
Run or Die Runner

In a world where it has been ravaged by an unknown catastrophe, humanity's only hope lies within a series of treacherous mazes Every week, over a thousand individuals are mysteriously teleported into an immense maze where survival is the ultimate test. Those who survive, maybe even conquer the maze and its monstrous inhabitants, earn their freedom and the title of Runner. However, the world outside is also under attack by the creatures inside the maze, finding ways out of them. One day, it was Kofi's turn. Waking up in the maze, he wasn't ready; he had nothing to survive with until a mysterious system granted him abilities to help on his journey through the mazes. "Run Or Die! Runner." Kofi commanded.

Danger_God · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter-36 Kofi Betrayal

When Kofi and Caleb entered a room that resembled a castle, they heard a voice exclaim, "You two are still alive!"

Looking forward they saw Lester, Selene and David scattered around the room. At the center stood Zack, who had shouted at them.

Caleb walked forward with a small smile his steps was quick. "Yeah, Kofi—" he began.

Kofi quickly stepped in front of Caleb cutting him off. "Yeah, we managed to find another way forward." he said quickly then shooting a brief warning glance at Caleb. 'I don't know what Caleb was going to say, but I don't want him to expose what just happened... especially if I don't know if they're part of it,' he thought.

Zack slowly walked toward Kofi his eyes narrowing as he glanced back at the others who also began to move forward. "Oh... that's good. After we saw you disappear, we went looking for a way to find you both." he said.

-A new quest has been given-

Suddenly Lester, standing to Zack's side began saying something under his breath, at the same time, multiple steel-purple glowing chains shot out from Kofi and Caleb's bodies into the ground anchoring them.

Caleb eyes widen in fear. "What's going on?" he panicked as he struggled against the chains.

"Lester, what are you doing?" Kofi demanded in a deep tone his muscles tensed up.

Selene's brows furrowed in concern, and she dashed to Kofi's side. "Really, Lester, what are you doing?" she said as she arrived next to Kofi then examining the purple chains closely. "Kofi, are you okay?" she asked softly her voice trembling slightly.

'Ever since before signing the contract, I knew something was wrong, but how did this happen?' Kofi thought his teeth gritted as he struggled to break free of the chains.

Lester smirked widely a glint of madness in his eyes. "I'm sure you're wondering how these chains got into your body. Well, when we first shook hands, I implanted my C-rank skill, Abyssal Binds, into you. It remains unseen and undetectable until activated, especially for a low rank like you. And the worst part? They can last forever." he said starting to laugh maniacally.

While chained up, Kofi quickly checked his new quest:

-Kill all enemies that are murderous toward The Survivor. Kill them and gain your first kill against your own kind, slowly overcoming your next step in becoming a real runner-

-Time Limit: 1 hour-

-Penalty: Unknown-

-Number of enemies remaining : 8-

Kofi's eyes widened in shock. 'All of them must die is the other also with them I thought they ended up passing the examination... As I said before system, I feel like you are using me for something, and I hate it,' he thought. 'But if I'm using you and you're using me... it's a win-win.'


Mages are runners who harness energy to manipulate the elements, weave powerful enchantments, and summon spirit allies to aid them in battle among the diverse classes of runners, Mages are renowned for their adaptability and their ability to wield a vast array of spells and incantations.

A defining trait of Mages is their innate connection to the elements, the connection allows them to effortlessly harness the powers of fire, water, earth, and air. Through their mastery of elemental magic, Mages can unleash devastating spells that manipulate the very fabric of reality, shaping the world to their will.


'That's a powerful magic skill to remain undetectable, but its chains of course it can be broken with the right amount of strength.' Kofi thought smile.

-Skill: Gorilla Might activated. Consuming 60 energy. Your physical strength has been increased by 50%-

Kofi's muscles bulged as his strength surged, a strong energy radiated from him, causing everyone with high perception to sense his rising power, then with a fierce roar, Kofi grabbed the chains binding him and, slowly yank shattered them off his body.

Lester's eyes widened in shock. "What!"

"It seems you're stronger than we anticipated." Zack said frowning as he took a cautious step back.

"But it still won't help; it's four against one." Lester sneered.

Before Kofi could react he felt something sharp and fast pierced his back, he staggered forward, wincing in pain and looked back to see Selene retracting a blood-covered hidden blade from beneath her wrist guard.

-Skill: Immunity activated. Poison Cleared. Your physical has returned to normal.-

Kofi pointed at her. "You!"

Selene started licking the blood off her blade with a wide twisted smile. "Did you really think I cared to help you? Low ranks are truly fools. Now you're poisoned. I wonder what you're going to do now." she taunted.

Kofi's eyes narrowed. 'Why didn't I think about that? They never argued with her betrayal, because they knew she was pretending to help meI been to careless...But now I can use this to my advantage,' he thought, his expression hardening.

He dropped to his knees breathing heavily making his fall seem more dramatic. Caleb witnessing Kofi in shock. "W-Why are you guys doing this?" he asked.

"For power and money. Do you think being a runner stuck at C-rank will get you that?" Zack replied coldly as he started moving closer to Caleb with a smug expression.

"But... you are killing innocent people for that!" Caleb shouted then even his voice was cracking.

Zack arrived by Caleb and delivered a brutal kick to his face sending blood flying but Caleb couldn't move as he was still anchored down. "Does it look like we care? Now all we have to do is weaken you a bit... you an A-rank potential wasted." Zack said instantly continued to kick Caleb all over his body.

'My head hurts. I haven't felt this much pain in years,' Caleb thought his vision blurring, he looked at Kofi on the ground. "Kofi, get up and run." he said softly..

Zack delivered another brutal kick to Caleb head causing him to nearly lose consciousness. "Shut up! You're going nowhere." he said.

Selene crouched down in front of Kofi face. "You already dropped to your knees. Seems like that was just a stunt." she taunted her eyes narrowing his body with disdain.

'Now.' Kofi thought quickly then in one swift motion he wrapped his hand around Selene's neck and pulled her into a headlock before she could react just like the others.

Selene gasped in shock as he eye widen in disbelief. "You're not poison."

"Poison no longer works on me." Kofi replied with a smirk as his grip tightening on her neck.

"Well, it seems we have to beat you until you're weakened." Lester said stepping forward.

"Don't move or I will snap her neck." Kofi said then his hold on Selene's neck tighten.

Lester and the others exchanged nervous glances. "Okay." they muttered simultaneously.

Suddenly Selene disappeared from Kofi's headlock and before he could react David with his C-rank skill Sonic Boom sped forward at an incredible speed slamming into Kofi and sending him flying back towards Caleb as his skill unleashed a shockwave of energy that radiated outward in all directions.

When Selene reappeared she rubbed her neck with relief. 'Good thing I had my C-rank Void Step skill, making me able to pass through enemies and obstacles, avoiding attacks, and reappearing up to 10 meters away.' she thought a smirk on her lips.

Kofi quickly got up standing near Caleb looking at him with concern. "Kofi leave." Caleb said softly.

Kofi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth jaw clenched then his head snapped back to Zack and the others his eyes glinting red. "We're runners. We run to survive. But not today. Today, we hunt," he said deeply drawing Soulrender quickly.

Zack smirked pulling out a long green blade with silver markings on a metal pole halberd. "Why waste your last breath on something so pointless?" he taunted.

Then Lester was the first to attack with a ball of purple energy glowing in his hand, he hurled the ball of energy toward Kofi before he did it repeatedly..

-Ability: Resonant Guard activated. Consuming ten energy every five seconds-*

Kofi held his sword in front of him his energy forming a protective shield, with Lester's barrage was relentless but Kofi's shield held.

When Lester finally stopped Selene was already in front of him, her dagger swinging in rapid arcs Kofi parried each strike both they attack were accurate and controlled.

Why is she attacking me head-on? She's an assassin

While blocking and countering Selene he began sensing danger behind him, Kofi swung his sword heavily his strength overpowering Selene and pushing her a couple feet back then he instantly dodged from feeling of the incoming attack, he saw a duplicate of her behind him, her dagger aimed at his side.

At the last second he managed to side step away, but not without consequence as her blade sliced into him and her C-rank skill double Strike allowed her duplicate to deal 50% of the original attack's damage if her duplicate landed but it didn't.

Selene realizing her direct attacks were no longer effective, dropped a smoke bomb at Kofi's feet, disappearing into the smoke looking out the smoke he saw no one approaching him.

-Skill: Swift activated. Consuming ten energy per minute. Your speed has been increased by 30%-

Kofi sprinted out of the smoke just as David moving with incredible speed appeared in front of him. Kofi ran with David matching his speed stride for stride around the room David's blue short sword flashed as he attacked forcing Kofi to put away Soulrender and swap to his silver sword.

While they sprinted around the room the others struggled to keep up, Kofi and David's duel was a blur of motion, their swords clashing with ferocity of sparks, Kofi's sword was slowly chipping away as David sword was a C-rank and then Kofi silver sword finally broke but he managed to land a slice across David's chest, reducing his health a little.

-Effect: Bleeding activated. The target's health will decrease steadily-

Kofi quickly drew Soulrender again as both of them stopped with David spun he ducked under before when he raised back up David sword came like a whirlwind full of sword strikes that Kofi barely managed to block each hit taking down his health points.

-Skill: Gorilla Might activated. Consuming 60 energy. Your physical strength has been increased by 50%-

With a powerful punch Kofi sent David flying back, he turned just in time to see Zack and Selene closing in, without hesitation he surged forward to meet their combined attack head-on.

"You're not taking me down that easily." Kofi growled.

Zack charged at Kofi with a raging C-rank thrust his blade gleaming with deadly intent, with a mighty roar he unleashed a full force of his attack, aiming to pierce through Kofi's defenses. But Kofi was ready. With a swift movement, he raised Soulrender, meeting Zack's strike head-on.

-Ability: Resonant Guard activated-

The clash of their weapons echoed through the room, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Zack's thrust was powerful, but Kofi's Resonant Guard held firm absorbing the impact of the blow.

However, even the power of Kofi's shield couldn't withstand the full force of Zack's attack With a resounding crack Kofi's shield started shattering under the immense pressure.

But before Zack could capitalize on this opening Lester intervened his hands moving, with a fluid motion he push his hand back and other outward like a bow he unleashed a bolt of energy that slammed into Kofi's weakened shield completely breaking it and causing him to staggered back.

'Too many attacks at once' Kofi thought struggling to maintain his balance. 'I need to focus.'

Meanwhile Zack wasted no time in launching a relentless barrage of strikes, his halberd blade slashing through the, Kofi ducked and weaved narrowly avoiding each blow, but Zack's relentless attack left him with no room to counter that he got hit a couple times.

With a spin an sprint away Kofi disengaged from Zack's attacks, his eyes locked on the D-rank runners who had yet to join the fray as they seem to have left for something else.

With a predatory grin Kofi surged forward with one swift motion he brought Soulrender arcoss there neck, cleaving through flesh and bone with ease.

-Enemies remaining: 6-

With the blood dripped from his sword Kofi's gaze hardened. "Six left." he murmured to himself. 'I need to thin their numbers, one by one so I can focus on Zack and the others.'

While Zack and the others closing in, Kofi's instincts took over he darted forward his blade flashing in the dim light he jumped over Zack and the other before they could react her in a quick back and forth, he sliced through the necks of the last two D-rank runners.

-Enemies remaining: 4-

Kofi paused for a moment. 'Most D-rank runners are no match for me.' he thought.

Kofi stood with his breath coming in ragged gasps, he flicked away the blood from his sword.