
Running a shop in a fantasy world

The book is about a shop keep who's been having great business but comes with a catch he's been having attention by some goblins thieves and and even demon kings

meme_loud · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The tryrant

"Ok now I guess I should just wait for more customers" Charlie said bored out of his mind, "ughhhh isn't anybody going to come in" , Charlie said almost falling asleep, "maybe I'll have to hire somebody once I get a good salary" said Charlie yawning, should I just close up shop, thought Charlie, "yeah I'll probably just do that" Charlie said closing the shop doors and locking them then going upstairs to bed "ahhh time for a nice nap" Charlie said to himself before falling straight asleep.

Charlie woke up to the town Bell and thought to himself "ugh it's morning already do I have to wake up" the bell rang again "ugh okay okay I get it" Charlie mutters to himself, he forces himself out of bed and goes to the dresser "I geuss ill wear the thing I wore for work yesterday" Charlie gets dressed and goes downstairs to open shop, the bell on the door rings Charlie looks over "oh it's you, fae was it" Charlie say awkwardly in a shy tone, "have you heard about that tyrant walking around towns like he owns them" fae says walking around the shop. "what, really there is" says Charlie laughing, fae walks over to the shields and asks for a golden phoenix crested sheild. "sorry but will you settle for a iron m2 sheild" replys charlie in a sorry tone, "fine fine it'll do I guess uss" she buys the sheild and leaves.

Bang bang bang gigantic stomps can be heard in the distance "what's that sound" Charlie asks curiously to himself, bang bang bang the sounds can be heard again, and then a loud plop catches Charlie off guard a man walking over to Charlie's shop falls over straight onto the ground and Charlie holds back a snigger, the man grunts and goes in and grabs a metal sword "are you okay" asks charlie "that was quite the fall", "yeah yeah I'm fine" tells the man in a annoyed voice, the man pays and leaves.

Once again the loud footsteps can be heard he then sees more and more people fall over as the footsteps get louder just as he laughs he sees a fat oh sorry I mean, chubby man walk over to a food stand wait there a couple minutes and come over to his shop with a giant piece of hog meat and enter, "hello can I help you" says Charlie struggling to stand with every step the man takes, "yeah actually I wanna buy your shop" the man said in a snobby voice with trampolines of jeloton bouncing off his belly, (silence for a second) "sorry but I don't really wanna sell the shop I just opened" says Charlie still struggling to stand "I will have this shop" says the man slightly more annoyed "listen if your not going to buy anything please leave" says Charlie "I am buying something this shop" the man says with an annoying voice, "that's not what I meant and you still need to leave" Charlie says slightly irritated, " i wanna speak to your manager" says the man shouting, " I am the manager" Charlie tells laughing, the man grunts and leaves in frustration.