
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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272 Chs

Seeing the City

This is quite easy. Manbao's hands are not strong, but her feet are powerful. She was afraid of stepping on the flowers, so she picked several flowers for Koko first. She then pressed the flower stems down and stepped on them forcefully until they broke.

Manbao jumped a few times and indeed broke the flower stems. She didn't care if they were covered in mud; she picked them up and handed them to Koko.

System: ...

The system silently recorded the branches and flowers separately. Well, the host is still young, so we can't expect too much.

Manbao turned and went to pull the purple vines. The purple flowers were so beautiful. Manbao accidentally picked too many berries, so she gave a bunch to Koko and kept another bunch for herself.

Da Ya and Er Ya picked many beautiful flowers and grass nearby and had already put them back in the baskets. They ran back to find Xiaogu, who was pulling the purple vines. Da Ya said, "Xiaogu, we've pulled a lot of these; it's enough."

Manbao said, "I want to wear it on my head; it will definitely be beautiful."

Da Ya and Er Ya were excited to hear this and joined in pulling.

Zhou Dalang stood up to stretch and prepare to leave. He saw the three little girls pulling the flower vines together and couldn't help but shake his head.

Children will be children; they can play with a wildflower for half a day.

Turning to see Lao Wu and Lao Liu looking drowsy, Zhou Dalang couldn't help but lightly tap their buttocks with his toe, "Hurry up and take care of your little sister."

The two didn't want to move. "We have Da Ya and Er Ya with us."

"They are still young." What if they encounter a beehive? Hurry up!

Zhou Wulang and Zhou Liulang had no choice but to tighten their belts and go.

It had been a whole night, and their dinner had long been digested. They couldn't quite understand why their sister had so much energy.

Zhou Wulang helped them pull the flower vines, but had to listen to the three little girls chattering about not damaging the flowers. His face became even more bitter.

Manbao searched in her pocket and found the handkerchief she had put in there the night before, which contained eight pieces of candy.

Manbao stuffed one into the mouths of Wulang and Liulang, and gave one to Da Ya and Er Ya. She then stuffed one into her own mouth and gave the remaining two to Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang.

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang were hungry, but they smiled and pushed the handkerchief back, "Keep it for yourself, Manbao."

"I still have some brothers." Please eat.

Manbao was almost climbing on top of them, so Zhou Dalang had no choice but to eat, but couldn't help but remind her in a low voice, "Don't always take Mr. Zhuang's candy in the future." "You are his disciple, you should be filial to Mr. Zhuang, understand?"

Manbao nodded repeatedly, without mentioning that the candy was given by Koko, not Mr. Zhuang.

After eating the candy, Wulang and Liulang were a little more attentive. They took the initiative to pull out numerous flower vines, and in the process, they discovered some blue flower vines. Manbao was ecstatic and gave Koko a piece, and kept most of the rest for herself.

Koko, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, "Host, look to the left at that tree." Are there many fruits on top?

Manbao looked and saw many small black and purple fruits on the tree. She immediately became eager and exclaimed, "Fruits!"

Zhou Wulang turned to look and said, "Those are not good to eat; don't eat them."

Koko then said, "Host, please move a bit." "I'll scan and take a look."

Manbao ran up and stood under the tree, looking up at the fruits, unable to help but drool. "They look so delicious."

The system scanned and found no records in the encyclopedia, but it did discover some pictures from a long time ago, and points were rewarded for this discovery.

The system said, "Host, this is a private fruit. You should collect it, and then you'll have enough points to open the store."

Before Koko finished speaking, Manbao was already being picked up by Zhou Erlang. "You can't eat these fruits, Manbao." In the future, you must not eat items from outside without permission. Do you understand?


Zhou Erlang didn't wait for her to speak; he put her in the basket and then called everyone to start the journey. "It's getting late." We need to find a place to set up a stall in the county. Let's go.

Zhou Wulang and the others placed the pulled flower vines in baskets and bags before carrying them and leaving.

Manbao closed her mouth. She had always been a sensible child, and she felt that her brothers were already tired from carrying and pushing the cart. She couldn't let them put down their things and go back to pick the fruits that looked so delicious but couldn't be eaten, could she?

The system, despite being highly intelligent, did not insist because it lacked human emotions. It just felt sorry for the host and itself.

Regret passed by with a few lessons.

Children don't have obsessions, and Manbao quickly put the fruit tree out of her mind, happily looking at the surrounding scenery. She could find happiness for an extended period simply by observing a small bird.

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang noticed her excited expression and believed it would be beneficial to take her out more often. Although she was obedient, she always made people worry when she stayed at home. Now she looked much better.

Manbao felt like they had been walking for a long time and finally saw the city gate.

Everyone smiled as Manbao saw such a high wall and a large gate for the first time. Her eyes widened as she gazed at it.

Pointing to the three large characters on the city gate, she said, "Luojiang County!"

Zhou Dalang looked at her in surprise, "Manbao, do you recognize these three characters?"

Manbao proudly raised her head and said, "I know many characters."

Even though she couldn't write.

Zhou Dalang happily patted her head and said, "After selling the grain, I will buy paper for you," as they lined up.

The people in line next to them turned to look and asked with a smile, "What a handsome little gentleman!" He can recognize characters at such a young age.

Zhou Dalang quickly said, "This is my sister, not a gentleman."

The people who heard were a little surprised and couldn't help but look at Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang, praising, "So your family is a farming and studying family." They asked, "I wonder where your family is from?"

Zhou Dalang was embarrassed, "My family doesn't have scholars; it's a misunderstanding."

He and Zhou Erlang blushed slightly and quickly pushed the cart forward to avoid more questions. Manbao's eyes sparkled as she said, "Big brother, I study too." In the future, Da Tou and Da Ya will study with me.

Zhou Dalang smiled and said, "When people talk about studying, it's not the same kind of studying." To be considered studying, you have to take exams.

Zhou Dalang didn't explain further. When they reached the city gate, he took out a coin to give to the guard. The guard looked at the cart they were pushing and said, "Two coins."

Zhou Dalang was surprised, "Why is it two coins now?"

"You have a lot of things with you, so it's two coins." Pay up quickly. If you don't want to participate, then leave.

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang hesitated as they only had one coin between them.

Manbao stuck her head out of the basket and looked eagerly. The guard met her gaze, and his expression softened slightly. He explained, "This is the county magistrate's order. Starting from the new year, entering and leaving with a basket, backpack, or bag will cost one coin, while a cart will cost two coins." "I'll only charge you for one cart; the two backpacks are free."