


The path has already been decorated with flowers. Guests are on their feet, clapping as Mr. Walton came in with Arianna, hand in hand.

Arianna face was covered with a veil. She looked up and at the end of the lane, she could see her groom who was patiently waiting for her to get him.

Tears ran from her eyes.

Though the start was rough and terrible, it was a trial of hardship, a bed of thorns....full of pains.

It was hard but they went through everything together and now they'll be starting their life allover.

She finally got in front of him and there he was, standing with his father.

Arianna raised her head and saw the man she has ever loved in front of her. Her ANGELO, her heart code. He was standing with his biological father BANDINI.


He pulled back not wanting to shut the door. He bite on his lower lip and plunged into the door handle fiercely. He shot the door and finally breathe out.