
Rusted Sky

Clive Mallory is from a fallen noble family from a small mining planet, is expelled from the prestigious Space Federation Pilot Academy due to other students' schemes, he will be sent to work at the frontlines where everyday is spent for their survival. As he grow stronger by the day and gain experience as a pilot, he will realize that the academy life is a privilege that most people would want but the life on the frontlines is much more suited for someone like him who does not want a comfortable life in wealth but someone who seeks strength. The universe is vast, and anything is possible, follow Clive as he faces mechs and aliens who come his way and watch his name resound across billions of galaxies.

anjo_villejo · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The Director

Klay and Clive are now inside the director's office, the burly old man is sipping a cup of tea when they arrive.

" take a seat Mister Mallory, and instructor you can go back to your work, thank you, " The Director said.

Klay left the room after saying goodbye to Clive and the Director, he did not feel good about it since he had just received the report from the mech technicians and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with the meh that Clive piloted, meaning all the ruckus from earlier are his fault, but Klay knows Clive and he didn't think that Clive didn't do it on purpose.

" something's wrong " Klay mumbled as he continued on his way.


" so Mister Mallory, why did you do it? " the director asked.

"I didn't do anything, sir, the mech got out of control and it started moving on its own " Clive replied by describing his experience inside the cockpit of the mech.

" but the technician's report says the opposite, they didn't find any fault in the mech, and it is said that the connection between the mech and the technicians is severed from the cockpit of the mech, and when they checked the mech's system it is confirmed that the mech is completely normal," the director said and he handed Clive a tablet so that he can read the actual report.

" no, I didn't do anything, believe me, director," Clive said as his hands shook while holding the tablet.

Clive read the report, and as the director said, the mech is in a normal state and nothing is wrong with the mech systems.

" But I didn't do anything Director," Clive said.

" I know, " The Director said, his words made Clive's expression change from worry to confusion.

If the director already knows that it is not my fault then why am I still here in his office? Clive wonders as he stares at the director who is now looking outside his window.

The director's office has a great view of space where ships are coming in and out of the Academy's spaceport.

" But even if I know that you are innocent the nobles and other academy heads will only believe the reports they are given, " The director said.

" can you anything about it sir " Clive asked hopefully.

"I am sorry young man, I alone cannot change the stubborn minds of those people " The Director replied.

The nobles and the academy heads are the people who fund the Academy, despite being the academy director he does not have the power and the authority to disregard their opinions, he can organize a meeting to discuss Clive's case but it will only be for formality and nothing will change, and also Clive's status as someone from a fallen noble family of a small mining planet does not help his case.

"I cannot change their mind about giving you a punishment but I can still lighten it for you since it will be unfair to you, but don't celebrate too early, since I do not know how things will turn out, " The Director said.

He is not enthusiastic about the board meeting that is about to commence since he believes that it is a complete waste of time to arrange a meeting for a single student.

" thank you, sir, I appreciate it, " Clive said as he bowed his head.

" it is my duty as the academy director to be partial to all the students of this institution, " The Director said.

" Now go home and get some rest, and tomorrow you will be back to your usual schedule and await further instruction " 

" thank you, sir, I will be on my way," Clive said and he left the director's office.

" how troublesome " The director sighed, he already knew that the meeting with the nobles and the academy heads would be tiring.


Clive is now walking down the hallway towards his dorm room when he sees Lisa in front standing not far away from him.

" so what did the director say? " Lisa asked as they continued to walk side by side.

" well, he just told me to await further instructions " Clive answered, he didn't divulge more information, since it did not concern Lisa anyway.

" do not worry I will talk to my dad to help you," Lisa said with a smile on her face.

Her father, Duke Marcus Belle is the head of the Belle family, which is one of the noble families who fund the academy his authority will help Clive's case but he does not want to owe him a favor, as someone from a noble family himself associating himself with high nobles as a nobody will not end well.

"Don't bother, I'm sure the Duke has a lot of important matters to tend to, but I appreciate it " Clive replied to Lisa with a smile.

Lisa blushed and she turned her head away.

" O-Okay if you say so," she said as they continued talking as they walked.


The next morning Clive went to his class as usual, there were whispers and murmurs as he got to his seat his classmates were all looking at him, he felt weird because of all the attention so he just opened up his notes from his tablet and waited for the professor.

Not long after their professor arrived but he didn't say anything, he just started the class like usual.

While this is all happening, the director, Klay, and the nobles and academy heads are having a meeting to discuss Clive's case and other important matters.

" good day everyone " the director greeted everyone present as he sat down on his seat.

The Noble representatives and academy heads nodded towards the director as a sign of greeting.

"let's begin this meeting and get this over with, " someone wearing a standard military uniform said with a bored expression.

Everyone turned their heads towards the man who had just spoken.

He is the representative from The Space Federation, he does not show much respect to the nobles since he isn't from the empire, and the Space Federation is governed by meritocracy, meaning those who hold power are people selected based on their abilities. That is the reason why he does not care for people who gained power and authority through succession and their families.

" Know your place Captain Kuzark, this is not the Space Federation where you can run your mouth, " Duke Albon Fletcher said in a serious and calm tone.

Captain Kuzark smirked and didn't say anything more.

" you can now begin Director Beniford," Duke Fletcher said.

Director Beniford is also known as General Gregory Beniford of the New World Republic, he is an accomplished general with great character and charisma, which is also the reason why he is chosen to be the director of the Mech Federation Pilot Academy.

" Okay then, first of all, I thank everyone for making the time to attend today's meeting, I know you all have a busy schedule, so I will not waste any more of your time, " Director Beniford said and the meeting began.

The first agenda is Clive's case, when they received the report, they already decided on the punishment that they would give to Clive, they didn't put much thought into the issue of a second-year student from a fallen noble family, so they put little thought into him. 

The nobles and the academy heads gave Director Beniford their decision as they wanted to move on to the more crucial issues they must address.

but to their surprise, Director Beniford rejected their verdict.

"Don't you all think that severing the arms of a kid is too much? " Director Beniford asked.

He read the verdict that they gave Clive and it made his eyebrows furrow, the verdict is to cut off Clive's arms and send him back to his home planet. and to someone like Clive who seeks strength as a mech pilot having his arms cut off is like a death sentence, sure there are now ways to regrow a limb or even replace it by a fully functional robotic arm, but to someone like him, the earning the amount he will need to have his arms replaced is an insurmountable wall.

" what do you mean too much director? he damaged academy property and he put other people in danger, he is lucky that we didn't sentence him to death " a noble said.

Nobles are overly protective of their children since they are most likely to succeed in their position and lead their families, and since some of Clive's classmates are the daughters and sons of noble families their decisions will be biased against him and based on the report they receive having Clive near their children will bring them constant worry, that is why the issue might be nothing to others but to the nobles it concerns the future of their family.

After the noble's words, the others voiced their opinion as well, while Klay just watched them, although he is invited he does not have the status to share his opinion despite his eagerness to help Clive's case.

Director Beniford listened to their opinions quietly.

" I have a suggestion " Director Beniford suddenly spoke and it took everyone's attention.

He then proceeds to share his suggestion and it makes everyone's eyes widen, Klay couldn't believe what he heard while the nobles and the academy heads were trying to figure out the reason behind Director Beniford's suggestion.

The conference room grew silent as they tried to process the Director's words when a hearty laughter resounded.

" no wonder you were called the Demon Elder, you live up to your name General Gregory Beniford of the New World Republic," Captain Kuzark said.

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