmond to do the same.

"Begin." Glynda brought down her riding crop signaling the battle to begin.

Ruby reached behind her back grabbing ahold of her Sniper/Scythe hybrid, Crescent Rose. The young Rose brought it forward pointing the massive curved blade directly at Desmond, causing the dragon to reel back a bit. Desmond quickly recovered and revealed his hulking sword to the red hooded huntress in training, the size was equivalent to Crescent Rose though it had more width.

Desmond's eyes went wide when he saw Ruby vanish before his eyes only to reappear on his far left and firing Crescent Rose, he quickly turned his body to Ruby and spun Draco in front of him matching the speed of a helicopter's propellers. The bullets bounced off the blade's flat surface, a faint orange glow flashing once before Desmond charged forth whining up for a swing. Ruby dashed straight pass him in a flash of red, her intense speed caused Desmond to stumble leaving a perfect opportunity for Ruby to make U-turn and deliver a double legged kick to his back. The dragon's body shot forward and landed flat on his face as Ruby cartwheeled back to gain distance. Crescent Rose morphed into sniper form letting loose a barrage of gunfire which Desmond hurriedly rolled away from and back to his feet.

Desmond closed the gap swinging his obese claymore like a feather, although Ruby ducked under the swing Desmond used his momentum to spin around for a second and much faster swing that forced Ruby to block with Crescent Rose's shaft. The impact sent Ruby staggering back while the dragon swung for a third time discharging an arc wave of fire. Ruby gasped allowing herself to fall on back so the fire blast can move harmlessly over her, however this left Ruby vulnerable to Desmond's downward slash threatening to cleave the girl in two. Ruby thought fast and aimed Crescent Rose's barrel to the side then fired using the recoil to propelled herself across the floor missing the heavy blade by an inch.

Ruby's Aura: 97%

Desmond's Aura: 72%

Ruby examined the percentages realizing she needed to land a critical hit. Ruby blasted forth with her speed traveling at unseeable speeds. While speeding by, Ruby swept the crook her scythe against Desmond's legs successfully unbalancing him and causing Desmond to hit the floor hard. Ruby wasted no time jumping high enough for her feet to touch the ceiling then kicked off with haste. Ruby angled the butt of her scythe below her, smashing it on Desmond back sending a sharp pain coursing through his body.

Ruby's Aura: 83%

Desmond's Aura: 56%

' Nearly in the red.' Ruby thought and prepared herself for her last attack, Crescent Rose reverting to it's sniper form then released a second wave of gunfire. Glynda sighed preparing to call the match but an orange glow from Desmond's aura caught her eye.

The bullets indeed hit something but not their intended target, there was fire emerging from Desmond's aura consuming the bullets and spewing them back out into ash. This stunned the student staff while Glynda held an intrigued look.

Ruby scoffed cursing herself for forgetting Desmond's semblance. Newborn flames circled in Desmond's palm then discharged it from his palm creating a wave of fire. Ruby attempted to escape but the range was too great, showering Ruby's body in flame and ash.

"Hot! Hot!" Ruby chanted as she rushed out of the flames, appearing beside Desmond at break neck speeds, swinging Crescent Rose in an arc. However, Desmond's hand was already moving to Ruby's position and blasting a torrent of fore that blasted Ruby across the room. The dragon brought his other hand forth with a roar, sending a ball of fire soaring through the air, expanding to the size of a basketball. The projectile exploded after making contact with it's target, forming a wod of a smoke. Desmond breathed heavily as he fell to one knee, watching the smoke clear revealing, Ruby covered in ash and stumbling around in a daze. Ruby swore she saw her dog Zwei running around her head.

"Owie..." Ruby groaned out. Suddenly a wave of nausea overcame her and she collapsed to the floor.

"Uhh will she'll be alright?" Desmond turned to Glynda who only shrugged.

"I assumed she'll be fine." Glynda said reluctantly, gesturing for Team RWBY to retrieve their leader. Weiss was the one to do so much to her embarrassment in dragging Ruby off the stage. "Mr Royal, you have proved yourself a competent enough fighter to be in this school."

"W-wait..." Desmond tensed at the words, his eyes looking up at the Goodwitch, filled with hope and pride. "Does that mean..."

"Welcome to Beacon Academy, Mr Royal." Glynda said sternly then raised her hand to stop the dragon from celebrating. "Please restrain yourself, please stay after the class to be escorted to Headmaster Ozpin's office. Understood?"

"Y-Yes, Professor!" Desmond smile shines brighter then the sun itself, his heart beating so fast he thought it might break out of his chest and do front flips in joy. But his happiness came to a dead end when a certain blond was seen staring at him from the corner of his eye. Desmond didn't dare look back at the fiery beauty, he already knew what awaited him if he did.

Heart Break.

Meanwhile Ozpin watched the spar form his scroll, a smile gracing his lips. The Headmaster Of Beacon was right, this year was shaping up to be grand.
