
Meeting three sisters!!!

Few months later*

After coming from home I did not know what was awaiting for me in the outside world, I was always locked in the house and I didn't have friends anymore 

And maybe those that I had at young age have forgotten about me, walking a cross the dark streets of the city after my classes I had to go back and work at the cafe nearby, 

Old madam Linda loves me very much and always pushes me to have a boyfriend but I always say after I find myself then I will date.

"Young lady , it is time for you to have friends and boyfriend stabilize your circle so that after this you, can really on someone look at you,

You have a career, you have been signed to work under the largest company as a designer , but you are mysterious  under *gold designer and designs* who will know you my child go and claim your identity,, 

Sure that man that will melt your heart bring him to me"

This old lady is talking like as if she is my family, like she understands me better yes am the mysterious novelist *Jane.C* I am a romance novel writer, fantasy novels 

But I don't believe. In love.

"Hey Jane, why are you like this your clothes are always simple but with unique designs, and I heard that you are a designer in school if designs

Can you help me with something , actually my friends and I we came to this cafe not to have drinks but for you to help us since we have a party to attend,"

"Yes, Jane, am Shasa,she is Olivia,and she is Line,,," another lady said the one who addressed me earlier is called Line,,,

"Help us girl, we have been into your unique designs " Olivia spoke

"Okay I will chose, colours,, but,, there is no need come for your clothes by the end of the week

Any clothes accessories will be available shoes, clutch and everything"

"You won't take our measurements ? " Line asked

"Yes " 

But they will be expensive one person's dressing code will add up to $30000, only if you are comfortable with the amount then I will continue" I told them

"Why are they expensive

"Cause my girl here is working ,,,"

"Oooh, sorry I won't tell you" she said this old madam of mine

"But when you come you will have to take her with you she is too boring she has no friends,,," the old madam said 

""Really,,! You don't have friends?" They could not believe that I don't have friends

"How can that be, you need to socialize my dear, prepare we will be going there the four of us, okay, you our designer must be there" the said

"Okay, I will "

"Girl you are the designer, you have to dress your all, cause prominent people will be there, actually the three of us are blood sisters,

And our single brother will be there so you have to come with us no excuse "