
Chapter 351: The Great Night Venerate God!

This performance had been quickly noticed by all Chosen Ones from the Trial Civilizations.

They soon guessed what was happening in this astoundingly performing civilization.

— Regional final battle!

By now, most of the civilizations had roughly understood the layout of this Trial World and the regional nature existing within the strange demon society.

Eliminating enemies within the region was not only the first step to face the trial but also the first step in establishing a protective barrier for their own small world.

Based on the growth of the performance value, currently, the only civilization that had eliminated the weird demons in their region was the one ranked first.

The second-ranked civilization was still in combat.

And now, this civilization, which was only ranked fifth not long ago, was about to start a regional final battle?

"This civilization is probably in danger."

"An increase in points beyond its capacity to bear is not a good thing."