

Alaric felt nervous after the conversation he had with the captain. The captain caught on so quickly; it made him wonder if other's had caught on as well.

Ethan appeared behind Alaric, and Alaric asked, "Hey, that was a great job today, but I'm worried about the captain. Do you think he will turn the town against us?"

Ethan shook his head, "you don't need to worry about the captain. He's the type not to say anything if he's not 100 percent sure. So we're fine."

Alaric breathed a sigh of relief, "if you say so. Anyway, we should continue until each village is guarded, then I want you to work on recruiting duty. Head into each town and village and offer money to whoever joins the Reark forces. We'll use the money we get from guarding towns. A lot of people here in Rudor are repressed and suffer from poverty. So this country is ripe to take advantage of and begin more subtly."

"Don't you think Rudor will catch on quickly and squash any recruits we do get?"