

What would happen if a pair of otakus were somehow drawn into one of the animes they watch? What would happen if they eventually drag some friends along? and what would happen if eventually they learn how to travel through different dimensions? Rated M for safety. not a crossovers because there will be more than just one. Also this was not create by me. The author is BlackCatSasuke

Marven123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


It was mid morning on another beautiful day in Menagerie. Kali was slowly awakening in her very comfortable Queen sized bed. She wasn't alone of course, she had her dear daughter in bed with her, only she was beneath the covers, doing her daughterly duty.

"Mmmmmm.~" That's it Blake, suck Mommy's cock with all your love.~" Kali teased her dear runaway daughter, reaching one hand underneath the sheets to pet her daughter's head.

Kali felt Blake stop her sucking and even pull away from her touch, now that just wouldn't do.

"Ah, ah, ah Blakey. Remember what happens if you're a bad girl. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your friend Sun now would you?"

Having her cock still in Blake's mouth, Kali could just pick up on the shiver of fear that raced through her daughter at the idea of anything happening to her blonde companion and it being her fault.

And so, Blake soon resumed her sucking of Kali's cock and did not pull away when her loving mother started running her hand through her daughter's hair. Nor did Blake react when she felt her mother's hand take a firm grip of her hair, knowing what it meant.

As Blake expected, her mother used her grip to pull her down onto her cock, clearly no longer satisfied with the blowjob, but instead wanting a proper deepthroat. Blake did not fight back and instead moved her head along with her mother's grip, pushing herself to deepthroat her mother's cock in hopes that the sooner she brought her mother to orgasm, the sooner this could end.

Kali only wore a sadistic smile as she looked under the sheets to see her daughter struggle to take the entirety of her cock into her mouth. She utterly enjoyed the taboo of incest before her, though she enjoyed Blake's disgust to it all even more so.

Blake was still a bad girl of course, so this was all fair punishment. Blake had run away from home, only to come back after so many years and with some boy no less! Yes, this was parental justice, Blake had been a bad girl, and bad girls need to be punished.

And so, Kali continued to eagerly thrust her cock down her daughters throat. Though, to more accurately describe it, it was as if Kali was using her dear daughter's face as a fleshlight as Kali herself wasn't moving at all. Instead Blake's face was bobbing up and down on her mother's cock as she had been trained to do. Even if the younger Faunus hated to admit it, she had improved her deepthroat ability greatly since being claimed by her mother, even if she still hated doing so.

Thick amounts of Blake's saliva and Kali's pre-cum covered the rod as it continued to use Blake's mouth as a sex toy. This had long been a dream of Kali's after all. Finally capturing and blackmailing her daughter into giving her morning wake-up blowjobs… among many other pleasurable things.~

Those other fun things would be happening soon enough as Kali neared her first, but certainly not the last, orgasm of the day.

"Oh that's it Blakey. Make mommy cum with mouth. I know breakfast is close, but be a dear and swallow it all.~" Kali teased her daughter as she pulled her face to her mother's groin one last time before blowing her load.

Blake took the entirety of her mother's cock into her throat one last time. She felt the pulsing of the thick meat as it shot what felt like several loads worth of her mother's semen down her throat. This was of course just the start of their morning routine, so swallowing such a large load of cum was far from uncommon to the younger Faunus by now. And swallow she did.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

Several more gulps from her daughter later and Kali finally let out a sigh of post-orgasm ecstasy. The mature woman now teasingly combed her fingers through Blake's luscious locks, enjoying the silky smooth hair as the one it belonged to continued to swallow and around her cock to ensure she got every drop and cleaned it afterwards.

After enough gulps, Kali's rod was wonderfully spit shined by her daughter's tongue, allowing them to finally move onto breakfast.

"That was as wonderful as always dear! Now mommies worked up an appetite, how about you down stairs and make mommy some breakfast? I'll be sure to bring your's down with me.~"

Blake did not respond, whether out of fear or simply not wanting to extend any conversation with her mother and captor, it didn't matter. She simply crawled out of the bed, naked as the day she was born with the only exception being a collar around her neck that had the word "Kali's" engraved on it in gold. Her young breasts slightly bounced with each step as she made her way out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

Kali watched Blake's naked form leave the room with a very satisfied look. Knowing she could now let her daughter wander the house freely as she knew what would happen to a certain blonde monkey Faunus if she even seems to think too long about running away again.

In any case, Kali took her time climbing out of her bed. She took even longer getting dressed in her usual black and white robes as the smell of scrambled eggs and sizzling bacon made their way into her nose from downstairs.

Soon after, Kali finished dressing herself and made her way downstairs into the kitchen and to a beautiful sight.

Blake was standing in front of the stovetop as she continued to move the eggs around in the pan with a spatula. Only now, she was wearing a pink cooking apron Kali had bought for her alongside the shimmering collar she had. Of course wearing just those two items still left much of Blake's body on display, a fact Kali intended to make use of.

The older Faunus stepped behind her dearest daughter, said girl flinched at her mother's sudden closeness. Though Blake only continued to cook, hoping a good job would spare her any intimate physical interaction, it would not.

Kali sensually laid her hands on her daughter's beautiful hips, causing her kitten to slightly tense up in surprise. The reaction delighted Kali, but she wanted much more. The mature woman then slowly ran her hands down her daughter's sides enjoying the shivers and slight pitches in breath the younger girl would let out. Eventually, Kali brought her hands to Blake's plush ass, taking firm grips of the tender meat before giving each cheek a gentle teasing slap.

"Aaahhh.~" Blake let out involuntarily at her mother's actions. Such sounds pushed Kali over the edge, she could not be made to wait until her meal was ready.

And so, Kali brought one hand from Blake's rear to fish out her already hard cock from under her robes. The mother ran the tip of her rod in between her daughter's ass cheeks, letting her know what exactly was about to happen so her daughter could adjust herself as she needed to continue cooking her 'loving' mother's meal.

Without any further warning or for play, Kali pushed the tip of her cock into Blake's rear, revealing in the tight hole's attempts to resist her entrance.

Blake could only clench her jaw as she endured thrust after thrust from her mother as she slowly but surely penetrated her deeper and deeper. Her ass was just another one of her mother's playthings, just like her mouth and pussy had become. At least if she wanted to keep Sun safe. That's what Blake would tell herself every time Kali pushed into her rear, forcing her obscenely large cock further into her guts.

Kali loved moments like these, moments where she would force Blake to submit to her on the spot. I'm that moment Kali was forcing Blake to take an ass fucking while continuing to cook her breakfast, later on it could be forcing her daughter to suck her off in the shower, or even fuck her pussy on the upstairs balcony. Kali craves dominating her daughter so, but in that moment, she especially craved sending more of her cock into her sweet Blakey's rear.

*Shwap!* *Pat!* *Swap!* echoed through the the kitchen alongside the sound of sizzling bacon as Kali continued to hungrily fuck Blake's ass. Finally sending the entirety of her cock in and about in rapid thrusts, not giving the younger beauty any respite.

"By the gods Blake! Your ass really as amazingly fuckable as it looks! I just want you to know that dear. *Shwap!* *Pat!* *Swap!* You just tempt mommy with it so much. Consider this punishment for all that teasing.~"

As much as Blake hated what was happening to her, her mother capturing her, using her and holding her friend hostage… a part of her enjoyed the ass fucking. The same part of her that has been haunting her since her mother took her on that first day. The feral part of her, a part of her Faunus heritage, the part that historically worshiped Kali's kind. The part of her that was forcing her pussy to wetten at her mother pounding her rear.

Name tried to ignore it, tried to focus on the pain and how much she hated her general situation, but the pleasure always creeped in. It was evolution, her genetics forcing her to enjoy Kali using her so that she would want it more often, is that she could eventually be bred like a breeding sow.

Tried as she did, with all her might, Blake could not tune out the taboo pleasure coursing through her veins. She was enjoying her mother fucking her ass with all her might. All she could do was hope her mother would notice and tease her with it. Naturally, this was a false hope.

"Ah.~" Kali said suddenly and directly into her daughter's ear over her shoulder as the attentive mother saw droplets of Blake's arousal fall into the kitchen floor.

"Would you look at that dear.~" Kali said as she brought her hand and two fingers into Blake's dripping pussy even as she continued to pound her succulent rear.

Blake reluctantly let out a heavy lust filled moan as she felt her mother send two digits into her sensitive and dripping folds.

Kali twirled her fingers about inside her daughter's slit before bringing her now translucent cum covered digits just before Blake's now completely red blushing face.

"You're all wet.~"

Blake failed to show no emotion, she was hatefully enjoying her mother ramming her cock inside her still. Her almost fully red cheeks giving away her mood almost as much as her attempts at only subtle moans did. She truly did her best to ignore all her mother did to her, but she was once again forced into focus as she felt those cum covered fingers grazing her lips.

"Go on Blakey, taste yourself.~" Kali teasingly said into Blake's ear, loving the ashamed yet aroused look on her daughter's face. She only fell in love with it further as it struggled to open its mouth, knowing it had no other choice.

As soon as Blake had opened her mouth wider than needed, Kali slipped the cum soaked digits in and eagerly started toying with the younger girl's tongue. Blake's mouth was quickly overtaken by the taste of her own cum as her mother's fingers so easily dominated her mouth. Such an oral assault would have been bad enough, but Kali had still not ceased in her fucking of Blake's ass and was only now nearing release.

"Are you enjoying yourself my dear? Are you enjoying the taste of yourself? How about the feeling of my cock as it fills your rear? It's alright dear, I already know you're enjoying all of it, your dripping pussy is an easy giveaway. Now, I want to show you how much I'm enjoying your body, so get ready to be filled with mommy's cum again my dear kitten.~"

Several more, powerful, filling thrusts later and Kali was on the very verge of orgasm, just as Blake was.

"Here I come Blake! Take all of mommy's love inside your perfectly fuckable ass!" Kali almost roared out in domination as she thrusted one last time, filling her daughter's ass to the fullest before letting out an explosion of cum deep inside her rear.

As much as Blake would like to say she hated the feeling of her ass getting fucked and filled with her mother's cum, her body would make her a liar as she too orgasmed from her mother's last thrust and subsequent explosion of semen into her rear. Even as Blake tasted her own cum on her mother's fingers, she squirted out more onto the kitchen floor, just as the eggs finished to boot.

The pair remained standing as they had been as the more dominant of them rode out her orgasm and delighted in the feeling of filling her daughter's ass with cum and as said ass continued to pulse and essentially massage the mighty fuck pillar within it. Kali also took minor pleasure in playing with Blake's tongue, using her still cum and now saliva covered fingers to twirl it as she saw fit. The best part for Kali however was when she noticed the large puddle of Blake's transparent cum beneath them, It was clear that she had made Blake orgasm against her will, something she always heavily delighted in.

"My, my. Cumming from just an ass fucking Blake? You really have turned into mommy's little slut haven't you?~"

Blake tried to shut her other out, even as she was forced to ride out her own orgasmic bliss, a bliss that was only extended as her mother slowly, teasingly, pulled her cock out from her ass. Another action that forced carnal pleasure through her that she wished she could hate. She repeatedly told herself that it was nature's fault, not her own. Though that never stopped the pleasure itself, never stopped the orgasms, never stopped the need to submit.

When Kali finally pulled her cock out of Blake's rear, she took pride in her work. The younger faunus was now visibly shaking in her post orgasm state. Cum was dripping from between her asscheeks and puddled onto the floor next to Blake's own juices. Kali also noticed the eggs and bacon were finally perfectly crisp.

So, being the kind and loving mother she was, Kali reached around her still shaking daughter to turn off the stove top, wipe some drool from her lips, give her a firm smack on the ass, took a seat at the kitchen table and called out fro Blake to serve her breakfast, it was their routine after all.

Blake forced herself into motion, knowing full well her mother did not like to be kept waiting. She scooped the eggs and bacon onto one Blake and placed it on the table before her mother.

"My! This looks wonderful dear. How about while I start eating this you clean up our little 'mess' hm?"

The mother was very clearly referring to the puddle of her semen and Blake's cum just in front of the stove. As much as Blake would have rather not, she reminded herself she was doing this for Sun and that she'd find a way out soon enough, or at least she hoped.

Kali watched with joy as Blake's face twisted into one of disgust at the idea, yet she fell to her knees before the puddle all the same. As Kali took a bite of a piece of bacon, Blake swallowed down a tongue full of cum. The food was absolutely delicious, though a bit too hot, it was fresh from the pan after all. So Kali resigned herself to watching Blake lick up both of their cum off the ground, delighting in the blush on her daughter's face as she did so.

Another bit of joy Kali was able to take in, were the soft, minuscule sounds Blake was letting out as she licked up tongue full after tongue full of cum. It was Blake letting out faint moans of pleasure from being dominated, thanks to Blake's inner faunus nature acting up again. It craved Kali's domination and thanks to Kali's faunus ears she was easily able to hear the moans her daughter could only wish she could have kept from coming out.

Just as Blake swallowed down the last of her own cum, Kali decided she'd rather not eat alone, and prepared Blake's breakfast as well, by fishing out her cock from under her robes.

"A marvelous job cleaning up dear, now come, your breakfast is waiting.~" Kali said effortlessly as she started to eat her eggs with a fork and knife, knowing she didn't have to instruct her daughter any further.

Blake clenched her teeth in anger and disgust once again, but all the same, she moved towards the kitchen table. She didn't bother getting up off her hands and knees as she crawled underneath the table and in between her mother's legs. Blake was soon staring directly at Kali's massive cock once more, itself already fully erect, clearly awaiting her attention… though it did not receive any.

"Hm?" Kali hummed aloud, surprised by the lack of mouth on her fuck meat.

The mother looked under the table to see her daughter only staring angrily at her cock. Not something too unusual and nothing that couldn't be resolved with a simple threat.

"Oh my kitten, you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your dear monkey boy would you? Now hurry up, your breakfast is getting cold." Kali teased and threatened, though to surprisingly little effect as her daughter closed her eyes for a moment only to reopen them with an even angrier look.

Well this simply wouldn't do, maybe if Kali showed her a picture of Sun in his captured state would induce submission. Though honestly speaking, Blake had already seen all the photos Kali had of the boy as after she had sold him to a buyer in Atlas she herself only requested a few pictures of him before breaking off contact. This was because she couldn't be bothered to keep track of any of her sold merchandise knowing that her dear Blake was back home. In hindsight this may have been an overview on Kali part as Blake might start to question if she had any real control over the monkey boy's fate anymore, which she didn't

Just then though, in a moment of great convenience, Kali's scroll lit up and beeped with a notification of a message, several in fact. Kali's associates had captured another person of interest, another she could use to quell her little kitten's silly ideas of revolting against her. The girl in questions was none other than Weiss Schnee.

"Well my dear, if poor Sun's life is of little interest to you now, then perhaps her's will be worth more." Kali said in her usual seductive and dominating tone as she turned her scroll towards her daughter, showing her a picture of Weiss in a… vulnerable state. Her clothes had nearly been burned off it seemed with several small cuts dotting her exposed skin. Thankfully at least her bra was still mostly intact, though Blake could easily make out that her arms were tied behind her back and the defeated look in the Schnee's eyes nearly tore Blake's heart out.

"P-please… mom, please don't hurt her. I'll do anything you want! Just please don't-"

Kali raised her hand, and so Blake instantly fell silent. Yes, this would work perfectly, her associates had sent several dozen pictures of the heiress in various states of undress and despair. They would not harm the girl any further of course, she knew her primary contact, the one leading the captures of these girls would only allow minimal injury as she had plans for all of them from here on out. Something Kali was more than happy with as the new pictures would show the heiress taking no unneeded pain which would only encourage Bake to keep acting as a good little girl, thinking her obedience was truly sparing Weiss any harm.

"Your breakfast my dear, I believe you've yet to start on it.~"

Blake only took a hard gulp to ready herself, she was now doing this for Sun and Weiss, so she would do whatever was asked of her. With that in mind, the younger faunus brought her face closer to the now semi flaccid cock, knowing she only made more work for herself as she had to get her mother hard again. An easy enough task truthfully, all it took was some simple ball worship, something that was already demanded of Blake at every meal serving.

The younger faunus could bring herself to pause any longer, knowing her teammate's life was on the line. And so, she started lapping her tongue along her mother's cock.

Kali's smile only grew as she looked underneath the table to see her dear daughter almost eagerly running her tongue over her rod. Knowing the situation was once again well in hand, Kali returned to her own breakfast, knowing her dear daughter would indulge in her own meal.

And indulge she certainly seemed. Kali's cock was back to full mast quickly thanks to a mix of tongue polishing and Blake's hand running along the thick meat. The younger faunus then moved down to her futa mother's balls, the hefty and intoxicating scent the massive orbs let off quickly filled Blake's nostrils and yet again her old world faunus senses took control of her.

The only thing Blake could seem to hold a thought about was her mother's cock and balls, her mouth absentmindedly drooling just at the thought of tasting another load of her mother's cum. Though a great tasting of cock and balls would also do, and so, her body seemingly out of her own control, Blake found herself lapping her tongue aggressively at Kali's sack. The pube covered flesh dominated the younger girl's taste buds, making it seem as if it was the only thing she should have ever been tasting in her life.

The two meaty orbs inside demanding worship, worship Blake's body was eager to give. So the girl managed to take one of the balls into her mouth, being sure to gently suck on the orbs that would be giving her a meal soon enough. Not to leave her mother's cock unattended, Blake brought both of her hands to wrap around the thick rod, jerking her hands up and down on the cock forcing tiny bits of precum to emerge from the tip.

Kali meanwhile was simply enjoying her eggs and bacon. She believed the eggs could have used more pepper, but the amazing oral service Blake was giving her beneath the table was more than sufficient to make up for it. Plus it was always something Kali could bring up the next time she fucked Blake's ass in front of the stove.

Blake's old world faunus nature had now completely overtaken her actions, her more conscious mind not fighting them, she could feel shame later, but now, this was for Weiss.

The younger girl now had managed to fit both of Kali's impressively large testicles into her mouth, still gently sucking on them and running her tongue over them, tasting them with great clarity as the intoxicating smell continued to fill Blake's lungs. Her hands having jerked Kali's cock well enough that they themselves were nearly coated in precum, another sign that informed Blake her mother was near orgasm and her mother always emphasized not wasting a meal.

Doubly regrettably, Blake released Kali's now saliva covered ball from her mouth to move her lips to the tip of her mother's fuck meat. This was doubly regrettable because Blake's body hated leaving such a wonderful pair of hefty falls behind and unattended, it craved to taste them more and perhaps if Kali was feeling generous she would be able to taste them again. That was one regrettable reason, the other was that Blake's more conscious mind regretted feeling that way at all, hating how her body gave in so easily to Kali's body, but not being able to do anything about it.

Soon enough Blake was bobbing her head up and down on her mother's cock. Kali always believed Blake such a wonderful under-the-table-slut, this moment was only reinforcing that belief. Kali couldn't imagine her daughter sitting at the table like a normal adult, no, she could only see her as under the table, servicing her mighty cock, taking it into the back of her throat as she was now, and swallowing her warm breakfast, as she was about to.

Blake was in the middle of deepthroating Kali's cock once more, taking her head all the way to the tip of the rod and then back down until her nose pressed against her mother's groin. She did this several times until she felt a hand on the back of her head, a sign that her breakfast was just about ready.

Being the good, obedient, and resistantly eager slut for her mother that she was, Blake deepthroated Kali's cock once more, this time keeping her lips wrapped around the base of her mother cock. The younger faunus now only swallowed around the cock while her nose was pressed firmly into a forest of pubic hair, the scent they let off enthralling Blake's mind, making her body all the more needy for her mother's filling cum.

And soon after, her body got what she hated, yet it craved.

"Oh yes my dear! Here's your warm and thick breakfast my kitten! Enjoy.~" Kali said as she brought both of her hands to the back of Blake's head, firmly pressing down on her daughter's head, knowing she didn't need to, but enjoying the feeling of doing it all the same as she shot another massive load of semen into her beloved daughter's throat.

This load was easily larger than her first two of the day, perhaps it was the fact that her daughter was only more subservient to her now. Perhaps, all Kali knew was that it was clearly a struggle for her dear Blake to swallow down this particular load. Blake had coughed once from the amount, and some semen had started to shoot out of her nose, it was quite the sight.~

Even with what little slipped out around Blake's vacuum seal like lips, the girl felt utterly stuffed with cum, once again hating how her faunus biology allowed her to live off Kali's cum alone, but of course knowing there was nothing she could do about it, especially when her body gave in so eagerly.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

After nearly a dozen full gulps of her mother's jizz later, Blake finally managed to pull her lips off the saliva covered cock, believing her mother was well and truly satisfied.

"Oh my, Blake! That was simply wonderful! I think that may have been your best blowjob yet!... Though, I'm not actually finished my meal yet." She was, but Blake was under the table and couldn't see her plate, so she was none the wiser. "And you know the rules dear, you're not done with your breakfast until I'm done with mine. So back to it my dear, my got isn't going to suck itself.~" Kali cruelly teased her daughter.

Having no other choice, Blake brought her tongue and lips back to Kali's balls, once again starting to worship them as the meal givers they were. The only other thing Blake could do was hope her fellow teammates would rescue Weiss and perhaps herself one day, they would not, but she could hope at least. In the meantime, she had another load of cum to take down her eager throat.