
RWBY: A New Start... Kinda?

Here your Dear Author, Now, Don´t worry, i am the original author Nick Polo. So, Long Story short, bullshit happened and i am currently moving my fanfic here to this account. Going to be working on new chapters soon, if Honkai Star rail new Event Let me of course, welp without further ado, Here you have it Folks~. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, let’s get this straight: 1 - I didn´t ask to reincarnate, but someone said F*ck it and did it anyway 2 - I didn´t want to fight for my life at any corner, but someone said F*ck it and put me in a world fill to the brim with monsters 3 - I didn´t want to look girly, but someone said F*ck it and now i look like a white haired princess ... Ok, so, who I have to kill first to deal with this bullsh*t? --------------------------------------------------------------- A man wakes up in the slumps of a strangely sci-fi looking city, were dark monsters attack humans, there is a second race that is constantly target for racism for no actually important reason, and the moon looks like a car crash on it and it broke apart. Here comes Nick, to try and find a simple and fulfilling live in the world of remnant.... or at least that is the original plan.

NickThePrinnyDood · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

A Sudden New Starting Point


Hello people... soooo~, this is a bit awkward.

so, for those that started reading my first book sorry, it my take a bit longer to make the next chapter, but it is coming, I just need to get a bit more clearance about elder ring story, in the meantime, here is a RWBY fanfic that I came up with a few days ago, you can read this one as the main one is the Wandering Furtive Knight.

Here it is, the first chap folks


When you think about isekai, what comes to your mind, maybe something along the lines of dying, meeting some god and reincarnating into ether a baby or taking over a body of the other world, sometimes said person is sent to a word of their choice, some other times they are sent to a world through lottery, but yeah, that's about the standard procedure for it, but maybe you are reading these and asking "Your point is?" … welp, the reason is simple.

<MC > huh?

Well, it seems that I reincarnated.


First let me tell you who I was, *cough* While, for reasons that I will leave as simply for the PLOT, I can´t really remember my full name, but I remember that I was called NICK by someone, maybe friend or family member, but that doesn´t matter anymore, what little I remember were my hobbies being anime, manga, light novels, etc., how cliché.

Now let me tell you about my NEW life, so, first of all, while I just realized that I reincarnated, it's not like I became aware of my surroundings at birth or anything, I became aware of myself the moment I became 4, that being right now, but let me ask this really quick.


No, wait, let´s think this a little, pay attention at your surroundings, what can I see with my little eyes, let see… Eh?

Ok, starting from the top, I don't think I´m in any fantasy Middle Ages-Type world, thank whatever god for it, now that doesn´t mean that I have a problem with isekais like that, I do enjoy fantasy settings, black summoner is my favorite manga while I consider "word magic" and "I'm a spider so what" to be the best isekai light novels there are, and fight me if you have a problem PUNK!!... Ok, I really am going nuts with these, let's go back to the important details.

First thing that caught my attention is a floating citadel, a city in the sky propelled by massive turbines… now THAT is amazing, how could something like that excysts? That's just screeches of sci-fi world, besides that another thing that I realized is where I am right now.

I´m in a trash bin.

… I´m not kidding, nor am I saying this for shit and giggles, I am ACTUALLY in a fucking trash bin…

Seriously, who the Actual fuck puts a little kid in a trash bin!? Come on people, this has to be a mistake right!? Yeah, it has to be- *gruurrrmm*

… that was my stomach… what the fuck happened to me?


Hello ladies and gentlemen~ Here is your little 4-year-old MC coming with braking news~

I Am an orphan~

…Ok that sounded better in my head, so before I start receiving some strange comments, let me start from the start, or to be more specific, from the moment my stomach sent the "I AM HUNGRY~" alarm… heh, start from the start, hehe

So, what happened after that was to try and feed myself, but I didn´t have a single cent to my name, so, to you my public let me ask you.

1 – Act cutely and ask for food

2 – Find food in the wilderness

3 – Steal food

Well, my readers, usually you will go from number 1, right?


If this place were a simple city, it might work, but not here, I'm currently in a slump that can be considered as the literal trash bin of society, from thieves to killers, from slavery to prostitution, all of these can be seen at every corner of these place with only being here for the last 20 minutes, and let me tell you, as a modern world citizen, things like killing and slavery hit really high in my disgust-meter, right bellow NETORARE and RAPE, and yes, I consider them at the same fucked up category.

<MC > …What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

On one side, steel to a thief or killer is not a good option, I mean, I am only 4, no amount of luck, if I have any looking where I ended up, will help me escape a grown man, on the other hand, I think I'm at the edges of whatever this town is, I could try my luck to see if I can get some fruits, maybe an apple or something… yeah, I might be doing something stupid but.

<MC > Let´s try going out.

With my mind set, I got out of the trash bin, or more accurately fell down of it, to go out… but I got the chance to see my reflection in a puddle of what I HOPE is water besides the place where I fell and let me tell you.

<MC > What kind of xianxia jade bullshit is this, I am 4 right?

Healthy porcelain skin, shiny white hair, icy blue eyes, and a face taken out of a fucking xianxia description… just thinking about this being my new face almost disgust me, what's next, finding a bullshit young master character yelling at me with "You are courting dead!" or something?

NO, I can figure that out later, for now, let's get the fuck out of here.


Let me tell you people, the guards, if you could call them that, really aren´t good at their job.

So, I was able to reach the gates of the town, and there were two tough looking guys that seems to be guards sleeping… what the fu- you know, seems like I have been saying that a lot lately.

Well, it works for me, so I left, while making sure that no one was following me, you can´t be always sure of anything after all, and, while it disgusts me to say it this way, I look cute as fuck in these body, don't really want a pedophile up my ass right now… or never.

<MC > ok, now where to- woah!!

Look at me not paying attention, now I'm falling down a slope, very well done boy, Pay Attention next time…

<MC > Damn, I think I cracked my butt… ok that was bad.

Getting up and cleaning, or trying to at least take out a bit of dust off me while looking around to search for food when…


<MC > The fuck!?

That yell, it sounded like a girl, a "little" girl to be specific, but what… What are my legs doing!? Before I realized I was already running with all my might towards the source of the yell… just to find two little girls, one with blond hair and another smaller with black hair in front of a massive bipedal black wolf with something like a skull mask in its head "What the Fuck…" that thing made something click on my head, now I know where I am, but before that, I started running again "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, RUN!!" I run towards the girls and took the little one in my arms while pulling the hand of the other. "GRRRAARR!" the beast started running towards us, of course realistically speaking it is impossible for a bunch of kids to run away from it, but I didn´t had to worry too much, as a moment later the sound of the beast running at us stopped.

<MC > haa, haa, it seems, haa, it left us alone.

<BLOND GIRL> Haa, Haa, Haa

Both girls were still shaking, the blond girl was just barely standing, while the little girl in my arms is clutching at me like there is no tomorrow.


After a while the sound of a man yelling could be here, finally, someone that can help.

<MC > Finally, I can… have a rest…

And with that I fell to the ground on my back and fell unconscious.


POV Third Person

A day has passed since the incident in where the boy appeared in front of the two young girls, the man and father of the girls, Tai Xiao Long, took the children in the house, after scolding the blond girl, Yang, for taking her little sister, Ruby, outside into the forest without telling anyone, he proceeded to take care of their bruises, and helping the little boy, the least that he could do after helping them from the Grimm.

The boy looked like he has the same age as Yang, being a little taller than her, but there was no reaction from the boy, he fell unconscious and the only proof that he was alive was his relaxed breathing, but even that made them worried as it already had been a day since then.

<TAI > Did you discover anything about him Qrow?

Tai is currently in the living room speaking with another man across him drinking from a canister, his old friend Qrow Branwen, a professional Huntsman.

He came to check on the girls after hearing from Tai about what they tried to do, or more specifically Yang, so he asked him if he could check for any news regarding a missing child.

<QROW > No luck Tai, not a single missing child report with descriptions similar to the little whitey there.

<TAI > I see, thanks anyways.

Tai went to the kitchen as he was waiting for some cookies to finish baking.

<TAI > The kid just showed up yesterday, covered in dirt and wearing rags, and saved my little girls, but no news… the kid should be easy to identify, especially with his face and white hair… what's wrong Qrow?

While speaking, Tai saw how Qrow was thinking about something "…Now that you say that Tai…" Qrow got up and started looking outside the window while drinking from the canister.

<QROW > There is a family that has similar facial characteristics as the kid you know?

<TAI > Who are you talk-… no Qrow, I don´t think he is from that family, just look at his condition before I cleaned him.

"Yeah, I know, you already told me, I´m just saying you know" Qrow turned to Tai while still thinking about the possibility, but the more he thought about it, the less he believed in it "besides, there was news of them having a young boy, the third child, but no news about a missing child anywhere… but knowing that prick…" then Qrow sat down in a chair with a grunt.

<QROW > Jacques Schnee throwing away a kid doesn´t sound so unreal you know?

*step* *step*

While they were speaking, the sound of someone walking could be here, both Tai and Qrow turned to see who it was, just to see a white haired boy "ehm… good morning?" the boy was not sure what to say, confusion was clear in his face, but Tai showed relive as the boy woke up just in time.

<TAI > Hello there little one, glad that you woke up, do you feel any pain in your body?

<WHITE HAIRED BOY> Well no, just hungry, that's all…

They boy answered unsure or conflicted in how to speak with them, something that both took notice, but they weren´t going to just go ahead and question him, they needed some answers, but there is a time and place for it.

<TAI > Very well, then just go and take a sit in the table, I'm going to prepare something really quick, ok?

<WHITE HAIRED BOY> …ok, thank you…

The boy spoke slowly while taking one of the chairs and sitting down, this made both Qrow and Tai think the same "Poor boy, most have been scared for his live out there"

… Of course, that is not what is passing through the boy's head

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME, WHY THE FUCK DID I GET SO TIMID- NO, WHAT KIND OF BITCHY BEHAVIOR IS THIS!!?" The kid was dying inside, for some reason, he was unable to speak clearly with them, all he could do was just stay quiet while waiting for the food, meanwhile, Qrow took the chair across him, he needed to at the very least find out who this boy was "Hey kid, I know you may not feel really good right now, but can you tell us your name?"

<NICK > …Nick…" Good god, what is wrong with me, Keep it together already!"

<QROW > Nick eh, got it, so Nick, where did you came from, I think your parents should be worried sick about you.

Hearing Qrow, Nick just shacked his head, denying his comment "don´t know… and… I don´t think I have parents…" hearing that, both adults got alarmed, the way he was speaking is as if he is not even sure who his parents were, but before he could ask another question "WE ARE BACK~!" the front door opened and was followed by the childish voice of a little girl that came running to them "Ah! You´re awake! Yang, the boy is awake" the girl, Ruby was being followed by her older sister Yang, who was also surprised seeing Nick sitting "You´re awake! Are you ok? You fell down when Dad found us!"

<TAI > Ok girls, give him some space already, right you don´t really know each other, right? Come on girls, introduce yourselves

Yang and Ruby went close to Nick after hearing their fathers' words "Hello there, I'm Yang Xiao Long, I'm 7 nice to meet you" after her, Ruby followed up "Hi~, I´m ruby Rose and I'm 5~ thank you for saving us yesterday~" with both finished, Nick stood up and introduced himself "Well, it was nothing, really… oh right, I'm Nick and I am 4… nice to meet you too…"


<RUBY > Wow, so you are younger than me~!

These was the first meeting between the Rose/Xiao Long Family and their newest member, Nick Rose.


During that meeting Tai and Qrow came to understand many things about Nick, mainly that he really didn´t knew anything and was completely alone, these brought both of them and Yang a feeling of pity for the poor boy, but Ruby on the other hand became excited, because of an idea that came to her head

<RUBY > Why don't you stay here, that way I can be a big sister~

While it sounded a bit aggressive, Tai felt that it was better than to simply leave him in an orphanage after what he has done and accepted, while originally he thought of registering him into the family under Nick Xiao Long, Yang and Ruby said that it sounded weird, and if he was given the Branwen last name, it will sound like he was Qrows child, so he was given the name Nick Rose, becoming the second Rose of the family after Ruby, making the little girl happy to have a little brother.


10 Years later – City of Vale

Just another night in the city of Vale, the bars are crowded, you can hear the traffic going all night, and you could even see the less than desirable bunch walking through the streets as if they own the place, and today is no exception.

In one of the streets, there is a little dust store called FROM DUST TILL DAWN, and in this store, a small group just went in to get their merchandise… just to leave with their butts kicked


4 men in black suits were all in the ground, the leader of the group was just watching everything unfold with a bored and annoyed face while swinging a cane in his hand

<Leader > Huh~, well you were worth every lein, that´s for sure

The leader, a man with ginger Hair, small hat and a white dress throw the cigarette on his mouth and took aim with his cane towards the source off all his troubles, a little girl in black with a red hoodie and a scythe, Ruby Rose.

<Leader > Well red, I believe we can say that this has been an eventful evening… but this is where we part ways.

The Leader shot a powerful charge that destroyed part of the street, but ruby had already evaded the attack and started to look for him, just to find him climbing a ladder on another building, but before she could go after him, she asked the owner of the store if it was ok for her to do so and with an affirmation from him, she went after the leader.

Once she was gone, the old Owner started to contact the authorities, but the goons left behind started to get up with some difficulty. The old man, afraid of what they could do to him, kept on trying to contact the police as the goons were walking after him, but.

"W-What the-!?"

"The Hell!?"

The ground started to transform, and some sort of earth ropes captured and immobilized them.

Really that girl, always making troubles, even when not doing anything.

The owner looked at the source of the voice, just to see a young man of long white hair, sky-blue eyes and dressed in black, carrying a one edge sword on his left hand with strange attachment in the handle.

This one is of course Nick, 10 years have come and gone, now as member of the Rose Xiao Long Family, he goes through his days mainly watching over the smaller of his problematic Big sisters.

<NICK > Oh! Right, *cough* *cough* Sir, I have already contacted the police, they will be arriving shortly, and another thing, have you seen a little girl in a red hood?

The owner woke of his surprised, the man was asking about the young lady that helped him just a moment ago "A-Ah, yes, she went that way, to the top of the building" said the owner while pointing the direction

"Excellent, thank you" Nick started running while taking a little green ball from his pocket and putting pressure on it until it broke "Now then"

The moment the ball broke, its content seemed to generate a strange green colored electric current, followed by a sudden burst of wind surrounding him, but Nick was waiting for that before attempting to jump, just to be lunch all the way towards the roof of the building.

<Owner > …really, hunters are really incredible aren´t they.


Currently in an interrogation office there are three people present, two of them are currently sitting down while the third one is walking around them, the two sitting down are Nick and Ruby, while the other one is a Huntress that saved Ruby during her fight with Roman Torchwick, the leader of those black suit goons, Glynda Goodwitch

With a frown on her face and while walking, she said "you two should understand the severity of your actions, you put your life's and everyone else's in the area in great danger…"

<RUBY > They started it!

<NICK > Excellent comeback there Sis, really making us proud here…

<RUBY > Shut up Nicky!

Glynda glared to the two siblings and continued "If it were up to me I you to would go home with a pat on your back" making Ruby get a bit relaxed "And a slap on the wrist!" slamming the table with a flexible stick (A/N: Sorry but I can´t remember how it's called).

<RWBY > Eep~!

<NICK > …Where did she kept that?

<GLYNDA > …But there is someone how would like to meet you both

With that, she steps aside, letting another person in, a man carrying a plate of cookies.

<NICK > …Oh ho, someone got the bribe ready…


<NICK > …It´s super effective… *sigh*

The man got closer to the two, paying close attention to them, specially to Ruby "Ruby rose… You have silver eyes"

<NICK > A-

<RUBY > You better stay quiet if you are going to say one of your smartass's comments, Nicky

<NICK > Well, my sister, you know me well~

While the siblings were chatting between them, the two in front of them were looking with different expressions, Glynda with a deeper frown and the man with a small smile on his face, before showing them a record of Ruby´s fight "So, where did you learn to do this…"

<RUBY > S-signal academy?

<NICK > Well, one teacher in particular to be specific

"I see" said the man before placing the plate of cookies before them… which were starting to disappear one by one into Ruby´s mouth "Its's just that I have only seen another scythe wilder of such skills"

<NICK > You are speaking of Old Man Qrow right?

<MAN > Correct

With that said, the man takes a chair across them and sits "So tell me, why are two children's like you training in the use of such dangerous weapons"

<NICK RUBY> We want to be hunters

<MAN > You two want to slay monsters?

<RUBY > Yeah, well you see-HMPH!?

"Ok let me stop you there before you start rambling like a fan girl sis" said Nick while covering Ruby's mouth and then turned to look at the man "Long story short we want to be hunters, we have or reasons, yes, Ruby wants to help people to follow our parents' steps, while I am doing it for the money" that answer surprised both of them, while Ruby became a bit angry

<RUBY > Nicky!

<NICK > You know how much I hate not being true to myself Ruby, and besides, I don´t really think that it matters, professor Ozpin must likely already know of us from Dad and the old man after all

<RUBY > Huh?

"Indeed, in that case let me ask you this, would you like to come to Beacon?" said Ospin looking directly at the two of them, and that question just made Ruby´s day "More than anything else!"

<OZPIN > What about you, Nick Rose

<NICK > You don´t really need to ask, I´m in.

"Excellent" Ozpin stood up, his business done "You can go back home now, I believe Tai will be waiting for you"


After the two left, Ozpin and Glynda where in a bullhead heading back to Beacon Academy "Are you sure this was a prudent decision, while the girl is 15, the boy is only 14, nearly a child"

"I understand your worries Glynda, but I believe this is for the best, especially for him" said Ozpin while reading a document regarding Nick Rose, showing his progress in Signal as well as most prominent skills and Semblance



Age: 14 Years Old

Gender: Male

Height: 6´1"

Second year student of Signal Academy

Awoke his aura during his first year by himself by looking at the teachers awakening the auras of the other students.

During Aura testing process, the defensive, offensive and healing capabilities of his aura put him in an aura level similar to 5 times the aura capacity of a grown and professional hunter.

His Semblance is called "Manifestation", any amount of dust that comes in contact with his naked hands will activate the semblance, showing a electric current of the color pertaining of the type of dust used, following the ability to generate phenomenon's related to such element, fire waves when using fire dust, water control when using water dust, earth transmutation when using earth dust, and other similar cases.

He created his weapon, called as "Dust bringer", a one edge long sword with special mechanism that generates an effect similar to his own semblance, the lower portion of the blade is integrated with a gun-like mechanism where dust cartridges are loaded, when pulling the trigger, the blade will generate an elemental reaction depending of type of dust cartridge used


There were other pages on the document, but Ozpin, and Glynda once she took a look at it, where convinced "This young man has an interesting set of abilities, I hope to see what he will be able to do later on"