
My first Independent Travel experience (2)

The next 2 days a man came and was looking for me. He then gave me a small delivery box and let me put my signature on the receipt then go. I came inside with that box wondering what's inside it and as I opened it I was in teary eyes I got my airplane ticket and it states that my flight would be tomorrow evening at 6pm. I got to my room to fix up my things but I'm not a good arranger of things so I just stopped and wait for mom for help. When she got home I approached her "Mom I got the tickets" I said. She said "So did you packed up your things already?" and I was like scratching my head while saying that I didn't packed up yet cause I don't know how to arranged it. She sighed and said "Hush now let me help you". Mom and dad Took me a ride to the airport and leave some guidelines for me.

"Please be safe and take care of yourself" dad said I nodded as a reply. "Bye I have to go I said as walking away from them and waving my hand.


I sat down and I find the chairs so comfy than ever. The airplanes start to depart until we are totally up in the sky I took pictures while I'm in the plane for it's a memorable thing for this is my first time to travel by myself. "Hi miss can I sit beside you?" a guy with a strong charisma said. "Oh sure" my simple answer then looks away from him and looks out the window I also started to get bored so I decided to put on my earphones and play a music until I get to my destination.

It took 3 hours for me to travel.I'm now at the arrival area as I was roaming my eyes I found my name in a piece of cardboard hold by a guy in a formal wear. I come near to him and he said "Hello Ms.Sejin, Mr.Dae sent me here to fetch you" I smiled at him and let him take my luggage then I got into the car. After 15 minutes the car stopped at a Big wide gate. The gate opened wide and I saw a big mansion.

"were here Ms." the guy said. He got off the car and opened the door for me I asked him to help me with my luggage and he said he will just take it to my room. There are maids with a smile on their faces, they welcomed me and guide me inside the house. I'm amazed by the structures and the design of Mr.Dae's home. The materials looks so elegant I wonder how much it cost each. The place looks so Aesthetic. "Ms.Sejin this would be your room" one maid said and open the door for me I got inside and It's so unrealistic "Wow it's beautiful" as I roam around the entire room.

The maid left me and now I was all alone I'm asking myself "I'm kind of being a gold digger,am I?" and then take a deep breath. I keep glancing myself on the mirror and being a little bit weary. I got on the bed and it feels so Cozy I was about to rest but I heard a beep on my phone, it was mom "Hi dear, Did you already arrived? How was your flight? call me if you have some time" I called her up and tell her that I have a safe flight and that I'm staying at Mr.Dae's mansion and that they wouldn't be worried cause I know how to take care of myself. After the call I took a shower to be refreshed and got out of the room to eat. I joined with the maids in the kitchen because I'am not used to eat by myself and in that way I make a nice relationship with them.