
Ruler Of The Realm

[Chapters erased. The whole story is to be republished with revised version.] Ji Chen, a reincarnator who braved hundreds of years without the help of any system and cheat, suddenly found himself possessing something that would change not just his life, but all the people surrounding him. For his dream, his sect, his brothers, and his beloved disciple, Ji Chen will do his best to be the best leader, the ruler of all the realms, with the help of his new cheat system.

MadCrow · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Ocean Vortex

The instant Ling Jingjing attacked with her spiritual needles, a small bell necklace on Zhong De's chest vibrated slightly.

The swarm of spiritual needles which usually proved to trouble or even defeat early-stage emperors seemed to collide with an impenetrable fortress upon its contact to his spiritual sea.

A defensive artifact, and not just that, one that could defend against spiritual attacks.

The spectators, although expecting some twist seeing the calmness on Zhong De's face, definitely were surprised that he possessed a valuable artifact.

Everyone had already estimated that only a low-tier earth grade artifact could protect him from Ling Jingjing's attacks.

A low-tier earth grade spiritual defensive artifact had its worth equal to a common peak-tier earth grade artifact, weapon, or armor. And this was the reason why the spectators were surprised that he possessed one.

"It's only a low-tier artifact. What's to be surprised about?" An elder wearing the same earth-colored robe muttered in disdain before a smug formed in his face.

"This time, that little girl will surely be defeated from this match."

"Don't underestimate her." An older-looking gray-haired man beside the elder replied solemnly.

"Why Sect Master? We specifically collected information and even from the competition in her city, she only used the same attack."

"Look at her now, do you think she's too calm?"

The elder looked at the battle stage again and was startled by the calmness of Ling Jingjing.

Indeed, from the initial surprised expression, Jingjing recovered fast and decided to test first the opponent's infamous defense.

'I'll use that trump card if I can't really defeat him.' She thought in her mind as she waved her two hands simultaneously.

Two counter-rotating whirlpools the height of dozens meters appeared in front of her. These two whirlpools spinned rapidly towards the tortoise shell of Zhong De.

Grinding sounds could be heard upon contact as the power of two counter-rotation spins wreaked havoc on the first layer of Zhong De's layers of shield.

The roar of domineering whirlpools and the screeching caused by tearing of earth echoed throughout the venue.

Ling Jingjing suddenly dodged to the left as an earth spike whistled at her blind spot from the right.

With her spiritual sense spread out, any sneak attack on her would be proved futile.

However, these earth spikes only served to disrupt her focus in her main attack while Zhong De quickly fixed the cracked layer of his defense.

The efforts of two raging whirlpools were quickly negated by this momentary disruption.

"Raging Aqua Palm." After testing the effect of her Twin Vortex Art, she used another method of her own.

A gigantic blue palm imprint created air shockwaves as it slammed heavily on the defense of her opponent.

The effect was worse than her last shot. This made the spectators puzzled.

Why would she use a less powerful attack? Is this a plan to let her enemy relax?

Countless questions popped up in their minds. If they knew that Jingjing only wanted to test her abilities, they would feel sympathy for her opponent.

After five palm imprints that all failed to crack the defense of her opponent and five earth spikes that tried to attack her from different directions, the situation in the battle stage seemed to reach an impasse.

"She has no more art techniques? She's going to lose this time. After all, she's only an archmage."

"It's a pity. Spiritual users can easily be countered by an artifact or secret manual."

"But she deserves at least top fifty based on her spiritual strength. Unfortunately, she's still in Archmage Realm."

"Yeah, her opponent is notorious for defense too."

The spectators slowly lost hope on Ling Jingjing. Even if she used her water domain, Zhong De could easily neutralize it with the earth domain.

Although she won the elemental interaction, the purity of her water element was inferior to her opponent's earth element. Not to mention the gap between a peak-stage archmage and an early-stage emperor.

This was also felt by Ji Chen and he really couldn't blame her as she shifted her attention to her spiritual sea months ago. It was the price she paid for setting the foundation to maximize her unique physique, the Star Illusion Body.

However, seeing the disapproving shake of many heads, Ji Chen sneered in his heart. 'This fools think that my disciple only has small tricks? Hmph!'

"Ocean Vortex!" Jingjing suddenly cried out as a gigantic whirlpool that was incomparable to the previous one materialized midair. The scale of this whirlpool made many hearts jump out up their throats.

What the hell did they see?

An ordinary whirlpool appeared out of nowhere and drew the water energy from the surrounding bodies of water in an instant.

The accumulated energy quickly transformed into a mile-long behemoth.

Its aura also kept increasing each passing second.

The horror and pressure it brought upon everyone turned terrifying. At the tenth second, the referee was already sweating cold for Zhong De.

The splashing and swooshing torrent that kept spinning seemed to drown countless fast beatings.

Zhong De cursed under his layers of shields feeling the charged attack of his opponent becoming increasingly dangerous. He even cursed his opponent's ancestor for bringing this monster into this world.

"It's dangerous already." Governor Cui stood up from his seat as he observed the progression of the match.

"The attack reached the maximum threshold of early-stage." One of the five great emperors accompanying the dazed Thirteenth Prince said solemnly.

"From peak-stage archmage to early-stage emperor. By using the surrounding energies, she managed to do it. Just what kind is that art technique?"

On another viewing platform where the elders and disciples of Cerulean Mirror Sect was located, exclamations could be heard simultaneously.

"Sect Master! It's an art manual we have never heard of!"

"I know." A voluptuous middle-aged-looking woman replied. She added, "It must be at least a sky grade technique."

"Master, her attack contains deeper profoundness than mine." Murong Youyou who won against the contestant of the rival sect said in surprise.

"It's because the entry point to learn her art manual must be high. She must only have comprehended it to a basic level due to its high grade."

Indeed, Ling Jingjing was only able to learn the Ocean Vortex Art due to the assistance of Ji Chen's system. After all, how could a sky grade art manual be learned easily?

This was the reason why Ji Chen was confident aside from Jingjing's last trump card, the Hundred Illusion Eye Secret Art that she had yet to use so far.

Ling Jingjing finally let the gigantic whirlpool wreak havoc after charging it for several seconds. The speed it traveled did not fit its size as it seemed like a berserk tropical cyclone passing over to batter a small island in the middle of the ocean.

"Stop! Zhong De concedes the match!" Seeing the scale of the attack and the late reaction of Zhong De who started to flee from his impenetrable fortress, the referee decided to stop the match after a nod from Governor Cui.

The raging gigantic whirlpool suddenly collapsed with a huge splash that submerged the battle stage dozens of meters in deep.

If not for the protective formation covering the battle stage, the nearer spectators would have gotten a free bath with some broken ribs.

Zhong De breathed out a sigh of relief seeing the end of the match.

He was already considering conceding upon sensing how late his decision to flee was. His only regret this time was not engaging proactively to stop the charging of the attack.

When he saw with his own eyes the gigantic whirlpool chasing his ass, fear started to creep in his heart. The visual impact made him feel inconsequential, like an ant being stepped on by a behemoth.

Who said that his opponent only relies on spiritual attacks? He wanted to beat the informant who gave them this piece of information.

On the viewing platform of his sect, the elder who was arrogant earlier gawked at the sight.

These developments changed his worldview for better or worse.

His sect master beside him smiled wryly seeing the result of the match.

"The method of Three Peak Sect is beyond our reach." He muttered in wisdom as his eyes looked at a certain viewing platform where a group of people seemed to be shrouded with more mystery each passing day.

Xu Kai was the last one to fight his match and as expected by everyone, easily won the match due to his Fourth Tier body refinement and Archmage Realm cultivation.

His body field could even tank a portion of the opponent's attack, reminding the spectators once again just how much defense a body refiner could have in a match.

With his mid-tier earth grade movement art, high-tier earth grade offensive art, and a dozen of art techniques in his arsenal, he could easily dish out a terrifying combo.

"Are they really from a third-rate city? Why does it feel like they are the geniuses of a top-rate force in the Northern Capital?" One of the five great emperors accompanying the prince asked in bewilderment.