
Rules and roses

Delilah Frost uncharmed by the suitors that her father had fancied for her tends not to care about the young gentlemen from whom she had to pick from. Giving up the idea of true love and a man who loves her for who she is rather than crown and kingdom goes to a ball and meets a handsome charming man Eric Corrigan is he the man delilah had longed for was he a friend for a foe???

mahe_ale_aba · Urban
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19 Chs


It has been three weeks since Eric and I have properly talked. After he made a public appearance and declared the fact that he was the king, many formalities came along: more work, different rounds around the kingdom to attach bonds, he went to another kingdom and left me here alone, he was right, being a king is difficult. I miss our conversations and his presence, but I understand that he has responsibilities to fulfill as a ruler. I hope we can find time to reconnect soon and discuss how we can navigate this new chapter in our relationship.

As I awaited his return, the task of organizing the ball consumed my days. It's astonishing how intricate the planning is, down to the smallest details like napkin colors and plate designs. At first, it was overwhelming, but gradually, I found a rhythm and even began to enjoy the process. Adeline has been my guiding light through it all, offering invaluable advice on color schemes and decoration ideas.

The decision to go with a golden and blue theme was inspired by Adeline's suggestion, and I must admit, it's shaping up to be quite spectacular. The richness of gold paired with the cool elegance of blue promises to create a magical ambiance for our guests. Every choice, from the table centerpieces to the lighting, feels like a piece of a grand puzzle coming together.

Despite the busyness, thoughts of him lingered in my mind. I found myself daydreaming about the moment he returns, imagining his reaction to the ball's preparations and hoping it would bring him joy. The anticipation of seeing him again fuels my determination to make everything perfect.

In the midst of it all, there's a strange comfort in the routine of planning—an escape into creativity and meticulous organization. It's a reminder of the beauty found in attention to detail and the satisfaction that comes from bringing a vision to life. As I pour my heart into every aspect of the ball, I know it's not just about the event itself but about creating moments of magic and connection for everyone who attends.

With each passing day, as the ball draws nearer and his return feels imminent, I find solace in knowing that soon, we will be reunited, and together, we will celebrate amidst the splendor of the golden and blue themed ball.

The ball is going to be a grand event, and I want everything to be perfect for his return. Adeline's input has been invaluable in making sure every aspect of the event is meticulously planned and executed.

She was not only a maid here but also a very dear friend to me; we had gotten very close and developed a sisterly relationship. I was also working on my gown, which I was designing for the Christmas ball. Eric had mentioned that it would be a grand ball because it would be his first public ball as a king. I had made a dark red gown, which was made out of the finest velvet, and I also prepared a shawl which was made out of fur. 

The gown was embellished with intricate beading and lace, making it truly fit for a royal event. As I put the finishing touches on my ensemble, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about attending such an important occasion.

I kept the sleeves very short, as the fur would cover my arms, with a small v-neckline border. I was doing the final touches when Adeline said, "Your Highness, it is midnight. I think you should get some rest. You have been working all day, I think his highness would be very cross to see you work this late '' Adeline said with concern.'' but I do have to say your hard work paid off the gown looks exquisite and very unique I love Golden embroidery on the borders of the skirt '' she said joyfully ''

'' Yes I will get some rest soon, and thank you for the kind words Adeline I appreciate it '' I said as I took a deep breath

''I have prepared tea for you as well please come '' she said looking at me

'' Aww thank you so much I will come in just a minute ..'' I said while looking down

As I stared at the comforting glow of the fireplace on my right, Adeline bowed and quietly exited the room. The absence of Eric weighed heavily on my heart, making these nights particularly difficult. Not a single letter had arrived from him, and the silence only intensified my longing and worry.

Thoughts raced through my mind like restless ghosts. Did he miss me as much as I missed him? Was he safe and well? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving sleep elusive. I couldn't help but wonder if he had found solace in the company of another lady, or if he, too, spent restless nights plagued by thoughts of me.

The crackling of the fire provided a rhythmic backdrop to my restless thoughts, casting dancing shadows across the room. I found myself tracing the lines of his face in the flickering light, recalling moments shared and imagining the conversations we might have if he were here. Each passing night without him felt like an eternity, yet my hope remained steadfast that soon, I would receive word of his return.

In the quiet solitude of the evening, with only the fire as my companion, I held onto memories of our time together, finding both comfort and longing in the warmth it provided. Until then, I waited, yearning for the day when his presence would once again fill the empty spaces in my heart.

I exhaled slowly and exited the garment chamber, walking towards my room; the night couldn't have been any darker; I entered my room, sat on my bed, and poured myself a cup of tea while opening a book to read. As I sipped my tea, the warmth spreading through me, I couldn't help but hope that Eric was safe and thinking of me too.

 The crackling fire in the fireplace cast a comforting glow over the room, easing my worries for just a moment.

I read the book for a while, but my thoughts were elsewhere; all I can hope is that he is doing well and that his thoughts echo my name. After some time, I ended up falling asleep.

The story was captivating, but my mind kept drifting back to him and wondering how he was doing. As I drifted off into sleep, I hoped that maybe he was thinking of me too.


I felt a hand caressing my hair. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a man sitting beside me. Startled, I shook my head, pushed his hand away, and grabbed a dagger, pointing it at his face.

"Hey, easy there, you know," said a familiar voice. As my vision cleared, I realized it was Eric.

"Oh! I am so sorry, my vision was very blurry," I said, still in shock.

I hugged him tightly, resting my head in the crook of his neck. "You are back!"

"Yes, my love, I am home," he chuckled. He kissed my tear-stained eyes. "Hey... no... tears. Aww, my sweetie, don't cry. It hurts too much."

He wiped away my tears and held me close, whispering sweet words of comfort in my ear. At that moment, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, realizing he was truly back where he belonged. His presence filled the room with a sense of peace, and the warmth of his embrace made all my worries melt away.

Eric gently pulled back to look into my eyes, his gaze soft and full of love. "I've missed you so much," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Every moment away from you felt like an eternity."

I couldn't help but feel a rush of relief and joy at his words, melting into the warmth of his embrace. His presence was like a soothing balm to the ache in my heart, reassuring me that despite the distance, our love remained steadfast and true.

"I've missed you too, Eric," I replied softly, my fingers tracing the contours of his face as if to reassure myself of his reality. "The nights have been lonely without you."

He leaned closer, his forehead resting against mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. In the quiet intimacy of that embrace, words were unnecessary as our hearts spoke volumes. The weight of his absence lifted, replaced by the certainty that we were meant to be together.

"I was so worried," I confessed, my voice trembling. "I didn't know if you'd come back."

"I'm here now," he reassured me, his touch gentle as he stroked my hair. "And I'm not going anywhere."

His words were a soothing balm to my anxious heart, easing the fear and uncertainty that had plagued me during his absence. In his embrace, I found solace and reassurance, knowing that he had returned to me safe and sound.

"I missed you more than I can say," he continued softly, his gaze locked with mine. "I couldn't wait to be with you again."

I held onto him tighter, cherishing the warmth and familiarity of his presence. The weight of my worry melted away in the comforting embrace of his arms, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude and love.

We stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, soaking in the comfort of being together again. The world outside faded into insignificance as we shared this intimate moment, the bond between us growing stronger with every heartbeat. Finally, the long days of separation and anxiety were behind us, and we could look forward to the future together.

''When did you come back?'' I laughed.

''Last night, I came to see you, but you were asleep, so I didn't want to wake you,'' he murmured, holding my hand.

''Oh you could have woken me up, I missed you so much,'' I lamented.

''I missed you as well, there wasn't a single minute when I didn't think of you,'' he whispered, caressing my face in his palms.

''Then why didn't you write me anything!'' I exclaimed a little loudly.

The weather was dreadful, my dear, which is why I couldn't send you any letters, I am sorry my love,' he added, looking down.

''It's fine, I'm just glad you're back now,'' I replied as our foreheads connected and he kissed my forehead lightly.

''How is the ball going? Do you need any assistance?'' Eric inquired

''No, not really, everything is almost done and under control,'' I said feeling proud

he brushed my hair '' That is great news, how many days are left till I see you in the beautiful gown '' he said winking at me

'' did you see the dress!!'' i said in displeasing tone

'' no my dear why would I ruin your surprise '' he stated

''Ohh okay '' i chuckled

''I have a small surprise for you, something I wanted to give you when I saw you looking at me at the ball when I fell in love with you right then at first sight, and you smiled shyly because you knew I had fallen in love with you,'' he said with a spark in his eyes.

He took my hand and helped me stand up. He walked me to the dressing table and had me sit on the small stool. I noticed a blue box and smiled at him, saying, "You are full of surprises.''

''There are two pieces to this gift, and I wanted to give you half of it myself,' he said as he went down on his knees and opened the box, revealing a lovely gold ring with a small triangle in it and a diamond embedded in it.

I gasped, '' Eric..i...." I was too stunned to say anything. "It is beautiful, but I cannot accept this gift; it is far too beautiful." I continued.

"It is beautiful, Eric, and I am honored to have this gift," I said, taking a deep breath as he slid the ring onto my finger. The weight of his mother's legacy, symbolized by the delicate band, felt like a profound honor.

Eric's eyes held mine, and in that moment, it felt like time had slowed to a standstill. His mother's ring, passed down with such significance, carried a weight of tradition and love that warmed my heart. I couldn't help but smile widely, overwhelmed by the gesture and the depth of his feelings.

"Thank you," I murmured, my voice filled with emotion. "I will cherish it always."

The ring sparkled on my finger, catching the light from the flickering fireplace. Its presence felt like a promise, a symbol of our shared journey and the future we envisioned together. In Eric's gaze, I saw love and commitment, a silent vow that echoed in the quiet of the room.

Eric pressed a gentle kiss on my hand and said the deepest words I've ever heard: "I cannot think of another woman who deserves this Del; you are the only woman who has stolen my heart. I can talk to hundreds of people in a day, but no one, no one Delilah, can compare to the smile you give me in one minute and all my worries go away. I crave you in the most innocent form. I want to be there with you when you go to sleep and when you wake up.

I just want to be right here with you. You are effortlessly yourself, and I love you for that. You bring so much joy and light into my life, and I am grateful for every moment we share together. Your presence is like a breath of fresh air, and I cherish every second I get to spend with you.

Then he looks at me as if I am a person worthy to be looked at; his gaze stays on me and mine on his.

''I fell in love with you before I could even get to know you, Eric; you drew memories in my mind that I could never erase; you painted the colors that I would never want to replace; and you will forever be my always and i'll be forever yours," I said then that we both shared a soft kiss, smooth as a feather and light as air.

We both parted slowly, and we just held each other.

'' Now for the other half of the gift '' he said as he reached into his pocket and gently withdrew a piece of paper. His eyes met mine with a mix of anticipation and warmth as he handed it to me. With trembling hands, I unfolded it, revealing a portrait drawn with an exquisite delicacy that took my breath away.

It was my sketch , captured with a grace and tenderness that made my heart swell. He had sketched it days ago, yet each stroke seemed to carry a timeless quality, as if he had captured the very essence of my soul. The details were astonishing—my eyes sparkled with life, my smile hinted at secrets known only to me, and there was an undeniable sense of depth and vulnerability in the rendering.

As I gazed at the portrait, a wave of emotion washed over me. It was more than just a drawing; it was a reflection of how he saw me—beautiful, strong, and delicately human. Every line, every shade spoke of his perception, his appreciation for the person I was beyond the titles and expectations.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I blinked them away, trying to find the words to express the profound gratitude and affection I felt. "It's beautiful," I whispered, my voice barely audible, choked with emotion. "Thank you."

He smiled, a tender expression that mirrored the sentiment in his gift. In that moment, the portrait became a symbol of something far deeper—a connection that transcended words and gestures. It was a glimpse into his heart and a testament to the bond we shared, one that was as intricate and beautiful as the lines of the drawing itself.

I held the portrait close, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and affection for this unexpected yet deeply cherished gift.

"How many days until the ball?" he asked softly caressing my hair

"Three days, your highness," I said with a smile.

''I cannot wait to see it," he continued.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Eric said as he stood up.

Adeline came in with a tray of breakfast. "Good morning, your highness," she said in a joyful voice.

''Good morning '' Eric said in a deep tone.

"Princess, I hope you will eat now that His Highness is back," Adeline said gently. My eyes widened in surprise, and Eric's gaze quickly turned to me.

"Am I hearing this correctly? You've been skipping meals, love?" he asked, his tone laced with anger and concern.

"Uh, no... Adeline... I did... eat," I stammered, my voice faltering under his intense scrutiny.

"Leave the tray on the table and leave us alone," Eric ordered. As Adeline departed, he turned back to me, his expression demanding answers. "I think you should explain why you have been skipping meals," he insisted.

I gulped nervously, unsure of how to respond to his sudden concern for my eating habits. "I just haven't been feeling very hungry lately," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper as I lowered my gaze.

"How long has this been going on? No wonder you look so thin," he said, his voice still stern but softened by worry.

"I don't know. I did have tea and coffee. It's not like I was starving," I replied, guilt gnawing at me.

Eric took my hand and gently led me to sit on the bed. "Come on, it's time to eat. And if you don't want me to get even angrier with you, then don't argue," he said, his tone cold but laced with care.

He picked up the tray and set it on the bed, using a fork to bring a piece of sausage to my lips. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and took a bite, the flavors mingling with the bittersweet mix of emotions swirling within me. Eric's eyes never left mine, his concern evident in every gesture. In that moment, I realized how deeply he cared for me, and the thought filled me with a warmth that rivaled the food I was finally eating.

I looked at him and took a bite.

"Good girl!" he said a bit softly.

I chewed slowly, then managed to say, "Are you mad at me?"

He just hummed in response, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I'm sorry, love," I said, my voice trembling with sincerity as I looked at him.

"Delilah, if I go away, this is not the way I would want you to treat yourself. Starving is not the answer. It scares me to think that you might do something harmful to yourself if anything happens. For God's sake, please don't harm yourself in any way. I love you too much to see that. Please, don't ever do that again."

His words were a mixture of fear, love, and desperation, each one piercing my heart. I could see the depth of his concern, the way his eyes searched mine for reassurance, for a promise that I wouldn't let my emotions lead me down a dangerous path.

"Delilah, please remember that you are loved and valued. There are always people who care about you. Seek help if you are feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your emotions. Your well-being is important to me," he continued, his voice softening as he reached out to gently stroke my cheek. His touch was tender, a silent vow of his unwavering support.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt a rush of emotions. "I promise," I whispered, my voice choking with emotion. "I won't do this again. I just... I need you to know how much you mean to me."

He smiled, a gentle, loving smile that warmed my heart. "Always remember, I can never stay mad at you for more than ten minutes. You are far too adorable, and I am too weak in front of you. Your eyes kill me," he said with a chuckle, his voice filled with affection.

I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. His words, his presence, everything about him reassured me that I was not alone, that I was loved and cherished. "Just promise me you'll never stop being your charming self," he added, his eyes full of affection.

"I promise," I said, feeling a renewed sense of determination. I knew then that I never wanted to be away from him, that his love and care were the anchors that kept me grounded.

In that moment, surrounded by his warmth and love, I realized just how much he meant to me, and how I never wanted to see that worry in his eyes again. I would take better care of myself, not just for my sake, but for his as well.