
Old Mrs Knight's anger,,,!

'what is happening to this old man' she narrowed her eyes, just then she realized that she can't meet this man not unless the condition is clear

"Ahah,,,! What happened to grandpa? Is he going to be okay? Mommy you are a doctor save grandpa for us please" Liam said

Everyone "..." Once again they could not understand since when did Jane become a doctor?

"Okay take Dad to the last car" she said

"Jane are you really a doctor" the third wife asked

"Yes mommy she is a doctor much more capable than I am" legendary doctor said

"Really ? Then Jane why did you hide  hide this identity from us?" She said

At the same time her grandma was happy how many things are they in dark with? How came this granddaughter is everything and yet she  was always alone 

She has achieved things that only non ordinary people can achieve can she be called a normal person

She is truly a daughter of Wendy, but why did Wendy hide from us, why didn't she recognize us? And even when Robert was in pain she did not turn to help

Is it possible that Wendy is not Ghost and that they look a like?

That woman speech earlier clearly shows that she is Wendy if not why will a lawyer talk to a client like a parent and she has more power to make the judge end the case?

No matter how she could think about it she was not convinced that Ghost was not Wendy

"Time will tell, by then I don't know if she will forgive her" she said

"Mommy why did she hide from us?and it seems like she don't know anything about us, like we are strangers to her, like she didn't even try looking at us?" The old son said

"And I think that is the pain that brother in law is going through after seeing someone that looks exactly like her the pain came back, but why did she deny that she is not Wendy

Look she even became the best lawyer" second daughter in law said

"She was looking at us like strangers there was no hint of friendship before like we are just some sort of strangers to her it hurts in here she was my best friend" fourth wife said

"Maybe after escaping from Nation A, she lost her memory and that's why she can't recall or remember us"

"I think of the same thing too and we don't know were she stays and we can't go and find her either now that another identity of Jane has been uncovered 

I feel like this daughter of .wendy  is so many things that we don't know about" she said

"She is Zero, Ghost, CEO of Assex , lawyer, Doctor 

Something is not right somewhere, up there are somethings that we still don't know about this our niece

Wendy had the same characteristics as hers, this made Wendy live like a thief reasons why she left and gave birth somewhere else are still unknown what if this niece of ours end up just like her?" 

"Then to solve this mystery, higher the best lawyers detectives to go back into what happened 20 years ago we have to understand what happened and by finding the roots of this that is when we can protect Jane and her children and investigate who this ghost is" old madam Sanchez said

"Remember this must not go outside , and not even the young ones should know about this if this woman is truly Wendy why is she hiding 

If she lost her memory find out where, when and how?" She said

*in The second car*

"Mommy why are you not helping grandpa, we also want to see and know so that we can help next time" Finn said, he was sad he thought that he was going to die how can their grandpa die just like that

"Relax son your grandfather will be fine and he is going to be okay, trust me or you don't want to trust me now?" She was painted she could not believe that her own lawyer ruled the case in Colin's favor and what can she could not understand was 

She felt that she was quite familiar with her, Evn though Ghost has been her guardian for so many years she had never see this person and she thought that this person was a male person not a female 

When she held her she felt earth just because of a mare touch, she felt like her mother was with her, and her voice was that of her,,,

Her face was quite similar with has what is going on did my mother cover her face and not even my step father knew her real identity?

Hehee, life has brought me to it's toughest end I suffered alone I didn't know that I had such a family that was ready to die and burn with me in a flame,,,, but then again I felt like, life without her was incomplete

Why did this woman appeared from no where and instead of supporting me she even secretly get my children for DNA test a puzzle that is unsolvable

"Mommy are you thinking of something, don't think too much even though the court said that we can stay with daddy, 

But we can leave your side no matter what, we will stay by your side and like that forever"" Finn said

"Says who wanted to leave and go with his inhuman dad, mmh! Mommy don't believe him he might sneak at night and go to him this one can't be trusted no matter" Liam said

"Brother I had changed won't you forgive your stupid younger brother please, he has changed please and he is going to behave according to your demand and instructions" he said and made his eyes roll like that of a baby doll

"Okay, if only I pay much attention to you for at least for two weeks then older brother can trust you" Liam said

*At the knights in nation A**

"Grandma I heard that Colin Fernandez is making things difficult for Jane in the UK, what does he want if he keeps on like this ,,," he paused" the kids might be taken from her and that will make my sister suffer I don't want such to happen, " Ethan said he doesn't know how to express his love but one thing he is sure of

He likes this cousin of his, she made a name for herself and she keeps on doing things that even he could do without his family's help

"What do you mean by he is giving my granddaughter hard time!?"

"Grandma, Colin Fernandez travelled to UK using his private plane and private route, to UK, and with how powerful this man is 

He managed to break into Jane's home the Sanchez main Villa and kidnapped her for hours after that just a few hours ago

He took her to court can you believe that he won the case of taking her kids away from her"

"That can't happen don't they know that it was Jane that healed his vegetable grandfather? Is this how the Fernandez pay the good deads!" The old madam Linda was angry and said 

"I want to visit this old man and let him tell me if this how they want to pay, by taking my granddaughter's only hope from her, her only happiness

If they are planning of killing my granddaughter for me then they are going to kill me today" she said and the chaffer drove her to the Fernandez old villa

'first this stupid grandson impregnated my granddaughter and threw money on her and called her prostitute then  he is planning making things difficult for her?' 

"Back at the Sanchez Ethan called*

"Rodney do you know who I saw today?" He asked

"Who did you meet are you falling in love tell big brother already" Rodney said

"Stupid big brother can you just stop it" he said

"Then tell me who did you meet today if you are taking my time I will hug the phone" he said

"I met aunty Wendy she was the one that gave Jane's kids away to that Colin,," he said

"Ethan are you dreaming right now how can you joke over such a thing?" Rodney did not find it funny

"Then check in your WeChat inbox and tell me who that is and call me useless again" he hunger the phone

Rodney opened his WeChat inbox and realized that this woman although old but she is still beautiful someone might think that she is in her early thirties, she looks exactly like aunty Wendy but how is it possible.

"Hey Ethan how did you find this  what are you still doing find out where Aunty is staying " he said

"Brother didn't I told you that she is the lawyer Ghost and that unfolded ghost is her? And as per investigating where

It is impossible,," he ended the call