
The "Pride of Mistral" and the "Merchant of Death"

Argus, Mistral.

"Remind me why we are here again?" asked a girl with white hair and blue eyes who looked to be 16 years old towards a young man who looked to be 19.

"I am here to check up on the Colossus stationed here and to see if Talos industries can enhance it in some way, I also need to gather combat data for my new Type-101 Drones, for this purpose the Sanctum academy has generally provided one of their best students to gather the data, you, on the other hand, are here to battle the said student in mock combat to hone your skills before you go to Beacon next year," Alex said as Weiss looked glumly to the side.

"I am not weak enough to warrant such a training," she said as Alex looked at her warmly for a moment before his eyes hardened.

"It is not a matter of being strong or weak, it is a matter of gaining skills required to stay alive in all kinds of situations, personally, I want to stop you from ever stepping foot out of Atlas, but since I know that you are just as stubborn as me, you will definitely find a way to get out of Atlas by hook or crook, and I think it is better to train you to the level where I am satisfied instead of pushing you away while you are still not sufficiently skilled to live on your own as a huntress"

Weiss did not say anything as she looked away from him, this side of him always annoys her. It is as if he can see right through her, knowing exactly what she is thinking every moment of her life. But even then, she could now help but admire her brother for everything he had accomplished all by himself, sure, some people call him 'The Merchant of Death' due to his company being a highly successful weapons and drones manufacturer, but what those foolish people did not know was that the very weapons they despise are also the same weapons that are right now being used by the militaries around in all the kingdoms to safeguard their lives from both Grimm and human threats. Not to mention the highly advanced weapons that they provide to the huntsman and women throughout the world to better protect it.

But there always were people who were either jealous or afraid of her brother for his success and power, especially the White Fang and a few other radical groups.

While they both continued to walk into the Atlas military base in Argus, they were greeted by two strange soldiers flanking a very short woman.

"Greetings Mr.Schnee, Ms.Schnee, welcome to Argus military installation A" she greeted as Alex simply nodded as Weiss completely ignored her.

"Special operative Caroline Cordovin, a pleasure to meet you," Alex said

"We are honored to have the CEO of Talos Industries personally make a trip to improve our Colossus," she said Alex said.

"It is alright Special operative, but let's cut to the chase shall we? take me to it" he said as the woman nodded while also signaling the soldiers behind her.

"These two will guide Ms.Schnee to her temporary quarters we have prepared to take some rest before the student from Sanctum arrives for Combat simulation," she said as the two soldiers guided Weiss to a nearby manor which was, admittedly, very luxurious.

Soon, the woman brought Alex to a hanger hidden inside the hill located at the installation, this was the location where the Colossus was kept.

The moment Alex laid his eyes on the massive machine, only one word came to his mind. Ugly.

This thing was even worse looking than the first generation Sentinels from his old world which he had seen thanks to a few old recordings of the attack on the American president by Magneto.

"Dust generators used to power the entire structure, obsolete Hardlight generators for defenses, a cannon that can switch between different forms of dust based on the situation, ingenious but also flawed, the cartridge rotation system poses a great danger of self-implosion should it be damaged, not to mention the open barrel of the weapon is big enough for a human to get into it and destroy it with a weapon or by suicide bombing, bulletproof glass providing the pilot with the outside view, again, obsolete design compared to solid armor combined with external cameras and built-in screen for more protection. The Center of gravity is low enough to provide good stability for the machine but also hindering the agility of the machine. Legs are not armored enough to be effective against threats aiming for them in situations where the hard light shields fail. All in all, this thing is so obsolete that I do not understand why Atlas has not scrapped it yet" Alex said in a single breath as he used Technokinesis to scan every inch of the machine, leaving Cordovin and the other soldiers in a complete state of shock with how accurate his evaluations were.

"Well, I guess you really deserve to be praised as the number one genius in all of Atlas, Mr.Schnee," she said after some time as she recovered from her shock.

"It is alright operative, I already have a few plants to improve this design, I will be sending in a few of my personal to modify the machine, I think you will have an improved Colossus in two months time," Alex said as Cordovin beamed with happiness.

"Thank you, Mr.Schnee-" she said as she was suddenly intercepted by a soldier whispering something into her ear, after a few seconds, she nodded and turned towards Alex and said.

"It appears that the student from Sanctum had arrived and your own airships containing the testing equipment had also arrived," she said as Alex nodded.


Pyrrha Nikos was feeling a little bit nervous as she waited in the waiting room of the Atlas military base in Argus, waiting for the man that she was supposed to help in gaining combat data for a new type of drone that Atlas was developing.

Honestly, Pyrrha was very nervous to meet a man that was praised as well as detested in equal parts by the entire world, some called him 'The child of light' for all the humanitarian efforts and civilian technologies he developed for the sake of the common people, whether they be human or faunus, while on the other hand, some call him 'The Merchant of death' due to the dangerous weapons and military hardware that he develops which are used by the militaries around the world. Sometimes, some of those weapons even end up in the hands of terrorists who use them to cause great harm to the kingdoms, and the fact that he happens to be a Schnee does not help his case with the faunus.

As she continued to wait, she saw the main door open from which a handsome young man walk in along with a short old woman.

"Pyrrha Nikos? I am Alexander Schnee, CEO of Talos Industries" he said as he extended his hand which Pyrrha caught in a handshake.

"It's an honor sir," she said as Alex gave a small head shake and said.

"Do not call me sir, you can call me Alex or Mr.Schnee" he said as Pyrrha nodded.

"Yes, Mr.Schnee"

"Well then, according to the request I made with your school, I will be asking you to come here every Sunday for Combat simulation and for data gathering for the next five months as you were already informed, as compensation for your efforts, Talos Industries will be sponsoring parts for you to upgrade your equipment along with a letter of recommendation to Atlas Academy should you choose to attend it in the future, we will also be helping you with joining the Military if you would want, aside from that we will also be willing to grant any small favors you might have in the future," Alex said in a single breath as Pyrrha stood rooted on the spot, shocked at the generous compensations being given to her, putting aside all of the recommendations and favors, the parts that they would provide her with alone would cost a fortune if she were to buy them outside. After all, the weapons and armors along with the materials sold by Talos Industries were very popular and were always in high demand, so much so that even with the limited supply of said products and the price being sky high, they quickly fly off the shelves the moment they arrive in shops.

Well, looks like she will be spending the next five months with this enigmatic man.

Thus 'The Pride of Mistral' met 'The Merchant of Death'