
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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268 Chs


Mrs. Qian smiled and said, "In my opinion, this child is not only intelligent but also good-looking." This is a great blessing. The request is for a rolling bed for a son. In the future, the son born to the fourth son should be as noble as a little prince. Even if I fall asleep, I can wake up with a smile.

These words were well-spoken, and not only Mrs. Zheng but also Mrs. Liu felt at ease.

Mrs. Zheng looked at her mother-in-law, feeling somewhat moved.

Although the request for a child born in the year of the Dragon typically aims for good looks and intelligence, parents with shortcomings are usually not chosen based on auspiciousness.

Mrs. Zheng didn't understand this. She felt that the girl from the Zhou family, who was chosen to be the rolling bed child, was nothing special. In her opinion, she was not only cute and intelligent but also a rare and blessed child.

Considering that she had both parents and so many siblings, how many children could compare to her?

In comparison, her son lacked in this aspect. In Longzhou, no one had ever considered her son to be a bedwetter.

The newborn baby brings blessings to the new couple, and reciprocally, the new couple brings blessings to the newborn baby. This is a win-win situation; at least, that's how everyone perceives it.

Mrs. Zheng felt that, apart from everything else, the Zhou family was very blessed to have so many sons. If her son could benefit from that…

Mrs. Liu also felt that the Zhou family was very blessed, and she was similarly moved. After thinking for a moment, she held Mrs. Qian's hand and said with a smile, "As long as you don't mind, let Shanbao and Manbao sit on the new bed together."

Mrs. Qian was delighted and said, "As long as the old lady doesn't mind us being from the countryside."

And so, the matter was settled.

The next day, Bai Shanbao was dressed up and sent to the new room, while Mrs. Zheng rarely participated in the festivities.

She rarely went out, and when she did, she usually just went next door to visit the Bai family. This was her first time visiting a family in the village.

Mrs. Qian was also afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so she asked Little Qian to lead her to sit in the new room and Manbao's boudoir. The two rooms were on the left and right. Under normal circumstances, no one would enter Manbao's room. If Mrs. Zheng became impatient with entertaining guests, she could simply retreat to Manbao's room.

Mrs. Zheng also appreciated the thoughtfulness of the Zhou family and smiled at Little Qian, saying, "I'll watch over the two children." Sister-in-law, please go and attend to your tasks.

Although Manbao referred to Little Qian as sister-in-law, it made her uncomfortable to address Little Qian as a generation lower, so they both kept their distance.

Not to mention Bai Shanbao, even Manbao was a first-time rolling bed child, so they were extremely curious.

Of course, they couldn't just roll around on the bed. They also had to lie down and sleep on the bed. Anyway, the new bed belonged to them, and the adults mentioned that as long as they didn't take the bed apart, they were free to do as they pleased.

Since new bedding was purchased at the end of last year when they moved into the new room, Mrs. Qian only added a new wedding quilt for them. However, the previous quilt was replaced with a new cover.

Two red quilts were spread on the bed. The weather was not particularly hot at the moment, but it was definitely not cold. Manbao and Bai Shanbao were sweating after playing on the bed for a while.

It was time for their afternoon nap, and they had just finished lunch, so they couldn't help but feel drowsy.

Manbao kicked off the quilt, lay on the pillow, yawned, and wanted to sleep.

Bai Shanbao was also tired, but he knew it was polite to get out of bed. Mrs. Zheng knew the rules of the rolling bed, so she quickly stopped him and said, "If you want to sleep, just sleep on the wedding bed."

Bai Shanbao had been studying for a long time last night and hadn't slept enough, so he was so tired that tears were about to fall. He was a little irritable, "But this isn't my home."

"This is Manbao's home." Look, Manbao is already sleeping. Aren't you good friends? "She often takes naps at our house," Mrs. Zheng coaxed him, "It's nothing." Go to sleep. If you see Grandpa Bai in your dreams, make a wish for him to bless the new couple with children as smart and clever as you and Manbao.

Bai Shanbao curiously asked, "Will I see Grandpa Bai in my dreams?"

Mrs. Zheng assured him, "You will."

Bai Shanbao only lay down then. Manbao had already fallen asleep with her hands and feet spread out. She had played late last night, so she couldn't help but snore a little.

Bai Shanbao lay down next to Manbao. Perhaps influenced by her, or maybe due to children's tendency to fall asleep quickly, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep in the time it took to exchange a few words with Mrs. Zheng.

Mrs. Zheng smiled as she neatly folded the wedding quilt that they had kicked off and put it aside. She took a fan and gently fanned the two children.

The two children slept even more soundly.

The local custom was to have the wedding in the evening.

Zhou Sirlang had lunch at home before leading his relatives and friends out to welcome the bride. Similarly, the bride's family would also prepare lunch for the visiting relatives and friends. After the groom arrived to welcome the bride, they would have to toast, and then the bride could leave.

Basically, as long as they returned to the groom's house before the end of the day, it was fine.

During the ceremony, the Taoist priest would select an auspicious time for the newlyweds between noon and the end of the day, honoring the customs of both families and considering timing carefully.

Yes, that's how adaptable the people in my area are.

Zhou Sirlang and Miss Fang's auspicious time was at the end of the day, so as long as they returned home before then, it would be fine.

When the drums and gongs announced the arrival of the bride and groom, Manbao and Bai Shanbao woke up from their nap. They immediately got up and tried to run outside when they heard the commotion.

This time, Mrs. Zheng didn't stop them and even joined in the excitement by following them outside.

As the bride stepped over the brazier and bowed to the elderly Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Qian seated in the main hall, Manbao joined the chorus of cheers along with everyone else. Although she didn't know why she was doing it, she looked very happy doing so.

Bai Shanbao was the same.

Everyone cheered as they watched the bride and groom bow to the heavens, the earth, and the elders, before being escorted to their new room.

Little Qian hurriedly ran out of the new room and saw the two children holding hands, trying to run outside. She quickly grabbed them and asked, "Where are you going?" Hurry back to the rolling bed.

Mrs. Zheng finally managed to get away from the enthusiastic villagers and apologized, "The two children are hard to hold onto once they're out…"

Little Qian understood and reassured her, "It's okay, it's okay." "They're like little calves; it's a wonder if you can hold onto them."

She was very familiar with these two little troublemakers.

Little Qian led them back to the new room. After they climbed onto the bed, she rolled them from head to foot and then from foot to head before finally allowing them to get off.

Actually, according to their customs, it would be best for the newlywed children to sleep on the wedding bed at night, but...

Upon observing the two children and taking into account their usual achievements, Mrs. Qian decided to let it go.

So, she quickly took out two red envelopes, one for Manbao and one for Bai Shanbao, and said with a smile, "Alright, you can go out and play now."

Manbao and Bai Shanbao cheered and ran outside, holding hands. Mrs. Zheng's outstretched hand slid off Bai Shanbao's clothes, and she failed to catch the child again.

Little Qian comforted her, "It's okay, the young master and the children in the village are very familiar with each other." They won't fight. Let them go and play.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you need anything else.