
A Visit (1)

2 years before...

It was a Good Saturday Morning I wake up early for we are going to my aunt's house for they just got back from London I'm super excited for it's so fun to be with them especially with my uncle who has a very high sense of humor. When we got there I rushed to the gate and waved at my cousin while she's playing with her dog outside the house. "Oh my it's been a long time when you last came here" she said and kissed mom and me on the cheeks. "Aw, you really missed us,are you?" I said to piss her off but I failed. We enter the house and found the person we are here for on the couch but they are with a friend. "Oh my dear, there you are, How are you?" auntie asked "I'm fine everything's good,How about you?How's the flight?" I asked her too. "It's so tiring,But thanks for we landed and got home safe" she said. She let me sit on the couch but then leave for she will be chitchating with my mom about everything that happened to them when they stayed in London. After a while, Uncle introduced me to the man in front of me "Sejin,I would like you to meet Mr.Dae"

He handed his hand for a handshake so I do the same. They were talking about business but I'm not interested in such topic so I excused myself to go upstairs. After an hour I came back they were still on the couch but this time they were eating. I joined them and

give some dad jokes and I'm grateful that they laugh at my jokes. "It was my first time hearing those jokes,and I really find it funny" Mr. Dae said. Later mom and auntie decided to join us "I don't have any children could you be my child?" Mr. Dae added. I looked at mom but she replies me with a smile. "But I have my parents" I said. "Well I mean I would be like your second guardian, Is it ok to you?" Mr. Dae asked mom and she said that I can be then laughs.