

What would happen if a pair of otakus were somehow drawn into one of the animes they watch? What would happen if they eventually drag some friends along? and what would happen if eventually they learn how to travel through different dimensions? Rated M for safety. not a crossovers because there will be more than just one. Also this was not create by me. The author is BlackCatSasuke

Marven123 · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs


Just In





"Damn this forest!" Cinder Fall angrily cursed to herself as her fiery red and orange dress was caught on yet another tall bush.

The evil beauty was making her way through the Emerald Forest in the dead of night after sneaking her way out of the Beacon dormitory in her most glamorous outfit. This wasn't without good reason of course, as she had a very important meeting she had to make.

Her dark mistress, queen of the Grimm, Salem, was apparently awaiting her in the clearing deep with the woods, near the ancient ruins where the chess pieces had been laid on initiation day.

Or at least that's what her underling, Emerald Sustrai, had told her. The pyromancer was caught off-guard by the sudden summons and was suspicious of the way Emerald had described running into a Seer grimm, the floating jellyfish grimm her majesty uses to contact her subordinates. Normally Watts would have contacted her on Salem's behalf through encrypted channels, which is why the half Maiden found it rather unusual to hear Salem had directly contacted Emerald instead.

Yet, as questionable as it all was, Cinder would not dare risk upsetting her queen by not showing up when she was supposedly called upon. So here she was, making her way through a dark and dirty forest with only the moonlight to guide her as using her flames may have alerted any onlookers from the school.

"Damn it all! By the gods once we take over this school, I'll burn down this forest myself!" Cinder roared out as she made her way through the last of the foliage separating her from the designated clearing.

Finally, the dark beauty walked into the open area with an angry scowl on her face, though that quickly vanished once she laid her eyes upon the pale figure at the center of the clearing.

"Ah. There you are, my dear Cinder. ~" Salem said with a both motherly caring warmth alongside a venomously seductive and hungry undertone.

Finally seeing her queen for herself, Cinder quickly fast-walked her way over to her mistress, closing the distance between them with speed and elegance, though her sudden anxiety was also clear to see.

Soon enough, Cinder stood before her mistress and fell to her knees before her, as she was accustomed to doing. Yet, as she went through her now muscle memory actions to greet her queen, she trembled lightly in fear. After all, her queen was here, so far from her fortress in the grimm lands, but why?

"I'm honored as always, to see you, my queen."

"As you should be. However, there is another that you should feel honor towards. Someone you've neglected as of late." Salem said, her tone elegant yet hostile as she closed the remaining distance between herself and Cinder's kneeling form.

"Y-your majesty?" the pyromancer asked with confusion and fear.

"Emerald dear, please show yourself."

As commanded, Emerald Sustrai appeared out of the foliage behind where Salem had once stood. The green haired illusionist wore her usual timid look, yet a hint of a smile slipped through.

"You see my dear, with everything I've heard and seen through my various… methods. I've come to the conclusion that you've been rather cruel to our precious little illusionist here. Your callous disregard for your subordinates tells me you have grown prideful, that you've underestimated those around you and have subsequently overestimated yourself. Such recklessness could very well endanger the plans I've spent centuries cultivating. Not to mention of course, it gives off the wrong idea, that is that you see yourself as the ultimate one in charge, free to make radical decisions outside your given parameters, as if you were a queen yourself."

"N-No my lady! I-I would never-" Cinder spoke out suddenly, fear clear in her voice before she was cut off.

"Did I allow you to speak?" Salem asked rhetorically, the dark queen's red eyes glowing bright with anger.

Cinder immediately fell silent, panic spreading across her features as her body noticeably started trembling. While the beauty was certainly prideful, she was never foolish enough to truly compare herself to the immortal queen of the grimm. She was well aware it would be in her best interest to obey Salem's word to the letter, no matter how degrading.

"Now, I have called you here tonight, alongside dear Emerald, so that we may take… corrective measures. ~" Salem said before making her way behind Cinder and kneeling down next to her. The dark queen then lifted up the ravenetta's red and gold dress before suddenly taking a firm handful of Cinder's left asscheek and squeezing it generously.

Cinder herself did not respond in any way, except for a very intense blush consuming her face, after all, this was far from the first time Cinder experienced the hungry touches of the grimm queen.

Upon Cinder's recruitment into Salem's ranks, the dark queen took an intense interest in the girl for a number of reasons, her skill with her multiple weapons, her unique semblance, her hunger for power, and of course, her beauty.

Salem may no longer have been completely human, but she still felt certain human urges, some more than others.

Yet, the dark queen spent the vast majority of her time far from human society where she could readily run into beauties to… unwind with. As such, Salem was not above sleeping with her own subordinates provided they were nice enough on the eyes and would do exactly as she asked of them, Cinder fell perfectly into such a role, the role of a perfect slut that is.

Salem continued to grope Cinder's perfect asscheeks for a full minute, switching in between the two smackable mounds of flesh every so often, ending with a powerful and loud *Smack!*

Cinder barely held back a moan as she clenched her fists and her body stiffened.

She clearly enjoyed the minor abuse. Good.

The immortal woman then rose to her feet and quickly moved to stand just before the eager slut.

Cinder looked up to the queen before her with pitifully needy eyes, desperate for more.

Salem only looked down at the beauty before her with a hungry smile.

What was already abundantly clear between the three women that night was that Cinder had never been a true dom. The needy eyes that looked up, only spoke of submissiveness, mixed in with a surprising amount of shyness. Perhaps this had been the result of Salem's domination of the pyromancer that forced a generally expected dom into such a sorry state.

It didn't matter of course, Cinder could tell the queen before her had come here tonight to claim and use Cinder, thoroughly, and that's what was absolutely going to happen.

With a last chuckle at Cinder's expense, Salem slid her hands along her sides and down her thighs. Her dark robe then seemingly evaporated into thin air, revealing Salem's ghostly pale naked body.

Now, standing naked before the blushing and in-awe Cinder, the dark queen leaned her lower half forward, placing her groin just before the kneeling beauty's face, an obvious hint as to what was expected to happen next.

Cinder's mouth went dry, suddenly finding herself desperate for a taste of her mistress's royal nectar. The normally prideful beauty took a nervous gulp before leaning her face forwards and eventually pressing her lips and tongue against Salem's pussy.

It tasted… sweeter and even more addictive than Cinder had remembered. Then again Cinder hadn't serviced her queen like this in far too long for her liking.

The new flavor was much to the pyromancer's enjoyment and so her tongue worked with extra vigor to please the queen looking down at her. Cinder lapped her tongue up and down the entire length of her mistress's pussy lips, giving extra attention to flick her tongue upwards at just the right time to hit the royal clitoris with the perfect amount of gentle force which sent a jolt of pleasure up her queen's spine.

After several seconds, standing dom was already thoroughly enjoying Cinder's dutiful efforts. It was clear that Cinder had indeed been well trained and her time undercover had not lessened her oral ability by any significant degree.

The kneeling beauty was indeed a little slut who was well trained in how to eat a pussy properly.

The dominant woman was already imagining sitting on some great intimidating throne with a glass of wine in one hand as she looked down at Cinder, naked and on her knees, eating her out with an utterly submissive look as her other hand kept the ravenetta's face pressed against her slit. It was a sight the queen was hoping to recreate soon enough.

Nevertheless, Salem seemed to take full advantage of Cinder's current submissive state. With the image from her imagination already in mind, the queen sent one hand to grip the top-back of Cinder's head to keep her from pulling her mouth away for too long, while her other hand took up a lock of Cinder's exquisite silky hair to simply twirl in between her fingers.

Cinder did not react in any meaningful way of course; she was a total sub and so simply continued to pleasure the one above her. If her mistress wanted to press her mouth against that royal pussy with her superhuman strength so much that Cinder herself could not breathe, then so be it. Cinder had passed out as a result of that specific situation multiple times, as Salem seemed to enjoy watching the fire slowly leave her eyes. Yet, of course, Cinder would continue to eat out her mistress until the very end, until unconsciousness took her completely, her tongue would fight fiercely to please and taste her mistress's addictively delicious pussy.

With such a heated dedication to pleasing her mistress, it should come as no shock to know that Cinder would become incredibly turned on whenever she was made to serve another woman in such a way; this time was no exception.

The pyromancer's one slit had been leaking arousal non-stop since her tongue first made contact with the addictive pussy before her just a few minutes ago. Her hands remained as clenched fists sitting still on her thighs however, as she was in no way allowed to pleasure herself while servicing another, a rule Salem had decreed and trained into her long ago. Thus, even as Cinder's panties became utterly soaked, even as her own arousal slid down her thighs and onto the forest floor below, even as she burned inside for the slightest touch, she only made to eat out the elegant pussy with furious dedication.

"My my, Cinder dear, you certainly do not disappoint. ~" Salem teasingly said as she continued to twirl a lock of Cinder's black hair in one hand while still watching the pyromancer eat her out with an intense submissive hunger.

Suddenly, Salem pulled back on Cinder's head with her other hand and forced the kneeling beauty to look up at her before speaking.

"How do I taste, my dear? ~" Salem asked with a hungry tone.

"Y-you taste amazing my queen! Your juices are even more delicious and addictive now than ever before! My tongue, my mouth, my entire body is honored to serve its main purpose once again!" Cinder cried out in a rather pathetic tone, yet the queen before her enjoyed the sound of it all.

"And how long do you think you could service me continuously as you are now? On your knees with your mouth pressed against my 'addictive' slit, that is. ~"

It was a question Cinder had often pondered herself. Time was harder to track out in the red cloudy skies of the grimmlands. The half-maiden wasn't even certain of her current longest streak of time in orally servicing her queen.

Her own body has been fully trained to enjoy eating pussy to such an extent that doing anything else at the same time, such as keeping track of time, was essentially an impossible task.

That was a fact that even the runt Neapolitan learned as a result of the plan absolutely needing her immensely useful transformation and possibly teleportation abilities.

No, with Cinder's typically prideful mindset she did not initially want to devour the ice cream girl's pussy for several hours on end each and every day they were undercover, but her own body and true submissive traits certainly enjoyed it as, just as now, her own pussy became incredibly wet from simply eating her out. Yet again, Cinder's more prideful thoughts spun it off as needing to absolutely acquire Neo's loyalty, even if it cost her a few hungry hours on her knees each day at Beacon.

Back to the question at hand however.

Cinder's more true-to-self-thoughts, her submissive thoughts that is, could only form one response.

"I am nothing but a helpless sex toy to be used. I'm simply an eager slut who craves subjugation and I need to be controlled, absolutely. If ordered to, my mouth would never leave your pristine and delicious lower lips. I would be honored to live off solely drinking your addictive and delicious juices for all time. If I could only ever taste you on my tongue, I would do so gladly." Cinder said, eyes shining with dedication and submission.

She was telling the truth.

Salem seemed to be truly surprised by Cinder's statement. Her shocked look must have been noticed by the kneeling beauty who, only after registering Salem's reaction, began to blush fiercely once again.

It took several seconds, but the queen managed to regain her hungry and dominant smile.

"Well, my dear. That was certainly the statement, not a bad suggestion either, to have you forever on your knees before me. However, I have other plans for you aside from orally satisfying me. After all, you still need to make up with dear Emerald, but let's just finish this off first before we move on to our other fun. ~"

With that, Salem sent both of her hands to the sides of Cinder's head and, with a firm grip of the kneeling beauty's head, pulled the half maiden's face towards her royal pussy with such force that Cinder couldn't pull away even if she wanted to, which of course, she didn't.

With renewed vigor, Cinder quickly began again to hungrily devour Salem's pussy, sending her tongue deep into those royal depths, only recalling it so that she could more easily suck on her mistress's clitoris with a gentle yet powerful suction.

With such a deep desire to pleasure the one above herself, Cinder's face quickly became coated in a layer of her mistress's juices. This wasn't for the lack of Cinder trying to swallow down every ounce of Salem's cum that she could, but instead as a result of Salem herself.

While more than enjoying Cinder's enthusiastic service, she wanted even more. That culminated in the grimm queen using her firm grip of Cinder's head to start grinding her lower half along the kneeling beauty's face, coating her in the queen's juices even as she continued to eat her out.

Cinder didn't mind of course, in fact, as should be expected by this point, the half-Maiden was only more thoroughly turned on by the careless abuse of her normally regal and elegant face. Her own panties were now utterly drenched from how turned on she was at being used like a true sex toy. Yet, she continued to refrain from touching herself, as her mistress had not yet allowed her to.

Though, for Cinder, being such an utter sub, it was not outside the realm of possibility for her to orgasm without her own pussy being embraced in any way and pleasure solely coming from servicing another.

Yet this was not about Cinder's pleasure, it was about her queen's, her mistress's, the one she was kneeling before.

And said mistress was on the edge of orgasmic pleasure.

"Ah yes, my dear! Continue servicing me like the slut you are! My eager little whore!" Salem yelled out as she neared her pleasure limit.

The queen now had her eyes closed and face turned to the night sky as she continued to grind her lower lips across Cinder's eager face while the kneeling beauty continued to do her best to eat out her mistress properly, ever more desperate to taste her mistress's juices.

Finally, the dominant woman reached her peak.

With a cry that could scare off any nearby grimm, Salem used her firm grip of Cinder's head to once again press the beauty's mouth tightly against her pussy, ensuring the half maiden could not pull away as the queen orgasmed right into her mouth.

Cinder, of course, did not even think of pulling away and instead focused her entire being on swallowing down her mistress's cum while simultaneously continuing to eat her out even through her current orgasm as she had still not been ordered to stop just yet.

After several minutes of Salem experiencing her orgasm, with Cinder still continuing to lap her tongue against her mistress's folds, the queen finally regained herself and looked down at Cinder.

The kneeling beauty's face was covered in a mix of sweat, saliva and cum, one of her eyes was even closed as so much of the mixtures had pooled on her face.

Salem smiled at the sight.

Cinder, while still devouring her mistress's slit, looked up at her queen with her one opened eye, looking for approval, looking to see if she had pleased her mistress.

Salem saw the desperate look and her smile only grew.

Though, before Salem called on Cinder to stop, the kneeling half maiden suddenly noticed her queen's eyes were now a deep green instead of their usual red. What this meant, Cinder didn't care, so long as she was being a good slut and made serve.