

My book Name is RULER OF FATE IS HEART I'll give little introduction to main cast and outline of my novel (It's a fantasy , contemporary romance) The story is about love and romance between Zayn and Sara, Zayn is a dream traveler who traveling with using his soul from others dream and meet female lead Sara.  How he solving the problems between fate and heart? how he confessed his love and save Sara from her problems. Zayn is a son of  Steven Aurora (who owning by famous Aurora industries , Malls , college and schools) in England and future heir of Aurora group. He also 3rd young richest son in the world. Zayn is basically famous car Racer and idol of youngsters too. He is warm-hearted and honest one. Although he is engaged to Lisa, he is attracted to sara at first sight (who coming only in his dream) and falls in love with her despite her poor and Zayn is forced to choose between his fate or love. will he able to use his power and meet Sara and save her life? A ditsy and unpopular Sara is from middle class family and lovable cute girl in India. she trying her best to story writer but finding different job to help her family. On the way she falling in love with Zayn who she meet in her room one day. the heart and fate between the lovers , who going to win? Including with the main cast Sam , Roy  and Viki (SRV boys) and  Sara's younger sister "Alia" also played their role and makes readers interesting to move another heart touching romance story. Thank you (Author miyasowk)

miyasowk · Fantasy
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73 Chs

episode Forty six

(Next day in college)

Niti meet Alia and asked her about the science lab incident.

Niti : Alia, I'm sorry I just got news about science lab incident. Are you okay?

Alia : yeah I'm okay.

Niti : oh okay, you should careful. if you careless like this what if noone help you...

Then suddenly Sam came there in the middle of conversation.

Sam : I'll always there. I mean Whenever she needs help, I'll help.

Niti : oh you came here? Thankfully i don't have car, can you drop me.

Sam : who are you? Let's go Alia.

Alia : where?

Then he takes Alia and left that place. Niti getting angry more and more to Alia. Sam and Alia went to movie.

Alia : I have project tomorrow

Sam : don't lie, I checked your schedule already.

Alia : my friends are waiting, I have to go back.

Sam : your friends went to meet their boyfriends, why you want to disturb them. Just close your mouth and come and watch movie with me.

Then they went to watch movie , Sam trying to hold Alia's hand but he failed everytime.

(After movie)

Sam : do you like that movie?

Alia : ofcourse I like, I really enjoyed.

Sam : whatever. Why your hands looking ugly everytime.

Alia : my hands? What happened to my hands? It's not ugly...

She checked her hands then Sam suddenly hold her hand. Alia surprised about that. Then they smiled eachother.

Sam : you are so small , let me help you to walk outside.

Alia smiling at him nervously then they walk together after movie.

(In Roy house)

His step brother Aryan suddenly visit Roy house. He hugged Roy.

Rohan : brother i missed you so much.

Roy : what are you doing here? Why you don't go to your house?

Rohan : no I don't want to go there, I'm going to stay with you.

Roy : no you can't.

Rohan : I'm going to stay here, that's my room.

Because of Rohan stubborn he accept to stay for oneday night. His father called Roy after because Rohan is not in home.

His father : I called for Rohan, is he there? Because after school I don't know where he went... I Searched all places so I called you.

Roy : 7 years before I leave home without telling you. You don't even trying to find me after where I am. You only care about Rohan right?

His father : no no not like that. I called because I thought Rohan is missed or kidnapped. I care about you too. Please don't say anything like that.

Roy : Rohan is here. If you care about your son that much come and take him.

Then Roy cut his father phone call in the middle of conversation. Then he went to see Rohan.

Rohan : is this your home? Wow it's clean and beautiful.

Roy : wait for me, I'll buy something for you.

Rohan : okay.

Then he went to outside and buy something for Rohan dinner and came back. At night After dinner Rohan went to Roy room and slept with him.

Roy : go and sleep in your room.

Rohan : no I afraid to sleep alone.

Let me sleep with you in your room.

Then they slept together , Roy have weak heart from his brother. He likes his step brother but somewhat he avoiding him because of his father. Sam called Roy next-day and explain about Rocky.

Roy : what? Did you meet him again?

Sam : yes I think he trying to do something but I'm not sure.

Roy : whatever if it's happened again we need to alert Alia.

Sam : let's catch him if he appeared again.

Roy : okay.