
RWBY: A Man With A System

This novel is being re:write to RWBY: Reborn With A System.

Glace · Others
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73 Chs

Chapter 27: United We Stand Part 2

Gin moves forward and he crouches, he dashes to the first Grimm in front of him transforming his Mixi Morph armor into a scythe and cuts one down.

Gin bounce up again, taking out a second and turns to take out a third. Moving into the circle of beowolves behind him he slashes at them, taking out a total of eight before running to attack the ninth.

As it goes down, two put themselves in front of Elenor. The one in the front roars at her, but she is unfazed. As it leaps on her, she takes it out with one hit in the gut and a shot in the head, and then took care of the other one to its left, and yet two more approach her from behind in different directions.

Elenor was hit on the face which sends her backward. She looks up and dodges out of the way as a Beowolf tried to bite her.

But she filled her Gun with dust bullets and shot the Grimm making it no more.

Gin: That was the last of them. Good job!

Elenor: What!?

She looks around the clearing. It's now empty except for Gin, Elenor and a few black shapes that slowly dissapating into smoke.

Her eyes widen as she relise that in the time it took her to defeat four, Gin despatched the rest of the pack.

Elenor: Wow you defeated them in no time at all, and you got some not to shabby fighting skills either!

Gin: Aw, you just saying that...

Elenor: No, seriously. You are way better then i thought you'd be!

???Guy: I heard some Grimm in this direction come on sis!!

???Girl: Slow down you idiot!!

Me and Elenor was looking were the voice come from and saw 2 people with red hair come from the bushes.

Gin: Lea!! Aria!!

Lea: Gin!! Oh thank god.

Aria: Oh hey Gin!!

Then Aria saw Elenor with an shocked expression.

Aria/Elenor: You!!!

Aria: We meet again, murderer!

Gin:{...Um am i missing something?}

Elenor: Stop calling me that or i swear to gods i'll- What are you even doing here?!

Aria: Oooooooh? Don't you see, poisoner? Looks like we are teammates now.

Elenor: (Shocked face) No!

Aria: For the next four years! (With and a triumphent face)

Elenor: Over my dead body!!

Aria: Oh if you insist.... Allow me.

Elenor: Hah! Bring it on, bloodgirl! I tie you up in that stump over there and then BEAT YOU UP WITH YOUR OWN WEAPON YOU ASSHOLE!!

Gin: Okey, time-out!

Gin moves inbetween the two girls, stretching my arms to the side so as to increase the dangerously diminishing distanserar between them.

Gin: What's going on here? You two know each other already?

Aria: How could i forget the face of my would be killer?!

Elenor: For the love of god, i was NOT trying to kill you! But you're certainly making me wish otherwise!!

Aria: You've lost the privilege of me trusting anything coming out of your mouth or made by your hands a long time ago!!

Elenor: Ah! Be prepared to lose trust in your face then!

Lea: "Sigh" well here we go again.

Gin: Calm down already! What the hell happend between you two?!

Elenor: She insulted me!!

Aria: After you tried to give me food poisoning!

Gin: What? Food poisoning? {Oh no is she like Yang and can't cook food!}

Lea: (Noticin something) Um guys.

Elenor: Not my fault your stomach can only handle spicy stuff.

Aria: Suuuuure, the fault is in my stomach. Not in your awful cooking.

Elenor: T-There is nothing wrong with my cooking!

Aria: we almost skipped a helping day becase i was to sick to even speak properly!

Lea: Um guys, guys!

Elenor: Maybe you caught the flu or something on the way there!!

Gin:{Ahhhhh, im starting to see what this is all about.... But what do they mean by helping day?}


Gin: Ugh that was loud. Sorry Lea what is it?

Lea: We're are in trouble!

Elenor: Hmm huh!! You're right, there is something coming our way!

Aria and Lea produce their weapon. Aria set up 2 Cutless while Lea brought out a big mace from his jaket.

Elenor: Off all the places to meet bloodgirl again...

Elenor just falls into a guard stance, bending her knees while brought out her tonfas out.

I was more then prepared to fall into a square formation, our backs facing each other as we overlook our surroundings.

Elenor: Lea, what do you hear?

Lea: Quick footsteps. Rapid but not heavy. And there the sound of rustling leaves but no destruction....

Gin: Is it a singel enemy?

Lea: Yes!

Aria: For the love of- what exactly did Ozpin want us to kill?

Gin: {Looks like whatever we were suppose to hunt is now coming our way at increadible speed.}

Lea: I blame you girls, you know that Grimm are attracted by negative emotions.

Aria: Y-Yeah, we probably shouldn't have done that in a Grimm infested forest... but she gets on my nerves!

Elenor: We can do that later! Now focus, dammit! What do we know about this thing?!

Gin: It's getting closer!

Lea: Ozpin did say that it's not a nativ to the Emerald Forest.

Aria: It was also implied to be particulary dangerous, so it's safe to say it's not a common Grimm.

Gin: So we're looking at a single, dangerous Grimm who's awhile enough to move through this thick forest without causing unnecesary damage and whose foot steps are light... it doesn't sound like any Grimm i've ever encountered.

The Grimm exited the forest from the tree-lines directly in front of me, so i'm the one who got a good look at it and i wish i hadn't

The gangly figure slithers its way into the clearing. The middle leg touch the ground first, precisely setting on the underbrush with worried a sound while posterior twins still rest on the tree. They're thin but strong, made of chitinous lucid darkness.

The tubular body of the Grimm progresses into a long neck and then produces a triangular head with large bolbous red eyes protruding from a mask of osseous material.

Gin: {Omg!! it's a Grimm Mantis! It's huge!!}

Its mandible powers with a sickening click, and emits a sibilar hiss ad it stands thrice our height.

Lea: What... the hell is this thing!?

Gin:{ I haven't heard or seen anything like this Grimm, i mean it never showed in the show? Is it here becase of my existence!?}

Elenor: We got to get out of this thicket immediatly. We need open ground!

Aria: There is a large glade to the north of here.

Lea: But wouldn't the forest give us more cover?!

But it gave us an answer for that.

It's walking backwards up the tree, his eyes set on us as its body shimmers with the refeacted light of the sun and the... in a few second, it's no more.

Lea: And that answers that, Run!!

Gin: Ooohhh shit it can camouflage!!!

As we burts through the treeline i hear clicks, moving shrubbery and creaking wood from a few feet behind us.

Our pursuer is forgoing its grace in the pursuit of prey.

Gin: It's right behind us, isn't it.

Elenor: Darn right it is!!


Lea: C-Can we even outrun it in a forest?!

Gin: Duck!!

Lea: Holy!!

We land in a roll, get back on our feet and run past the felled three, it's top half crashing to the ground.

Aria: Less talk more running!! Ah the trees... it's coming again!

Elenor: Gin watch out, Dodge!!

Gin dodges to the right and it misses and another tree falls victim to our pursuer.

Gin: How much further Aria?!

Aria: We're soon th- Watch out!!

My eyes widen as i see a tree a few places in front of us starting to fall on its side. The damn Grimm does up in front to try and block our path! Elenor hesitates.... But just for an instant.

Elenor: We can't slow down!!

Gin: That tree!! we should slide underneath it!

Elenor: Good idea! let's!!

Aria: What!!

Gin felt his aura flaring, its warmth pumping from his core to all the way to his limbs.

His body got lighter and his steps quicken, hammering at the underbrush.

The tree is still falling.

Aria: we're not gonna make it!!!!

After the slide...

Aria: I can't belive we made it!!

Lea: The glade is right in front of us!

Gin: What's the plan, now?!

Elenor: Depends! how do you feel Gin?

Gin: Im down with anything as long as we defeat that thing.

Elenor: Glad to hear it! Listen up! The moment we break out the thicket, turn around and fire everything you've got! Got it!!

Lea: Im going in the middle!

Aria: I'll aim high!

Gin: Im going low then!!

Elenor: I'll join you Gin! When i count to three!

I was preparing my armor and change it to a mini gatling gun while the frustration Grimm is hot on our tail, weaving through the thinner sea of trees and crushing the small ones in it's way, trying to reach us before we get out of the forest and it loses its advantage.

Gin: Three!!

Aria: Two!!

Lea: One!!

Elenore: Fire!!

After a shower off bullets rains through the forest.

Lea: D-Did we get it?

Gin:{We got the treeline for sure. The area in front of us is riddled with burns, cuts, bullets holes and smoke but i see no trace of our enemy though? If it was dead there should be a disappearing carcass somewhere.}

Elenor: Oh we got him for sure.

Elenor says with a wry grin but not one of us has put down their weapon down.

Lea: Yeah it's not over yet!

I turn around and see it again, it's still alive but heavily injured, it's downed and crippled. It can't get away from us!

Elenor: Final round, Team are you ready!

Me, Elenor and Lea charges the Grimm while Aria provides distance backup.

Trying to distracted its focus from Aria, Gin shoots the Grimm, aiming for the eyes while Lea and Elenor took each side and tried to strike it but it was using its huge arms and blocked the attack making it ineffectively.

Aria fires a lightning dust shot at its body, encasing it in bolts of electricity.

Elenor: it's stumbling! Gin! Lea! now!!

Lea: Aria! give me a boost.

Elenor: Gin! try to snare its arms!

Gin: Got it!

I turn my armor into a whip and it snaps through the air and wraps around the Grimm natural weapon. And with Gin kinda insane strength and with the boost of aura, he pulls it hard.

Lea prepared his mace and made it bigger while Aria slams her fist together.

Lea jumps through the air and lands on Aria's outstretch hands. Aria shifts Lea's weight on her outstretched arms and jumped while still holding Lea and throws him to the Grimm.

Lea: Hyyaaaaahhhh!

Lea smashes the Grimm's face and it was defeated.

Lea: And that takes care of that!!

Gin: That was incredible guys!! But Elenor, how did you know they could do that?

Elenor: "sigh" this is not the first time we've fought together, As much as i hate to admit it.

Gin:{Oh right. They did mention some kind of helping day they went on before.}

Elenor: Still good job, Gin. You reacted on our clues quickly and efficently. That was great teamwork.

Gin: Oh thank god for that! I've never worked with a team before so i hope i didn't mess anything up.

Aria: Gin, you were incredible.

Lea: But not amazing as me, right sis!?

Aria: Yeah yeah you were pretty good too.

Elenor/Gin: Hahaha!

We did it. We survived the initiation and passed the test. But i think Ruby and the other were in differn't group becase i never saw them, not even Pyrrha! And becase of the people i saw was never mention in the story.

Ozpin: Well.... it seems congratulations are in order, children.

Everyone: Ah!! Headmaster Ozpin.

And here is an extra... extra.... long chapter i hope you enjoy becase this was my first time writing so much and tried to correct so many mistake, but now it is finished and the will be no chapter on friday becase of personal reasons. (And to get more ideas for chapters)

But i did this for you guys and now its time for my rest godnight folks.

Glacecreators' thoughts