
You'll not eat sour food,,,!!!

It has been three months ever since we moved in together work has been good and smooth, we are launching our next products out next month, we can wait for that day to come,,,

The brands under gold has a logo in them in gold form, but something strange has been happening to me , most of the time I feel dizzy when I wake up in the morning  from bed I feel dizzy and my head hurts,

I vomit immediately but my friends doesn't know about this, I always feel sleepy, what is happening maybe Because, I have been working so hard lately and therefore I have to go to the hospital

"Tasha, Roy, I need to go to the hospital of late I have been feeling dizzy, vomit everything I take, slept most of the time, I think because of alot of work" I told them as I pick my gold designs clutch

"Hey, wait a minute there are the symptoms you have been feeling, for how long" Roy asked

"For as I can remember for 2 months,," what is wrong with his face why is he making it look like something serious

"Girl, these are symptoms of a pregnant woman, have you experience your periods lately?" Tasha asked

"Aaahah! wait I haven't, no no no! I can't be pregnant but how?" I asked I was totally afraid

"How, seriously girl, three months ago you lost your virginity to a stranger that's how you got to be pregnant sweety" Tasha answered

"Wait for me here I will get you a pregnancy test kit, 20 of them, and let's see and wait for the results" Roy said as he pick the car keys

"Girl am really hoping that you are so that I can be a godmother,,,," she chuckled what is so funny about being pregnant?

"Test one, two, three!, Four, five , six!" A

"All them are showing the same result meaning am pregnant ?"

"Yes my dear and you need to take good care of yourself, from today onward 

You will have to visit the hospital to start your clinic" Roy said

""I am going to be a godmother, wait Wait,,, I will not allow you to eat sour foods cause that baby in there is an angel you will only eat sweet food staffs for her to come out as beautiful as I am,,," Tasha was even happier than I was

But why should I be happy am carrying a child of somebody I even don't know his name, whether he was a thug, a mafian or some demon oooh my God what will I answer my baby if she will need to know her daddy,

Don't ask me why but seems Tasha said the baby is a girl then it is,

I was about to start my career but it seems I have to let my fellow take over and no need to announce my identity yet

"Hey that baby will be a gentleman did you hear that that baby is a boy my buddy my loves, I will take good care of him"