
Ruler Of The Realm

[Chapters erased. The whole story is to be republished with revised version.] Ji Chen, a reincarnator who braved hundreds of years without the help of any system and cheat, suddenly found himself possessing something that would change not just his life, but all the people surrounding him. For his dream, his sect, his brothers, and his beloved disciple, Ji Chen will do his best to be the best leader, the ruler of all the realms, with the help of his new cheat system.

MadCrow · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Acting Mentor

An attack of a great emperor would not go unnoticed even if done under the cover of a formation disc. Not to mention that the Governor Residence had many great emperors.

It took less than half a minute for Ji Chen to trap the two assassins in two formation discs and kill them, a new record for him.

Nonetheless, he intentionally acted faster to stage some acting since he anticipated the reactions of people from the Governor Residence.

When Governor Cui and the great emperors appeared near the source of the violent fluctuations of energies, they witnessed the scene of a figure being blasted from a destroyed villa.

"Who dares to act wantonly in the Governor Residence?!" Governor Cui said in a cold tone as he vanished from his spot and reappeared nearer to the destroyed villa.

Traces of three different kinds of energy still pervaded the area. All belonging to great emperors.

At the same time, Long Zhu and the others staying in the nearby villas rushed towards the destroyed villa where Ji Chen was staying.

"Brother Chen!"


Long Zhu and Bai Ningshuang shouted at the same time with worry. They rushed towards the figure of Ji Chen who was still in midair.

When Ji Chen retained his foothold, his clothes were in tatters and his hair disheveled. Dust, dirt, and blood covered his wounded body.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" He kept spitting some dirt that accidentally entered his mouth.

"Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, fine. Just some shallow wounds."

Governor Cui and the great emperors watching in the sky slowly moved towards him. They had already guessed something but needed to make sure about the details.

Seeing the disheveled and bloody state of Ji Chen and the confinement of damages to a small area, they knew that a great battle must have taken place but was restricted by a formation disc or something else.

"Greetings Governor Cui and elders." Ji Chen cupped his fist seeing the great emperors of the Governor Residence arrived.

"No need for that." Governor Cui didn't want to get entangled with someone who seemed to be connected with what he called a lunatic woman, so he went straight to the point and asked, "What happened here?"

Ji Chen gave them his account starting from when he sensed two concealed approaching individuals due to his sensitivity on ground movements. Then he created small lies between the truths such as the two assassins missing their attacks and the subsequent death fight inside a formation disc.

"A mid great emperor assassin with a companion got killed in an assasination attempt against an early great emperor?" The other great emperors were startled and curious how Ji Chen did it.

"It's lucky they are not good at frontal combat and got trapped in a formation. I'm not unscathed either way." Ji Chen smiled weakly

Governor Cui and the other great emperors naturally did not believe him but they sensibly did not dig deeper into it since everyone had their own secrets.

Also, most of them accepted the point that once an assassin missed the first strike, the lethal threat would greatly diminish.

After all, an assassin would usually emphasize speed and concealment when choosing techniques, rather than pure strength.

Some of them thought that Ji Chen might possess a life-saving talisman and managed to barely deal with the assassins using another exterior help - a formation disc.

For them, anything not related to techniques or art manuals was only secondary in terms of attractiveness. Thus, majority of them instantly lost interest about the situation.

Ji Chen anticipated this reasoning while he was dealing with the assassins. Because of this, he chose to expose his formation disc than to tell them his real cultivation and sword art.

'These officials are only civilized on the surface.' He was well aware of it. Anything that could benefit these people internally would surely be 'donated' to them.

Governor Cui's frigid voice entered everyone's ears. "Two great emperors managed to enter deep into our premises without anyone noticing. There's only two possibilities, either a rat recorded all the details of our routine down to the least used areas or these two are from the Paragon Shadows."

His voice became frigid at this point. The great emperors beside him involuntarily jerked, feeling the oppressive and chilling sensation.

"I'd rather it be the second one. If I found out an official is colluding with private forces, death will be the least concern."

Governor Cui came closer to Ji Chen and his companions. His tone returned to normal as he said, "As our guest, I apologize for what happened. We'll give you a proper answer soon. Here are some healing pills and I strongly recommend for your group to relocate near the core area. The security there is tighter."

'It seems he's not really involved.' Ji Chen agreed to his suggestion . "Thank you, Governor Cui. We'll gladly take your offer to relocate."

Governor Cui ordered some of his men to assist Ji Chen and his group to their new larger villas.

At the same time, an emergency meeting was called with all security leaders in attendance.

The infiltration of two great emperors was a big matter since it would impact the credibility of the Governor Residence and exposed the officials to future assassination attempts.

"Master, you're walking straight already." Bai Ningshuang said after seeing Ji Chen's back straightened and his footsteps became steadier inside the new villa.

Long Zhu, who seemed to have eaten some disgusting food, could not suppress his laughter anymore.


The others were puzzled by the sudden burst of laughter.

Ji Chen started to chuckle after hearing the contagious laughter of Long Zhu.

"Huh?" Bai Ningshuang became more confused. The same could be seen on the faces of others.

"Don't worry about me." Ji Chen patted her head tenderly. "I'm just acting a while ago."

"HAHAHA!" Long Zhu laughed louder and added, "You still have that acting skill even in front of a peak great emperor."

Ji Chen replied, "Of course, you use it to deal with stronger ones. You don't need to act against weaklings."

Bai Ningshuang pinched him on the waist and said in an angry tone, "You made me worry for nothing!"

"Your master needs to act like that to make them less likely to covet my things."

"Sometimes, you need to act in front of others." Ji Chen patiently explained to his disciple while maintaining eye contact. "Not everything can be solved by head-on confrontation, Ningshuang."

"Brother Chen is right." Long Zhu then told a bit of the past. "Back then, we and Brother Feng often met stronger cultivators. Some of them can be described as good ones. But for the majority, you have to hide your valuable cards well or else, you'll end up as their stepping stone. Your master was our lead actor to deal with them."

Ji Chen recalled the past and mocked. "You are so good at acting that there were times we almost got busted."

Long Zhu scratched his cheek, not denying his words.

Seeing the two reminiscing about their past, Bai Ningshuang stayed quiet and just listened to them. She wanted to know more about her master.

"Come here Ningshuang." Ji Chen called out suddenly.

"Master, why?"

"I'll teach you acting skills to deal with calculative people. Next time, try to use it first before physically dealing with them. It will make you have less enemies."

Long Zhu became excited hearing Ji Chen's words and even volunteered to be the villain, which the latter approved readily.

"Perfect. You look like a villain."