
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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270 Chs

Brother Shi

The man's eyes flashed, "Do you really have it?"

Manbao nodded, excitement and anticipation filling her big eyes, "Brother, do you want it?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, where is it?" Take me to see.

"No need, no need, let my fifth brother bring it." Manbao turned to look at Zhou Wulang, "Fifth brother, go quickly and bring the big rooster."

Zhou Wulang understood Manbao's meaning. He was about to leave, but then thought better of it and turned back, saying, "No, you're so young." What if bad people take you away? "Come with me."

The man's eyes narrowed. "Kid, have you been asking around the streets?" "Am I the kind of person who does shady things like selling children?"

Manbao squatted beside him, waving her small hand at Zhou Wulang, and said, "Exactly, exactly, Brother Shi is not that kind of person."

Brother Shi was taken aback once more and couldn't help but pat her little head, "Call me uncle!"

He used quite a bit of force. Although he hesitated slightly, Manbao was still young and not very stable in his squatting position. With such a pat, she fell headfirst to the ground.

Brother Shi was startled and quickly reached out to pick her up. Zhou Wulang widened his eyes, pushed Brother Shi away, and held the bewildered Manbao, asking, "Younger sister, are you okay?"

Manbao spat out the dirt that had accidentally entered her mouth and glared at Brother Shi, angrily saying, "You bully me because I'm young!"

Brother Shi initially felt a little guilty because he had knocked the child to the ground. But facing Manbao's angry eyes, he found her adorable and couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Manbao's eyes widen even more and her chubby cheeks puff up, he quickly suppressed his laughter and took out a copper coin from his pocket, handing it to her, "Here, Uncle will buy you some candy."

He explained to Zhou Wulang, "I really didn't mean it." How can I determine if this child is unable to squat steadily?

After this minor incident, his irritation and frustration from losing money were somewhat alleviated.

Manbao wiped the dirt off her face and put the copper coin in her pocket. For the sake of the money, she forgave him.

Now, Manbao didn't imitate him and squat down. She sat directly on the nearby stone steps and waved to Zhou Wulang, "Fifth brother, go quickly." "I'll wait here."

Manbao stared at the half-bald rooster and complained to Keke, "Fifth brother is really foolish. If I leave, what if he sells this rooster to someone else?"

System: "Host, you are not in urgent need of money right now."

So, there was really no need to go to such lengths to save a little money.

But Manbao didn't think so. She said, "A rooster costs sixty-five wen." If I buy a rooster for Mother every day, that amounts to six hundred and fifty wen in ten days. "I don't have enough money now."

"Host, I suggest you collect more rare plants as soon as possible." Once you open the store, you might find medicine that can treat your mother.

Manbao was surprised, "You also sell medicine?"

"I don't sell, but there might be someone in the store who does."

Despite the circumstances, Manbao still found it very difficult to rely on the elusive store. Buying a rooster was the most important decision because it was tangible.

Zhou Wulang didn't want to leave. He wasn't a fool. How could he leave his cute and tender little sister alone here?

Brother Shi, who was previously amused, was now displeased. "I said, do you really have it?" If not, don't come looking for me for fun.

Manbao stared at her fifth brother, and Zhou Wulang also gazed at her with wide eyes.

Fortunately, Zhou Lilang quickly arrived with his eldest and second sisters. Now Zhou Wulang was relieved. He asked Zhou Lilang and the sisters to watch over Manbao while he ran off with his bundle.

Zhou Lilang was surprised to find his younger sister watching a cockfight and was very cautious. He squatted next to Manbao and kept a vigilant eye on Brother Shi.

The eldest and second sisters also remained silent, not daring to speak. In their eyes, gamblers were not considered good people.

Zhou Lilang thought he was speaking quietly and whispered to Manbao, "Younger sister, you hate it when Fourth Brother gambles, so why did you come here?"

Manbao replied confidently, "I'm not gambling."

Brother Shi squatted nearby and glanced at Zhou Lilang, asking Manbao, "Does your family also have a gambler? You don't seem like a wealthy family."

Manbao nodded, "My Fourth Brother recently lost a lot of money gambling, and someone came to collect the debt, taking all our money."

"Ah, that's really unfortunate." "Why is your fourth brother so reckless, borrowing money to gamble?"

Manbao curiously asked him, "Aren't you also gambling?"

Brother Shi was confident, "Although I gamble, I have my own money. I wouldn't borrow money to gamble."

Manbao snorted, "Gambling can be addictive. You might need to amputate your hands and feet to cure it."

Brother Shi was startled by her words. Was she really so ruthless?

"Who taught you such things?" he asked.

"My friend said it, and I thought of it myself," Manbao said proudly. "I've already planned it." If my fourth brother gambles again, I will cut off his hands.

Brother Shi didn't take her words seriously and gave her a thumbs up, saying, "You're tough."

Manbao was still very interested in gambling, but Keke thought it would corrupt her. He only wanted to tell her stories of families ruined by gambling, not explain the reasons behind gambling addiction.

Fourth Brother would only admit that he was not thinking clearly at the time, believing that the next round would change the situation. So, he borrowed money to bet, lost, and then borrowed more money to bet. When he came to his senses, all the money was gone.

Manbao found his account too plain. She, who loved stories, didn't even like to listen to them. Now that she had encountered someone else who gambled, she asked Brother Shi.

For someone else, Brother Shi wouldn't talk to a child about these things, but Manbao didn't seem like a child at all. He couldn't help but tell her a little more. He talked about the cockfights he often participated in and the dice games.

Brother Shi had only intended to say a little, but when he saw Manbao's bright eyes and excited expression, he couldn't resist saying more. By the time Zhou Wulang was brought over by Zhou Dalang, Manbao had gained a clear understanding of the common tricks used in gambling dens and various cheating methods.

Zhou Dalang, with a stern expression, approached them. Upon noticing the silk clothes on Brother Shi, he managed to control his anger and greeted him respectfully.

Brother Shi raised an eyebrow at him, and Manbao happily shouted, "Big brother," then introduced Brother Shi, saying, "Brother Shi, this is my older brother!"

The barely twenty-year-old Brother Shi, with a hint of inexperience, gazed at Zhou Dalang, who appeared significantly older with his small beard, and fell silent.

No wonder this child insisted on calling him "big brother." The reason was right here.