
Big mouth.

"Greetings fellow brothers, name's Yi and I came from the Wuju village to aid in help." When everyone heard the words from the armored man, they couldn't contain they curiosity about him.

Karya and Shun Ti who remembered the words Renzo said, couldn't help but look at him again in surprise.

They seemed to think the same thing 'Does he knows him?' (AN: No shit Sherlock, really?)

It was the first time they saw him acting this way and seemingly known someone, aside from Janna, that they weren't aware of.

Kae, Yenma and Ikko looked back at Zed as they didn't know what was so interesting about the young man in front of them.

Zed simply nodded at his presentation as he said "The Wuju clan would always be welcome to aid us, although I must say that I'm intrigued by how they finally agreed to set foot out of your village, I won't ask anything that you don't want to tell us."

Yi simply smiled and with a "Hm" nodded to Zed words.

Not able to keep their curiosity in check anymore, Ikko asked "Brother Yi, pardon my ignorance but can you tell us your abilities? I've never head of your village nor do I know why should you be present in such a way when any other recruits enjoyed the same privilege."

Hearing his words, everyone besides Zed and Renzo silently agreed with him.

There were no lack of talented individuals in the village currently. And they would only bother with individuals like Renzo or the people in the first and second squadrons.

After all, these squadrons have the majority of powerful individuals that could face battalions and survive, even before Renzo appeared.

Surprisingly, it was Renzo who opened his mouth, not wanting the leaders to somehow make Yi leave the village.

'Well, although I also dont know what so special about Wuju, there's no doubt that his quite talented to be a champion in lol, after all, they wouldn't just pick someone random and made it a star in such vast world, right?' Renzo thought to himself, seemingly unable to recall the existence of Shaco and his non existent lore in the game.

Using the legendary bullshit technique, he opened his mouth "This man right here is known as Master Yi, don't let yourself be intimidated by his scrawny appearance and the strangeness of his helmet. This man is a monstrously talented swordsman."

Hearing his words, not only the rest of the people was surprised by his praising. But Master Yi himself was surprised by how he called him.

Only the people in his village called him Master Yi, and that was due to his talent in Wuju while only being an apprentice.

Compared to his peers, he was like a Master using the Wuju.

"How did you heard of that nickname?" He asked to Renzo, although he was stranged by the female translating his words.

"Your fame precede you, Master Yi, I heard back in Piltover praises about your sword. Don't ask me the details since sadly I can't recall correctly many of my memories." Renzo bullshited with an apologetic expression on his face.

"And you choose to believe in rumours to say such thing?" Katya couldn't help but rebuke to him after translating his words.

This time many looked at him, seemingly not believing his words. Yi himself watched at him with suspicion since no one has made their way into his village, the elders wouldn't let anyone enter and share their information.

Only few individuals, and he doubted that any of those were in Piltover.

Still, Zed decided to tell also his information "Although I haven't heard of any Master Yi, I did however contacted with information regarding the Wuju in the order, they are supposed to be extremely powerful individuals and seeing his appearance matching the description of their armors and weapons, I can assume that this man in front of us could provide an enormous help in the incoming battle."When Zed finished his words, the other people in the room nodded to his words and looked in amazement to Yi.

Different from Renzo's dubious words, Zed was a well known and until the point, respected acolyte from the Kinkou Order, an organization in charge of keeping the balance in Ionia.

What's weighed even more in his words, was the fact that he was a disciple under the Kinkou Order Grandmaster, Master Kusho.

Although they heard that he separate himself from the order, none of the Acolytes considered until this point to belong to any other places.

They may have their difference regarding the Order position in this war, but there's still a chance for them to return back after this war.

"I will be glad to offer my knowledge and abilities to defend our land, after all, I've been doing that until this point." Said Yi, bowing amiably towards the leaders.

Seeing that Yi would aid them, Renzo couldn't help but contain his happiness, although he didn't knew exactly what Yi was capable, he wouldnt doubt to put his trust into this swordsman.

"That's an excellent news! With him on our side, we can trust him to face one of the armies, reducing the burden I'll have to face and allowing me to focus on two armies only." Exclaimed Renzo, surprising the people around him by the amount of trust he was putting in the Wuju warrior.

"This... Renzo, are you sure about that? I won't doubt brother Yi capabilities, but to left him with the responsability of guarding one front? That's a bit too much" Said Yenma with a complicated expression and a wry smile.

They didn't doubt that this fellow Yi must be a talented individual after hearing Zed words. However, that didn't meant that he was capable of putting himself the same burden that Renzo carried with him.

They have already seen his capabilities, they knew what he could do and they could work around it.

This Yi however, was only said to be a member or a powerful village, and someone that could probably take the rol of a squadron captain.

"Also, how can you decide for him to do such thing?" Reprimanded him Kae.

"I don't have any problem with being put such amount of trust, although I'm still unsure in how this fellow called Renzo got a wind of my nickname, I wouldn't mind putting myself into your disposition to be put in the place you seemed fit." Yi said with a calm and confident tone.

The leaders smiled at Yi due to the man's nature. They have already started to like the guy.

"I thank you brother for understanding, I apologize in Renzo's behalf." Said Shun Ti.

Yenma then cut it as he said with a wry smile "Still, i don't think is wise for brother Yi to be put in such difficult position. I don't wish to offend you and please don't take it into your heart brother Yi, but the responsability of such position is crucial, and we dont know anything about your capabilities."

The other two leaders have a wry smiles on their faces hearing Yenma reasoning, they also agreed with him.

They trusted Zed's words and would put this guy Yi in a leading role such as Squadron Captain, however to put him in a position such as Renzo was extremely reckless for their part. They didn't even seen him using his abilities.

So it was a no for their part regarding Renzo's suggestion.

However no one in the room expected that after hearing his words, Renzo's aura changed and his easygoing and amiable face was replaced by a serious looking expression as he said "I wasn't asking you, I was merely informing you what are the new arrangement." When he finished his words, Karya was looking at him with a surprised expression and a concerned look.

Still she said his words, leaving flabbergasted to everyone in the room.

Gulping heavily the bad taste on his mouth, Yenma closed his eyes and asked "What's the meaning of this Renzo?"

Renzo glared at him and answered "Nothing, I'm just informing you of my decision, what? I can decide myself a few things like you have done until this time?"

Shun Ti looked at Renzo with a frown and said to him "Renzo! Is enough, they are just stating reasonable words, there's no need to act like that."

Renzo shook his head as he answered to him "Take it as the onky thing I ask for all these days. I don't doubt my decision, but if it serves for any of you, there's a saying back in my home, 1 percent of probability, 99 percent of faith." After saying that and leaving questioning looks on Karya and Shun Ti faces, he head out of the room.

'I was fine with their attitude taking for granted I would do anything they wanted, but to not give me one thing I want. Fuck all pretens.' Thought Renzo while exiting the headquarter, with Karya following behind him.

Meanwhile inside, Ikko and Yenma had a pissed off expression on their faces. They didn't like the tone used by Renzo nor the way he talked to them.

They were after all in charge of the Brotherhood in this region. To have a subordinate talking them like that... But sadly for them, he wasn't the average subordinate, but the whole reason they were about to head towards the Placidum.

Kae sighed deeply as he said what was on his head "Well, he's right. We can take it as his only request for having help us all these days."

Hearing this, Ikko expression morphed into an angered one as he rebuked him "Request? If we wanted mercenaries into our ranks we could have offered these things to those greedy and disgusting bastards that are waiting for their part in our plight after our homes are burned and our people killed!" With every word saying more angered, Ikko continued.

"Just a few moments ago this bastard said with a smile on his face he would stand for those who helped, and look now how he acted after we said some sense to him!?" He was about to continue, but the icy tone aura that Zed was giving him after turning around and looked at him, made him unable to continue.

"Enough Ikko, clearly you aren't thinking properly right now, retreat back and let us talk further about the matter." When Zed finished his words, Ikko walked out of the room without any decorum.

Meanwhile Yi was standing on his same spot, looking at everything around with a wry smile.

These problems had nothing do with him after all, he only needed to do his job and see where he was needed.

"Well do as Renzo said, if he really put his trust into brother Yi then we can only do the same, we'll be in your hand Yi." Said Kae while bowing respectfully to Yi.

"I know I'll be up to your expectations, thanks for trusting." Yi answered with the same calm and confident tone.

He then head out of the room, with intention to search for the Renzo fellow, after all he still have questions to ask him.

Once Yi leave the room, Shun Ti, Yenma, Kae and Zed started to discuss among themselves.

Shun Ti was there to speak for his brother, while Zed was there to prevent any actions against Renzo.

Meanwhile Yenma and Kae where looking after the Brotherhood interest, albeit with different approachs, as Kae was veiling for the stability in the group while Yenma was looking after the dignity and proper discipline in the ranks.

After various minutes of heating arguing, Shun Ti was able to make Yenma understand that Renzo wasn't a sword they could order as they pleased without expecting some kind of response from his part.

After all, he has already mentioned to them he was doing this for repaying the favour that Zan and Kae have done for him. And by doing so, he had to dirt his hand in blood.

Although Zed didn't agree with this, he knew that Renzo didn't have the duty to fight for them. He couldn't force him. Not at this point at least.

Yenma however was able to make Shun Ti speak with Renzo about his action today, he couldn't simply let it go that someone under his command tried to order them.

There was a reason why there was four lead heads in this village, they have to reach a consensus among each other to decide the best course of action for everyone.

They were responsables for seeing after the people who put their trust into them.

Even if Renzo have proven to be the most valuable person in the village right now, that didn't grant him the right to speak them like that.

Thus, after seeing that everyone was satisfied, they leave the room.

Zed for his part started to head towards the rest of the acolytes, after all in just two hours they would depart towards Ionia City to stall time for their reinforcements to reach after finishing the troops in the Placidum.

They didn't doubt about their chances of winning the battle, however, the price they have to pay was what they were concerned about.


When Shun Ti reached their campment, he was about to call Renzo until he saw Yi and the rest of their teammates sitting beside him.

Seeing the swordsman sitting in a crossed leg position with his sword on his thighs, he was giving questioning looks towards Kaeri who noticed his arrival.

"...And he also said that you were really fast." Renzo finished bullshiting with a straight face at Yi, who only smiled at him after hearing Karya.

"Let's say that I believe you, but that's rather shallow and vague to say, dont you think so? After all, during my encounters towards here I find various talented swordsman with great techniques. They could easily match with the description giving by that drunkard you heard." Said Yi with a different tone this time.

He didn't have any doubts that the young man in front of him was just lying at him with a straight face. If this were a different situation, he would have already engaged with him in combat to obtain answers, but after seeing his expression back there and putting his trust onto him. He was more curious about the reason behind it.

After all, Renzo didn't faked the excited and happy expression when he confirmed that he was indeed Master Yi.

If he were someone that coveted his arts, Yi was sure that he wouldn't put that expression. But a more sinister and greedy one.

Renzo really seemed to be eager and joyful to see him appear.

He was also interested in his lack of spirit. As with his visor his was able to see that different from the people around him, Renzo didn't seem to have a manifestation formed in the spirit realm.

He... Didn't seemed to be real.

But when he looked at him with his normal vision, there he was in front of him with bright eyes filled with life and energy.

And seeing how everyone around seemed to care and joked with the guy, he didn't believe that he was a bad person, at least not in the surface.

"Well, you are wearing the same armor, sword and even have the same name, how can there be so much coincidences, huh? Like I said, once percent probabilities, and ninety nine percent faith!" Renzo simple answered while showing a cheeky smile.

The people around couldn't help but chuckle at the clearly show of shamelessness that Renzo was putting, they could also tell he was bullshiting right now.

Hyuna who also shared this view, couldn't help but taunt at Renzo "If you are telling the truth go on and swear upon Janna, if you are lying her blessing would become a curse!"

When the people around heard her words, they also started to taunt him while laughing "Yeah! Go on and shut down our mouths!

"Do it!"

"Just, do it!"

'That bitch!' Renzo cursed under his breath as he glared badly at Hyuna.

"I'll take care of you later on, straw hair bitch!" Renzo pointed at Hyuna while the later laughed loudly at his taunt after hearing Karya.

Renzo then took out the wooden figure of Janna, who now have more details, although it still was crappy.

Putting the figure respectfully in front of him, he brought both his hands together and muttered under his breath "... You wouldn't do such a thing to me, right dear Janna? After all I'm your most devoted believer..."

When he finished his words, a laughed reached everyone's ear, quickly looking around for it.

Renzo's body shock in surprise when he noticed that the laugh was most likely from Janna.

Both Karya and Kirae quickly changed their expression as they put a solemn expression on their faces. They didn't know how, but they recognized it to belong to their goddess.

They quickly made their way in front of the figure and went on their knees and started saying "Thank you lady Janna for your help and grace us with your presence. Although no one could heard what they were muttering, Yi had a surprised expression on his face, as he clearly hear their pray and the laugh before.

"Is that a deity?" He couldn't help but ask.

Renzo knowing that Karya wouldn't be paying attention to translate his words, just nodded at Yi.

He then put a solemn expression and decided to went to the final with his bullshiting, he was never a person to step back, even when he was lying.

If something life taught him, was to back up his words, even if he was bluffing. People would judge for your actions rather than your words. If they saw that you were willing to stand up, even when you are clearly in the wrong, they would at least acknowledged that, aside from being an idiot, you won't back against your words.

And that was the simplest way of gaining someones trust.

'But would you really trust someone who is willing to die for his lies?' He rebuked to himself.

"I, Renzo Berduc, first in my name, I think, swear upon my faith in Janna, ruler of the skies, and the blessing bestowed upon me by her grace, that my following words don't held lies. If I broke my words, then everything bestow upon me be damned." When Renzo finished, a wind surged around him as a commanding and powerful voice echoed around them.

"So be it."

Meanwhile Karya and everyone around was surprised and couldn't believe what was going on.

"That madman! He is willing to reach such length to keep bullshiting!"Hyuna couldn't help but exclaim loudly after Karya's surprised translation.

Knowing that he should proceed with caution to his bullshiting, he decided to be ambiguous but truthful.

"I did heard of the person at my side called Yi, under the nickname of Master Yi, by the words of a unknown person by me. And he also fit with the image of him in my head, if any of my words are false, then I shall be damned." When Renzo finished his words, he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile Janna, who always keep and eye on Renzo and his doings, after hearing his words and request decided to amuse him.

She was ready to hear him laying, however she was surprised to sense that he was being truthful to her. Something that brought surprised to her.

With a slight smile she then declared "There's no lie in your words." And as a token of gratitude towards him for keeping up with his efforts, she added.

"As such, you'll be keeping your blessing and as a token of reward for your faith, the image you painstakingly crafted for my believers to pray for, would be blessed by me and finished so you can continue spreading my image and faith."

When her words finished, the carved image was bathed in a fiery wind as various pieces of wood were removed, leaving behind the image of a beautiful female cladded in robes and wielding a staff. On top of her head lay a crown.

After the wind disappeared, the squadron was able to see a faint blue light coming from the eyes of the figures. And after a moment they were engulfed in a refreshing and soothing aura.


"It's so beautiful!"



There were various reactions around the camp, even the passing by villager were surprised by the whole ordeal.

Renzo however have a grinning expression on his face as he was looking at Hyuna, who couldn't believe her fellow brother stubbornness.

"...you..." She pointed her finger at him, "You are unbelievable." There were not other words she could say to him.

Master Yi looked at the fellow that was willing to go to such length to prove his words.

Although unwilling, he couldn't only sigh and said "Okay, I guess there's no point in doubting you anymore.."

Hearing both Hyuna and Yi words, Renzo just nodded and said "You shouldn't ask and doubt in the first place, just believe!"

When he finished his words, Karya slapped his leg while glaring at him "You shouldn't do that." She reprimanded him after saying his words.

Kirae was also giving him a harsh glare as they didn't like the fact he use that method to continue his lies.

He could have simply refused to keep speaking if he didn't wanted to share how he knew such things.

Still, everyone's thoughts were interrupted when they heard Shun Ti words "Renzo, come with me, we need to talk." Hearing the serious tone and stern look in Shun Ti face, they knew that something serious happened.

Once Renzo, Karya and Shun Ti walked away, the various onlookers started bombaring them questions regarding the previous phenomena. Kirae gladly took the chance to speak them about their lord and savior Janna.

Meanwhile Shun Ti and Renzo were looking at each other while Karya was having a concern expression on her face.

"You cannot speak like that to the leaders, they are in that position due to our trust in them and their capabilities, talking in such a manner and acting like that was extremely disrespectful and speak badly about yourself Renzo, tell my, why have you done it?" Shun Ti said while looking attentive to Renzo's eyes.

The latter just sighed and said "I dont have a problem with they ordering me what to do, after all, I really don't mind it since once this war is over I plan to leave Ionia. However, that doesn't mean that they should disregard in such a way my words. I only asked for Yi helping me reduce the burden I would face, they should trust in my judgment since until now I didn't failed to them in any way, didn't I?"

Facing Renzo's question and reasoning, Shun Ti sighed "But that's not the way you should ask such thing, even if you plan to leave the Brotherhood you should still respect the ranks among us Renzo, they didn't have disrespect you in any way. They even let you partake place in our planing decisions-" When Renzo heard Shun Ti words he couldn't help but raise his eyebrow and exclaim.

"No shit they wouldn't let me be there, it's me the person who they'll be using the power." When Shun Ti heard Renzo's words he frowned and said to him.

"Renzo, don't be arrogant. Every soldier here has their fate put into their hands, it doesn't matter if they are just farmers willing to put their inexperience in line or skilled warriors and assassins, we only look for what's better for Ionia."

Knowing that he said something he shouldn't, Renzo lowered his head and apologized "Yeah, I shouldn't said that, I'm sorry." Nodding his heard to his words, Shun Ti patted Renzo's shoulder and said to him.

"I know that it's sucks, but that's how the things are around here, I also have to shallow my pride like many others for the good of Ionia." Chuckled Shun Ti as he walked away.

Renzo just stayed on his place, with his head still down. Karya approached him and hugged the tall boy that has become so important for all of them in just a couple days.

Feeling the warm feeling of her hug, Renzo just closed his eyes and put his arms around her waist.

His head filled with various thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Karya asked him in a soothing voice.

"Yeah, just various things going on in my head." He simply answered.

After a few moments he broke the hug and eyed at Karya, "What are you planning to do once everything is over?" He asked her.

Seeing the bright blue esmerald eyes from Renzo and heading his question, she simply answered what first came to her mind "I don't know." She then quickly added "I've lost everything, and you guys are everything I have right now. I didn't have the time until now to think such a thing, since you know, after all I could have day in the next battle." She laughed while putting her hands on his chest.

Renzo chuckled and answered her "Well, we're all lucky that we found each other, I would have probably be running around in circles somewhere and you guys still in the same." Karya nodded at his words as they both eyed each other.

"I won't let you guys get killed, that much I can promise, so better off think of something after the battle, I want to know the answer, okay?" Renzo asked her and slapped lightly at her cheek while smiling.

Once Renzo figure departed, Karya let out a profound sight while closing her eyes, she then followed behind him.

4.3K words!

Sorry for not uploading the chapter early on, I ended up sleeping until a three hours ago.

In apologize I will upload another one asides from the regular one.

Also I want to ask you all a few things, before that want me to create a quick chapter with the questions so you can vote and answer there quickly?

Anyways, thank you for reading my crap!

Xerstorencreators' thoughts
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