
Ruler Of The Realm

[Chapters erased. The whole story is to be republished with revised version.] Ji Chen, a reincarnator who braved hundreds of years without the help of any system and cheat, suddenly found himself possessing something that would change not just his life, but all the people surrounding him. For his dream, his sect, his brothers, and his beloved disciple, Ji Chen will do his best to be the best leader, the ruler of all the realms, with the help of his new cheat system.

MadCrow · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Whitedrift City (2/2)

The Whitedrift City, being true to its name, adhered to using white-colored materials from marbles, quartz, to simple stones. The imposing city wall was made of some kind of white stone slabs stacked and polished together.

Although it was merely for decoration as the city was protected by a grand formation, it could still resist the attacks of Warrior Realm cultivators.

Ji Chen could not imagine just how much energy stones had been consumed just to encircle a city ten times larger than the Frozen Plateau City with these stone slabs.

The watchtowers which could be found every half a mile were constructed with white metallic materials, evident from how it seemed to illuminate its surroundings with its shiny surfaces.

'Do they make it like that so people cannot see who's on the watchtowers?' Ji Chen praised their simple methods of dealing with privacy but for a great emperor like him or even a passing mage, the light being reflected was like some light from a flickering flame.

It was likely made to deal with mortals and to add grandness to the overall appearance of the city.

A wide road capable of letting 30 beast carriages go side-by-side greeted them upon entering the city gate. Shops and stalls could be seen on both sides as myriads of people walked from one direction to another.

The busy scene in the market of Frozen Plateau City could not hold a candle even against a single block of this city.

"So busy. So many people." Bai Ningshuang pouted at the sight. She was not accustomed to such crowded spaces.

"Sect Master Ji, are you going to find an inn first?" Pavilion Lord Su asked Ji Chen who was glancing around.

Already sensing why she asked, Ji Chen helped her in her little predicament. "Yes. Do you want to join? It's better if we are in the same inn."

"Thank you. We'll gladly join your group."

Ji Chen waved his hand and replied, "City Lord Feng entrusted the geniuses of the city to me. If something happens to them, how can I face City Lord Feng again?"

Somehow along the trip, Ji Chen became the backbone of everyone in the group. It was understandable since he was the strongest among them.

After asking around, Ji Chen found the familiar name of a reputable inn known for its service and protectiveness to its customers: Whitedriff Governor's Inn, which was located in the inner district of the city.

The Whitedrift City was also divided into different districts.

The outer district was where the majority of mortals and itinerant cultivators could be found. The crowdest and busiest shops were also in this place.

The middle district, which was separated from the outer district by a man-made canal, was the main area for the majority of local families and forces.

The inner district, separated by thick white walls, was the central area where the Governor Residence, major local forces, and big businesses were located.

'Of course, the inn owned by the Governor Residence is still around even after so many years.' Ji Chen thought in his mind. He had also heard of this inn when he visited the city in his younger years.

He then led the group towards the inner district. Since the inn was recommended by every person he asked on the street, then its impeccable service must be true.

They arrived at the innermost part of the city after some detours and a checkpoint at one of the gates. Only cultivators could enter this district.

The exclusivity of the inner district astounded the first-timers in the city. Their expressions reflected countless questions.

Ji Chen patiently explained to them the reason for such restriction.

"Whitedrift City, specifically the inner district, has anomalies in its Earth Veins. The origin energy around here is not conducive for mortals. It's too aggressive and has a trace of chaotic and impure energies. Only a cultivator can passively eliminate these energies from the body."

"Master, then why did they make this piece of land as the center of Northern Prefecture?" Bai Ningshuang asked curiously.

"The reason is simple. The same chaotic and impure energies benefit the cultivators." Ji Chen said mysteriously before continuing. "You already formed your elemental core right? The chaotic and impure energies here can further condense and compress your elemental core."

"Is that for real? Then this place is a heaven for cultivators."

"It is, although the rate of condensation or compression is extremely minute. But what if one stays here for a thousand years? The effect will be significant."

The conversation between the two was heard by some passersby and they also nodded in agreement. This was the reason why everyone wanted to stay in this place. Owning a house here was a winning long-term investment for them.

After some more turns, they arrived in front of a 5-storey white building.

"Impressive. The style is somehow unique." Bai Ningshuang's eyes twinkled seeing the new way of using carved columns. The building had open-sided vaulted galleries on each floor with columns and arches supporting the exterior side. The columns progressively decreased in dimension the higher the floor was.

Ji Chen clicked his tongue seeing again the familiar design he had seen in his past life. The feeling that other transmigrators from Earth were here became stronger each time he saw these familiar designs. However, in his hundreds of years of existence, he had never crossed paths to even one.

'Well it's understandable. Even I is keeping that secret from my loved ones.'

As they entered from the main door, a female attendant with a neat uniform and attractive smile greeted them.

"Dear customer, welcome to the Whitedrift Governor's Inn. May I know if you want to dine in the Whitedrift Royal Restaurant or check in to one of our rooms."

"There is a restaurant inside this place?" Long Zhu asked to clarify.

"Yes Esteemed Sir, it's the food provider of our inn and also owned by the owner of the inn."

"We want to check-in. The food can wait later."

The attendant already sensed that Ji Chen was the leader of the group so she became more respectful to him and led them towards the main lobby.

Ji Chen rented the largest suite for the ladies including Pavilion Lord Su. He also rented three more suites to be shared by men. This was the idea of everyone after seeing the cost of renting a single room for a month.

"That's daylight robbery. A dozen energy stones per day for a single ordinary room and excluding food accommodation?" Long Zhu grumbled to Ji Chen while an attendant was leading them towards their rooms.

The attendant felt awkward and didn't dare to refute since he sensed the cultivation realm of Ji Chen.

"You remember the cost of a single room in Everlasting Spring Pavilion in the capital? A hundred energy stones per day." Ji Chen only chuckled at his brother's reaction.

Before they got separated into their own rooms, Ji Chen assured everyone. "Don't worry about fees. This one and our food expenses are mine. Just enjoy the city and prepare for the competition."

Pavilion Lord Su led the girls to their own suite. The sight made Long Zhu comment, "We need more ladies in our sect to make the scenery more beautiful and fragrant."

Ji Chen ignored him and proceeded to enter their own suite.

While their group was resting in the inn, the people in the Governor Residence were in full alert. Everyone on day off had been called back to the residence as the Northern Governor announced an emergency meeting.