
Maybe she's Gold/lady in mask,,,!

They could not help but aske why was the lady so much like the most goddess of beauty

Few minutes later "Boss the results are with you in your phone, there is a twist in the story after the recovery 

Everything is well explained in the folder that you have been sent"

When the three gentlemen heard of they could not help but look at each other what were they expecting 

Colin slowly opened his phone and then swipe to the folder and there he had the information about the old madam and this lady like Wendy

[This photo is a photo of Old madam of the knight family Mrs Linda knight, she is the chairlady of the knight company and together with the husband they are the founder of this top three company,,  she is also considered the owner of

W- empire that the founder was Miss Wendy Knight,

Even though she has been outside the family and stayed hidden from her people but she was still the one running this company whose CEO, is the second young master of the knight family, she also assigned 

This designer by the name *gold* and this lady though she has that appearance of Wendy Knight, but according to this photo it was taken 6 months ago, which proves that though they look alike she is not Wendy

According to her appearance she is at least 21-23 years old, , but even so she has no details in the system in country Z, but in country H, where all this were her old records.  but this states that she died three years ago,,

To that family she died, but to her sister she is still alive,, though the photo they showed was more like the lady in the mask last time,,,

This only means one thing she is either *Gold herself/ that lady in mask*]

When Colin read the last part he forgot to tell his three sisters that were waiting to know were there friend was

"Hello brother tell us something,,, "

"Hey ladies relax,, the old lady you are looking for is the old madam of the Knight's, and this lady you called your friend

Her identity is well hidden, she has two identities, one states that she died  3 years ago, and the other one according to this photo states that, she doesn't exist,,,

And that take us to this question, have you ever meet gold ?"

"Yes we have met her, at first she was this simple lady with this big clothes

But with unique designs that is what attracted us towards her,, but,,,,,," she pissed"she had another appearance , so when we insisted for her to join us that is when we realized that she was putting on this heavy make-up that made her look way more beautiful, than her usual self,," they lied

What Colin was expecting to hear was different from what his three sisters said now she has to agree that that lady 

Disappeared from exciting, he curled his lips into smile that stunned his friends

George, Jeffrey",,,,,_

*💕💕💕 Helloo, everyone am now taking my exams the new update will start on 1st May where by I will be updating three chapters per day am sorry for the delay but forgive me I love you all

And thanks for your support 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕***