

Russell Knight is not your average geek. Sure, he may seem like the quiet, shy, and vulnerable guy in school. But there is far more to Russel than meets the eye. At just 10 years old, Russell had already gone through the heartache of losing both of his parents. He was left under the guardianship care of his uncle Frederick Knight, a struggling handyman living from paycheck to paycheck in the small town of Lakeview. But now that the years have gone by, he finds a way to let out steam and anger taking a liking to getting his hands dirty. Loving the feel of adrenaline as he steps into the underground rinks of a good old fashion cage fight. As the summer ends, and junior year of college begins, he sees eye to eye with Samantha Adams, his new roommate. Will she be able to handle all his hidden secrets? or will she call it quits before it even begins? Realizing college is not what she expected, Russell won't make it easy for her to concentrate in school. He's hot, very hot, and it's going to take a lot of willpower to keep their hands off of each other.

MariV · Teen
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24 Chs

We Could Be More


My breath was caught in my throat. The warmth of his hands around my waist gently filled my stomach with butterflies, and my heart accelerated rapidly as our eyes met. He claimed my lips softly, pulling me closer to him as my hands wrapped around his nape.

Our lips softly caressed each other. He softly bit my lips making me part them, giving him the opportunity to invade my mouth. Our tongues interlaced beautifully, making me close my eyes and indulge in his sweet taste.

He softly pulled me closer, gripping my butt and making me stratal him. I was becoming aroused. I pressed myself closer to him, tightening my hold around him. His left hand held my back, and slowly interlaced in my hair, while his right hand gripped my butt and pulled me closer to him.

I could feel his bulge growing, evident that he was becoming turned on as well.

A moan involuntarily escaped me making his right hand pull me closer to him. His soft touch made me arch my back, he tugs on my back again and again making me rock my hips on top of him. Our kiss soon heated and I wanted to rip his shirt and that damn black hoodie he's always wearing.

His hands slowly went under my shirt, finding the strap of my bra. His fingers slowly trailed over the fabric making me gasp. God- I wanted him so bad.

"Russ," I whimpered, making him grunt. His lips tugged into a smile as he bit my bottom lip. Our breathes became erratic and my hands couldn't help but pull on his hair slightly.

The door opened, making me jump off him. My eyes wide in shock. His lips were swollen, and if he looked so flush, I was sure my lips looked just as bad, or worse.

"Hey guys, are you ready... oh....sorry." Brandon says and quickly closes the door again.

My heart palpitated rapidly, I was unsure on what to do.

"I ummm, maybe I ... we...should go." I stuttered and was ready to turn and walk away.

He pulls me by my arm, making me stop on my tracks. "Sam? It's fine. Look at me?" He says as I slowly turn around.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to." He says, but to be honest, I did. I wanted to do more, so much more.

"Can we, maybe talk about this later? We should um, go. I'm getting a little hungry." I lied as I became confused by our heated predicament.

He chuckled slightly, getting up from the bed and running his hands through his hair.

"Of course. We'll continue later. Where do you want to go eat? My treat." He says as he slowly gets closer to me.

I made him sit again when I saw him grasping his side. When he took off his shirt, I almost lost it. He was covered in tattoos, but had them well covered up by the long sleeves he always wore and the big black hoodie.

His chest was beautifully sculpted, biceps to die for, and don't get me started on his six pack that was well paired with a taunting v-shaped that begged to be touched.

I realized his side was red, and I worried he may have a broken rib. Whoever did this to him will pay. I'm just going to have to find out what is really going on.

I put ointment on his wound, placing a gauze around it and did the same with the bruises in his face and on on his knuckles, placing ointment and bandages.

Soon as I finished, he placed his shirt back on as well as his hoodie and we made our way out of the room.

Kim and Brandon gave us a mischievous grin making me roll my eyes.

"Ready to go? Or would you guys prefer we leave it for another day so you guys can back to dessert?" Brandon says earning a slight punch on his arm by Russell.

We made our way to a nice restaurant near by, and I may I say? I was becoming fond of riding Russell's bike. But we had all cramped in to my car and drove together. We were seated outside, taking advantage that the night was still feeling pretty damped and hot. I hate it, this morning I was fully clothed because it was cold, but by noon it was so hot. Earlier, I thought it may rain because the sky became clouded, but now the weather was back to almost the three digits.

We ordered our food and drinks and engaged in small talk while we waited for our food. "So, Brandon. Tell me the truth. What really happened to Russell? Because he refuses to tell me what happened." Brandon widened his eyes and glanced between all of us as Kim asked for the third time why Russell came home with bruises all over.

"I, umm, Russ?" He looks at Russell, making Russell gulp down, chugging the rest of his beer.

"Nothing, nothing happened. Just... boys playing rough, that's all." Kim rolled her eyes, crossing her hands over her chest. I pursed my lips and sighed slowly.

I know if he's not telling us, is either because he doesn't quite trust us, or he's simply not ready to fully open up. Either way, I felt hurt that he didn't want to tell me. I know I shouldn't think too much into it, I'm not his girlfriend, and even if I was,.... God, what am I saying?

"I need to go to the ladies room. Will you excuse me?" I said standing up and walking away. I knew they were looking at me as I walked away. Especially Russell, I could feel his eyes on me the whole way, but I needed to walk away for a bit to recollect myself. I was thinking too much into it.

I can't help but worry about those bruises. If Craig did this to him, or if he sent someone to do this to him, he's going to have a good ear full from me. It wouldn't be the first time he pulls something shady like this.

He has always thought he has an advantage over me because my mom sides with him. She has always embraced the idea that I should forgive Craig and marry him one day. Hints- the reason why he's always thought he could fool around with as many woman as he can, parading them in front of me, and still have a chance to marry me. Because of the stupid friendship and business collaboration his parents have with my parents.

I've been dumb to believe he was the one I had to end up with, but the more I think about it, the more repugnant the idea becomes, I know I deserve better, so much better than him.

"So.... Brandon told me he went in and saw you two being more than just...friends." Kim startled me as she went by my side as I washed my hands in the restroom. "Shit... Kim? Don't sneak up on me like that." I said as I jumped in place from being startled. She chuckled and crossed her hands over.

"Ok, ok, sorry. But... come on, Sam? Are you seriously telling me that there is absolutely nothing going on, when you guys are making out in your room?"

I closed the faucet, reached for a paper towel and dried my hands. "There is nothing going on, Kim. I mean, maybe, I hope.. uggh." I replied frustratingly. "I don't know. I hope maybe... I'd love for us to be more, but I'm not sure how he feels, Kim. And frankly, I'm scared. What if..."

I start making her turn towards me. "What if he just wants to have fun, and nothing serious?"

She chuckles, taking a step closer. "So? Look at him, Sam? What if he does just want a fuck buddy? Would that be so bad? He's hot, you both are connecting, chemistry between you two is evident. What If he just wants to sleep with you? You said you didn't want a boyfriend right now either. So, why not give it a try? Let him get close to you, sleep with the guy, take advantage. And if in the end you both decide you want to just be friends? Then good, but you never know if this can become something more if you don't try. You are both reasonable adults, and can be responsible for your actions. Just... think about it, ok? He obviously likes you, Sam. And from what Brandon tells me... YOU matter a lot to him." Kim left me in the bathroom feeling dumbfounded.

Her words resonated in my mind, and the fact I could still feel his lips on me were not making this easy for me. I was now more confused than before, and the fact he wanted to continue this conversation when we got back was not making my nerves feel at ease.
