
Run from a Beast

Samara : “You know all those stories about true love and breaking there Prince Charming curses, ectra... well this is an’t that kind of story!” “ I’m trapped in a werewolves world with there ears and tails people everywhere, and I’m the only human that they have seen in over 1000 years!... what do I do? how do I get hoommmee!?” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Samara was just your average everyday human girl who was just on her way to school when she met with a bright light in front of her face and she got transported to another world filled with werewolves beyond the eyes can see. How will she get home? Or is there a way home ? Cain 1st born werewolf prince to the throne. He is unruly, cold hearted, and dominant alpha. What ever he wants he gets the easy or the hard way it doesn’t matter to him, but what happens when he meets his match with a human girl? Will he love her and make her his mate or will he lose her to his kingdom rules? Cain: “Hey you your coming with me!” Samara : “ Like hell I am!” * runs away like a bat out of hell* Cain: “ I love a good chase” * runs after her while licking his lips* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warning ⚠️ this has explicit violence and mature content read at your own Accord

bookieboo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Ch.2 “A Headache”

* laughter of children playing, and birds chirping* " mmmm..." Samara slowly turns her head " Shush be quiet shes waking up!" as small soft voice said. *giggling* from the children that had surrounded her. Samara slowly opens her eyes and blurry vision is the only thing that greeted her at the moment and she said as she reached for her head

"ouch my head, that's the last time I try to save somebody and speaking of which...."

she bleaks her eyes really hard and rubs them. An her eyes began seeing better again. As she begins looking around at her surroundings she noticed their were a lot of children around her.


"What in the world?!" Said Samara as she tries to scrabble to her feet. The children started giggling again. Samara starts to panic and looks more attentively at her surroundings. She noticed first she was no longer in the street or really in the city anymore, but instead in a large field surrounded by forest and a small building. The second thing she notice the little girl she had thought she saved was nowhere to be seen. An last but not least she had noticed all the children had wolf like ears and tails just like the little girl she thought she had saved.

" u-umm excuse me little ones but d-did you happen see a little girl here with me maybe and where am I exactly?" As she asked one of the children in front of her. "Are you stupid or something lady?" Said the little kid.

"...." Samara balled her fist up and kept her anger in.

"Please just answer my question you little brat" Samara stated. " *sighs* your at Sister Lily's orphanage for children and no we didn't see anyone with you. We just happen to see you here sleeping while we was playing. Does that answer your question stupid?" The little kid said while the other children giggled.

Samara thought to herself ( why this little brat, I'm going to...) and so her thoughts were interrupted by an old lady's voice " Children time for dinner! Come on inside and wash..." then the old saw Samara and she looked at her real attentively and shouted at the children " children, get away from that now!" As the old lady ran up to the children an covered them up behind her.

Samara then said " I don't mean you no harm I just want to know where am I and how can I get back to the city?" As she scratches her head. Then one of the children said " what's going on Sister Lily?".

"You get out of here right now! Your kind is not welcomed here you evil creature!" She shouted As she pointed at Samara and scooted the children along. Samara then said "Please wait..."as she pleaded but it was to late as the old Sister Lily and the children was already inside.

"..." ( what was that all about? Me, evil?) while she was thinking just for a second nighttime was approaching. Samara then snapped out of it and started Noticing her surroundings was getting darker by the minute. Samara then ran up to the small little cottage and knocked on the door and said "please let me in" no replies greeted her.

"..." *sighs* and she noticed a little road and starts to head down it.