

What would happen if a pair of otakus were somehow drawn into one of the animes they watch? What would happen if they eventually drag some friends along? and what would happen if eventually they learn how to travel through different dimensions? Rated M for safety. not a crossovers because there will be more than just one. Also this was not create by me. The author is BlackCatSasuke

Marven123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


Atlas has fallen. j

Or, more precisely, it had fallen several months ago.

There was a final global message sent out from the frozen nation as the Atlesians had apparently fixed up Amity Colosseum and used it as a broadcast tower. Though, with the subject of the broadcast being what it was, many would have rather never heard it at all.

A blonde woman was the only person shown throughout the video. She stated that she was Yang Xiao Long, recently certified huntress, and, apparently, Atlas was already lost at the time of recording with the blonde briefly detailing how the Atlas Military had crumbled under the weight of the Grimm horde through incompetence and corruption having weakened it. She said that even General Ironwood had been slain.

Upon finishing her saddening description of the situation, the blonde huntress claimed that not all hope was lost.

Yang had stated that while most of the Atlesian military had fallen, many of the most capable units were still operational as well as most of the Huntsmen and Huntresses throughout the nation. She claimed that due to Atlas's "unsalvageable" situation, and the loss of all heating systems soon, all these forces will be making their way to Shade Academy in Vacuo.

The blonde then started to plead for all remaining capable fighters, huntsmen or not, to rally at Shade Academy and, alongside the remaining Atlesian forces, they'll push back against this new threat and "show the world what humanity is truly capable of."

While the first half of the broadcast had been dreary, the second had inspired a fierce fire in many hearts across Remnant.

In the end, many would make the dangerous journey to Shade Academy, their willingness to fight to the bitter end for the sake of their species more than apparent.

All this, hope, dread, and a call to action, all of it contributed to why, when the last of those resiliently hopeful souls finally arrived at the final fortress of humanity, they collapsed and wept hopeless tears as they watched a burning and grimm overrun Huntsmen school collapse in the distance. The final flicker of hope for humanity, extinguished.

Of course

None of that mattered to Kali

Even now, the loving mother looked out from the second story balcony of her estate to watch as fires and chaos overtook Menagerie.

While news of Shade Academy's fall had not reached the greater populace, the sensation of the end was already at hand. Most of humanity's fighters had made for Shade, meaning there was little to no one left to keep the peace in places where the populace was either too afraid to venture to the far flung school, or simply did not see the point in fighting any longer.

The futa cat faunus wore a warm smile as she looked out to the chaos enveloping the former paradise. After all, how could she not be happy? She could finally fuck her rebellious daughter out in the open evening air without concerning herself with prying eyes.

Kali wasn't concerned with the fires, looters, or end of days fools running around as her home was under guard 24/7 and her protectors were loyal to the end.

No, Kali couldn't help but feel joy as she continued to thrust her groin forwards into her beautiful daughter's soaking slit.

"Isn't the air lovely out here Blakey? I know you've been dying to get outside after so much time being cooped up indoors." Kali devilishly asked with a grin as she continued her thrusting.

"Hah! Mmmmn-Ah! F-Fuck-aaahhh!" Blake cried out in forced bliss.

Blake, as usual, hated everything about her current situation. Of course, as usual, her true feelings meant very little.

Her body was as addicted to her mother's cock as ever and so pleasure forced itself through her veins in an unyielding and undeniably pleasurable wave. After all these months of being fucked countless times, the young faunus was still in no better position to resist her mother's domination over her.

She was still herself at least, though whether this was a good or bad thing was still debatable in the powerless girl's mind. She could feel how her body had become addicted to her mother's touch, but her mind, herself, she was still Blake. She still had at least an ember of resistance in her, a will to fight against completely succumbing to Kali's control, to keep herself from being made into an eager slut for her cruel mother.

Naturally however, this was exactly what Kali wanted. It was cruel and twisted, but Kali was very proud of her wonderfully determined sex toy of a daughter for not breaking throughout all their fun. While the idea of an eager to serve sex slave sounded nice, especially if it was her rebellious daughter, Kali wanted to see resistance in Blake's eyes. The older faunus wasn't interested in fucking a mindless whore, she wanted her fuck toy to look back at her in anger and hate, no matter how weak and powerless they were compared to her.

Though Blake was in fact teetering on the edge of total submission. Nearly all her teammates had been captured by whoever her mother has been working with and now her home town was on fire. Menagerie was burning all around her as her own mother continued to fuck her pussy.

A weaker soul would have most certainly surrendered by this point in the hopes of their own mind crumbling to numb the immense existential dread. But Blake, to give what little credit she was due, had a stronger will than most. Maybe it was thanks to her rough time with the White Fang, perhaps it was thanks to her truly idealistic mindset holding out hope for an opportunity at freedom, or maybe her cruel mother knew exactly how much pressure she could put Blake through moment to moment.

It didn't really matter. Blake's tortured yet still intact conscious mind was forced to feel the pleasure of her mother's incredible cock as it ravaged her even as the world burned around them.

Kali had a firm grip on Blake's hips as she thrusted into her dearest daughter's welcoming pussy as she looked out to the burning city. While the sight of the roaring fires were certainly something to behold, the forced cries of pleasure Blake let out proved to be even more enticing. Combined with the growing thrill of pounding Blake out on the balcony for any to see, Kali decided to take up a slightly different position in fucking her daughter.

Blake had her head bent over the balcony looking down at the ground floor below, hoping to both hide her face from the panicking populace as well as avert her eyes from the destruction around her. This was all for not as Kali took a firm grasp of Blake's silky black hair before pulling back.

Kali pulled Blake's head up by her long locks and forced her to look out at the chaos around them. This also had the benefit of making it all the more clear to any who dared to look upon them that Kali was in fact very clearly fucking her own daughter out in the open. The extra helping of taboo was exactly what Kali needed as sadistic pleasure flowed through her veins with even greater force, pushing her to her limit as she bottomed out in her daughter's delectable slit.

As what has happened what felt like a thousand times before already, Blake cried out loudly in forced bliss as she felt her mother's dominating cock bottom out within her before dumping a large and warm load of cum inside her.

"I know we haven't been all that lucky with impregnating you my dear, but who knows, maybe it'll be this load that finally knocks you up. Wouldn't that be poetic? As the old world dies around us, a new life is started within you, I think that would just be beautiful. Don't you agree?~" Kali sadistically teased her daughter.

What she said was true however. That despite what must have been hundreds of breeding attempts over the last few months after multiple fuck sessions daily, Blake was still unbred. While Kali never let it show, this angered her to no end as it seemed Blake would prove to be just as resilient to breeding as her other mother Gina had been, the former only giving Kali one child, Blake, after a more than highly sexual youth together. It was alright however, Kali knew she'd knock Blake up one of these days, and she knew the days they had together were far from numbered. Kali's only concern was whether or not Blake would have her mind break before then. She hoped not, as the loving mother couldn't even begin to imagine the look on Blake's sure to be disgusted face whenever they were to learn that she was finally pregnant with her mother's child. It was a look Kali was more than willing to let the world burn to see.

"Y-Yes mommy." Blake squeaked out in reply to her mother's words even as she felt Kali's seed spew into her, filling her to what felt like the brim.

"Yes mommy what?" Kali said expectantly, already aware that Blake knew what she wanted to hear.

"Y-yes mommy, it would be beautiful if you impregnated me and I… I hope to have your child soon."

The words left Blake's mouth like bile. The younger faunus hated beyond anything having to say such awful words, but she had to. Even in this chaos, her friends were seemingly at her mother's mercy. Kali had received new pictures of Weiss and Ruby restrained and… naked, but seemingly unharmed at least.

Blake could hardly believe it, her friends were, well, they were still alive at least, even with all this going on. Of course, the more Blake thought about it, the more sense it made. Who buys sex slaves in the modern world? The rich and powerful, who's to say these rich and powerful people hadn't prepared for this end of days moment? Mankind was always teetering on the edge of extinction when it came to the forces of grimm and so Blake reasoned some may have long been preparing for this.

On the bright side, it meant her dear teammates might actually have a good chance at surviving all of this. On the other hand, it also meant Kali was still able to maintain leverage over her, always threatening to ask her 'friends' to being rough with her teammates if she didn't follow her commands to the letter. It was a twisted situation, her mother was cruel, and so not much had really changed with the end of the world occurring for Blake.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that, kitten.~" Kali said with a sadistic smile as her cock throbbed within Blake's pussy for a final time, signaling that her load had been well and fully deposited inside her dearest daughter.

"Haaa.~ There we go, now let's head inside for some more fun, it's getting rather hot out here." Kali said with twisted humor as she finally pulled out of her daughter's slit and released Blake's hair.

Her legs may have been shaking and felt weak, her body may have been riddled with heavy shame at what she had just done, said, and reluctantly enjoyed, but ever the now obedient daughter that she was, Blake followed her mother back into the bedroom, already certain of what was next.

"A-Ah! F-fu-aaahhh! Oh mommy!" Blake cried out as her mother continued to ram her ass with ferocity.

"That's it Blakey, tell me how badly you need me to abuse your perfect behind.~" Kali teased her powerless daughter just before giving Blake's rear-end an impactful smack.

"Ah! Yes mommy! I-I need your cock to claim my ass! Please!" Blake cried out in desperate need.

As much as she hated her own words, there was a terrible truth to them. Her old faunus instincts were once again flaring up and replacing all pain with pleasure. Blake of course hated that her mother was using her ass like her own sex toy, but the moans and groans of ecstasy Blake was letting out were all too real. The sensations being forced through her was different than if her pussy were being used, but it was undoubtedly pleasurable.

The worst part of it all, was that her mother knew how much Blake's body was enjoying the abuse, no matter how much her more conscious self didn't want to.

Kali's devilish smile only grew as she heard her daughter's words. She knew they were forced, she knew Blake wanted anything but to say and feel what she did, and that made it all the better for the 'loving' mother.

While the taboo nature of the situation did wonder's for Kali's enjoyment, the simple fact that Blake's ass was a wonder all on its own certainly helped. The cheeks were plump and oh so squeezable while the inside that her cock ravaged spasmed around her length, pleasuring both 'participants' as it did its best to keep Kali inside.

Kali had already dumped one load into her dear daughter's behind, as evidenced by the white goo seeping out around Kali's cock and as it dripped down Blake's behind. Unfortunately, it would take even more to satisfy the sex hungry futa.

Likewise, Blake had already orgasmed about five times, in their newest position alone, thanks to her mother's rough treatment of her ass. The younger faunus would have rather not cum at all, but her body betrayed her yet again and there was no stopping the pleasure that rolled over her with every thrust. Even now, as she approached her sixth orgasm, Blake was powerless to stop her body from giving in and accepting her mother's perfect cock and all the sensations it dealt her.

"Oh-aahh! Oh gods I- I can't-aaaahhhh! Mommy! I'm gonna-aaaaaahhhhhh!" Blake cried out in euphoria as the ass-fucking her mother was giving her pushed her to orgasm once again.

Kali could only let out a small giggle at the sight and sounds of her dear daughter in the throws of forced pleasure. The loving mother watched as Blake's clear juices sprayed out of her eager pussy and onto the bed sheets beneath her as said pussy tightened and convulsed around absolutely nothing.

Kali had wanted this very situation to become reality for so very long.

After Blake ran away, Kali's fury was nearly insatiable. Sure she had Gina, and the large woman certainly did better than most at keeping up with Kali's deep sexual hunger, a hunger that only grew in Blake's absence as her fury had to find some outlet, but even Gina had her limits. Not that any of that mattered now, Gina was mind broken and shipped off to a good friend of Kali's while her dream of fucking her rebellious daughter into obedience in the master bedroom was officially reality.

Such remembrances combined with the tightness of Blake's perfect rear were quickly pushing Kali to another orgasm of her own, though she had an idea of what she'd like to help tip her over.

"Tell me Blake, how badly do you want mommy's cum in your ass?~"

"Oh-oh Mommy! I want-NO! I need your cum inside me! I-aah! I'm sorry, but it doesn't even matter what hole you grace me with your seed! I-I just need to feel your warm, delicious jizz inside or even just on me Mommy! If your cum is anywhere near me that means I've pleasured your perfect cock enough to be deserving of your amazing and addictive seed! I'm sorry Mommy, I don't know if that's what you wanted to hear, but please, please grace me with your cum!" Blake cried out, hysterically so.

The younger faunus had tears streaming down her face as she looked back at her mother who had slowed down her thrusts, but was still fucking her ass all the same.

Kali couldn't tell if Blake was crying tears of joy thanks to perhaps her old faunus instincts pushing just so much euphoria through her or if her more conscious self was letting out tears of true sadness or even disgust at having said, and absolutely truthfully so, what she said.

Then again, it didn't really matter all that much to Kali, as she, ever sadistic, found that crying was a good look on her rebellious runaway of a daughter. A look good enough that combined with her pleasure-filled moans and gasps working in tandem with her perfect ass was more than enough for Kali to finally blow yet another load inside Blake's oh so fuckable behind.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Blake cried out as she was suddenly pushed into a seventh orgasm on account of being graced with her mother's seed. Such an occurrence instinctively pressed Blake's futa-pheromone-addicted-body to orgasm in response to the wonderfully warm and virile liquid.

For her part, Kali grit her teeth as this orgasm proved to be an especially powerful one, forcing the mother to take a sudden and firm grip of her daughter's hips and pull them towards herself to assist in fully hilting her cock in Blake's perfect ass.

As her seventh orgasm raged through her, Blake started seeing stars as her eyes were nearly rolled up into her head while the upper half of her body dropped onto the bed below, her ass remained raised in the air for her kneeling mother to remain securely inside.

Even as her own orgasmed forced her to shoot load after load into Blake's eager ass, Kali looked down at her now drooling daughter and smiled viciously, she wasn't broken still, but by the gods whenever Blake wore a fucked-stupid expression Kali couldn't help but admire her handiwork and think that such a look was more than befitting a rebellious little bitch like Blake.

Still, as their orgasms died down, Kali felt the pair were finally deserving of some rest. They were going to need it after all. As for tomorrow, they were leaving and heading to their new forever home, a home where her dearest Blakey would experience so many shocking sights.

The morning sunshine pouring in from the balcony doorway hadn't yet reached the pair in bed, yet Blake was already stirring to awaken. After months of training, it was simply muscle memory by this point for the younger faunus to wake up before her mother only to crawl under the sheets and start methodically worshiping Kali's cock until said futa had awoken herself and subsequently fuck her well-trained daughter's throat.

This morning would be different however.

As Blake propped herself up on one hand while the other rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she slowly started to pull herself off her mother's cock, which had happily taken refuge inside her rear throughout the night.

However, suddenly, another hand reached out and pulled Blake back down fully onto the bed. Before Blake could even comprehend what had just happened, a voice spoke up behind her, tired, but most certainly her mother's.

"Not today kitten. I have something special planned for us, and for being such a good girl lately I'm allowing you to sleep in today with me. Just keep your ass pressed against mommy's groin so my cock can have a nice warm resting place of its own. Eventually we'll get up and do what we have to." Kali said softly, her voice groggy and her eyes not even open as she planned to fall right back to sleep upon having her daughter heed her commands.

While not wanting to obey her mother's words, the younger girl was always appreciative of more sleep in her now constant fuck-fest of a life. So, Blake receded into a spooning position with her mother where she was, of course, the little spoon. As commanded and easily allowed by their position, Blake slowly shifted her ass back down on her mother's addictive cock until her ass was indeed pressed against Kali's groin with the entirety of her length securely inside Blake's perfect behind.

With a satisfied smile, Kali wrapped her arms around Blake's waist, eager to keep her sex slave of a daughter close and fully encapsulating her cock.

Blake meanwhile blushed fiercely as she closed her eyes, wanting to simply fall back to sleep while doing her best to not think about how much her traitorous body was enjoying the feeling of her mother's rod deep inside her rear.

Kali looked up at the shower head as it spewed forth a simply heavenly current of warm water down onto her. After a wonderful night of fucking, her and Blake's extended stay in bed was just what the pair needed, but a nice hot shower proved to be even more divine.

Blake would have even agreed, if she wasn't desperately holding back a lustful moan as her mother aggressively felt up her body.

Upon the sun finally reaching the mother and daughter in bed, Kali had decided it was time for the pair to get up and take a shower.

Naturally, even such a clean act as showering was turned into something that made Blake feel terribly filthy.

Both were standing under the shower head, Kali standing behind Blake, her breasts pressed against her daughter's back, likewise, her lips were planted on the younger girl's neck.

The mature faunus would occasionally lay gentle kisses on Blake's neck in a small area, though more often the loving mother would aggressively bite down and suck on the tender flesh, not ferociously enough to draw blood, but certainly enough to leave a mark, that was her goal after all.

Of course, the loving mother's hands were just as busy as her mouth.

Kali's right hand was busy fondling her dear runaway daughter's right breast. She eagerly squeezed the firm yet plush mound with a dark hunger. Every few seconds the mature futa would relent from groping the tender breast and would move to play with its nipple. Such 'play' included circling the sensitive tip with her finger for a moment before sending two fingers to give it a much needed pinch, an act that would always force a delicious moan out from the powerless girl being so superbly abused.

Blake's nipple wasn't the only sensitive nub being treated to tortuous pleasure as Kali expertly danced her other hand's index finger around Blake's sensitive clitoris. It was essentially the same strategy Kali was using on her dear daughter's nipple, in that one finger from her left hand simply circled around Blake's sensitive nub with the only exception being that instead of an occasional pinch, Kali would instead send two fingers down to rub directly on the needy clit.

Kali delighted in every sudden and deep gasp her daughter took, every sudden shock of pleasure that clearly made its way up Blake's spine and caused the younger beauty to spasm for but a moment, and, most of all, every desperate moan the helpless girl let out despite her best effort to hold them in.

Even with all the forced sexual sensation laid upon Blake by her sadistic mother, the true extant of her tortuous treatment laid in the fact that she would have normally already cum several times over from such unwanted touching's, had her mother not forbade her from orgasming.

It was a play Kali rarely delved into, she was more for enjoying the overwhelming pleasure drawn across Blake's face as she was forced into consecutive unwanted orgasms, but it was still something the sex hungry mother could find a moment to enjoy.

Blake's willingness to play her mother's no-orgasm game was beyond her control. Her old factory faunus instincts took hold of her yet again and her body had essentially locked her out of being able to reach that precipice of pleasure. She could get close, so very, tortuously close, but never fully dive off the deep end and into that great release of euphoria. Her legs shook and felt weak, as if she had already cum, powerfully, but that was simply because her poor, touch sensitive body was being overloaded with more pleasure than it knew how to handle without a proper release.

Now, Kali didn't consider herself to be a cruel mother…

Well, actually she did. She absolutely did. She was well aware of what she was doing to Blake. She knew exactly how twisted and cruel she had been to her own flesh and blood. She was not delusional in any way, she loved mistreating her rebellious daughter, she simply liked to joke with herself from time to time concerning how cruel she could be, it was simply yet another aspect of her twisted nature.

Anyway, Kali didn't consider herself a cruel mother, *wink*, but in this instance that simply meant she had every intention of allowing Blake to find release from her pleasurable hell, she simply wanted to make sure her dear daughter's orgasm was worth the wait. With that in mind, Kali moved to finish her dear daughter off and have her cry out in bliss via a new furious assault.

Kali moved her right hand around so that her thumb was pressed firmly against Blake's sensitive clitoris while also aligning her four other fingers with the entrance of the younger faunus's dripping pussy.

In a flash, the dominating mother shoved her four fingers deep into her daughter's needy hole, relishing in the cries of pleasure her plaything let out.

The futa quickly started pistoning her fingers in and out of Blake's twitching slit, the sensitive flesh so very desperate to orgasm, yet obeying its natural calling, and resisting until commanded to by its master.

"OH! OH GODS! M-MOMMY I NEED TO CUM!" Blake cried out, her mind a lust-craving wreck at the moment as crushing wave after wave of ecstasy ran over her entirety.

In one of her rare instances of doing so, Kali did not respond to Blake's lustful cries, instead opting to simply keep pistoning her fingers into Blake's slit while her thumb continued its own work of stimulating the younger faunus's clitoris.

Of course, even that wasn't all Kali silently responded with.

The loving mother began to grope Blake's breasts with even more ferocity, kneading the supple flesh like it were a stress ball while still occasionally pinching Blake's adorable nipples, though with greater force.

While her hands were taking part in a renewed assault on Blake's hourglass body, Kali had no intention of letting her mouth miss out on the fun. There was Blake's neck of course, yet Kali felt as if she had already fully dominated that region of tasty flesh, knowing for certain that more than a dozen or so hickeys would eventually make themselves known in due time thanks to her hunger.

Sure, Kali could add even more, but in that moment of contemplation, an even better, more deliciously taboo, idea popped up.

The loving mother turned her head so her lips were nearly pressed against Blake's ear, being so close that even amongst her constant moaning and needy cries, her rebellious daughter would still hear her.

"Kiss me Blake. Kiss your mother deeply, or you might never cum. ~" Kali said softly.

Blake turned her head immediately to almost fully look over her shoulder.

Her moans and cries dropped in volume as her frazzled mind calmed itself to the absolute minimum degree required to focus on Kali's face and what she had just said.

Blake looked to her mother and hated what she saw. She hated the venomous smirk on Kali's face. She hated how her own mother's eyes looked upon her as if she were a prized piece of meat. Blake hated everything about her situation.

Did she want to kiss her rapist of a mother?

No, absolutely not.

All Blake's more conscious mind wanted to do was push the evil woman off of her and run, run out of the shower, out of the house, and to anywhere that wasn't where her cruel mother was.

Though her more conscious mind held very little power in determining how her body acted.

And by the gods, she needed to cum.

Blake didn't want to enjoy what her mother was doing to her. She didn't want to hope that her mother never stopped playing with her breasts. She didn't want to think about thanking her mother for making her pussy feel so overwhelmingly incredible.

But by the gods, she needed to cum.

Blake felt as if she had been on the very absolute edge of orgasm for hours, having completely lost track of time over twenty minutes ago, just a few minutes after her mother had started caressing her.

She was so very close to cumming, she felt as if she might die if she didn't orgasm as soon as possible.

By the gods, she needed to cum.

So, despite what little resistance her weak conscious mind gave, Blake obeyed her mother's command.

In a quick motion, the mother and daughter's lips pressed against each other's as their respective tongues did the same, invading each other's mouth in a heated sexual fury.

Blake tasted of her mother's mouth and tried everything in her power to find distaste in the act, but instead only finding a craving to taste her deeper. Her tongue, lost from her more conscious mind's control, flung itself wildly around within Kali's mouth, desperate to touch and taste every inch of that heavenly place.

Kali loved the sensation of Blake's tongue flailing about, clearly desperate for her love. In response, the loving mother moved her tongue to essentially catch Blake's and coil around the wet muscle with her own. Now, with tongues intertwined, both mother and daughter were easily able to take in the taste of each other to the fullest.

Alongside the sloppy kissing, the aggressive groping of Blake's breast, and Kali's ever faster fingering of her dear daughter's pussy, there was a cherry on top that the mature faunus couldn't help but indulge in above all others.

This cherry on top was the look in her dear rebellious daughter's eyes. As they were now making out, Kali and Blake's faces were pressed against each other and so each could easily read the other's expression and have a good idea of what the other was thinking.

Blake looked into her mother's golden eyes and felt as if she were staring into the soul of a vicious predator, one that had caught its long awaited prey and was eager to devour it. It was a far cry from her childhood when she used to look into her mother's eyes with joy, reassurance, and hope. Now all of that was gone. Now, Blake was her mother's sex slave, a twisted fate of unimaginable proportions. Blake had known this world could be cruel, but this… this was too much… well, almost too much.

The younger cat faunus, her stubbornness truly unmatched, still held out hope for the future. She might very well reunite with her friends soon enough and forge a plan alongside them. Just as Blake knew how the world could be cruel, she likewise knew that it had its moments of light, they may have been far fewer than the alternative, but she knew for a fact they existed and was determined to hold out till the opportunity for one arose and she could escape her mother's grasp and perhaps even bring her to justice.

Kali laughed diabolically in her mind as she read her daughter's face. While overwhelming pleasure had mostly consumed it, her eyes spoke of an inner fire of resistance that seemed to spark up for just a moment.


Kali wanted Blake to hold onto hope for as long as possible; it made all her resistant cries of pleasure all the more delightful to hear. Even then and there, that fiery spark in Blake's eyes had made her tongue taste all the sweeter, her bodacious breasts all the more satisfying to squeeze, and her beyond dripping slit all the more enjoyable to tease.

She knew Blake's mind would break one day, especially with what her dear daughter would see and experience in their soon to be new home, but the loving mother had every intention of enjoying each and every moment of clarity her adorable kitten could offer her.

And so the mother continued to make out with her beloved daughter while also continuing to grope and finger Blake for nothing else if not for that fact that Blake didn't want to, but couldn't help, enjoy all of it.

This, even more vicious than usual, assault on Blake's body and mind went on for several more minutes before Kali's mind turned back to the idea of leaving on time. A shame they couldn't stay in this moment forever, but the futa was well aware they could repeat such a scene as often as they'd like in their new home. Not to mention, it would be rude to keep her old friend waiting.

"Haa.~ You've been a very good girl Blake." Kali pulled her lips from Blake's to say.

"I think you've well earned your reward, enjoy it deeply my dear.~" Kali almost whispered into the younger faunus's ear before giving the actual command of release.


On command, Blake's body was electrified with carnal pleasure. It had been soaking in euphoria before, but now, finally allowed release… it was beyond Blake's ability to describe.

The younger faunus's body convulsed as her orgasm tore through her. Her pussy spasming around the fingers still pumping into her even as she orgasmed, spraying her clear juices onto the shower floor. Her body nearly vibrated in bliss for a moment as her weak mind struggled to process the overwhelming sensation. This struggle to comprehend the immense level of pleasure was not helped by her mother's hungry actions such as her still aggressively fingering Blake's slit while also now pinching Blake's right nipple with even more pleasurably painful force.

Blake's euphoric cries were loud and depraved, her conscious mind completely incapable of stopping herself from showing just how much her body enjoyed her mother's malicious assault.

The younger faunus's legs shook and trembled in overwhelming pleasure as one of the mightiest orgasms of her life overtook her. Her poor toned legs had already been struggling to keep her up as her mother tortuously edged her over the last twenty minutes, but now, now they were absolutely ready to give out, and so they did.

A half minute into her beyond intense orgasm and Blake fell to her knees on the tiled shower floor. Her hands instinctively reached down to her still spasming pussy as she continued to orgasm over the next several minutes.

Kali looked down at her collapsed and shaking daughter with satisfaction. The futa always loved to push her dear daughter into a forcibly orgasmic state after witnessing a brief moment of resistance as it reminded the loving mother of just how deserving Blake was of such pleasurable punishment.

Satisfied with her handiwork, Kali turned away from her orgasming daughter to grab the shampoo to mix into her hair. She would allow Blake to ride out her release and a moment's rest as she tended to herself. She would play with Blake's body again of course, but only after her dear daughter had a moment to recover. After all…

Kali wasn't a cruel mother.~

Upon finally finishing their touch-filled shower, the pair dried and dressed themselves before making for the front door of their family home.

By dressed that meant that Kali was clothed in her usual black and white robes with double earrings in each ear. Blake, meanwhile, was 'dressed' in her own now usual getup of absolutely nothing aside from her purple and gold collar, leaving her beautiful naked body free to the open air.

While the embarrassment of such a state of undress had mostly subsided within Blake, the idea of going outside for others to see her instead of just her twisted mother was a newly terrifying idea for the younger faunus and she dearly hoped her mother would give her a thin towel at the very least before they left.

While the idea of public embarrassment was weighing on the younger faunus's mind, there was another, subtler thought that didn't quite make sense to Blake.

Blake hadn't questioned Kali on where to or why they were leaving as she feared disobeying her mother's imperative 'do not speak unless spoken to or unless crying out in pleasure' rule. Though quietly she hoped it was to one of her mother's friend's bunkers where one or all of her teammates were being held. For a moment, Blake felt a renewed sense of hope as she thought there may be a chance for her to coordinate with her team and possibly break free together.

Though still…

They were leaving for a new place to take shelter as the world collapsed around them, but shouldn't that require them to pack at least one suitcase with clothes or basic necessities for the journey? Not to mention that Kali had seemingly disposed of Blake's weaponry some time ago, so if they were beset upon by bandits or grimm, how did Kali expect to protect herself, let alone both of them?

Blake didn't have long to entertain such thoughts as the pair finally arrived at the estate's front door, the last barrier between them and the burning outside world.

Perhaps, this was the last time they'd walk through it, their family home for so long. Blake wanted to reminisce on all the good memories from her childhood that took place here, but the debauchers activity of late took center stage in her mind, and suddenly Blake couldn't remember anything but the forced pleasure Kali had set upon her over the past several months.

Even those terribly lewd thoughts did not last long as Kali had already opened the front door and motioned, with a very apparent smile, for Blake to be the first one outside.

Suddenly, the thoughts of public embarrassment resurfaced in Blake's mind, she was naked for all but the collar on her neck, surely she would be gazed upon and visually molested, if not physically, by any desperate soul that remained.

Blake had no power to resist her mother's silent command.

So, she swallowed down what fear she could and walked out into the sun of the day with her eyes closed.

After a few steps she stopped, yet only after she heard her mother close the door behind her did she dare to open her eyes.

It quickly became clear that Blake's fear of public shame would not come about.

How could it?

There was not a soul in sight.

The city, perhaps all of Menagerie and maybe even the rest of the world, looked like a smoldering ruin. Nearly every single house Blake could see was burned and on the verge or already having collapsed in on itself. There were no cries of fear nor any roars of angered confusion. No one else was here, as if the fires and chaos of the night before had truly consumed all.

For a moment, Blake wondered if they were all that was left in the world, it certainly felt like it…

That was, until the sound of fearsome snarls and growls emerged around them.

Blake turned to her right, looking down a slightly debris-covered street to see a grimm beowolf turn the corner and look upon her. The younger faunus soon turned her head slightly upwards to the house near the grimm to lay witness upon two other beowolfs climbing on top the nearly burned out structure.

Picking up another sound to her left, Blake turned to see three ursas blocking the street with five griffins suddenly landing on what remained of the houses along the road.

Upon hearing the sound of rustling behind her, Blake turned to her own home and saw several kinds of alpha grimm emerge from the foliage surrounding her home.

Finally, Blake turned back to look down the main street they had been facing when she and her mother first exited their home. It had been empty just a moment ago, but now it was filled from house to house with grimm of all kinds.

Blake was frozen in fear.

Even if she had her weapon, even if she had her team with her, this would simply be too many grimm to fight off.

"Relax Blakey." Kali purred into her daughter's ear.

Blake turned her face to look upon her mother who was… relaxed, as if all of these grimm were of no consequence.

As if she had expected to walk out and see the horde surrounding them.

"There's no reason to be afraid, especially of those mighty looking alpha's behind us. After all, they did such an excellent job of protecting us last night, I'm sure they stopped a number of looters and opportunists from interrupting our fun.~" Kali said with a certain vicious joy in her voice as she placed her hands on Blake's hourglass hips.

"They protected us!?" Blake cried out in her mind.

Her mother had told her there was nothing to worry about with their guards nearby the night before, but Blake had never laid eyes upon these so call guards and speculated that Kali had simply said so to put Blake's mind at ease so she could unfortunately focus on her mother's sexual escapades of her at the time.

"This doesn't make any sense! Why would grimm protect us!? What are they going to do to us now!?" Blake's mind was running a mile a minute as her mother slowly felt her up once again.

For better or worse, Blake's mind was in-fact able to focus on something other than her mother's groping of her breasts, that being the slow parting of the sea of grimm before her, as if they were making a path for someone coming down the street.

Soon enough, that turned out exactly to be the case.

A tall and incredibly pale woman with white hair, purple veins, red and black eyes, and a dark robe appeared as the grimm before her stepped aside, as if she were their queen.

"Why hello Kali, I do hope I'm not interrupting anything. ~" Salem said with a gentle voice that somehow managed to carry a certain terror with it.

"Oh heavens no, I'm simply easing my dear kitten's nervousness, she's not used to being around so many grimm." Kali said as she continued to fondle Blake's breasts.

"Hm? So you haven't told her of your magnificent plan?" Salem said with what sounded like true reverence.

"Oh no! That would ruin the fun of surprise. Besides, I may have told you of my ideal world, but you were ultimately the one with the power to make it real, my Queen."

"What have I told you about calling me queen? That's for everyone else to say, but not you, you've more than earned the right to call me whatever you'd like. Also, while your statement is in fact true, you are already well aware of how wasteful my original plan for the world was. I feel rather silly for ever even conceiving of ending all life when there was so much… pleasure to be gained from it all. Isn't that right, my pet?~" Salem said as she turned her head to look down over her shoulder.

Blake hadn't noticed it at first, but the dark queen had a leash in her hand that she started to tug, pulling the figure out from behind her into view.

Glynda Goodwitch, the former headmistress of Beacon Academy, the symbol of grace and a beautifully stern woman in Blake's time at Beacon.

She was on her hands and knees, naked, say for the white collar on her neck that was connected to Salem's hand via a red leash. She was without her signature glasses, though that didn't stop her from looking upon Blake with a shocked and fearful expression.

Much like Blake, for better or worse, Glynda's mind was not broken, yet she seemed to already be under a similar level of control by the dark woman as Blake was under Kali's thumb.

"You'll have to forgive her, she's terribly shy, though she makes up for that in a number of ways, I assure you.~" Salem said with pride as she knelt down to rub her pet's head, taking a moment to run her fingers through the free flowing blonde locks of hair.

"Am I right in assuming you found her around the same time I found my dear Blakey? Around when Beacon fell, yes?"

"As usual, you are correct. There was a stubborn conglomerate of huntsmen and huntresses within downtown Vail after Beacon's fall. Thinking with the wonderful new perspective on life you've given me, I went in personally to deal with them and to see if there was a beauty worth 'adopting' as you put it. Soon enough, I found her, exhausted after cutting down quite a number of my grimm, but I knew it was her. She looked exceptionally beautiful in the moonlight and a fire burned in her eyes that I knew I just had to tame. And so I have, she is so very obedient now and I reward her accordingly, just as you showed me how to. She even reminds me of myself, that is in how I looked before my transformation, and… I don't know, for some reason that attracted me to her even more so. Does that make me sound narcissistic?"

"Well, I'm not sure I'm the one to ask concerning… getting closer with a look-a-like." Kali said as she moved her hands to pinch both of Blake's nipples, causing her daughter to let out a deep moan.

"Hahaha! Perhaps you're right about that." Salem said joyfully, realizing the absurdity of her asking Kali such a thing when she and Blake look so very similar.

"By the way… your daughter certainly appears to be everything you described her as. I see why you said you just had to have her.~"

Rather than directly responding, Kali simply gave Blake's breasts an extra hard squeeze, forcing yet another sudden moan out of the still confused girl.

Following Kali's lead, Salem moved one hand to grab one of Glynda's large hanging breasts and quickly started giving it loving squeezes, likewise forcing a moan and blush from her blonde pet.

"I feel I must be honest, Kali. When my subordinates told me that a woman who claimed to have used the artifact of knowledge to learn of my plans wanted to talk to me about them, I assumed you would be some fool, another simple mortal who might attempt to appeal to "the good in me"... haha. Oh how wrong I was." Salem stopped for a moment, using her hand that had been combing Glynda's hair to instead tilt the blonde beauty's face up so that pet and owner's eyes met.

"Oh how you enlightened me with your… hands on demonstrations and those excellent test subjects you 'adopted' for my use, they were all superb. No matter what you think of yourself, the new, pleasure filled world we have created, it is all thanks to you and I'll not hear any more about it! You changed my views and gave me more… perspective, thank you." Salem finished before leaning in on her knees to bring her lips to Glynda's. The pair starting to make out just before the army of grimm and the mother and daughter couple.

The mature faunus smiled appreciatively at the sight of an owner and pet in such a loving embrace. Upon learning of how Salem had been wronged, Kali knew the answer to such century-long pain was simple. Love had caused all this and love, or something adjacent to love, was needed to fix it. Ending the world? Bah! What a waste of all the sexy and flexible beauties of the world. All Kali had to do was show Salem what she was missing out on in her lonely dark castle for thousands of years, and more importantly, what she could gain were a few 'minor' details of her plan to be altered.

For Blake, well, she had no hope of understanding the conversation that had taken place before her.

The headmistress of Beacon, one of the most capable huntresses she had ever seen was naked and being fondled by a woman who looked like she could easily be mistaken for a grimm.

Blake considered the possibility that she was in fact one, a new breed of grimm, or perhaps a very old one.

What was even more baffling was that her mother knew this evil looking woman and planned something with her. What did their plan entail? What had her mother done? Did Menagerie, no, did the world burn on their command? For what?

Blake's shaken mind was pulled from its own maddening thoughts by the sensation of warm breath on her ear.

"Don't think about it too much, my kitten. You'll understand all you have to once we arrive at our destination, I promise.~" Kali essentially whispered into Blake's ear as she gave one more appreciative grope of Blake's breast before pulling away.

As if timed alongside the mature faunus, Salem pulled her lips from Glynda's, a line of saliva connecting them for a moment longer before it snapped as Salem rose back to a standing position.

"Well, we should be going. These grimm guarding us would be put to far better use hunting down the rest of the beauties hiding away throughout the continent for the collection process. Come, our ship is close by." Salem said as she turned back to walk down the path her grimm had made for her earlier, wordlessly beckoning the mother and daughter couple to follow.

With a slap of Blake's plush behind, Kali urged Blake to be the first to follow so that she might have a beautiful sight to look upon as they walked.

The loving mother couldn't wait to arrive at their destination.

Oh the shock that'll coat Blake's face once she understands… well, everything, oh how delicious it'll be.

Of course Kali had no intention of letting Blake deal with all that new information all on her own. The loving mother would be right beside Blake, comforting her as she saw fit.

After all

Kali wasn't a cruel