
Hack Tasha's phone,,,!!!

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"Jackson, what have you been doing, just a simple task you can not do, do you want to say that, that night I slept with a ghost? Or,,," Colin could not help it

"No boss, I will send our men to go look for her" "if you fail don't think of coming back here"

Was that lady human why can't I find her, she is messing up my brain, I regret ever giving her such amount of money

"But boss there is a problem, that face that was covered by the CCTV, doesn't exist,,,,"


"I think she was putting on a masks, and that is not her real face that is why we can't find her" Jackson said

"F****ck,,, you mean that face was not her real face?" Colin could not believe his ears

"Yes,and it seems that that was her first drink, and maybe she was hiding from someone or some people or perhaps somebody was after her"

"Was she with anyone at the club?" Colin has to find this lady or else he will loose it,,

"Yes, she was with, some lady and that young master Roby aka (Roy,, the designer), Tasha Young, the only daughter and sister to the Young brothers (she is also a designer) they are the mysterious designers

Under label Gold designs, during the party, those unique dresses that your sisters put on were designed by them, and designer Gold him/herself

So if we want to find this lady we have to go to this two,,,"

"Hack there phones and find any pictures they have together 20 minutes" 'i have to find her'

"Okay boss" Jackson left the office and rushed to the ICT department where it is believed they have the best Hackers

"Mr. Jackson who is chasing after you", Martin in charge of ICT DEPARTMENT asked

"Hey can you hack this phone and look for this photo if it's there, Mr. CEO, is looking for her"

"But why did she do something to our boss?"

"I think so,,,"

"Then she is done with,,"

After 4seconds "why are you hacking this strong head of Young's family's phone?"

"She is believed to have known her and they were together when this lady robbed the CEO a very important document" Jackson lied he didn't know what to say rather it was a lie that come from his mouth

"But I have to tell you maybe you don't know this but Tasha is a good girl maybe, she was this lady's target to get close to our CEO, but I will do as you say"

Blue Villa***

"Hey, Roby, I was talking to Janny but why is my screen on black out,,, her phone is damaged but why,,,,

It was normal and we were talking"

"Be serious, stop joking around" 

"Who says am joking Roy,, my phone is on black out"

"Mr Jackson there's no photo of that lady here, apart from the Young's family members, that Roy, and their designs there is not a single picture of another person"