
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · Action
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86 Chs

Chapter 76: A Leap of Faith

The Devourer patrol ship hung like a menacing predator in the pale Xylos sky, its spotlight slicing through the darkness. We sprinted across the desolate spaceport, lungs burning, legs pumping. The hulking silhouette of the abandoned freighter loomed ahead, a beacon of hope amidst the industrial wasteland.

"Faster!" Kai urged, his voice ragged with exertion. His telekinetic energy flickered, momentarily pushing me forward as I stumbled over a loose piece of metal.

The refugees, a desperate mass of humanity, scurried towards the freighter, their ragged breaths echoing in the stillness of the night. Fear etched their faces, but a flicker of determination burned in their eyes. They were on the cusp of freedom, and we wouldn't let them down.

Just as we reached the base of the freighter, the Devourer patrol ship altered course, its spotlight swinging menacingly in our direction. A frustrated roar echoed through the comms system of the ship, clearly audible even without telepathy. They knew we were here, and they weren't giving up the chase easily.

"We need to get them on board, and fast!" Elara rasped, her face pale with exertion. Her telepathic strength, already stretched thin, flickered as she maintained the mental shield masking the refugees' signatures.

With a burst of telekinetic energy, Kai shoved open a rusted hatch at the base of the freighter, revealing a dark, cavernous interior. Panic threatened to overwhelm me, but I forced it down. There wouldn't be time for a thorough inspection.

"Get them inside!" I barked, urgency lacing my voice. The refugees, propelled by a mix of fear and hope, surged towards the gaping hatch, disappearing into the darkness one by one.

A deafening boom resonated from above as the Devourer patrol ship unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. The ground trembled beneath our feet, and chunks of metal rained down from the freighter's upper decks. We were trapped between a rock and a hard place – the Devourer forces above and a potentially malfunctioning freighter below.

"Reza, where are you?" I projected telepathically, a desperate plea echoing in my mind. We needed his illusions to create further distraction, to buy us critical seconds.

A faint echo of amusement, tinged with a hint of static, resonated within my mind. "Busy entertaining your Devourer friends," came Reza's voice, distorted by the distance. "Don't worry, I have everything under control… for now."

His words offered a brief moment of relief, quickly replaced by a surge of renewed urgency. With the last refugee safely inside, I turned to Elara. "Can you activate the freighter's engines remotely?"

Elara grimaced, sweat beading on her forehead. "Maybe. The ship's systems are ancient and overloaded. There's a high chance it might overload and-"

She didn't need to finish the sentence. The risk was immense, but it was the only chance we had. "Do it," I said, my voice tight with resolve.

Elara focused her telekinetic energy, reaching out towards the freighter's dormant systems. A series of sparks erupted from various panels within the freighter's hull as ancient circuits struggled to come back to life. The air crackled with raw energy, a harbinger of success or catastrophic failure.

The Devourer patrol ship swooped lower, its harsh spotlight bathing us in its unforgiving glare. Soldiers materialized on the ship's landing deck, targeting their weapons toward us. Panic threatened to take hold, but I forced it down. We couldn't afford to give in now.

A low groan echoed from the freighter's depths, followed by a series of sputters and coughs. It wasn't a smooth ignition, but it was a start. The engines coughed to life, spewing a plume of rusty smoke that momentarily obscured our forms from the Devourer soldiers.

"It's working!" Kai shouted, a hint of elation breaking through his exhaustion.

But the elation was short-lived. The engines groaned in protest, struggling to overcome decades of neglect. The freighter lurched forward, scraping against the landing platform, before shuddering to a halt.

"We haven't escaped them yet," I warned, my voice grim. The Devourer soldiers had adjusted their aim, their blaster fire peppering the freighter's hull.

Just as despair threatened to consume me, a blinding flash erupted from the city skyline. It was Reza, his final act of defiance a dazzling display of light and illusion that momentarily engulfed the entire city in a distorted kaleidoscope.

The Devourer patrol ship, disoriented and momentarily blinded, hovered erratically. The soldiers on the landing deck stumbled back, their weapons momentarily useless. It was our window. A fleeting moment of chaos carved out by Reza's ingenuity. With a roar that echoed across the desolate landscape, Kai unleashed a surge of telekinetic energy. The rusted landing platform, weakened by decades of neglect, buckled under the strain. With a sickening groan, it tore free from the freighter's underside, transforming into a makeshift projectile.

Hurling through the air, the mangled landing platform slammed directly into the Devourer patrol ship. The impact sent a shockwave through both vessels, a blinding flash erupting as their energy shields flared in protest. The patrol ship, its engines sputtering, tilted precariously before disappearing from sight, engulfed in a plume of smoke and debris.

A stunned silence descended upon the spaceport. We watched, our bodies trembling with exertion and adrenaline, as the fireballs from the downed ship arced across the night sky, fading into the distance.

The freighter, its engines still groaning in protest, lurched forward once more. This time, the movement felt smoother, a testament to Elara's telepathic coaxing of the ancient systems.

"We're… we're moving," Kai stammered, a mixture of disbelief and relief coloring his voice.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, threatening to pull me to my knees. But I held firm, a surge of pride battling the fatigue gnawing at my limbs. We had done it. Against all odds, we had escaped the clutches of the Devourer forces and secured a potential escape route back to the Aethel Remnant base.

As the freighter gained altitude, leaving the desolate landscape of Xylos behind, I turned towards the refugees huddled within the dimly lit cargo bay. Their faces, etched with relief and a flicker of awe, met my gaze.

"We're not home yet," I announced, my voice hoarse but resolute. "But we are one step closer. We are telepaths, and we will fight for our freedom."

As the freighter pierced the Xylos atmosphere, the twin moons receding into the distance, I knew this was just the beginning of our fight. We had escaped Xylos, but the battle for telepathic freedom had only just begun.