
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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268 Chs


The Zhou family had not yet eaten dinner, but the food was all prepared, obviously waiting for them. As soon as they arrived at the village entrance, Datou led the younger siblings and rushed ahead. They clamored and climbed onto the cart, not caring that it was still moving. When Zhoudalang and Zhouerlang saw this, their eyes narrowed into slits as they scolded the children, then found the time to reach out and pile them onto the cart.

From a distance, Lao Zhoutou saw the smiles on their faces and knew that this trip had gone smoothly. With his hands behind his back, he turned and went back inside.

Xiao Qianshi led the two sisters-in-law to move the table from the hall to the courtyard. As it was getting dark inside, using oil lamps seemed too wasteful. Besides, there was still light outside, so they could eat there.

Zhouwulang and Zhoululang, one carrying a bag of money and the other carrying a basket with a large rooster, rushed home together.

Before they even entered the house, they shouted, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, we're having stewed chicken tonight."

Xiao Qianshi didn't even lift her head and said, "You guys are so beautiful." She wanted to eat chicken as soon as she came back from the city. "The chickens at home are for laying eggs."

Zhoululang had already rushed to the front, turned around to show her the rooster in his basket, and said loudly, "We don't want the chickens at home, we want this one."

Xiao Qianshi saw the pitiful rooster and exclaimed, "Where did you get this chicken? Stolen?"

Xiao Qianshi widened her eyes. Did the remaining two siblings learn to steal chickens after Jisi learned to gamble? Would they go steal dogs next time?

Xiao Qianshi couldn't help but place her hands on her hips, but Zhoululang was not pleased. He turned around and said, "Sister-in-law, am I that kind of person?" "This chicken was given to us by someone else."

Xiao Qianshi breathed a sigh of relief and took the pitiful rooster out of the basket. She weighed it and found it quite heavy. She couldn't help but ask, "Who is so foolish?" Although this chicken looks pitiful, it's still meat, and it's quite plump. "They actually gave it to you."

Zhoululang chuckled, "I also think he's quite foolish, but someone said we still got a bad deal." Anyway, this is a long story. Let's just kill and stew the chicken, sister-in-law. "This is a special gift from Manbao to help improve mothers' health."

Xiao Qianshi looked at the time and said, "Let's leave it for tonight." "We'll save it for tomorrow."

She carefully looked at the rooster in her hand and couldn't help muttering, "Maybe it can still be raised…"

Zhouwulang and Zhoululang widened their eyes as if they saw the chicken meat slipping away from them. Without thinking, they turned and shouted to Manbao, who had just entered the courtyard, "Manbao, sister-in-law wants to raise the rooster to sell. Quickly persuade her."

Xiao Qianshi glared at the two brothers.

Manbao, who was busy with the cart, quickly slid down and ran to Xiao Qianshi, shaking her arm, "Sister-in-law, hurry and kill it. This rooster is for Mother's health." Rooster meat nourishes the blood. "Maybe it will make her feel better."

Xiao Qianshi walked out of the gate slowly and smiled, "Manbao, don't tease your sister-in-law." "It's late, let's finish it tomorrow."

"No, look, there's still light." We'll have a fire and eat outside tonight. It's not late.

The children all looked eagerly, and Lao Zhoutou said, "Alright, since it's the children's filial piety, let's do it tonight." Whether we do it early or late, it's still the same. I don't think this rooster has much spirit. "It might die if we keep it until tomorrow."

Manbao also nodded, "Dead chickens don't taste good."

Xiao Qianshi took the rooster to slaughter it, and Fengshi and Heshi quickly went to assist. One person boiled hot water on the stove, while the other prepared the ingredients for stewing the chicken.

There weren't many good vegetables at home to pair with it, but they managed to find a couple of large radishes and chopped them to stew together.

The three sisters-in-law were busy in the kitchen, while Zhoudalang and the others reported today's events to Lao Zhoutou in the courtyard.

They sold grain for a certain amount of money, spent a specific sum on medicine, and the remainder was given to Lao Zhoutou, who then passed it on to Qianshi.

The family's money had always been managed by Qianshi.

The Zhou family's fields were neither numerous nor scarce. When the harvest was good, they would have some surplus. Fortunately, their family received a lot of assistance, allowing them to take on additional odd jobs while farming. As a result, they were able to save some money.

The family was able to save a significant amount of money largely due to Qianshi's efforts. She was in charge of the family's affairs, organizing tasks and delegating responsibilities. Even Lao Zhoutou would heed her instructions.

Qianshi took the money, counted it, and made a mental note. When she turned her head, she saw Manbao surrounded by the children, chattering away. She couldn't help but smile and ask Zhoudalang, "Did Manbao cause you any trouble today?"

Zhoudalang glanced at Manbao, who was talking to the children with her back turned to them, and hesitated before saying, "Dad, Mom, Manbao also earned a lot of money in the county today."

Lao Zhoutou exclaimed and laughed, "Did Manbao sell her flower baskets?"

Zhoudalang said, "Moreover, she sold a large rooster and earned three taels of silver in a single transaction."

Lao Zhoutou and Qianshi were surprised and called Manbao over to ask.

Manbao happened to be bragging to her nephews and nieces. When she saw her parents approaching, she stood up straighter, proudly recounting what they had done in the county that day.

She had grown up listening to stories told by her parents, siblings, Mr. Zhuang, and even Keke. Recently, she had also read some storybooks and acquired storytelling skills. So, she was animated and vivid in her description, and everyone listened with great interest.

Especially the older children who had never been to the countryside. Although they hadn't been there, after hearing Manbao's vivid description, they felt as if they had experienced it themselves.

Manbao's storytelling made her throat dry, and Qianshi silently poured her a bowl of water.

After drinking, Manbao's eyes sparkled, and she said, "Mom, you don't know, there are so many people in the county." "Can I take you next time?"

Qianshi smiled faintly and asked, "What do I need to do in the county?" "You guys can go."

Zhoudalang's gaze shifted from Manbao's small pocket to the bag that Zhoululang was carrying, and he said, "Mom, we can't let the children carry so much money." What if they lose it?

Qianshi also said to Manbao, "Manbao, give the money to Mom. Mom will help you keep it, okay?"

Manbao shook her head, "I want to keep it for myself." "I'm already a grown-up."

Qianshi smiled faintly, patted her head, and said, "You are also a part of our family. Do you know the rules of our family?"

Manbao shook her head.

Qianshi said, "When your older siblings earn money outside, they have to give sixty percent to the family." If you want to keep the money yourself, that's fine, but you have to give sixty percent.

Manbao agreed without hesitation since it was a rule. She thought for a moment and said, "Okay, but I have to count the total amount."