
Runeterra's Cosmos

Temporary Synopsis: A man in love with the cosmos is reincarnated in deep space with powers he still cant comprehend. Chapters are still subjected to change, this is a League of Legends fanfic. Might have carachters from different universes in the future

noDNA · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 - The small hut

Our universe has 4 fundamental interactions, or fundamental forces if you prefer. Two of them are known to basically the entire population since these are the ones we have more contact with in our lives. These are gravity and electromagnetism.

If we compare the fundamental interactions by their strength gravity would be, by a long margin, the weakest. Approximately 10^36 times weaker than electromagnetism. The most recent models suggest that gravity was the first force to separate from the others, having its first appearance in the Planck epoch, approximately 10^-43 seconds after the birth of the universe.

The next force to separate was the Strong Nuclear Force, this force is the one that confines quarks into protons, neutron and other hadron particles, it is also this force that provides most of the mass of a proton or neutron and it also binds neutrons and protons together to form atomic nuclei.

Electromagnetism appeared next, 10^-11 seconds after the Big Bang, electromagnetism is the interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge via electromagnetic fields. Its also this force that governs the interactions of atoms and molecules.

The last one, the Weak Nuclear Force emerged immediately after the Big Bang, this force is responsible for the interactions between subatomic particles and the radioactive decay of atoms.

Well, this is only truth if we follow our universe. This one is obviously different, apart from these 4 fundamental interactions there exists something called mana. Something I still do not comprehend entirely, not only because I still haven't studied it enough but also because when I came into existence in this universe this force did not yet exist.

Or at least, had such a small impact on matter itself that it was indistinguishable from the other forces.

That is one of the reasons for me being in Ixtal right now, as a nation famous for its elemental magic I hope to better understand mana here, and hopefully, better understand the functioning of this universe.

"And how do you plan do to that, if I may ask?"

"In truth, I still don't have any idea on how to do it, that is why we have asked for your help in this matter. I believe it also benefits Shurima."

Ne'Zuk is a tall man with dark skin, apart from being the strongest elemental mage in Ixtal he holds a lot of political power.

Although he didn't seem to have an idea on how to stop the corruption of the void, just having the initiative to do it is already something that is quite admirable. After all, after witnessing the horrors of the void, not even the ascended of Shurima were spared from the madness it induced.

"From what I saw, we should have somewhere between 5 to 10 years, before it starts to leave irreversible damage in Ixtali wilderness."

This amount of time is nothing surprising considering I was the one that made sure that the void expansion was slowed down when I ended the Icathian War.

Even then, 5 years might not be enough to actually stop its expansion, from what I see the void is still something basically unknown to the people on Runeterra, and I have no technology and no idea how mana works.

"We should start as soon as possible then; I believe there's no problem I oversee this operation?"

"Absolutely none, we were ready to put your name in the frontlines of the development anyway."

"I don't need that. Just get us a big place a little far from the city. One where we can blow things up."


"So, we're living here now?"


My little apprentice's face surely didn't seem happy. Since everything was done in a rush, all we have for now is a small hut, just big enough for us two to sleep. Not that far away was our, as I like to call it, 'Test Site', it will be where we will make most of our investigations on the void. And hopefully find a way to stop it.

Due to the need of studying the void, the Test Site is located in the southernmost jungle of Ixtal, so that trips to the now destroyed Icathia could be done as fast as possible.

Apart from our little hut which Akila was now scrutinizing, my telescope was also here, in a part where the foliage of the trees didn't cover the sky. How did we get it here though? Well, a magician never reveals his tricks.

Apparently near our location there's a dragon's nest, more specifically an Infernal Drake, that also participated in the war against the void in Icathia, siding with Shurima.

It was now night, and a soft glow could be seen coming from the direction of the infernal drake, although barely noticeable. It seems dragons also liked to have light in their homes.

"Are you still looking at it?"

"Yes! It's amazing, this star seems to be much bigger than any other we have in our sky. Much brighter too."

Akila likes to watch the universe a lot. It was recently that I showed her a very special star in the sky, and gave her the task to find out everything she could about it.

For now, all she did was try to determine whether the star was approaching Runeterra or receding. Obviously through Doppler effect, even though it still hasn't been discovered here.

From the redshift observed through comparison with Runeterra's own Sun she determined that it is getting farther away. Which is not a surprise considering the expansion of the universe.

At how much speed it is moving though, that is a more complicate matter. For now she is trying to see how far away it is from this planet. Which is going to be with the parallax. Something that takes at least half a year.

"It's really beautiful…"

What she can see through the telescope is all but a blur. A mere shining point in the lens, and yet she doesn't miss out on it's beauty.

The star she doesn't stop looking at?

My first star. The first breath of creation.