
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · Action
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86 Chs

Chapter 75: A Breath of Freedom, a World of Trouble

The rusty elevator platform groaned in protest as we ascended the abandoned maintenance shaft. Each creak echoed through the metal tube, a symphony of our exhaustion and the precariousness of our situation. Though the surface beckoned, we knew the real challenges lay beyond the rusty hatch at the top.

We emerged into a desolate landscape bathed in the pale light of Xylos' two moons. A sprawling network of abandoned mining structures and skeletal processing towers cast long, skeletal shadows under the luminous sky. The air, thick with a metallic tang, held the faint echo of the industrial boom that had long since faded.

Relief washed over me, a wave so powerful it left me trembling. We had defied the odds, escaped the collapsing cavern, and evaded the Devourer forces. But the elation was short-lived. The weight of responsibility settled heavily upon me.

Our priority remained the safety of the rescued telepaths. Elara, despite lingering weakness, reached out telepathically, searching for any sign of the hidden network used by fleeing refugees. A faint mental echo resonated within her, a beacon leading us towards a series of dilapidated buildings nestled amidst the ruins.

"There," Elara rasped, pointing towards the abandoned structures. "The telepath refugees have taken shelter there. We need to assess the situation and formulate a plan."

Kai, his face etched with fatigue, scanned the surrounding area. "We should be cautious," he warned. "Devourer patrols might still be searching for us."

Reza, his ankle bandaged but still stiff, grimaced. "Looks like my illusionary skills are back on the menu."

We limped towards the abandoned buildings, a band of weary warriors cloaked in the shadows cast by the desolate landscape. As we drew closer, whispers and murmurs reached our ears – the frightened voices of telepaths huddled together, seeking solace after their harrowing escape.

The sight that greeted us upon entering the dilapidated building was a stark reminder of the brutality of the Devourer regime. Faces lined with worry and exhaustion, children clinging to their parents, belongings hastily thrown together – these were the victims of oppression, clinging to a newfound hope for freedom.

A grizzled man with a cybernetic eyepatch approached us, his voice gruff but laced with respect. "You… you must be the ones who led the raid," he stated, his gaze sweeping across our battered forms.

"We are," I confirmed, my voice hoarse. "We're here to help you reach a safe haven within the Aethel Remnant network."

A wave of relief washed over the assembled telepaths. Whispers of gratitude mingled with nervous questions about the journey and the possibility of further Devourer pursuit.

The weight of leadership pressed down on me. We were a small group, battered and exhausted, yet we carried the hopes of these vulnerable civilians on our shoulders. A plan needed to be formulated, a strategy to navigate them through hostile territory towards the Aethel Remnant base.

"We can't stay here long," Kai stated, his voice echoing in the cramped shelter. "The Devourer forces will likely return to search the collapsed cavern. We need to move quickly and discreetly."

Elara, her telepathic connection with the hidden refugee network active, interjected. "There's an abandoned freighter docked at a derelict spaceport on the outskirts of the city. It could be our ticket off Xylos."

Hope flickered within the eyes of the assembled telepaths. A risky proposition, but a potential escape route. "We can't risk using the city's main spaceport," I countered, considering the high likelihood of Devourer patrols.

Reza, a mischievous glint in his remaining good eye, offered a solution. "Leave the distraction to me. I can create an illusionary diversion near the main spaceport, drawing the Devourer forces away while you navigate the refugees to the abandoned freighter."

A tense silence hung in the air as we weighed the risks and rewards. It was a desperate gamble, but it might be our only chance. The telepaths, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and desperate hope, looked to us for guidance.

Taking a deep breath, I met their gazes with unwavering resolve. "We fight for freedom," I declared, my voice echoing in the room. "And freedom doesn't come without risk. We will make this journey together. We will reach the Aethel Remnant and find sanctuary."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. Doubt lingered in their eyes, but a newfound determination flickered alongside it. We were telepaths, outcasts, but we were also survivors. And together, we would defy the Devourer regime and carve out a path to freedom, one daring escape at a time.The decision made, a flurry of activity filled the dilapidated shelter. The telepaths, their initial fear tempered by a flicker of hope, gathered their meager belongings. Women bundled sleeping children in tattered blankets, men checked makeshift weapons, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the crumbling walls.

Elara, pushing beyond her limitations, established telepathic links with each refugee, offering words of encouragement and guiding them through a series of mental exercises aimed at masking their telepathic signatures. It was a risky maneuver, a faint shimmer that could alert any Devourer patrols with advanced scanners, but it was our only defense against immediate detection.

Meanwhile, Kai and I scouted the network of abandoned buildings, identifying the most efficient route towards the derelict spaceport on the city's outskirts. The journey would be treacherous, a maze of shadowy alleyways and crumbling structures offering scant protection.

Reza, ever the showman, slipped away under the cover of darkness. A mischievous glint flickered in his eye as he outlined his plan – a dazzling holographic spectacle near the main spaceport, featuring a fabricated Devourer troop movement and a fictitious high-value target. It was a desperate gamble, but with any luck, it would be enough to draw Devourer attention away from the outskirts where we intended to slip past unnoticed.

As the moons climbed higher in the pale Xylos sky, casting long, skeletal shadows across the desolate landscape, we knew it was time to move. The refugees, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and newfound resolve, formed a silent procession led by Elara. Their telepathic signatures, faint and flickering under Elara's careful guidance, were our only defense against immediate detection.

We navigated the labyrinthine network of buildings, relying on Kai's telekinesis to clear debris-strewn paths and Elara's telepathic guidance to avoid patrols. The silence was punctuated only by the nervous coughs and hushed whispers of the refugees, a stark reminder of the fragile hope we carried within these desolate ruins.

Suddenly, a tremor echoed through the ground, followed by a blinding flash of light that momentarily illuminated the ruined cityscape. A low rumble reverberated in the distance, a sound that sent shivers down our spines.

"Reza's diversion," Kai rasped, a hint of admiration lacing his voice. "He certainly knows how to make an entrance."

The Devourer forces were distracted, their attention drawn to the illusory spectacle unfolding near the main spaceport. We had a narrow window of opportunity, a fleeting moment to slip past unnoticed.

With renewed urgency, we hurried towards the outskirts of the city, the air thick with the metallic tang of decaying machinery. The abandoned spaceport loomed in the distance, a skeletal structure against the backdrop of the luminous moons.

Just as we reached the perimeter fence surrounding the spaceport, the unmistakable whine of Devourer patrol ships sliced through the air. A wave of panic threatened to engulf me, but I forced it down. We were so close, yet the final hurdle loomed large.

"Elara," I projected telepathically, urgency lacing my voice, "can you sense the freighter?"

A faint mental echo resonated within my mind, guiding us towards a section of the perimeter fence weakened by rust and neglect. With a combined effort, Kai and I used our telekinesis to create a temporary breach, just large enough for the refugees to pass through.

As the refugees scurried through the gap, a Devourer patrol ship swooped overhead, its harsh spotlight scanning the desolate landscape. We held our breath, praying to remain unseen.

Just as the last refugee had crossed the fence, the spotlight flickered our way. My heart hammered against my ribs as the harsh white light illuminated our battered forms. But before the Devourer patrol could react, a blinding flash erupted from the opposite side of the city, courtesy of Reza's masterful illusion.

The patrol ship, momentarily disoriented, diverted its attention back towards the fabricated chaos near the main spaceport. We had bought ourselves precious seconds, but it wouldn't be enough.

"This way!" Elara cried, telepathically urging the refugees towards the abandoned freighter.

We sprinted across the desolate spaceport, adrenaline surging through our veins. The looming shadow of the freighter offered a beacon of hope, a potential escape route back to the Aethel Remnant base. But would we reach it in time?