
A Night off

"Hello everyone" zen said

"Hey zen" ruby said

"So are we going to watch the future?" Weiss asked

"Well yes of course oh and ruby i found out how your semblance works all thanks to penny in the future" zen said

"Wait do you know how my semblance works penny?" Ruby asked

"Yes do you want me to explain how it works?" Penny asked happily

"No not going to happen you'll have to wait until we see it in the future" zen said

"But.."ruby said but got cut off by zen

"No buts i you can wait" zen said

"Fine" ruby said

"Did penny figure out your semblance before you did" Blake said

"She know you was a Faunus before I did" ruby said annoyed

"Okay enough of that and your going to be shocked at what happens in this episode" zen said smirking

The morning after Jacques Schnee closed the Schnee Dust Company's nonessential facilities, the Mantle rioters are sitting on sidewalks and in police airships with their wrists bound by bolases. A soldier escorts Drinking Buddy along a sidewalk while Atlesian Knight-200s patrol the area. Drunk Mann stands in line with other Mantle citizens outside a polling station. As Drunk Mann gets to the booth, he decides whether he will vote for Robyn Hill, Jacques Schnee, Ivy Brown, or Pearl Wistier. The outside walls have campaign posters for both Jacques and Robyn Hill, and Jacques' posters have been spray-painted over.

Newscaster: Although rioting in Mantle is finally under control, how does it feel to know that the majority of those involved were your supporters?

"Come let Robyn win the election" Weiss said

"Yeah she has to win it better than having Jacques winning the election" yang said

"Good the rioting is under control" ruby said

In a building somewhere, a reporter from the Mantle Daily is interviewing Robyn.

Robyn: I don't condone rioting, especially when our city is being denied aid for the hardships we've already had to go through, but Jacques Schnee's latest stunt is holding the city hostage for his own political gain.

Drunk Mann approaches a voting booth and begins his vote. His hand hovers over the screen as he hesitates.

Robyn: So I understand their anger, but ask that they show it not in the streets but at the polls today.

"She really is a good person" ruby said

"Yeah she is i don't know why you don't trust her" yang said

"He's paranoid" Qrow  said

"Yeah also he and Qrow do something really stupid while Qrow does it in this volume and ironwood does it in volume 8 I have to say that ironwood is stupider for what he does" zen said

"What do they do?" Ruby asked worried

"You'll have to see and you better get ready for the consequences" zen said

In the Atlas Academy training room, Blake Belladonna uses her Semblance and jumps from pillar to pillar while Yang Xiao Long follows and attempts to catch her.

Below Blake and Yang, Winter Schnee sends her Beowolf Summon to attack Weiss Schnee, who creates black glyphs above, below, and to the left and right of it. Weiss then uses the glyphs to throw the Beowolf Summon around, slamming it against the glyphs. She creates a white glyph in front of her and uses it to send the Summon back toward Winter, who creates her own white glyph to stop it. However, Winter suddenly winces in pain and drops to one knee. She then discovers that a small version of Weiss' Arma Gigas Summon snuck up to her and cut her ankle with its sword. The Arma Gigas strikes a pose with its sword on its shoulder, and Winter glares at Weiss, who gives a smug smirk in return and giggles.

"Come on me get her" yang said

"Really yang" Blake said

"Yes" yang said

"Well done Weiss" ruby said

"Yeah" Weiss said with a smug smirk looking at winter

Winter glares at Weiss

"They are getting better at fighting" ironwood said happy

"That will also be your downfall as well why do they have to fight in the future it's idiotic" zen thought

Behind Weiss, Jaune Arc is using his shield to deflect a rubber ball, while Nora Valkyrie keeps hitting it toward him with her hammer. Nora activates Magnhild's upgrade, charging herself up with electricity. She swings Magnhild around and sends the ball rocketing toward Jaune, who blocks it and slides backward several feet before dropping to one knee. The emblem on his shield glows cyan while he blocks, and the ball eventually turns to ash.

Nearby, Oscar Pine is using his Scroll to keep track of Jaune's Aura, which has been reduced to approximately 65%. Jaune sits up and takes a deep breath, his Aura glowing for a moment, and Oscar watches Jaune's Aura increase to approximately 95%.

Oscar: Nice, your recovery is getting faster.

"Yeah jaune your aura recovery getting better" Oscar said

"Yeah and that a powered up Nora that shot that ball at you I'm surprised you didn't get knocked back" yang said

"Yeah he really our fearless leader" Nora said

"Yes and he improved more" ren said

"Thanks guys and back a beacon if that hit me I would of got knock a lot farther than that and be on my ass" jaune said

"Yeah but that the past you" ruby said

"Yeah and I'm glad i gotten better" jaune said

Nora walks over to Jaune, who gives a cheerful thumbs-up. Nora then gives him a heavy pat on the back, still using her Semblance, which knocks him onto the ground, reducing his Aura to approximately 64%. Ruby Rose zooms past with her Semblance, heading straight toward Lie Ren who is meditating in front of a pillar. She splits into three red blurs, which all go around Ren and the pillar, before merging into one blur and becoming Ruby again.

Oscar: Have you always been able to do that?

"That the jaune we know"yang said laughing slightly with the others

"It just had to happen didn't it" jaune said smiling

"Damn that is awesome rubes" yang said

"Yeah I'm surprised I can do that" ruby said

"Actually ruby you have done that before you just didn't notice" zen said

"Wait when?" Ruby asked

Everyone was curious about we ruby has done that

"Seems like none of you really payed attention it was when you fought the Grimm in mantle" zen said

Everyone thought back to the fight

"Your right i did do that it was after i killed that Grimm going to get Oscar" ruby said

"How did none of us notice that before" Weiss said

"I don't know Weiss I don't know" Blake said

Ruby peeks out at him from behind the pillar and then walks over to him.

Ruby: (panting) I don't know. I don't normally think it through that much.

Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't have my Semblance.

Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.

Ren continues meditating, deep in a state where he has blocked out everyone around him. There is a ringing sound, followed by the sound of the training room door opening, and Ren opens his eyes and looks toward the door.

"Don't worry Oscar I bet is going be awesome also won't you get magic as well?" Ruby asked.

"Yes Oscar will get magic but ozpin did say that his magic was dwindling in other losing it so Oscar possibly could get magic in the future" zen said

"So I might get magic in the future that is cool" Oscar said

Ironwood: Clover wasn't kidding. You're really giving this your all.

Oscar and Ren stand up.

Ruby: Well, we have to with the way things are going.

Ironwood takes out his Scroll, which projects a screen depicting the live election results. Currently, Jacques has 30% of the vote, while Robyn has 70%.

Ironwood: They're not going well, are they?

Yang: Better Robyn than Jacques Schnee.

Yang rests her arm on Oscar's shoulder, taking him by surprise.

"Good Robyn is in the lead by a lot" Weiss said

"Wait what do you mean there not going well?" Ruby asked confused

"I don't mean any harm it just it doesn't bode well for our stability" ironwood said

"Why are you using me to lean on?" Oscar asked

Yang just shrugged

Ironwood: Oh, I suppose so. Either way, this election doesn't bode well for our stability.

Ruby: It could be a chance to work with Robyn and get Mantle on your side.

Ironwood: (putting his Scroll away) The likelihood of that working--

Nora: She's right, you have to do something about Mantle. If you could get Robyn to trust you...

Jaune: I bet if you opened up to her she'd understand that you're being framed.

Ironwood: (sighs) Perhaps... but it will only work if she's open too.

"Thanks Nora" ruby said

"No problem it for the best" Nora said

"So you want her to be open but about what?" Ruby asked

"It just that the only way it will work if I tell the truth she needs to tell me everything she has planned" ironwood said

"I have to agree with ironwood there yes she also needs to open up about things" zen said

Ironwood was shocked

"What?" Zen asked

"That the first time you agreed with me" ironwood said

"There are a lot of things i agree with that you say but you have lost quite a lot of my respect and your not the only i lost respect for example the ace operatives and winter and Qrow for what he does" zen said

Everyone just looked shocked at what zen said

Nora starts to say something, but Ren steps forward and interrupts her, earning a look from both her and Jaune.

Ren: I take it you're here for new mission assignments?

Clover: You could say that. The General and I want you to take the rest of the day to recuperate.

Blake: You're giving us a night off?

Ironwood: Ordering it. After tonight's election, we'll be waking up to a very different Atlas tomorrow. I need you rested and ready for whatever that may bring.

Ruby starts thinking to herself, looking uncertain.

"We finally have a night off" yang said happily

"Yeah" ruby said uncertain

"What's wrong with you is it because you won't go on anymore missions?" Weiss asked

"No it just I feel like something bad going to happen" ruby said

"Damn maybe I should get rid of your ability to sense when something bad going to happen" zen said out loud

"Wait that means something bad going to happen isn't it" ruby said

"Shit did I say that out loud?" Zen said shocker

Everyone nodded

"Well no point yes something bad will happen" zen said

At sunset that day, Team RWBY is in their dorm room. Blake is sitting at one of the small desks with a mirror in front of her, while Ruby and Yang are lying on beds, and Weiss is leaning against the ladder between the bunk beds. Weiss has a live report from the Daily Mantle playing on her Scroll. While Blake puts on mascara, Yang looks over at her.

Newscaster: We still have hours ahead of us, but as votes come in, it looks more and more certain that Robyn Hill will fill the open council seat.

Weiss closes her Scroll and walks across the room.

Weiss: There's no way my father could've thought layoffs would do anything but hurt him. So why announce this the day before the election?

"Sometimes it really baffles me how he thinks sometimes" Weiss said

"Just a power play that backfired" yang said

"Yep but it won't matter" ruby said

Yang: Just seems like a power play that backfired to me. Won't matter in a few hours though.

Yang stands up, stretches and walks over to Blake.

Ruby: Where are you guys going?

Blake adjusts her hair, and Yang rests her hand on Blake's back, leans down and adjusts her own hair while looking in the mirror.

Blake: Team FNKI invited us out dancing. Yang and I thought it would be good to get our minds off the election.

Ruby: I thought you said Team FNKI was annoying.

"Blake going to a party something definitely isn't right" ruby said

"Hey what that supposed to mean" Blake said annoyed

"One you are antisocial and two you just don't seem like the type of person to go to a party" Weiss said

"Yeah and you do find them annoying so why go?" Ruby asked

Yang straightens up.

Yang: That's the best part about dance clubs. (whispers, pointing to her ears) I can't hear you.

Blake giggles. Nora and Ren slide the door open from outside.

Nora: Ruby, come on!

Weiss: I still can't believe you're going to that thing.

Nora: Just because Ironwood dislikes Robyn doesn't mean we all have to. From where I'm standing both of them seem to be trying their best to help Atlas. As to who's doing a better job...

Blake giggles as well after hearing yang say that

"That it what is going on with you two?" Weiss said pointing at Blake and yang

"Nothing what wrong with giggles at that" Blake said

"No that was stupid no one would have giggled at that and at the mines so do you have a crush on each other or not" Weiss said annoyed

"No I don't have a crush on yang okay" Blake said

"Yeah and I don't have a crush on Blake and what about you and ruby you always acted stupid and like a child when you had free time or did you forget the intro for volume 6?" Yang asked

"Okay you got me there but me and ruby don't flirt like you and Blake" Weiss said

"On to more important things your going to the election" Weiss said

"Yep just like i said on the screen" Nora said

Weiss: (sighs) But a victory party?

Ruby walks past Weiss, shrugging, and stops next to Nora.

Ruby: Invite's still open if you want in. Penny's gonna be working security.

On the other end of the room, Yang starts laughing. Weiss turns to see Blake trying and failing to dance.

Yang: Oh my gosh, no. You gotta do it like this.

Blake stops and watches as Yang begins dancing.

Blake: That's what I'm doing!

Blake holds her hands out in exasperation, her cat ears folding over, and Yang laughs again.

Jaune and Oscar lean into the doorway, while Weiss watches Blake and Yang with an unamused expression.

"Seems kinda of arrogant  to throw a victory party" Weiss said

"It is?" Qrow asked

"Of course you would question it" winter said

"Yeah so what ice queen" Qrow said

Weiss holds the same unamused face as her future self

"I give up it either I'm getting the wrong impression or they don't now there flirting with each other" Weiss said giving up

Jaune: Hey, Oscar and I are hitting the movies if anyone wants--

Weiss: Yup!

Oscar gains a very happy expression, and Jaune rubs the back of his head.

Jaune: Oh, okay.

Later, after the sun has set, Ruby, Nora and Ren are walking in Mantle, on their way to Robyn's victory party. A truck drives down the street, honking its horn, with people standing in the bed holding signs, which say "HILL IS HERE" and "HILL 4 COUNCIL".

Ren: I understand Weiss' point though. A victory party does seem a bit premature.

"You adorable thing" yang said

"Please stop" Oscar said

"Thank you Ren" Weiss said

Ren nodded his head

Ruby, Nora and Ren continue on their way down the sidewalk.

Nora: Aw, let them have one sure thing.

Ruby: Probably the last sure thing before Amity Tower goes up and everyone learns about... what we're fighting.

They walk past a group of people watching the live election results on a TV screen. Jacques has 33% of the vote, and Robyn has 67%.

Ren: We spent so much time worrying about how Ironwood will react to the truth about her, but have any of us considered how we're even going to beat her if we manage to work past that?

Nora: Jinn said she can't be beaten.

"Yeah they need to already have a good time before they learn the truth" ruby said

"Yeah how are we going to defeat her?"  Ren said

"She never said Salem can't be beaten she said Salem can't be destroyed" ruby said

They walk by two people who are sitting beside a heating element, trying to warm up.

Ruby: She told Oz that he couldn't destroy her.

Nora: (looking at Ruby) But maybe someone else could?

Ruby: I don't know.

Ren: We should be training right now.

Nora: We've trained enough! Take some time to--

Ren: We don't have time!

Ruby slows down and watches as Ren and Nora angrily walk on ahead.

"No you can't over work yourself  Ren or you'll be useless to everyone else around because of that" zen said

Ren looked down

"Ren" Nora asked worried

"I'm fine and sorry for shouting at you nora" ren said sadly

Nora just hugged Ren

"It's fine" Nora said

A large crowd of people have gathered inside a small auditorium for Robyn's victory party. Wires have been taped up along the walls, and there are Robyn Hill campaign posters decorating the walls. Above the stage is a giant hologram screen showing the live election results. Jacques has 36% of the vote, while Robyn has 64%. A pair of camera drones float around the room, one of which has a "Kick Me" sign taped to the back of it and the other of which has a gift ribbon stuck to it. While Ruby, Nora and Ren enter the building, the vote percentage shifts to 37% for Jacques and 63% for Robyn. Penny makes her way through the crowd and sees her friends.

Penny: Ruby, Nora, Ren!

Ruby: Hey, Penny.

Penny: I am so glad you made it. It's just Marrow and I tonight, so more friends means more fun. Where are the others?

Nora and Ren are still in a bad mood.

Nora: Weiss is out with the boys, and Blake and Yang are off doing their own thing... again.

Ren: At least they're back to being friends.

Nora: Friends, huh? Just friends?

"The percentage keeping changing but Robyn still in the lead Robyn still is still in the lead" Weiss said happy

"This is the worst i seen both of you" ruby said

"Yeah seems like I have a lot on my mind" ren said

"Thank you Nora" Weiss said

Ruby takes on a somewhat fed up expression and sinks down to the floor, while Ren turns to Nora.

Ren: (speaking slowly in confusion) What else would they be?

Nora: Two people who've gone through that much? I think there's more going on.

Ren: Well maybe one of them feels that way but the other might be worried.

Nora: About what!?

Ruby rises back up next to Penny, still fed up.

Ren: It's just, there's a lot of things going on right now.

Nora: Well, how can they figure things out if they don't talk about it?

Ruby just looked frustrated with them two

"It sounds like she talking about us but i thinking she talking about herself as well" Blake said

"Don't worry that shocking moment is about to come" zen said happily

"Is it the good part or the bad part?" Ruby asked

"It a good part don't worry" zen said

Ruby sighed with relief

Penny: (leaning to Ruby) I believe I may be confused. Who are we talking about again?

Ruby: I'm not really sure.

Nora and Ren continue talking while Penny gets communications from Marrow through her earpiece.

Marrow: Penny, where'd you go?

Penny starts to leave, and Ruby clings to her arm in a panic.

Ruby: Please don't leave me.

"Who are they talking about?" Ruby asked

"That the one mystery I haven't solved yet" zen said

"Penny don't leave me please" ruby said

"Okay ruby" penny said

Ruby and Penny go backstage together to meet up with Marrow.

Marrow: Oh hey, what-- what're you doing here?

Ruby: Just, uh, hangin' out with a friend while she's on the job.

Ruby casually holds out her fist for a fist bump. Recognizing the gesture, Penny gasps, her eyes wide and shining with excitement. She makes a fist, closes one eye, sticks her tongue out and lines it up. She pulls back her fist and then slams it into Ruby's with a big smile. There's a dull "ding" noise, and Ruby gains an expression of deadpan shock, her hand throbbing with pain. Penny turns to Marrow with an innocent smile, and Ruby cradles her hand, groaning quietly in pain.

Marrow: Yeah, real cute. Look, try not to be too much of a distraction. We need to be vigilant in case--

"That was an adorable expression but I think you need to hold back a bit on the fist push's penny" Weiss said

"I'm sorry ruby" penny said

"It's fine penny" ruby said

"Yep let's stay vigilant" ruby said looking at the other side of the room

Mercury looked around and pointed at emerald

"Really Mercury" emerald said annoyed

"I'm bored okay" Mercury said

May Marigold suddenly approaches Marrow, setting the tip of her weapon to the floor.

May: In case what?

Marrow: In case someone tries to start trouble.

May: Oh, funny, that's why we're here. So feel free to take a hike.

Marrow: Listen, the General's trying to help, all right? Just 'cause you can't understand--

Robyn: What's going on here, Wags?

Robyn has suddenly entered the backstage area next to Ruby and Penny. She notices Ruby.

Robyn: Oh, and the pipsqueak is back.

Ruby gives a slight glare, growling a little.

"They kinda of have the right to be sceptical about the help" yang said

"You are right about that but I'm just trying to help and make sure something doesn't happen to Robyn and it seem like something bad is going to happen since zen actually let it slip" ironwood said

"She better stop calling me pipsqueak" ruby said annoyed

"Hey Pipsqueak calm down" Qrow said smirking

"I'm okay with you saying it sometimes but it still annoying" ruby said

Qrow just laughed

Marrow: (scoffs) We're concerned about security risks, ma'am. The General doesn't want any surprises tonight.

May smirks in amusement. Joanna Greenleaf is now standing next to her. Robyn walks over to Marrow.

Robyn: Fine, but stay out of the way.

She then walks over to stand with May and Joanna, the former of whom gasps in surprise and confusion.

Robyn: If I get elected tonight, we'll all have to learn how to get along.

She looks at May, who rolls her eyes and walks away.

"It seems maybe I should have told her the truth sooner" ironwood said

"Yeah it would have helped" zen said

"Yeah but i really hope they tell me the truth soon about Salem" ironwood said

"I guess i can tell you it will happen in two more episodes" zen said

"Really that good but no one asked this but how many episodes is left of this volume as you call it?" Ironwood said

"Well let's see... 7 more episodes after this one is finished" zen said

"So we are close to the end than" yang said

Marrow: Sure, we won't have any problems, as long as you stay within the law.

Robyn: The law isn't perfect, you know. It's certainly not equal.

Marrow: Trust me, I'm well aware.

Marrow tilts his dog tail to the side to be more visible to Robyn.

Robyn: My only goal is that all the citizens of Mantle and Atlas -- and Faunus -- have an equal shot at a good life.

Marrow: That sounds great. And you're planning to do all that equalizing legally, right?

Behind them on the stage, Fiona Thyme is fidgeting with a microphone. Joanna is grinning. Robyn looks at Joanna and smirks, causing Joanna to grin more.

Robyn: Everything I've done is legal.

Marrow: Of course, one hundred percent.

"Yeah the law will never be equal or perfect it just near impossible" zen said sadly

"But it's not impossible" ruby said

"Always the positive and optimistic type aren't you" zen said smiling

"Yeah but at least she wants to change it" yang said

"Have's Robyn do anything Illegal?" Ruby asked

"Well not right now" zen said

"So she does something illegal in the future?" yang asked

Zen nodded

Fiona taps on the microphone, causing loud feedback, much to the crowd's displeasure.

Fiona: Ha-ha, well, that worked.

The live election results now show that Robyn's vote percentage is 57%. Joanna walks away, and Marrow groans in annoyance and walks away toward Penny and Ruby. The crowd begins chanting "Robyn".

Marrow: Scram kid, we've got a job to do. (gesturing to himself and Penny)

Marrow exits the backstage area, and Ruby hops out and blows a raspberry at him, which Penny giggles at. Ruby and Penny wave to each other, as Ruby walks away into the crowd. Ruby's smile fades when she sees that Nora and Ren are still arguing. The live election results now say that Jacques has 41% of the vote, while Robyn has 59%.

"It getting kinda of close" Weiss said nervous

"Scram we got a job to" ruby said grumbling

"Why are you two still fighting" ruby said

"Sorry ruby" Nora and Ren said

"Good the polls for Robyn have gone up" Weiss said

"Weiss calm down" yang said

"I know I'm just worried" Weiss said

Ren: Can we please just not do this right now?

Ruby: I should've just gone to the movies.

Ruby turns back around and heads to the front of the crowd. Fiona has begun giving a speech, and the live election results show Jacques now has 43% of the votes.

Fiona: I want to thank everyone for going to the polls today. This is Mantle's moment. I know that, like me, you're all thrilled that we chose Robyn as our voice in Atlas. No one has fought harder for Mantle than she has. And...

She covers her mouth, trying not to cry, and then wipes a tear from her eye with her palm.

"Yeah I should have gone to the movies" ruby said

"Seems a lot better than being there" yang said

"Yeah but it a good thing you didn't go to the movies and decided to go  to the victory party" zen said

Ironwood looked at screen and thought "maybe    i should have told her the truth"

Fiona: I know Robyn will continue that fight on the Council. Will you share a few words?

She turns to look at Robyn, who is off stage, and the crowd begins chanting Robyn's name again. Robyn walks onto the stage, causing the crowd to cheer. She takes the microphone, and Fiona excitedly talks to her for a few moments, before walking off stage.

Robyn: I've never been much for public speaking, probably wasn't my best idea ever to go into politics.

The live election results show Jacques has 45% of the votes and Robyn has 55%.

"God it getting closer" Weiss said

"That it Weiss if your just going to worry I'm going to put my hands over your eyes so you don't see the percentages" yang said

"No trust me you are going want to see what happens" zen said

Robyn: Thank you so much, everyone, for choosing me. You said you believe in me. But I'm the one who believes in all of you. You've proven to me that as individuals, we are strong. But together, we're unstoppable.

Nora looks at Ren. The live results shift to Jacques with 46% and Robyn with 54%.

Robyn: So no matter what happens tonight, win or lose, we will continue to fight for our city, because it is this city that brings us together.

The crowd cheers and upbeat music begins playing. Nora reaches out to touch Ren's arm, but he turns away from her. Robyn walks off stage, smiling and waving to the crowd. She turns her head away from the crowd and looks nervously up at the screen.

"She really dedicated to helping mantle" ruby said happily

Nora looked down saddened

"Seems like Robyn getting nervous too" yang said

Newscaster: We're in the final minutes now, and it's looking to be a closer race than anticipated.

Robyn stands with her Happy Huntresses.

Joanna: Don't worry, it's in the bag.

Joanna smiles, and May grins, winks and gives a thumbs up. Robyn smiles faintly but then looks nervously at the screen again. The results change again, showing Jacques with 47% and Robyn with 53%. She looks away, frowning.

Ren is avoiding looking at Nora, who finally speaks up.

"Good only a couple of minutes remaining" Weiss said

"Come on she needs to win" winter said

Nora: (sighs) Ren, what's going on? Why won't you just talk to me?

Ren: You know I've... never... been really good with talking.

Nora: Then screw talking!

Nora grabs Ren's shirt and pulls him to her, planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes widen and he holds his arms out in surprise, but then he closes his eyes and kisses back. As he wraps his arms around her, she moves her arms behind his neck. Everything around them fades to a blur. Ruby looks around happily. Penny and Marrow look at each other.

"Oh my god you two just kissed" ruby said excited

Nora and Ren looked embarrassed while Nora just shrugged and grab Ren and kissed him

Everyone cheered for them

"Took you guys long enough" yang said

Nora smiled while blushing and Ren had a small smile

"Well I'm glad yang didn't cover my eyes" Weiss said smiling

"Know it gets bad" zen said ruining the mood

"Wow why did you have to ruin the mood!" yang shouted

Zen just smirked

Somewhere else, in a room filled with Schnee Dust Company crates, Arthur Watts is watching live drone footage of the party on a screen projected from his Scroll. Next to the live drone feed is a recorded video of Penny fighting Sabyrs in the streets of Mantle. In windows behind the live and recorded footage, there is a Mantle election map and the live election results screen with the numbers erased. Watts taps the screens of an array of Scrolls laid out in front of them, and the screens light up. He adjusts one of his rings, and all eight of them light up. He strikes a pose with his hands in the air.

Watts: You ready, Tyrian?

Tyrian is standing among the crowd at Robyn's party, with the hood of his jacket obscuring his face. Robyn walks past on the stage.

Tyrian: (chuckles) Always.

Penny cheerfully salutes to Ruby, who grins at her.

Robyn: The polls are about to close. Twelve, eleven...

"No no no" ironwood said

"Is he going to frame penny for something that tyrian going to do" ruby said angrily

"He probably going to hack the polls as well so my father can win" Weiss said

Penny looks over at Robyn, while the crowd carries on the countdown. Ruby notices Tyrian's prosthetic tail slither out from the crowd as he begins walking away.

Crowd: Ten, nine, eight...

Ruby moves and leans into the crowd to look for the owner of the robotic scorpion tail, her eyes widening in panic. Tyrian chuckles maniacally and looks at Ruby.

Crowd: Seven, six, five, four, three--

Ruby gasps and reaches out toward the stage.

Ruby: Watch out!

"Come on you have to stop him" yang said

"He going to kill them innocent people" ruby said

"He really going to frame penny isn't it" ruby said

Ren opens his eyes and looks in Ruby's direction. All power in the building shuts off. The crowd murmurs in confusion. May and Joanna are leaning against the wall opposite from the stage, looking up at the lights. Ren and Nora hold onto each other, looking around with confusion and worry.

Watts: Go.

Watts swipes his hand across his Scrolls, lighting up their screens. Robyn drops the microphone onto the stage, and there is a faint sound of blood spatter, followed by a woman screaming. In a panic, someone elbows Ruby, knocking her down and causing her to hit her head against the side of the stage. Tyrian begins swiftly moving through the crowd, kicking people's legs from under them and slashing them with his blades. He stabs one person in the torso and continues his rampage, running and spinning through the air.

"We can't see in the dark only the Faunus and penny can look in the darkness" ruby said

"Yeah and everyone panicking and can't see anything so they probably going to run into tyrian" yang said

Qrow looked angrily at the screen at seeing Tyrian killing all them innocent people

Marrow: (over communicator) Penny, what's going on over there?

Penny activates her night vision and looks at Ruby, who is sitting with her back against the stage, trying not to be trampled. Penny turns and looks at the main area of the building, to see Tyrian slash another civilian with his weapon and then impale yet another with his stinger. He drops the civilian and straightens up, licking his lips. Penny draws her Floating Array and points the blades at Tyrian.

Penny: Put down your weapon and surrender!

Tyrian looks at her and then vanishes into the crowd as two civilians run past between them. Penny looks around for him.

"Come on penny stop him" ruby said

"I will try everything to stop and capture him" penny said

"This is really bad" ironwood said worried

"He going to frame it on penny and me" ironwood said

Watts continues waving his hands around, while his screen shows recorded video of Penny fighting Sabyrs, live footage of Tyrian attacking the party goers, and 3D models of Tyrian and Penny. As he moves his hands, the Tyrian model and the real Tyrian in the live footage each gain a cyan outline. Shortly after, the Penny model and the real Penny in the recorded video gain cyan outlines, as well.

Marrow: (over communicator) This is Ace Operative Marrow, requesting immediate assistance!

Watts gestures to a Scroll that is showing Mantle's election map, causing the colors to change in Jacques' favor. He swipes his hand across other Scrolls, causing their screens to light up.

"He changing it so penny the one killing them on the security camera" ruby said angrily

"He really is hacking the polls as well goddamn it" Weiss said

"So Jacques is really going to win" yang said

Robyn and Fiona stand back to back on the stage, weapons drawn.

Robyn: Huntresses, to me!

Fiona looks back at Robyn, unaware that Tyrian has ascended the stairs and begun running toward her on the stage.

Fiona: Come on, we've gotta get you outta here!

She turns and looks just in time to see Tyrian charging toward her. His right arm begins glowing purple with Aura, and his eyes glow purple, as well. He drags his fingers across her stomach and side, causing her Aura to dissipate from that area, as if he ripped it open. Immediately afterward, he swings his left arm, cutting Fiona with his weapon. Fiona cries out in pain and drops to her knees, while Tyrian leaps over her and Robyn. Hearing Fiona's scream, Penny turns to the stage.

"The only one who can back up penny has been injured and is unconscious" Blake said

"He also poisoned her so it might be along time until she wakes up" ruby said

"Yeah I got poisoned by him and not a fun experience" Qrow said

Penny: Robyn!

Penny activates her jets and flies toward the stage. Tyrian rises up behind Robyn, giggling to himself, and Penny tackles Robyn out of the way. Tyrian leaps up into the air. Robyn gasps and turns over onto her back, aiming her weapon at Penny, who slowly levitates her swords around her and scans the area for Tyrian. On a beam above the stage, Tyrian watches her.

Tyrian: Right on time.

Tyrian leaps away, and the power comes back on, momentarily blinding Robyn. Once her eyes adjust, Robyn sees Penny standing in front of her with swords drawn. Penny looks around, upset and confused. Behind her, the giant screen displays a photograph of Jacques, with the word "VICTORY!" below it.

"They trick penny to frame her" ruby said

"My father has won the election" Weiss said

Penny looked confused and upset

"Hey penny it's okay" ruby said

Newscaster: And the winner of the Atlas Council election is... Jacques Schnee!

Penny stares out at the bloodied civilians lying on the floor. The rest of the crowd is standing back from the massacre, crying and yelling hysterically. Ruby looks around at the scene in horror, while Marrow looks at the bodies in shock. One of the citizens, who is putting pressure on a fallen civilian's wound, points at Penny.

Random citizen: It's Ironwood's robot!

Robyn: Penny.

Penny turns to see Robyn staring at her with distrust. Penny folds her swords and puts them away.

Penny: I... I didn't.

"Everyone blaming penny" yang said

"I i didn't do anything" penny said

Ruby hugged penny while she looked scared at what happened

"Even Robyn doesn't trust me" penny said sadly

The screen begins displaying live footage of Jacques standing at a podium in front of the Schnee manor.

Jacques: Oho, thank you, everyone, thank you. It's all because of you. It's a new day in Atlas.

Ruby climbs onto the stage, runs over to Fiona and puts pressure on the wound, Robyn watching her as she does so.

Jacques: We've won, we did it!

Robyn glares at Penny and growls angrily. Ren and Nora run over and climb onto the stage.

"Good thing ruby putting pressure on the wound" Blake said

"She really angry now and is going to get revenge on us for this" Weiss said

"It's all Tyrian fault and watts" ruby said

Nora: What happened?

Ruby: It was Tyrian! Tyrian's here!

Ren draws his guns and deploys their blades, and Marrow climbs onto the stage. May, Joanna and the rest of the crowd charge toward the stage. Marrow points at them.

Marrow: Stay!

The crowd slows to a stop.

Marrow: Get Penny out the back, now!

"Good thing marrow was there" yang said

"Yeah but what does it mean for us in the future" ruby said sadly

Penny looks sadly at the screen

Nora encourages Penny to go backstage with her, and Ren follows them. Robyn aims her weapon at them the whole time, then folds the crossbow away once they are gone. She gets up, hurries over to Fiona, shoves Ruby away and begins applying pressure to the wound.

Fiona: I-I'm okay, I'm okay.

Marrow stops holding his pose and approaches Robyn and Fiona.

Marrow: I-I'm sorry. Is she--

He reaches toward them, and a crossbow bolt just barely misses his hand. Joanna glares with her weapon aimed at him. Ruby runs over to Marrow and begins tugging on his arm to get him to follow her backstage. He continues reaching out to Robyn.

"Okay I know all that just happened but ruby and marrow didn't do anything" yang said angrily

Ruby looked sadly at the screen along with some others

"Okay that it" zen said waking up to ruby and smacking her in on the head

"Ow what was that for?" Ruby asked

"I know that look your blaming yourself for what happened like with Pyrrha, penny Qrow among other things and I'm getting annoyed with it now" zen said

"I'm sorry" ruby said

"I'm looking for an apology just stop blaming yourself for everything" zen said

"Okay I'll try" ruby said

Marrow: This wasn't us, I swear.

He and Ruby run backstage. Robyn glares at them as they leave.

Watts watches a video on his screen titled MNTL_SECURITYCAM_PENNY_001. The video depicts Penny standing among the party-goers, swinging her swords at them.

Watts: Fine work, Tyrian. I think we are done for tonight.

He taps the large "UPLOAD" button, and then the screen fades away. He picks up his bag and his personal Scroll and turns away, tossing his Scroll into the air. His Scroll collapses, showing his W emblem, and he catches it, smirking.

"No one going to believe us now thanks to that

security footage" ironwood said

"See what i mean about trusting Robyn and letting her on the secret she would of acted differently" zen said

Somewhere in Mantle, Drunk Mann stares at a TV screen while other civilians run past him, screaming in panic.

Newscaster: A surprise victory by SDC Mining Corporation's CEO, Jacques Schnee. Last-minute voter turnout produced a dark horse victory for the Dust industry leader.

He drinks from his flask and walks away.

Ruby, Nora, Ren, Marrow and Penny are standing in an alleyway somewhere. Penny is standing apart from the group. Ren still has his weapons drawn, and Marrow has his hand to his face. Ruby turns and looks at Penny, who is staring into the distance, her eyes glimmering from the shock and despair. Ruby reaches her bloodied hand out to Penny, but then stops and looks at the blood. Marrow turns to Penny.

"Hey penny" ruby asked

Penny just looked at the screen

"Penny" ruby said sadly

"I'm sorry" penny said

"It's fine penny" ruby said hugging penny again

Marrow: Penny, you need to get to Atlas. Backup's on the way.

Penny does not answer.

Marrow: Penny?

Penny turns a little, as if to look back at him, but then flies away into the sky and disappears behind a building. In the distance, Grimm roar and more sounds of people screaming are heard.

Ruby: Grimm.

Marrow: (sighs, drawing his weapon) We've got a long night ahead.

The run out of the alley to face the Manticores that have begun invading Mantle. The giant screens in the city broadcast a live feed of Jacques' acceptance speech, while Mantle's security sirens begin blaring and the street lights turn red.

Jacques: And as the newest member of the Council, I pledge to serve each and every citizen of Mantle and Atlas.

"Now dealing with the Grimm because of what they did at the party" Nora said

"Yeah and my father doesn't even care about mantle he just hopes to get a profit out of it" Weiss said annoyed

"So that the end and it only gets worse" zen said

"Great why did you have to tell us" yang said

"I'm in that kind of mood today and I'm tired so you can all go to bed" zen said

"Okay" ruby said walking to their room

Everyone starts going to the rooms some of them look angry others happy and others sadly

"Well let's see how they react to everything else and volume 8" zen said sadly