
Ruler of Winter's Edge (Moved to another account)

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BoredIdler · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

RoWE - Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Keep Calm



In the world of ice and fire, is it impossible to move without a noble identity? This statement is somewhat absolute, but at least in Westeros, it's almost true. Entering this world means playing the game under the rules of this world's system. But Aeg saw more clearly and essentially than ordinary people: the noble system is just the surface game rule of Westeros, but there are deeper and more fundamental rules behind it: all problems are issues of resources and strength.


The emissary of the Iron Bank is just an ordinary employee, but even Cersei Lannister, who eliminated all her enemies and dominated King's Landing to the extreme in the original series, had to be polite to him. Was it because he had a title? No, it was because he represented Braavos across the narrow sea. The High Sparrow, after establishing his armed militia, could make a bunch of kings and queens look bad. Was it because he had a title and the support of the Seven Gods? No, it was because he had both soldiers and the support of the people, and his opponents also had incompetent allies. Littlefinger, after being granted Harrenhal, instantly became one of the highest-ranking nobles in Westeros. But if he hadn't already hooked up with the lady of the Vale, what would he be?


In the end, the noble identity is a tool for the upper class of Westeros to control resources, not the cause. there are people who control resources first, and then there are nobles.


Understanding the causal relationship here makes it clear what to do. As long as he controls resources, even if he carries the label of the Night's Watch for life, even if his social status is legally lower than that of a mere knight, he can still turn the situation to his advantage.


Believing in this concept, Aeg made his plans.


His original plan was to use a Ponzi scheme for primitive accumulation, use logistical support and the people he "recruited" and planted into the Night's Watch to fatten the legion, and use the boiling frog method to make the Night's Watch dependent on him, thereby slowly controlling the legion both materially and spiritually, ensuring his safety and freedom first.


Then, using the capital at hand combined with his advanced knowledge, he would establish a huge community of interests in Westeros. waiting for the right time, he would cautiously use his energy and resources to participate in the game of thrones, find a way to remove his Night's Watch identity, and begin to explore the possibility of returning to his own world.


Aeg had laid out his plans and was ready to use his wisdom and knowledge to the fullest, to engage in the joy of outwitting others, but before everything had even begun, Melisandre suddenly appeared. quietly revealing a corner of the curtain of this world's stage to him, allowing him to see the more grandiose and terrifying truth beneath the chaotic facade.


More than a month ago, Aeg suspected that important plots could not be changed because of Bran's fall. However, the fact that Tyrion returned to King's Landing smoothly later overturned the previous conclusion. It was the judgment that there was no "fate" or other "mysterious existence" in this world that led Aeg to be bold, letting his thoughts run wild, quickly listing a grand plan, and preparing to make a big difference in this world, ready to rewrite everything.


But now, the red witch's words were like a blow to the head: supernatural forces do exist and are influencing the human world! Tyrion was able to return to King's Landing smoothly only because the "gods" didn't bother with him!


Aeg now felt like a child, sneaking into a room to play games and watch videos, only to look up and find a camera on the ceiling, his excitement instantly dampened. who could enjoy themselves with a father-like presence watching them without blind spots?


Melisandre saw that Aeg was silent for a long time and thought he was scared by what she had said. She felt contempt inside; even the tough guys in the Night's Watch, the killers of White Walkers, trembled in the face of transcendent power.


"Is there anything else you want to ask?" She didn't show disdain; fear of supernatural power is only human, and she herself had experienced this shock. "Then, considering how sincere I've been, can I ask a few questions?"


The plan must change; he not only had to avoid standing out in the sight of the major nobles of Westeros but also keep a low profile in the vision of those "demigods" and "true gods." If this were the case. at least half of the papers on which he had written his plan could be burned directly. "Ask away, I'll tell you everything I know."



In the next half hour, Aeg continued the question-and-answer session with Melisandre in a daze. To his relief, all of her questions were related to the lands beyond the Wall and the Night's Watch. This meant that Melisandre had not suspected his identity as an ordinary Night's Watch ranger. On this basis, he only needed to tell the truth without having to rack his brains to fabricate lies to avoid revealing any flaws.


Reason arrived late but was better than not at all. Aeg regained his composure and gradually became clear-headed: conspiracy theories could explain everything, but explaining everything with conspiracy theories was undoubtedly scaring oneself. He had deceived a bunch of characters in the plot with a pile of half-truths and lies, but who could guarantee that Melisandre's words weren't also a half-truth, a bluff?


Moreover, as a follower of the Lord of Light, Melisandre, who had been brainwashed by the Red God, even if she was telling the truth, it didn't necessarily represent the facts. Just like the Green Seer fabricating a belief in the Old Gods, who could guarantee that the Lord of Light truly existed? Who could guarantee that Melisandre wasn't another version of Jojen Reed, being deceived by the god in her heart?


Perhaps many stories in the original plot were indeed arranged or facilitated by those supernatural beings, but if one knew this and spent all day thinking, "Is this person representing the interests of some god?" or "Is this plot something a god wants to happen?" then it would be better to do nothing and honestly return to the Wall to fight wildlings and White Walkers.


Even if there were a group of guys quietly influencing the real world on a subconscious level, without a way to identify the individuals affected by them or to judge which events the gods wanted to happen, how different were these gods from non-existent ones to him?


Ignoring these transcendent beings, the plan remained unchanged! It only needed a slight adjustment to make himself more low-key.


Aeg's mind was clear, and countermeasures soon emerged: now, he probably not only had to pretend to be a loyal Night's Watchman when meeting outsiders but also had to keep up appearances when no one was around. Compared to acting recklessly for personal gain, taking a clear stance against the forces of the White Walkers might not bring benefits, but at least it could ensure that the "god" of the Lord of Light and his servants. would not target him for no reason.


As a mortal, he was too weak, not even qualified to be a fence-sitter. What a hassle.


"The movements of the Cold God are faster than expected," Melisandre said, not knowing what Aeg was thinking. She had her own worries. "Fortunately, the Lord of Light told me in the flames that the Wall can block the power of the Cold God and stop his servants. Before the harsh winter descends and the seas freeze, we still have time to do many things." She looked up at the Night's Watchman, dismissing unnecessary expressions and becoming serious. "So, friend of the Black Cloaks, is there anything I can do to help the Night's Watch?"


Aeg looked back at her. After being called a heretic and a series of events, everything finally returned to the right track. At least Melisandre's desire to help the Night's Watch couldn't be fake, unfortunately, Dragonstone couldn't provide food, weapons, or people. Melisandre herself didn't have many followers. Unless the witch was willing to abandon Stannis, whom she mistakenly believed to be the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and head north to the Wall. she probably couldn't be of much help.


Looking at the serious witch, a huge question slowly emerged in the Night's Watchman's mind: was the struggle between the gods a fight to the death for survival, or a back-and-forth sparring match? In other words. were the White Walkers, the Night's Watch, and even priestesses like Melisandre, in the eyes of those more transcendent beings, soldiers and weapons serving themselves, or were they just pieces in a game played by similar entities during their leisure time?


If this could be figured out, the adjustments to the plan could be clearer and more targeted.


Unfortunately, it was obvious even with a little thought that Melisandre, despite being a follower of the Lord of Light, could never know secrets at this level.


"The Wall lacks everything, but currently, what we need most are people and supplies. I was sent here for these," Aeg sighed and shook his head. "But looking at the state of Dragonstone, it's not much better than the Night's Watch. if you really want to help, pay more attention to the mining of dragon glass."


"No problem," Melisandre replied.


Suddenly Aeg remembered something very important that he had overlooked. "I almost forgot to ask; do you know the principle behind killing White Walkers with dragonglass daggers? If we could understand this mystery, we might be able to come up with more ways to deal with these creatures."


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