
Joylen's kidnap,,,!!!

"king, the lady that night was her, but why did Joylen met us back then, then now this lady is related to this kids

Leave alone that the mother of the kids is our bosses daughter Ghost!" Grake said

"If Draco had not sent us this picture we could have made a very big problem, why does Joylen want to kill this woman with low profile? 

Why? But the question is, how come Ghosts' daughter is here but not in the UK?"

"King, I didn't know you are dumb, let us pretend like we have kidnap them here, let's lure this Joylen to come here and know 

Why she wanted to kill our Lord's grandchildren"

"No,,! I don't want to die, I haven't made her to love me,,"

"Hehee, I didn't know that after seeing this young lady you will behave like a puppy" Grake said

King Called Joylen Wade

"Hello, have you done the task?" She asked in a sweet voice if she didn't set a trap for him, he could have fallen for her trap

"Joylen Wade! You will not be the death of me! Do you know who those kids are?

Do you know who there mother is? Do you know who there grandmother is?

Joylen do you know did set this trap to kill me,

Are you taking my feelings of pure love as a joke? 

Let me tell you die alone and don't you ever call me foolish woman!" King shouted and ended the call

'what a foolish woman she wants to kill me, hahaa, I can't allow her to kill me my girl is still waiting for me yet she wants to kill'

Just as they were talking Unknown number called and it was a video call

"Hello, who is calling?" King was now relaxed

A young lad, appeared on the screen this time round he was putting on a dark purple with gray top, prince rain coat, he gives a sense of nobility

Just his presence made,  King and Grake to straighten there back,

"I am Xavier Sanchez, you can call me Lord of the underworld,,

I have a message for you, those two brothers you were sent to kill are my brothers,

If I hear anything like anything happening to them, just kiss this world good byee

Do you understand!"

"Yes, lord Xavier we do,,,! We were ignorant but now we won't be, we will protect that family with our lives, "


"Thank you" just like that the video was ended

Grake and King could not believe that a seven year old kid has threatened them,,, how ? 

When they come to there senses,

"I want this family protected nothing is to happen to them while they are staying in nation A, if anything happens to them

Just carry your dead body here nothing else" king said

"King, you mean this young kid is a brother to this two and there grandmother is Ghost but who is the father?

Don't tell me the father is the son of the Italian Mafian hahaaa" Grake said

"Can't you see our peaceful days are over, just because of this Joylen and you must not let anyone know about this" King said

"What about the beast?" 

"We will inform him"

Joylen could not understand what King, ment by "do you who the mother of the kids is and grandma, and you will not be the death of me"

"Incompetent fool, a simple task you can't do,/" she said driving back home, 

Just as she was about to arrive at there Villa a big lorry blocked her way as furious as she was

"Damn it!" She came down

"How dare you block my way you stupid son a b*tch, remove this dumb lorry out of my way" she was shouting

"You! are you listening to me or something are you deaf, just wait I will deal with you" she was furious

From no where a tall man covered her mouth and push her in the truck

"Mmmh,,mmmh!" She tried to break but she could not break

Her heart was throbbing hard, 'oooh my God am I being kidnapped? What is happening to me did I wrong anyone here yet I am not aware? Are they going to kill me? 

I  can't die, Colin will be waiting to see me at home, our marriage my future family I can't die like this' she was sweating and crying

After about an hour they arrived at an extremely cold place, the truck door was pushed open and two men dressed up, grabbed her by her hand and pushed her down the snow it was very cloudy and chilly

She was trying to fight but could not her legs became numb immediately she was bare foot

"Pull off the tape on her mouth" the other person said , she could not see there eyes or faces clearly they covered themselves well 

This person didn't bother with how much pain she was going to feel while pulling off the tape

The snow wind was very strong,  ' this people brought me here to kill me' she thought to herself

"Do you know who I am?" She asked

"We don't care about who you are" the person that pulled off the tape said

"I promise you if I come out of this place alive I promise I will kill you, " she said

"And how will you do that, do you think with this kind of weather you will still think of revenge you are very rude"

"I am the only daughter of the Wade's one of the prestigious family a daughter in-law of the Fernandez let me tell you if you let me go, I can forgive you

But if I die here be ready to bury all your family members including your future generations" she said

The two men burst out with laughter,,

"Young lady, let me tell those cheap families you have mentioned can be crushed by our young lord within a micro second so stop wasting time if those people you have mentioned value you enough let's wait and see if they will come for you" 

She turned gloomy sure her family has been declared bankrupt in nation A, probably because of her, her brothers won't bother even if she dies, 

Colin now has his children what more can he want, and Colin's mother probably she can't know that am missing, 

So this is how am going to die,in a know and ice cape place

"What are you planning to do with me?" She asked

"We are not planning to do anything but ask yourself who did you offend, and what will he do to you?" 

"Who is that am willing to repay him with my life, I can be his sex slave and be his concubine forever obey him and do anything only if  am not going to die" she said

"Hahaaa, miss you want to be his what? Dream on, instead be our sex slave for now and we will help you" the most tallest one said

"But before that, we won't accept you, you disobeyed our big bosses daughter and our young lords mother, who are to be forgiven even if you sell yourself to us we can't help you" 

"Please help me here am dying of cold, " she said, her voice dryed up, she was starting to shiver but here who will save her if her fate was written to die here then so be it

She fainted she could not hold it anymore is like the blood in her stopped flowing, who did she offend? Was it king or that photographer?

Hey young lady you are not allowed to fair the man kicked her hard that her eyes cleared up

"Aaah!" She was no surprised she was not expecting that

"Who told you to faint' here? You have to be awake at all cost if I see you trying to faint' that will be the end of you" the tall man said

"Hey boss is calling" the other person said

"Receive" he said

"Hello boss the lady is here "

"Let her face the camera" he said

"Hey, you why did you bring me here?" Joylen asked

"Because you don't have respect for people 

And brought you there to kill you or teach you a lesson" Xavier said

"And you are just a kid?

Didn't your mother teach you how to respect your elders"

"Mmmh, Jaguar! Slap her" Xavier said

Without waiting for a second a tight slap landed on Joylen's face that landed her on the ground with two teeth broken and a mouth full of blood

"Foolish miss, have you realize that my parents taught me well,?" Xavier asked

Joylen could not talk the pain was too much, 

"I can see you are now obedient, now I will tell you why you are there,

That kid you pushed at the Fernandez corporation is my brother, the woman you called a bitch is my mother,

And you wanted to kill them right?" He asked