
Old Mrs Sanchez,, not simple jokes,,,!!

"my second son has come home?" The old madam asked

"Yes Mrs Sanchez, Doctor Robert is home"

Did you see his face, is he happy, or thin fat, pale, did you see his face closely" 

"Yes ma'am I saw, him, he came home all happy I think he has finally moved on and is like he is in love"

What else can make that old Doctor happy apart from falling in love and having a peaceful life

"Okay, okay, is everything ready as I instructed"the old Mrs Sanchez asked

"Yes Ma'am, oooh, all the four brothers are here they are very happy, and the extended ones also managed to come"

"Thank you I just hope that, his come is not because he is dying Soon, I think he might come here because of this"

"Hahaa, ma'am relax, it doesn't seems to be the case here,,, I think it is because of love and happiness that he wants to share with the all of you"

"Didn't you hear when they say that, when people are next to dying they are always happy and they always share the most happiest moment with those people that he/ she love"

The maids around were surprised by her.words was this old madam running mad

"Take me to the guest room I want to see my dying son for the last time" she believed that her son Doctor Robert was dying in real sense and the only person that could change this was Robert himself,,,

"Hey brother tell us something did you fall in love again, you are all happy that you can not hide it" the elder brother asked

"mm, I believe in love again" 

"Wow, uncle and we're is the gorgeous lady, but I only believe she is not, more beautiful than my mom, right daddy"

"No, no young man the only person that is her rival is old madam" "are you for real,. Is she that old?"

"No, she is not old but her beauty rival is old madam"

"Hahaaaa, mmmh, second, you really are in love I want to see this woman" he said smiling

"I believe love is the strongest and powerful feeling ever that has ever existed, my dear younger brother"

"All this time Old Mrs Sanchez was halfway the stairs, listen to all of them and how Robert said the beauty of that woman could only match hers,

"Did you hear  that old madam, he complemented your beauty"

The old madam was happy and could only smile

'that is my son,,, I am happy that he is happy and smiling, soon I will find out why he is back home'

"Okay, , grandma is here, let us held to the dinning table then letter our brother will tell us, the reason for his visit"

"Yeah, sure let me walk mamma into the room"

"Mamma, long time am sorry your son visited only today"

"I don't know why you came, but I believe you didn't come to tell us you are dying"