
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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268 Chs

Electric Baton

Father said so. What can Zhou Dalang do? He can only obey.

So, he rolled up his sleeves and charged forward.

The three men were skilled in martial arts. Seeing the situation getting out of control, they kicked the first person they saw, but this action stirred up a hornet's nest.

As they witnessed the altercation beginning, the individuals in the yard clenched their fists, seized wooden sticks and hoes, and advanced towards the instigators. The people outside the yard also pushed their way in.

Mr. Zhuang was shocked. With so many people, he was afraid that the three men hadn't even started fighting yet and would end up injuring themselves. He quickly shouted for everyone to calm down, asking the people outside to back off and the people inside to retreat, and not to crowd together.

Mr. Zhuang had a great reputation in Qili Village. His loud shout made people involuntarily take two steps back.

Seizing the opportunity, the three men pushed aside the people who were pushing them, leaped up, and inadvertently stepped on them while trying to escape from the crowd. But instead of flying high, they ended up stepping on a person and were about to fly up high. Just then, Zhou Dalang lunged forward and grabbed the leg of one of the men, pulling him down fiercely...

This caught the people mid-air off guard, but they remained calm. One of them swiftly twisted his body in the air and kicked Zhou Dalang hard with his other foot.

Zhou Dalang was thrown out and crashed into the table in the yard, causing it to collapse.

Zhou Silang and the others saw this and were furious, their eyes blazing with anger. They picked up a large wooden stick and charged forward.

The other villagers saw this and couldn't let them leave. They followed suit and charged forward as well.

Mr. Zhuang, cornered and surrounded, said, ...

Manbao saw her eldest brother being kicked into the air and was furious. She opened the door to run out, but was stopped by Xiao Qianshi, who pushed her head back inside. She was also furious.

She didn't even have the heart to hit her man.

Thinking quickly, she grabbed Heshi and said, "Watch them, don't let them run away."

She ran towards the kitchen.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going?" "Come back quickly..." Heshi didn't know why Manbao was going to the kitchen, but the fighting area was not far from there. Wasn't it suicidal for a woman to run in there?

But Manbao didn't listen. She pushed past the people blocking her way and ran straight into the kitchen.

Witnessing her fourth and fifth brothers being knocked down, and her second brother being thrown out, she was livid. She turned and ran towards her parents' room, asking, "Keke, do you have anything that can take them down?"

Keke remained silent.

Manbao couldn't help but cry out, "Keke!"

"We have electric batons and wolf repellent spray, but, Host, with your small arms and legs, it is not recommended to approach the battlefield."

Moreover, based on the data scanned thus far, it is certain that these three men will be apprehended, but there may be some casualties.

"Which one is better?"

"The electric baton, but it requires more points."

"Then let's go with the electric baton," Manbao said as he opened the store to search.

Keke said, "Because this is related to the host's personal safety and falls within the Baike Museum's sales range, it is recommended that the host make the purchase at the Baike Museum."

Manbao stopped searching and said, "Then let's buy it."

"Host, please consider carefully." The electric baton at the Baike Museum is different from the one in the store. "It is specially developed for the protection of the host's safety, making it safer and more powerful." Additionally, it is solar-powered, which contributes to its higher efficiency.

Manbao heard the increasing commotion outside and the cries of fear, and immediately said, "Buy it!"

Keke quickly calculated the points, and in the blink of an eye, a small black object, only the size of her palm, appeared in her hand.

Manbao didn't even look at her notes; she rushed out.

Keke explained to herself, "This electric baton is a military item and is not available on the market." It has two buttons: the yellow one is for intermittent electric shocks, which only work when you press and hold it continuously.

"The red button is for continuous electric shocks, and it will not stop unless you press it again or the battery runs out."

Manbao ran to the door, pulled her fourth brother into the house, asked him to sit down, and then rushed out to inform her sister-in-law, who was watching the fight nervously, "Sister-in-law, Fourth Brother says his stomach hurts badly."

"What?" Heshi looked around, then locked the door and instructed Big Head to watch over the younger siblings to ensure they did not leave before rushing into the room.

Manbao ran non-stop into Zhou Dalang's room, opened the window, and dashed out.

Bai Shanbao, who followed closely behind her, saw her eyes light up and climbed out as well.

The people in the yard were becoming agitated. Not only were the three men in the middle injured, but many of the villagers at the front were also injured.

Realizing they couldn't escape, the three men, filled with anger, who had hesitated because of the crowd, now had murder in their eyes.

One of the men drew a sword, causing the villagers to take a step back in fear, but they still held their wooden sticks in front of them, keeping a close watch on the men.

Just then, Xiao Qianshi came out quickly, holding a smoky wooden bucket, and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Zhou Silang, who had been kicked and was lying on the ground, was being dragged back by Fang Shi. Subconsciously, he glanced at Xiao Qianshi upon hearing her voice.

Zhou Silang was confused, but Fang Shi, who had seen her father slaughter sheep and pigs since she was young, immediately recognized the object and shouted, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, Uncle San, get out of the way..."

Everyone saw Xiao Qianshi approaching with the smoking wooden bucket and instinctively took three steps back. Those who were slower to move ended up falling in a pile. Fortunately, the village head and others did not want any loss of life, so those with hoes stayed outside the yard, while those inside wielded sticks. Therefore, falling on a stick only resulted in a bruise or a bumped head.

As everyone fell into a commotion, Xiao Qianshi quickly approached and splashed the scalding hot water from the bucket onto the three men.

In just a few moments, the three men turned around to see what was happening, completely caught off guard.

The hot water scalded their bodies and faces, causing them to scream in pain. Despite the discomfort, the other two men drew their swords and turned to attack Xiao Qianshi.

Manbao and Shunbao also ran over to the window. Manbao quickly flipped the switch to red and threw it at the man who was charging at her sister-in-law with a sword.

The man accurately caught the projectile thrown at him. As he glared towards Manbao, the leaves rustled behind him, causing him to flinch. His eyes rolled back, and he collapsed.

Keke only managed to shout, "That's not how you use it…"

Upon witnessing the man fall, she stifled her voice, realizing that the electric baton could be utilized in such a manner.