
The fun on the beach

Tom walks down the aisle of Walmart with a handful of junk food. It's 11pm on Tuesday night, and Tom plans to stay up all night. He stops in front of the energy drinks and ponders on which one to get. Red thunder or white lighting?

"Red thunder gives me the shits, but white lighting always makes me crash," Tom says to himself.

Tom finally decides and grabs the Red thunder, "shits it is."

Tom walks to the front of the store and pays for his things. The cashier is an 18-year-old girl with blue hair and a nose ring. Tom notices that she has a Zelda triforce necklace.

"Are you ready Breath of the Wild 2?" asks Tom.

"Oh my god yes!" she replies.

"I speed run the game for fun all the time," says Tom.

"Wow, so you're like a serious gamer?" says the cashier.

"For sure, there isn't a game I'm not good at," Tom says confidently as he pays for his goods.

"Have fun," the cashier says to Tom as he leaves.

Tom walks out the door and cracks open the can of Red thunder. He takes 3 giant gulps as we walks across the Walmart parking lot.

Suddenly Tom feels a sharp pain in his chest.

"What the hell?" Tom grabs his chest.

The sharp pain happens again, and this time Tom drops his groceries and falls the asphalt.

He lays face down on the ground as the Red thunder energy drink spills out making a puddle around him.

"Am I dying?" Tom thinks to himself as his eye sit goes blurry.

Tom closes his eyes and slips away into darkness.

Tom lays with his eyes closed, he can feel rough sand on his bare back, and he can hear the sound of waves hitting the shore. Tom slowly opens his eyes, and sees sand. He looks confused, Tom is on a beach, and he is completely naked.

"What the hell where are my clothes?" he says to himself.

Tom gets to his feet and wipes himself off, "there sand in my ass!"

Tom looks around, the beach stretches as far as the eye can see, and up the cost is a grass field and a forest in the distance.

"Where the hell am I? Am I dead?"

Tom looks down and notices a rock at his feet about the size of his head. He picks it up and it disappears in his hand.

"What the-" Tom looks around, but the rock is gone. After thinking about the rock, it comes back into his hand.

"Do I have an inventory?" Tom thinks for a moment, "What a second, I pass out from life-threatening injuries and wake up in a strange place with an inventory…am in a video game?"

Suddenly Tom pulls out a torch from nothing, "I'm like an isekia anime character! Like shield hero or Dwayne the rock Johnson in Jumanji!"

Suddenly Tom sees another person down the beach. The person is also naked and is holding a rock.

"Okay, if this is a video game world, that means I'm the main character, so I need to make a good impression!"

The strange naked person begins to run towards Tom.

"Hello there, I come from a distant land!" shouts Tom, but the stranger isn't slowing down.

"Um hello?" says Tom.

The naked continues to run full speed at Tom, it raises its rock and beings to screech loud.

"Get away from me weirdo!" says Tom as he runs away.

The naked closes in on Tom as he desperately tries to get away. Tom stumbles and falls down, he turns around and the screeching naked raise his rock to strike Tom.

"No please-" the naked hits Tom in the head before he can finish begging for his life. The naked bashes Tom's head in until he is ultimately dead.

Tom wakes up screaming, he is back on the beach naked and rock in hand.

"What the fuck!" says Tom as he checks his head for any wounds.

"So it's true, I respawned on this beach!"

Tom looks to his left and sees the same screeching naked standing over his old body. The naked is still bashing his body with the rock.

"That's my body-" the screeching naked spots Tom and begins to chase him again. Tom takes off running down the beach.

"What kind of messed up game did I get stuck in?!"