
Rumia’s Trials Across The Multiverse

Rumia is your average otaku living in America. She often watched anime but also dabbled into comics and the like. Her life was going as routine until she was hit by a large white truck, she then woke up to a giant flaming bird and a white-haired man. “Welcome to the world, Rumia. Our daughter.” Follow Rumia as she travels across the multiverse and faces trials and tribulations! Formerly known as Godzilla Across the Multiverse. Rewriting the entire story, plot, and all. Don't own anything but my OC cover isn't mine.

6etbands · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


"BLUE STAR INFERNO!" Rumia's body turned into blue fire and she shot a large blue flaming dragon at Sun Goku.

"Bi Huo Jue!" Sun Goku clapped his hands together and a giant King Yama mask was summoned over his head. As the flames made contact with Sun Goku, the Yama mask absorbed the flames until they stopped.

"Tsk, fine then!" Rumia's body reverted to normal before she was covered in white lightning, "You may have absorbed my flames but you can't absorb physical strength!" Rumia was in front of Sun Goku in the blink of an eye. She drew the chokuto on her waist and swung downwards. Sun Goku blocked with his red staff and Rumia was sent flying due to the sheer weight the pole had.

"How heavy is that thing?!" Rumia yelled in question as she caught herself in midair. Sun Goku didn't answer and clapped his hands together once again.

"Buddha Arts: Tranquility!" Sun Goku's aura exploded outwards until it began to compress and it finally compressed on his staff.

"Stepping Clouds!" Sun Goku jumped off his cloud and stepped forward. Rumia's Eyes of Ility were pushed to their limit due to how fast Sun Goku moved.

"Buddha Arts: Passive Blow!" Sun Goku made his staff as large as a two-story building and swung it down upon Rumia. Rumia caught the large staff and was being brought to the ground from sheer force and weight. Rumia looked to the ground below and saw the freed slaves right under Sun Goku's giant staff. As Rumia tried to slow the rate at which the staff fell, her body was turned into flames that were pushed to the limit of physics.

"JESUS THIS IS SO DAMN HEAVY!!!" Rumia yelled as she neared the ground and the staff had hardly slowed down. Unbeknownst to Rumia, the flames on her body began mixing with her deconstruction magic due to stress. The blue flames slowly began turning crimson. Rumia's body was pushed into overdrive as she stopped the staff's descent.

"Haaa...haaa...haaa...haaa..." Rumia and the staff were meters away from the ground. If Rumia hadn't used her full physical abilities to the limit, the people below would have been killed.

Sun Goku made the staff return to normal and Rumia looked up in rage.

"Is this your definition of justice!? If I hadn't stopped that staff, those people would have died!!" Rumia yelled as the flames on her body vanished and a yellow aura slowly started to leak out of her.

"I would have made sure not to kill them. I am not a monster." Sun Goku calmly stated and Rumia began to laugh.

"Yes, yes. You are not a monster," Rumia laughed before her face turned serious, "You're a fool."

"I hope the slaves, me, and Milim can survive after what I am about to do.," Rumia said and Sun Goku had a questioning look on his face, "Return." The rings on Rumia's arms and legs returned to their boxes and a surge of energy coming from Rumia made the wind blow.

Rumia's body was emitting a yellow aura en masse. The aura was potent enough to cause the weather to change from sunny to dark and gloomy.

"A limiter huh? Then this should be a lot harder than I anticipated." Sun Goku said as he did the classic 'come at me' motion. Sun Goku was punched in the face within microseconds.

"BLEGH!" Sun Goku coughed up blood as Rumia punched him hard in the gut. Rumia punched Sun Goku again into the city below.

"You will die with the city you wanted to protect."Rumia said as a giant crimson ball of deconstruction magic appeared in her hands.

"Devastation." Rumia fired the red ball that split itself into hundreds of red beams that wreaked havoc upon the city. Rumia looked down at the cities destruction and had a slight smile. That smile widened as she heard the screams of terror and cries of pain and agony. That smile turned into a laugh as she watched the destruction she caused go so swimmingly.

"My eyes never deceive me, I knew I saw evil in your heart." Sun Goku said as he appeared in front of Rumia with gaping holes in his body. The holes were healing at a fast rate and he was back to normal within seconds.

"Pfft, evil? I'm simply laughing at the justice I enacted!" Rumia yelled as she punched Sun Goku in the face once again, sending him flying into the ground below.

"Destruction is exciting! I won't let you ruin my fun monkey!" Rumia yelled as she fired beams of deconstruction magic at Sun Goku's crater which in turn destroyed the landscape creating multiple pits and large holes.

Sun Goku was bombarded with the beams and created a protective barrier that held up against the beams of destruction.

"Now for the grand ending!" Rumia raised her hands to the sky as the yellow aura around her started to turn crimson, "Total Annihilation!" The clouds parted and what came through it was a huge black ball that shot out red lightning in intervals. The ball was as big as the city below and began falling to the ground. As the ball fell it continued to grow in size and once it was close to the ground it was around the size of New York City.

"YOU FOOL!" Sun Goku yelled as he began to grow in size until he reached his limit which was around 1/8 the size of the ball, "DO YOU INTEND TO DESTROY THIS ENTIRE CONTINENT?!" Sun Goku asked in anger as he used his hands to try and stop the ball's descent.

"Why I do intend to do so, in the name of justice!" Rumia yelled as her aura began turning purple and her Magicule output increase by two-fold, creating a large oppressive aura.

"WHAT ABOUT THE SLAVES?! THAT LITTLE GIRL YOU ARE TAKING CARE OF?!" Sun Goku yelled as he made contact with the ground and was pressed into the earth due to the weight of the ball.

"If they die because of my actions," Rumia paused as she looked at Milim on the hilltop and the slaves below before solidifying her resolve, "then so be it!" Rumia yelled as she extended her hand and applied magical force upon the ball, causing Sun Goku's legs to dig into the earth below him.

"I cannot allow that to happen! The evil I see in your heart, it's rooted, set in stone. There is no changing you! But the evil I see in that little girl's heart, it's changeable, it can be fixed with the right methods!" Sun Goku said as his golden aura began to slowly shroud his body.

"Evil?! You think this is about good and evil?! I've told Milim the dangers of coming along with me! Those slaves down there harbor more hatred for humans than I ever will! Does that make them evil?! Justice is Justice! There is no good or evil when it comes to justice," Rumia proclaimed as her Magicules and aura became more volatile and chaotic, "NOW BEHOLD MY JUSTICE!" The ball of destruction pressed harder upon Sun Goku.

Sun Goku's fur began turning golden as he pushed back the ball slowly. The aura shrouding his body shot outwards as his fur became completely golden.

"Buddha Arts: NIRVANA!" Sun Goku's hands shot out a pure white beam that sent Rumia's Total Annihilation far back enough to the point in which it was in Rumia's hands.

"If I cannot persuade you, then this will be the only way!" Sun Goku yelled as he put more magicules into the Nirvana beam. Rumia had the force of her own attack along with Sun Goku's Nirvana pressing upon her arms.

"NOW! GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE!!" Sun Goku yelled as he pushed the Nirvana to the limit and broke through Rumia's Total Annihilation.

"Damn. I guess I'm seeing the end for a second time. I can't even give Milim a proper goodbye, forgive me Mili-chan." Rumia said as the Nirvana beam reduced her to dust. Thus ending Rumia's tale, the tale of a human turned goddess.




If only it were that simple. We are forgetting about one person, Milim Belmont-Ignis. As Milim watched Rumia get turned into dust something inside of her snapped.

"Big Sister?" Milim asked herself as she looked up at the dust flying through the air. She watched as the dust glistened in the rays of sunlight that peaked through the gloomy clouds.

Tears. Tears of sadness, confusion, and most importantly, rage. Milim's Magicule output began to skyrocket as the entire continent began to rumble. The wind began to violently blow, the ground rose and broke apart and Milim's body had a dark red aura that shrouded her.

"BIG SISTER!!!" Milim yelled in pure rage. A pillar of dark red energy was shot into the sky and destroyed the ground below. Sun Goku's eyes widened at the sheer amount of energy Milim was producing.

"Impossible, someone her age shouldn't be this strong!" Sun Goku exclaimed as Milim looked in his direction.

"Why? WHY DID YOU KILL BIG SISTER!?" Milim angrily yelled and didn't give Sun Goku time to answer as she appeared in front of him faster than he could realize and punched him in the gut.

"GAH!" Sun Goku spat out gallons of blood due to the gaping hole in his gut. Sun Goku tried blocking Milim's next attack but was overpowered by her sheer striking power. As a result of him trying to block, his arms were torn off.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!" Milim yelled as she punched Sun Goku thousands of times within milliseconds, reducing Sun Goku to nothing but a splatter of blood. Milim charged a dark red beam and fired it at Sun Goku's remnants, creating a large hole in the earth. After Milim finished with Sun Goku, she looked down at the running slaves.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULTS!! DIE!!" Milim fired hundreds of blasts that killed a majority of the slaves. Once Milim was finished she looked up and began crying once again.

"Big sister! Please come back! Milim doesn't know what to do without you! Big sister!!" Milim yelled to the sky as tears flowed down her face.

«Override!! Entity: Milim Belmont-Ignis. Identity: Daughter of Veldanava, God. Request: Return soul entity, Rumia Belmont-Ignis. No physical body found, creating body based off highest authority: Milim Belmont-Ignis. Body created, Returning Soul. Soul Returned. Request Finished.»

Milim was confused at the voice at first but eventually figured out its identity due to her inherited memories.

"Does that mean big sister is coming back?!" Milim asked in urgency but got no answer. Milim almost went on a rampage again until she felt a powerful magic signature. A large cloud of golden magicules swirled and Milim smiled.

Inside the swirling cloud was a resurrected Rumia with her new body. She looked exactly the same with the only difference is her Magicule reserves and density are 100x more than before.

"Wow, being reincarnated twice. I think I like being a Dragonoid better. I'm quite literally a half dragon God half-human." Rumia said as she was tackled by a crying Milim.

"Please don't leave me again big sister!" Milim said as the tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes. Rumia also teared up and patted Milim's head.

"Don't worry Mili-chan. I'll be more careful from now on." Rumia said as she and Milim hugged for a while.

The old Rumia may have died but a new one is born! This time as a Dragonoid instead of a Phoenix goddess mix, but who's to say her Goddess blood was destroyed with her last body?


A/N: A lot of you may not like this chapter and I understand. If I'm writing this for no reason and people actually like it then don't read this. But if you don't like this chapter then I hope you find a better book to read.