
RUSHER : The Last Request

A skilled assassin with the power of evil demons in a dark and merciless world.

Mohitvio · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: My True Side


The junior category match will start after the break', said the man on the podium.

Thank goodness I've finally reached the stadium. The master approached me, saying, "Finally, you're here. Get your ass geared up. After the junior category, you should be prepared for the match."

Apologizing to the master, Rudra headed for the locker room. Upon entering, he saw Vinay and his group attempting to keep all students out of the locker room.

Vinay then tried to block him at the locker room entrance, saying, "You should know the rules, Rudra. First, my friends and I will get ready for the match, and then you guys can use it."

Ignoring them, he proceeded into the locker room. Vinay began yelling at him, "I think I'll have to teach you a lesson, Rudra.

"I'm really not in the mood to break you before the match," he said, his patience wearing thin.

Vinay, bewildered from the comment, tried to seek vengeance.

"Listen, everyone! The first match will start right now, right here: Vinay Yadav versus Rudra, the poor waiter."

Vinay commented "Rudra, you really should win this tournament and use the prize money to buy some good room fresheners. Your mother's restaurant smells terrible, and so do you. But I don't think you can do it. Because I'm in this competition, and I won't let you win. I'll kick your ass and break your legs."

Vinay thought "I have only two options: the first was to fight this guy and put him in his place, and the second was to ignore them and win the tournament. I decided the first option would be more satisfying".

"Here's the deal: the fight rules are simple. If anyone breaks a bone, arm, or jaw, he won't tell the master how it happened. He'll also withdraw his name from the tournament. Are you ready, guys?"

Everyone formed a circle in the locker room. I was already in my fighting gear when Vinay suddenly exclaimed, "What the fuck, man? I thought we'd fight fair and square with our bare hands, with full-contact fight."

Now it's your Rudra the waiter decision.

"Get ready, Vinay. I'll make your face look like my foot."

Everyone feared Vinay because he was the son of the chairman of the karate club, and his brother was a national level champion. He was also wealthy, but money couldn't buy skills. I already knew Vinay's kicks were slow; he always used punches and hand defense to cover his stomach and face but never guarded his legs.

As he attempted a punch at my face, I defended by holding his right hand and pulling it to my side, then I delivered a lower kick to his right thigh. He winced in pain, but it was too late to stop the fight. I performed another lower kick with full power on his right shin. The sound of his leg bone breaking echoed throughout the locker room.

Vinay started screaming, "MY LEG! MY LEG! I CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING!" and then lost consciousness.

Everyone stared at me. I approached Vinay and said, "Don't mention my name to the master. I did this to you." I then announced to everyone, "It's our rule, you know."

After hearing this, everyone began to act normally. Vinay and his friends rushed him to the hospital.

After the announcement, a voice echoed, "BLACK BELT STUDENTS, BE PREPARED! THE MATCH WILL BEGIN IN 20 MINUTES."

All eyes turned to Rudra. He continued practicing his shuffling footwork, seemingly unfazed by the attention. When the time came, Rudra stepped into the fighting arena. His first opponent appeared visibly nervous, his trembling body clearly indicating his reluctance to fight.

As the referee signaled the start, Rudra wasted no time. He closed in on his opponent swiftly. Despite the other student's attempts to defend himself, Rudra landed a punch to his opponent's stomach, earning 2 points. His opponent, still recovering, failed to score any points.

Seizing the opportunity, his opponent aimed a kick towards Rudra's midsection, hoping for a 3-point score. But Rudra deftly blocked the kick, earning 1 point for the block, and retaliated with another punch to the stomach, securing an additional 2 points.

In round 2, Rudra wasted no time. As soon as the referee signaled, he noticed his opponent's careless movement and lack of defense. Seizing the opportunity, Rudra kicked him in the face, earning another 3 points. Rudra won the match, but he didn't feel any joy. He thought it was unfair to face such a weak opponent.

Sitting on the sidelines, Rudra scoped out his next challenger. His next opponent was from the Futuristic Karate Club, rumored says their club is decode international fighters' moves and spar with robots. His name was Ritik Rana, and he made a grand entrance. With a swift slap kick to his opponent's face, Ritik easily knocked out his adversary.

Rudra was shocked by Ritik's performance. Each of Ritik's rounds ended quickly, leaving his opponents unable to even reach the second round. Now, Rudra was determined to face him. But to do so, he needed to win two more rounds.

Rudra employed his own karate combinations. The first was the front foot style, where the attacker approaches the opponent and focuses on punching the opponent's stomach area. The kick is aimed slightly to the side of the opponent's belly. The pattern for this combo is straightforward: one punch, followed by another punch, then a powerful kick. However, the punch combination can vary depending on the opponent's defense speed. If the opponent's defense and attack are good, the combo changes to two kicks, two punches, and one final punch.

The second combination Rudra used was the back foot style. Whenever the opponent approached with an uncovered face and weak defense, Rudra attempted a slap kick to the opponent's face. Each hit was timed when the opponent got closer.