
Ruler Of Beasts Multiverse

It's a story of how a childs, take step by step, and dominate all over the Beasts Multiverse. Nothing more to say, if you have reads my story, then you will knows about, I always gives my best. And Yes, this is also Pokemon Story. But it will be start from chapter 15

Sharky_Monster · Eastern
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36 Chs

Chapter 2 - Azlan Kidnapped

Five years swiftly passed since the day Azlan Starwind was officially declared the Crown Prince of Sylvarion Kingdom, and during this time, it had become an unspoken rule for anyone fortunate enough to meet Azlan to strive to bring joy to his bright and eager face.

Azlan, a vibrant and inquisitive young boy, exuded an eagerness to explore and learn about everything around him. In his mere five years of life, he had enthusiastically delved into the intricate devices crafted by the kingdom's Technical Department.

Thalion even showed all his latest inventions to Azlan, and Azlan played with them.

Every skilled blacksmith in the realm valued the opportunity to create various items for him, prioritizing his possessions over even the demands of the esteemed High Elders.

A significant event unfolded when Azlan's father, Elarion, took a special step by personally selecting a branch and 100,000 leaves from the revered World Tree, an act that caused considerable damage to the World Tree.

The World Tree, a symbol of immense significance, would require a full decade to fully recover. Furthermore, in a unique turn of events, Azlan, at his father's behest, consumed a potion intended to transform him into an Elf.

However, much to the astonishment of everyone, the expected transformation did not take place. This occurrence marked the first time World Tree leaves and branches had failed to bestow Elven characteristics upon an individual.

Any other human in such a situation would have undergone a swift transformation, but it didn't work on Azlan.

Yet, amidst this unusual turn of events, something even more remarkable transpired. Azlan, in a twist of fate, gained all the extraordinary powers inherent to a Royal Elf.

With the acquisition of time powers, plant powers, and air powers, his newfound abilities became a cause for great celebration throughout the kingdom.

Already adored by his people, Azlan's unique powers elevated him to an even more exceptional status within the Sylvarion Kingdom.

Magical Beasts were drawn to Azlan's unique aura, continued to flock to him, creating a whimsical scene as they brought various fruits, engaged in playful interactions, and made their presence a delightful and common sight for the citizens of the kingdom.

On the warriors' training ground, Azlan diligently honed his skills with a bow and arrow under the expert guidance of his sisters, Elysia and Freya. His training encompassed mastering different types of arrow powers, each derived from the intricate realms of plant, air, and time magic.

Throughout these formative five years, Elysia and Freya lovingly doted on Azlan, finding joy in their playtime together, whether it involved toying with his vibrant red hair or playfully pinching his cheeks.

Among the citizens of the kingdom, if Azlan was the most cherished by someone, it was undeniably these four inseparable individuals. His father, mother and his sisters.

He remained the apple of his mother Celestia's eye, receiving unwavering nourishment and love even at the age of five. In the realm of childhood milestones, this was a notable age for any child to move beyond the habit of drinking milk from their mother.

However, Azlan, in a unique and heartwarming display, continued to drink milk from his mother Celestia's breast. Celestia even tried to stop his habit, but then Azlan started crying, causing Celestia to accept it.

Elarion, the indulgent father, not only provided love but also moments of pure joy, picking up his son and playing with him even during serious meetings. Azlan often enjoyed the privilege of riding on his father's shoulders, experiencing a depth of paternal love.

Elarion and Celestia's love for Azlan has even surpassed that given to his older sisters, Elysia and Freya.

Thus, five years gracefully passed, with Azlan not only growing older but also maturing in his magical abilities, relishing a blissful and cherished life within the kingdom's enchanted embrace.

One day, in a scene of pure joy, Azlan found himself playing with a rare Magical Beast, a Unicorn named Luna, which belonged to his father.

Riding and soaring through the skies on Luna's majestic back, they indulged in a thrilling adventure that seemed to transcend the ordinary. As they ventured far beyond the Elven Kingdom, the duo lost track of time amidst the clouds and distant horizons.

"Azlan, perhaps we should consider returning now; we've come quite far, and the day is waning," Luna subtly suggested, conveying her thoughts and concerns through their unique bond.

While Magical Beasts couldn't speak in the conventional sense, their emotions were intimately shared with their bonded companions.

Elven King Elarion, attuned to Luna's sentiments, was always aware of her unspoken communication. However, Luna was not bonded to Azlan, and this raised a mystifying mystery.

Somehow, since childhood, Azlan had possessed the extraordinary ability to hear the thoughts of Magical Beasts and communicate with them. The origins of this rare gift remained shrouded in mystery, adding one more secret layer to the young prince's mysterious connection with the magical creatures.

"No, Luna, just play one more hour. If I return back now, mom will make me sleep, and I don't like to sleep early. Let's savor this beautiful scenery for another hour," Azlan denied Luna's suggestions, captivated by the enchanting landscapes unfolding beneath them.

He chose to indulge in another hour of their exhilarating flight, reveling in the breathtaking beauty that surrounded them.

As they continued their flight, an unforeseen arrow, swift and unexpected, struck Azlan's back suddenly, causing him to plummet from Luna's back.

The abrupt attack caught both Azlan and Luna off guard, leaving the graceful Unicorn unable to react in time to prevent the fall.

Luna focused solely on Azlan, discovering that he had fainted on the ground, his vulnerability invoked a surge of determination within her to protect him. But first, she determined to identify the assailant who dared to harm the young prince, Luna scanned the surroundings.

She noticed a group of around a thousand people emerged, each armed with different weapons and clad in identical attire, raising immediate concerns.

Luna's discerning eyes honed in on the archer who had unleashed the arrow. A distinctive feather adorned his back, catching Luna's attention. Within seconds, based on the pattern of the feather, Luna recognized that this person was bonded with a rare magical beast – the Sleeping Butterfly.

Sleeping Butterflies, known for their rarity, possessed limited physical abilities but harbored a unique and potentially dangerous power – their sleeping pollen attack.

The mere exposure to this pollen could induce sleep even in formidable beings like Void Dragons and Space Phoenixes, though only for a brief period. Notably, the pollen itself was non-poisonous and not inherently harmful.

But in the realm of the slave trader group, obtaining a Sleeping Butterfly and forming a bond was a game-changer for them.

Sleeping Butterflies, highly sought after and prized for their unique abilities, held the potential to elevate a mere village-level trading business to the coveted status of a kingdom-level enterprise.

For those entrenched in the morally reprehensible world of the slave trade, it represented a coveted partnership that could significantly boost their operations.

Recognizing the critical importance of the feathered archer and assessing Azlan's vulnerable condition, Luna astutely understood that facing a thousand of humans alone was a difficult challenge.

Instead, she committed to memory the appearance and attire of the assailants, swiftly departing the scene, leaving Azlan behind. Her mission was clear – to convey the alarming situation to Elarion, the Elf King and Azlan's father.

While the slave traders observed the Unicorn's strategic retreat, a collective realization dawned upon them – they had made a grave mistake.

In the area around the Eastern Kingdom, it was widely known that Unicorns were unfailingly loyal, always ready to risk their lives but never leaving their partners alone.

This glaring fact indicated that the real owner of the Unicorn was not the unconscious child on the ground but rather his parents.

Given that Unicorns were mostly found among Elven royalty and especially within the Elves Kingdom, the slave traders began to feel a growing unease, sensing an impending danger as they contemplated what to do with the Elven child.

"Boss, this red-haired child is not an Elf," Brij, one of the henchmen astutely pointed out, sparking a stir of surprise and concern among the group.

The revelation added a layer of complexity to their situation, forcing the slave traders to reassess their assumptions and devise a new plan for dealing with the unexpected turn of events.

"What?" Amit, the Butterfly-winged Archer, flew over to Azlan, scrutinizing the lack of pointed ears that marked him as non-Elven, his sharp eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Boss Amit, what should we do now? We came here for an Elf, and he isn't one," Sudhir, another henchman, inquired, his uncertainty evident in the furrow of his brow.

Amit breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that the child was not an Elf. If his parents were human, then they wouldn't be able to do anything to his group, Bajra Dal.

Amit's group is part of a larger organization known as the Bajra Dal, he can easily deal with the child's parents.

"Now there is no problem, look how beautiful this child is, he is more beautiful than the Elves. Its price will be in billions, it will make us real billionaires overnight. Hahaha, it was fun, come on everyone," he reassured his group, a sly grin forming on his lips.

The Sleeping Pollen's effects gradually wore off, and Azlan awoke to find himself surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Although apprehensive inside, he concealed his fear, and his face displayed an air of curiosity.

"Who are you guys? Why are you surrounding me? Where's Luna?" He fired a barrage of questions at the strangers, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and concern.

Instead of responding, the slave traders erupted in laughter. Amit, recognizing that Azlan was about to employ his powers, quickly equipped an Anti-Powers Device, severing Azlan's connection with his abilities, a calculated move to neutralize any potential threat.

With the Bajra Dal members gathered together and Azlan now in their custody, they set off toward an uncertain destination, "Today's hunt turned out to be good, now I will fuck Savita for a whole month," Kullu shouted.

"I will also celebrated our hunts with with my wife, Raveena, I will fucked her ass, till she even can't walk properly," Ballu shouted.

Slave trader were famous for their worst habit, they openly fucked their wife without hiding with anyone. And many of them even visited the brothel. They have only two things they want in their lives, one is the wine, the other is the girls.

As the slave trader returns towards headquarters, unknown to the perilous situation they were about to encounter due to the kidnapping of Azlan. The ominous shadows of impending danger loomed over the unsuspecting group.

Luna, in her fast and frantic flight, reached the location of King Elarion's meeting. With great urgency, she called out, "Elarion, Elarion, something has happened! Something has happened to Azlan!" Her words, punctuated by desperation, and the distressed expression on the Unicorn's face immediately captured the attention of those present, their curiosity piqued.

The mood in the meeting turned somber as Elarion's loyal Unicorn displayed signs of distress. Although the attendees didn't understand the specifics, they could sense that something grave had occurred, a heavy atmosphere settling over the gathering.

Elarion, anxious yet composed, addressed Luna, saying, "Take a moment, Luna, and tell me slowly, step by step, what has happened," his voice calm yet carrying an undertone of concern.

As Luna recounted the incident, she mentioned the presence of a yellow mace symbol on the attackers' clothing, a detail that caught Elarion's attention, his sharp eyes narrowing as he processed this crucial piece of information.

Elarion absorbed every detail, and his anger flared into a scarlet rage. While he wasn't familiar with the concept of a slave trader group, he did know of only one human kingdom aside from his own – Somtar Kingdom, ruled by King Natwar, a grandmaster tamer with a formidable magical beast, the Ice Dragon.

Though Ice Dragons might not be the most potent, the name "Dragon" alone carried significant weight and suggested considerable power, creating an aura of unease.

"Summon the warriors; we're heading to Somtar Kingdom," Elarion commanded, his anger was evident, as he was determined to take swift and resolute action against those who had dared to kidnap his son. The urgency in his voice resonated through the command, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

The Elves present were taken aback by this sudden decision, as it implied they were preparing to confront Somtar Kingdom, which, while not the mightiest, was still a recognized kingdom. Yet, they did not question their king's decision, even though they were unsure of the circumstances, their loyalty to Elarion outweighing their uncertainties.

Edward, the Prime Minister, sought clarification in the midst of this tense atmosphere. "Is there a particular reason for our response? Has the Somtar Kingdom been involved in this?" His voice, tinged with concern, cut through the air thick with uncertainty.

Elarion clarified, "No, it's not Somtar Kingdom. It's a group of slave traders who have dared to kidnap my son, Azlan." The words hung in the air, evoking a heavy silence, the weight of a parent's distress palpable in the room.

The gravity of the situation began to dawn on those present. Azlan had been the most cherished and nurtured individual in the kingdom for the past five years. He was not only the beloved child of King and Queen but also the future king, a role the public of Sylvarion has accepted, emphasizing the profound impact his absence would have on the kingdom's future.

Witnessing the urgency and seriousness of the matter, Edward turned to Aragorn. Aragorn had once been the primary contender for the throne, but with Azlan's declaration as the next king, his aspirations had been set aside.

Nonetheless, Aragorn was renowned as a mighty warrior and held the position of General in the Elven army, his formidable presence serving as a pillar of strength in uncertain times.