
RWBY - The madness of Lappland

Feelings towards a psychopath are similar to walking on a broken mirror. Once you decide to step on it, you have to carefully place your steps to avoid falling on sharp shards at the same time don't let the broken mirror break under your weight. Only being slow and gentle will not destroy the broken mirror, but its shards will injure your feet. In time you will learn to walk on it and the moment you stop feeling pain then you will be able to see the beauty of this shattered world you are walking on where her blood mixes with yours and the reflections of the light show you, yourself in each broken shard of the mirror. Only then you will understand that the moment you stepped on the broken mirror you lost your ability to escape and became part of this shattered world. So will you choose to love a psychopath even if it hurts you? Will you choose to risk shattering her mind even more? Will you become the only visible person in the reflections of her mind ? * the photo does not belong to me, if the original author would like the photo to be taken off, please write in the comment. My English is terrible, most of this work will be written in translators. Of course, all the original characters and stories in fan fiction belong to their original creators.*

ElizjumGarden · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

A mess in the lobby 2

Ebony Pov

' Please do not worry Lappland has problems but she is not dangerous '

That day , only these words made me not call the police . After all , because of the conditions of the world in which we live , more than once I have met people who are more or less on the verge of insanity . Grimms or racism against fanus , I had enough reason to believe that such a beautiful girl could have mental problems . Besides, I felt that there was something wrong with her the moment I saw the expression in her eyes .

..... Or maybe it was also the fear that I felt towards her ..... Fear born of what I saw and heard ..... Fear of fulfilling her threat. Nevertheless mostly the reason behind my action , was the trust in her roommate , who seemed to be fully aware of her friend problems .

I trusted her words as to the danger the wolf girl posed , and for that reason I dropped the subject , thinking it was just the meaningless mumblings of a mentally unstable person . However , I still had an uncertainty and fear inside me . Uncertainty , which I honestly had neither the reason , nor the courage , nor the time or strength to delve into at the time.

And this uncertainty and fear , was born from a memory , which I can not get out of my mind . Despite the assurances of her roommate , until now I can not get rid of the image of those eyes . I can not forget the look , that she give me back then....

That cold and unfeeling look in her eyes . She did not look at me as another human being . This look , was the look of a lost animal , distrustful and betrayed . Just one look put me against the wall , giving me the feeling of her claws on my neck . Aggression , madness and indifference is the only thing I felt when looking into those beautiful eyes .

' Blue like a clear sky , combined with the shining silver of the moon itself . Those eyes alone , leaving aside their oddity and the darkness hidden in them are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life . I knew it the moment I first saw her. I will lie , saying that I was not stunned by her beauty .'

' Feminine and yet she gives me the feeling of a male at his peak . Lovely tail and ears on the body of a dominant predator . The contradiction between the scars I saw on her body , with the soft white as snow skin , stretched over her feminine and yet athletic body . Perhaps her smile combined with the expression of her eyes was strange , but it also had a strange charm about it . '

For my virgin heart , my first meeting with her was the opening of a completely new path in my heart . Perhaps deep inside me I want a change of pace in my life . After all, I am a hotel employee with a monotonous life . Is it so bad to desire something different ? Instead of dreaming only about boys , can I be interested in girls too ? Instead of a good husband , can I look for a free spirit ? Dangerous , beautiful , crazy and wild girl at whom , despite the feeling of fear , I feel a strange desire for intimacy . The desire to be free from worries and responsibilities .

' To travel the world together , in her strong arms..... '

During the elevator ride I couldn't stop thinking about it . First meeting with this girl was strange , but it changed a lot in me . I learned a lot about myself . I learned that I have a weakness for fanus , or more precisely for their cute animal qualities . And more importantly that I may be interested more in women and not men .

However, the very same day , by what happened in front of that mirror , by the words I heard coming then out of those beautiful lips , that smile and eyes full of madness . I'm not sure if her beauty Is event clouse enough to cover the monstrosity I saw in her. The animal that was hiding behind a beautiful body . When she turned her gaze away from the mirror to look at me .... I was prey .... I felt it with every part of my body. This feeling of danger with her beautiful and wild appearance .

It was a beauty that people saw watching lions in the zoo . Unfortunately this lion was standing right in front of me . Without anything to protect me from it .Like meeting a lone , rabid wolf in the middle od a Atlas tundra . I felt the same cold , the same loneliness . I was afraid . I just want to forget about this fear . But I can't ....

I kept thinking about it , the memories continued to drive my mind . After the elevator doors opened, I could still feel the gentle trembling in my body . But I gather my thoughts and courage to push the cart out of the elevator . Unfortunately all the water has already soaked into the carpet of the elevator so there was not much I was able to do about it . It will simply have to be washed tomorrow .

After the elevator closed behind me I noticed a disturbing silence in the hallway . Looking around left and right , I see how the corridor in the middle of the length of which I am standing , leads in two directions . However, looking at the wet footprints on the floor , I see that they lead me to the left . The footprints lead through almost the entire corridor and end at a room that is familiar to me . Not caring about the wet footprints on the floor , I hurriedly push the cart along the corridor to the left .

Due to the soundproofing of the rooms , I don't count on any of the guests to hear anything disturbing , even less I doubt I will hear anything myself . So with uncertainty I head toward the door of the room inhabited by wolf girl named Lappland and her roommate .

On the way I was accompanied by silence , which , despite the fact that it is always normal here at this time , so that I never paid attention to it , now filled me with anxiety . When the disturbing words of the wolf girl , spoken to her own reflection , came back to my head . I wanted to turn around and retreat . After all , I have already finished my work , I don't need to do it .

' I will clean the floor and go home ' .

This was my thought which disappeared at the moment when the memory of the black-haired , beautiful girl , who that day in solitude , sitting on the window sill while smoking a cigarette , was reading her book .

' Calm .... I'm not going there to fight . I just go to see if there is something serious going on there . Maybe there is really nothing going on and I am just paranoid . '

I think , leaving the stroller against the wall . Then I approached the door of their room , only to notice an abnormality . The door wasn't fully closed which made me hear indistinct sounds similar to conversation from inside ? Well, the lack of isolation of the sound could have been caused by an under-closed door , which indicates that the door is not closed properly.

In the doors of our rooms , we use a self-latching system , which allows guests to lock their doors automatically after closing them . However , so that this system does not cause accidents such as accidental , locking of the door . On all hinges aremounted a slower's which does not allow the door to reach enough energy to accidentally move the door latch , which causes the automatic inclusion of a magnetic lock in the door .

In this case, this latch locks the door before closing, causing that the door is simply close to the frame . This also forces the person using the room to use the handle or force to latch the door. It is this crack in this not fully closed doors , that allowed me to hear suspicious barely audible sounds inside .

Of course there was a logical possibility , that they simply forget to close the door . However, due to the atmosphere of anxiety I felt increasingly uneasy , especially since I stopped hearing any sounds from inside . Feeling the prolonged silence in the room , I reached for the broom located on the side of the cart , after which I gently pushed the door to see the view inside .

The first thing I saw , was the girl's rain-soaked back . Her distinctive white hair flowing down her back , on which there were still remnants of a torn coat . Because of her wolf ears and the wet tail that fell behind her I was sure of her identity . But what was disturbing about this was that she was motionlessly sitting on the belly of someone else . I could not see exactly who , as I only saw a pair of legs sticking out from under the wolf girl . However, deep inside me I was sure that it was her roommate legs .

At that moment many scenarios went through my head cause my heart to speed up . But still thinking rationally I wanted to process the information in front of my eyes first , as not even a second has passed since the door opened . However, I immediately noticed , red spots mixed with water , clearly contrasting with the bright floor . The way the floor got wet it looked as if someone with wet rags was trying to wash it , I know because as a novice worker myself I made such mistakes when cleaning the floors . However , what other than fighting on the ground in wet clothes could have caused something like this ?

' Is it blood ?! '

As more and more panic pervaded my thoughts , my eyes fell on the clear crimson red droplets , which were not mixed with the water , thus giving me a clear picture of their nature . Which I know because of the training on first aid I have received . I was sure that it was blood because it could not be wine . I thought very fast and just as fast I came to conclusions . My thoughts full of the worst options , themselves put everything together into a whole story that confirmed my worst thoughts .

' Did ... She .... She killed her roommate ? '

I think , as my memories of meeting this crazy girl come back again . The memory of those crazy eyes , the words that the she said that day to the mirror . Memories of her overtly brutal and frightening presence , which that day made me want to cry and run as far away from her as possible , made me clench my hands even tighter on the broom handle .

Perhaps it was a fight against fear or hope that the black haired girl under the wolf girl is still alive . In the end I was thinking of nothing but stopping a possible crime , and that's what led me right behind the unsuspecting wolf girl , whom I hit with all my strength with my broom to the head . But to my surprise , the broom broke , almost hitting the " victim " who appeared to be looking with shock at her " attacker " .

I froze watching as the amber eyes of the dark-haired girl , with worry and horror looked in my direction . I could read everything from the expression on her face . I saw her look into my eyes with simultaneous fear and worry . I didn't see relief or gratitude in her eyes . And not because she was not grateful , rather because she had nothing to be grateful for . Recognizing the situation , I realized ...

' I...I've ... I've messed up '