
Ruler of Darkness: I have 7 goddesses in Apocalypse world

What will happen when one day, the whole world changes into a place where all kinds of mythical animals, beings, Gods, Goddesses, and various fantasy races began existing? What will happen when one day, every animal evolves to become stronger? This is the story of Aditya, 19 years old boy who suddenly found himself in an apocalyptic world with Goddesses. One by one various kind of Goddesses from various mythology comes up to Aditya. If one planet-shaking event wasn't enough, Aditya learns that another big evolution is going to take place in 6 months. For that, he will have to build his own faction if he wants to survive. How Aditya and the Goddesses who now have lost their powers will survive in this dangerous world? ------------ This novel will heavily focus on Kingdom building in Apocalypse world. Genre: - Romance, R-18, harem, Goddess, Gods, Kingdom building, Apocalypse world, zombies, dungeon, level up, system, magic.

Dark_Bangali · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 17:- Zombies are here [I]

"So, who is our new friend again?" Ruoxi looked at Freya who was currently standing behind Aditya.

"Her name is Freya. When we went out, we rescued her and bought her with us." Aditya could see that everyone in the room was captivated by Freya's beauty.

"Also for the record, she is not our friend." Selene added after Aditya finished his words.

Freya looked at Selene with a heartbroken face. "Come on Selene, we have known each other for so many years. How can you abandon me like this?" The way Freya spoke and acted, made others think that Selene is the real villain here.

"Hmph! I don't care about you. If Aditya had not taken you in, I would have just left you alone." In the past, Freya and Selene have met many times. It was mostly Freya that kept on bothering Selene with various kinds of stuff.

Selene absolutely hates the fact that Freya charms people and controls them like slaves. Selene always kept a distance from Freya even back in the day.

"Enough. Both of you shut your mouths. We're having a serious conversation here." Aditya's words shut both goddess's mouths.


"I apologize. You can continue." Among everyone here, Aditya felt that Ruoxi was the most normal and reasonable person. Yeah, she pointed her gun at him but that was to protect the survivor. Aditya knows that Ruoxi might look cold on the surface, but deep down she cares about human life more than he does.

"Did the two of you fight that thing?" Ruoxi asked despite seeing the entire fight from the second floor. When she heard the loud explosion, she couldn't help but feel worried about Aditya and Selene. She also has seen the black skeleton that followed Aditya. To be honest, after seeing Aditya turn the fiery Monkey into a zombie, Ruoxi was a little wary of Aditya.

It was her instinct that made her wary of Aditya. Any human would be wary of a person who can turn the dead into his own puppet.

"Yes. We somehow managed to kill the fiery monkey and the group of scum who wanted to pick a fight with us." Aditya took out two guns and gave them to Ruoxi. As for other guns, he had kept them in his backpack.

"Lunch is ready." From the kitchen, a female voice was heard. The smell of freshly cooked food spread over the living room, making everyone feel a little hungry.

A moment later, a girl named Myra Sherman walked out of the kitchen, carrying a big pot that was full of hot steaming rice. In this short time. Lunch was served to everyone including the goddess. After losing their powers, they also needed to eat something that could maintain their stamina and health.

Myra had cooked chicken curry with rice. Everyone happily ate. The amount of food that each person can eat was limited as Ruoxi did not want to run out of food. She already had bought all the rice and other eatable foods that she can find in other apartments.

With the apocalypse, food production throughout the whole world has come to a pause. In a few more days, the foods in the supermarket will start rooting. The survivors will have no choice but to look for food outside their comfort zone.

"I am sorry to drop this on everyone while is having food but we don't have much time." Freya suddenly stopped eating and spoke out. Hearing Freya's words everyone else also stopped eating and looked at her.

"What do you mean? Can you explain?" Ruoxi asked.

"Pretty soon this whole area will be filled with higher-level zombies."

"Freya, do you know something?" Selene felt that Freya knew something. There has to be a reason why Freya said these words.

Aditya also looked at Freya while chewing food. "I don't know why but yesterday I have seen hundreds of level 2 and more than 21 level 3 zombies."

"What?" Among everyone, Selene and Aditya looked the most shocked. While Ruoxi was shocked knowing the fact that zombies also can level up. She felt that their world had gotten even crazier.

Suddenly Aditya felt as if he had lost his appetite to eat. The same could be said for Selene as well. "Freya, this is no time to joke or be playful."

Freya seriously looked at Selene with a frown visible on her face. "Do you think that I am joking around? By yesterday night, there were more than thousands of level 2 zombies roaming around the school in which I was hiding."

"Selene, you should know what it means if the zombies are leveling up this quickly."

"Something is pushing the zombies to level up." Selene and Freya had fear in their eyes. What could possibly make two goddesses feel fear? Maybe the fact that not even two days has passed and the zombies who had almost zero intelligence were leveling up.

"The chances of a level two zombie appearing during the first week of the apocalypse is 1 among one hundred thousand. I can understand if I had seen one or even ten level two zombies. The fact that I saw level 3 zombies and countless level 2 zombies before even two complete days could pass says a lot."

"What's more horrifying, is that the zombies who have leveled up are spreading. Their numbers are increasing. Trust me, you don't want to face a horde of level 5 or level 4 zombies. It would be better to face a horde of million level 1 zombies than to face a horde of level 4 or level 5 zombies."

"I only managed to survive because of my ability." To come here, Freya had to charm several level 2 zombies. Even with her level, it was impossible for her to charm hundreds of zombies. Only Freya knows the danger that she had to experience to just get here.

"I was heading in this direction. I had walked for the entire night knowing that if I stopped even for a second, the chances of me encountering a high-level zombie increased. In fact, if I had not met you here, then I would have continued moving in this direction." Freya's words were sending chills down all the survivor's spines. Only Ruoxi and Aditya remained unaffected and were able to think clearly.

"Ruoxi, I think we should start moving out of this place." One of the survivors gathered up his courage and spoke.

"Yeah. We shouldn't wait here any longer." Ruoxi also felt that they should move out.

"Alright, we will move out. But in this journey, can you guys handle the wrath of the zombies? Can you guys do something that will be useable to the whole group instead of just sitting around and complaining like a baby?"

"Why do we have to fight?" It was the very same survivor who talked back and Aditya had threatened him with a sword. Knowing that in front of Ruoxi, Aditya won't do anything to do him, he wasn't afraid of Aditya anymore.

Meanwhile, Selene and Freya, both of their eyes also turned colder hearing the man's words. Freya even rolled her eyes thinking if these humans had lost their intelligence or what.

"You're seriously asking us to fight the zombies. We have never picked up a weapon before. Unlike you, we never had any training. Just how do you expect us to fight the zombies?"

Aditya stopped eating and put the plate down. This man's words had completely ruined his mood to eat.

"Now what's with that look? If I could fight, then I would have protected everyone here. Just because you can fight that does not mean you can order us around." Aditya was very close to losing his nerve here. Aditya wanted to let out the beast that lives deep within his heart. If that beast comes out, no one in this world will be able to stop him.

"I don't want to make this complicated but Aditya had any kind of military training before. He does not even know basic martial arts. I gave him that sword so that he can fight against the zombies. Do you know that when I met him, he was just a high school boy who was fighting zombies with a rod?" Selene couldn't accept the fact that a low life was humiliating the man whom she personally blessed.

"Look at you. You're a man in your prime. You're about 30 years old. A human reaches its peak at this age. Even though you're 6 feet and muscular, you're hiding behind while a 19 years old high school boy was fighting."

"Do you guys have any shame? You're expecting a 19 years old boy and a police officer who is almost a decade younger than you to protect your ass." Selene stood up and angrily looked at the 6 feet tall man.

"You asked why should we fight. Let me ask you back, why the hell we should protect you, people? We're not obligated to protect you or your sorry ass. You previously said something about humanity should help each other. I say what, your words are nothing but stupid shits."

"All Aditya asked from you people was to provide some form of service. Be useable for the team. Tell me in what way you're useful to the team. You can't fight. You don't want to fight. You're not even level 1. You can't cook nor you can keep your dirty mouth shut. Why the hell we should take a dead weight with us?"

"This lady, who just cooked for us. I would protect her even if she can't fight. At least she has some value. At least she can cook for us. Her existence in the team adds value. What can you do?" The man and other people who were dissatisfied with Aditya's words completely shut their mouths after hearing Selene's long speech. Everything that Selene just said is the truth.


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