
RWBY: Adventures Of Glico

Synopsis : Being transported to another planet isn't so bad, but what if you don't remember anything about yourself? now, that's a bummer. so what do you think our little Glico here would do? This is the first fan-fic that I ever wrote please guide me if you think that I did any mistakes.

Linley_irx · Anime & Comics
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002: Exploring The Forest

(Gilco P.O.V)

'I might said that I'm getting out of this forest but how the hell am I gonna do that ?' I thought as I tried to leave the forest that was both breathtakingly mesmerizing and dangerous.

Each direction seems to lead to another place that looks the same I guess all I need to do is to choose a direction and walk through it till I see civilization here's hoping to not return to square one.

As I walked for 20 minutes forward, I realized that this forest was massive I tried to climb a tree but my small limbs couldn't hold on so I just kept moving hoping to find something to guide me to any place that have people in it.

After I walked for another 10 minutes, I felt thirsty and tired so I had to rest for a while I found a tree bark that had a nice shade to it so I decided to sit underneath it.

a small gust of wind came that made me feel blessed as I felt rejuvenated just from this small peaceful moment.

Because I rested for a bit that got me thinking was I this small before I lost my memories? it feels wrong that my limbs are shorter….but I don't even remember them being tall or even adult size so why do I feel like something was missing like I was missing a big part of the puzzle hell I don't even know if I'm close from home or far away…I can't even remember my home…

I stood up immediately and stopped my way of thinking this way I will not find my home or my parents I need to find shelter and a doctor and I need to know where am I before I contemplate anything else.

After a while, I spotted a shack that was between trees and lavish grass that surrounded it from everywhere it was quite far from where I was but I had to go there as it is already close to sunset and I don't want to walk through a forest at the middle of the night.

After I reached the shack I tried to open the door to find it stuck 'is it jammed ? or is there a thing that block it from the inside? 'I pondered as I tried to stand up on my tip-toes to see from the window only to find a big rock which was blocking the door from the inside.

'No wonder the door wouldn't open I need to find another entry point to the shack 'as I thought about that I found a window behind the shack that looks to be open from the inside so I went behind the house to try to open the window and found it to be just out of reach I cursed my small limbs before I started looking for something to help me reach the window.

I found a small crate to the left of the shack that was empty but old it looked fragile but hopefully it won't break if I stood up upon it I heaved the small crate to the window and climbed the little crate to open the window with a couple of tries and a little bit of a twist I was able to open the window.

After I made sure that it won't fall down upon me I entered the shack not expecting the floor to be slippery I slipped and fell on my bum, by an accident my left hand hit the table to my left causing the hammer on it to fall and plunge on the floor underneath it.

" ouch...This is gonna hurt for a while "

I said out loud not expecting the fall to hurt me like that as I looked around in this abandoned shack I found out that It was almost empty it didn't have much as it only had a workshop table that only has a bunch of normal workshop tools and a fireplace that has cobwebs on it.

"well this is disappointing I thought il find at the very least water or something that could help me explore in the morning ahh well at the very least I found shelter and this hammer"

When I went to remove the hammer that was plunged into the floor It was stuck so I had to wiggle it out a bit but because the wood was old it broke down into two pieces and fell down..for 10 seconds.


I exclaimed as I saw that underneath the floors there was a basement that seems to go down and then left outside the house.

2nd Chapter coming right up.

Linley_irxcreators' thoughts