
War Plans

Alaric laid out a map of the world on a makeshift table. They had made significant progress over the past week, and the people had become self-sustaining enough to the point Alaric could leave them, and they would be just fine.

Eli, Ethan, Sarah, and Heros was there. Heros had joined them after speaking with King Frederick for a bit longer. Alaric asked him about his abilities and resources, and he figured he could use Heros as a powerful tool.

Alaric spoke seriously, "Okay, it's time for us to start making some big moves here. We've been building up our forces, and we've been establishing our network for a little while now. Unfortunately, we've been unable to make any leeway in Irigia due to their perseverance to find us. We've only survived this long under the noses of different nations due to the fact we've kept our forces under wraps. Anyway, our priority is to protect the people in the Northern Continent. Ethan, what are your recommendations?"