

"Take care, my boy. I love you."


"Woah! You are strong! How many badges do you have?!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the climax of THE Kanto championship!"




"Tsk, you are lucky to have a voice of a prodigy to guide you."


A man with a scruffy beard trudged up the mountain. Accompanied by a small figure.

Seeing the sun going down, he found a good spot and let out his pokemon.

Giants that almost squashed the small figure appeared.

They roared in happiness as they stretched and got ready for their long awaited meal.

Curious, the small figure walked amongst those giants.

To them, she looked like a new addition. Their master always had an impeccable eye for the strongest. Belief in their master never wavered, so they accepted the small creature in no time.

Red called her Ralts.

With her belonging to an entirely different region. He didn't know how she got here, nevertheless he took her in until they knew what exactly she was.

Except for her name. Red didn't have any information on her.

After all, he was the one building the pokedex. Pokemon outside the Kanto region were largely undocumented except their name and general appearance.

Records and findings of pokemon in other regions remained hidden in books, creating an information vacuum.

Many of them didn't even have their evolutions tied up.

For now, he knew for sure that she came from the Johto region, a place west of Kanto.

Location furthest from the part of the Kanto they found themselves in. Such a phenomenon might have happened because of either transportation or moves, like teleportation being used.

No matter what. The likely hood of finding her parents seemed null.

She didn't seem defensive against him. So, he took her in.

Ralts didn't look scared by the much larger pokemon at all and, on the contrary, tried to play with them.

Like big brothers and sisters. They played around.

Red gave her some time to become accustomed to her environment before training her.

Same with others. He didn't shelter her from danger at all.

Thanks to a template he built, which he split into the categories of tanks, attackers, mages, etc.

He had a solid structure to train any pokemon in the world. At least in theory.

With her move set, he didn't ponder too long before finding her strengths.

The training drove her to the limits.

Unlike other trainers. He got to the absolute peak by maximising the talent of his own pokemon.

That meant bringing their bodies to the absolute peak.

Honing their abilities. Most importantly, destroying their fears. Whatever they feared, he'd throw at them until they got used to it.

Thanks to the 'intuition' he always carried with him. He had a hunch whenever his own pokemon feared something.

Although he sometimes had to let the pokemon go or trade them to other hands.

He didn't feel any kind of burden. Rather, it felt natural.

No matter how great the training sounded, proper nutrition, tools and coaching remained the number one priority.

The amount of money he spent on his pokemon would be able to buy entire stores.

Expensive stones, tools. Groundbreaking technologies and much more.

As long as it helped his pokemon grow, he would buy it.

Of course, his prestige as the champion and undefeated pokemon master ensured that almost no one tried to dupe him.

And those that tried never had a good ending.

Months flew by.

The sunny Ralts never changed, no matter what she had to endure.

With her fully adapted to the training. Red reduced the training and got back to what he was here for in the first place.

From his findings. One of the legendary pokemon must be hiding in the region.

Pokemon here behaved differently. More tame and didn't have any major conflicts.

Furthermore, from the months of passive observation.

The ecosystem behaved weirdly. Maybe the legendary in question had good thoughts.

However, pokemon scientists knew the danger of it all.

A few years didn't matter. But when new pokemon replaced the old and lived in such an environment.

They grew dependent on the legendary.

Were it to leave one day. It would spell disaster not only for the entire ecosystem in the surroundings.

But also the entire region.

Tides of pokemon, migrations and weak pokemon ensured imbalance.

This and another reason prompted him to hunt it down and subdue it, to see if the legendaries are worthy of their title.

"Another storm." He said under his breath and found a shelter.

While the droplets drummed on the bare rocks. He took out a notebook and noted down his findings.

Unlike others. The ralts refused to stay in her pokeball.

Even though he prepared a luxury ball for her. One of the best in the market.

Throughout the months, he got used to it. And the bare minimum protection at all times proved good.

A few times, the ralts protected him from wild pokemon.

Unbeknownst to her, though. At least 3 pokemon remained out at all times.

On ground, in air and one invisible bodyguard beside him.

No powerful pokemon could get through all three without alerting him and giving immediate backup.

Those that got through the net remained on ralts's level.

After all, to punish such a behaviour would be foolish and the 'intuition' agreed with him.

Not to mention that it was one of the rare times. He defied the suggestion of the 'intuition' and accepted her.

Now that it accepted ralts too. He didn't worry anymore.

The rain continued with its rhythmic beating as his pidgeot reported an incoming threat.

Unlike the usual one. The entire storm moved with it.

Red took out a bunch of his pokemon and threw ralts inside the pokeball, locking it in case she tried to escape.

Bravery and foolishness oftentimes differed in the ability to understand the situation.

The pokeball frantically shook as he stared ahead.

"Suicune." Red said aloud as it let out a howl.

His pokemon slowly positioned themselves. Fire type pokemon sneaked further away and water types came in.

"Stop interfering with the ecosystem. You know how dangerous it can be." He said, but the Suicune didn't respond well.

Compared to the encounters he had with legendaries.

It seemed arrogant. Lively and full of ambition. A trait he never saw in pokemon of the same caliber.

No time to waste then.

"Volley A type water, C and B employ barriers, D boost." He said as his pokemon got to work.

The large cavern lit up as lightning charged up within a bunch of pokemon. Their bodies began to glow.

Their aura multiplied multiple times as buffs encased their bodies.

Espeon and alakazam performed power swap successfully after boosting up their stats in silence.

Right before their attacks landed. White and pink barriers encased Suicune.

Rock pillars appeared as they supported the cave further.

An incredible explosion took place. It rocked the entire cave as chunks began to fall down.

The pillars responded, and thanks to the barriers, withstood the explosion. It would have blown away red if it wasn't for the barrier.

Smoked cleared up as he watched the enemy move.

Worthy of its name, it didn't fall or falter at all. Minor injures didn't hinder it as it channeled a powerful attack.

However, by the time the smoke cleared up.

It realized that only the human and one pokemon remained in the cave.

"Teleport." Red said to the alakazam as they vanished.

It roared in anger and dashed out of the cave.

Instead of a ground to move on. The entrance of the cave turned into a giant pit as it fell down.

On reflex, it saved itself and with a powerful blast propelled its body back up. Not far away, it spotted Red.

He gazed at it. Compared to the heroic winds of the north, it looked like a wild, untamed hurricane.

A force of nature that couldn't be tamed.

Unless adequate force was used.

The distraction gave him enough time to summon all of his pokemon again.

Thunder roared in the skies as a small seed appeared on its leg.

Fight resumed, but this time. Venasaur stood between him and the Suicune.

Gengar silently appeared behind Suicune. The ground trembled with the unknown underneath as a couple of pokemon hid in the stormy clouds, charging up their attacks.

With a snort. Suicune activated one of its most powerful attacks.

Red gazed at it without a change in his expression.

With his gesture, Venasaur activated its leech seed and interrupted the channeling of Suicune's attack.

Like the hand of the executioner. His blade fell fast and merciless.

From every direction, powerful, charged attacks rained upon Suicune. The explosion before never grew in power, because Red didn't want to bury himself in the cave.

Uninhibited, the poor legendary stood no chance. Minutes later, after the volleys of bombardment ended.

A black and yellow ball sealed it all.

"Hmm?" Red noticed the constantly vibrating pokeball.

Since the moment he threw her in. She didn't stop it, but he ignored it.

With the battle over. He took out the pokeball, intending to let her out.


Cracks appeared all over the pokeball.

Instead of ralts, a small ballerina glared at him with tears in her eyes...

Those eyes. They stared at so much more.